
September 2, 2008
1:30 p.m. to 3:35 p.m.; September 2, 2008
Members Present: Director Yehuda Bock, Giana “Gigi” Cardoza, Ross Carlson, Chairperson Adrian
“Dick” Davis, Marti Ikehara, Art Andrew, Greg Helmer, Chris Walls, Kevin Kelly,
Cecilia Whitaker – 9 (7 = quorum)
Members Absent: IGPP Director Catherine Constable, John Orcutt, Steve Martin – 3
Others Present:
Executive Manager John Canas
Coordinator Maria Turingan – 2
Meeting Leader: Chairperson Dick Davis
See attached.
Welcome – Chairman Dick Davis:
a. Roll Call – See above. A quorum was present. The July 23th meeting notes approved.
b. Review Agenda – Agenda revised to include request for letter of endorsement to Friends of
NOAA from Scripps; also Caltrans RFI not released yet.
c. Chairman Dick Davis welcomed new members to CSRC EC – Chris Walls, Kevin Kelly,
Cecilia Whitaker, Ross Carlson (as treasurer) (members replaced Frank Webb, Steve Sarsfield
and Brett Baker); election received 39 ballots; Chairman’s expectations of new members
includes active participation in conference calls, active proponent of CSRC, committee
Director’s Report - Yehuda Bock reported the following:
a. Submitted proposal to NGS Grants On-line process
 5 year proposal at $1 million/year
 Similar to last year’s proposal but updated to include reference to state-wide CRTN
proposal and submitted through JIMO process
 Will take about 1 - 2 months to hear about proposal result, start date 10/01/2008,
may depend on federal budget approval
b. Received NGS award late last week – money is at UCSD but account is still being set up
c. Wayne Farquharson meeting – funds were not received and CSRC was running at a deficit;
Yehuda worked with Wayne to allow CSRC to continue; Ruey-Juin Chang was let go because
of funding shortfall;
d. Submitted proposal to NASA – 3-year proposal with JPL and Caltech, which will have positive
impact on CSRC and CRTN if accepted. Letter of support received from new UNAVCO
President, Meghan Miller.
e. Once funding from NGS is known, will relook at work plan to prioritize work tasks
f. Gilbert Mitchell will be at Friday’s meeting.
g. Not a lot of response to CRTN proposal; 5 – 6 responses (not compiled yet), will report on this
on Friday; CSRC should be considered to have endorsed the proposal since CSRC’s name is
on it; Marti Ikehara voiced that she did not endorse the plan itself, only for it’s general release
for comment.
Financial Reports - Maria Turingan reported the following:
a. Maria submitted the last quarter report to NGS with a deficit, will need to tap into next year’s
funds to cover $57,763 deficit (final year end – June 30, 2008); doesn’t include last Towill
EC Meeting Notes (September 24, 2008)
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payment or expenses from July or August, which will all have to be deducted from pending
NGS funds.
Task 5A has no funds; was scrapped this last fiscal year
Would like conference call to be at end of month to accomplish financial report within UCSD
timeframe and bookkeeping system
With money left after expenses and Towill payment, probably won’t be enough money left for
any projects this year
How is EC pursuing funding for projects – NGS proposal, meeting with Caltrans constituents
to ask for money, statewide CRTN is a proposal to secure funds, Scripps meeting tomorrow –
Yehuda meets with DWR and NOAA to support meteorological data for flood control
(collaboration), Scripps NASA proposal to develop early warning system with CRTN is
another way to raise funds for existing infrastructure maintenance
 SOPAC and CSRC share many resources
 CSRC benefits from SOPAC efforts to obtain funding
 Currently 3 aspects of CRTN use (NASA early warning proposal, surveying and
DWR/NOAA proposal) , while all slightly different focus, can all contribute to
Final report (based on quarterly reports) needed to send to NOAA by September 20, 2008
Executive Manager’s Report - John Canas reported the following:
a. Height modernization teleconference with Gilbert Mitchell – he was not very positive about
funding due to election year
b. A couple of outreach meetings coming up – CGSIC meeting (Sept 16) at ION conference has a
panel discussion on RTN’s that Art Andrew will participate in, height mod partners meeting
(Sept 18-19) in Florida that John will attend, also dinner with Jack Dunnigan to discuss
c. Northern San Joaquin Valley contract in draft form.
d. Thanks to Dave Stone and Jay Keller for endorsement of CRTN proposal.
e. National Height Modernization Program – Canas plans to participate in the following meeting.
 HM Partners/NOAA-NOS meeting on September 18 and 19 in Miami, Florida.
Contracts/Projects Status Reports:
a. Central Coast HM – Yehuda Bock and Marti Ikehara reported the following:
 Towill has preliminary orthometric height adjustment done using Geolab software,
sent to Yehuda; now working on final report; Marti has D-file; Yehuda will also be
adding to final report; contractor to finish report with results from Geolab to be
posted on web and input into CSRC database; ADJUST files not done due to errors
encountered in file checking and lack of funds; NGS has been asked to perform
ADJUST analysis; bluebook files (B-file, G-file, SEEFIL) produced using CSRC
database and PGM; there is a funding shortfall for contract; All funds paid to
contractors except the last 10%; NSJV contract to be signed after this project is
done; NGS needs to confirm adjustment request; Towill possibly to do adjustment
for Penfield/Smith
b. Northern San Joaquin Valley HM – kick off meeting not yet, being delayed because of
unresponsiveness of Towill to produce final report for Central Coast project; only $33,000
allotted for this project.
NGS Report – Marti Ikehara reported the following:
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a. Dave Ziloski is retiring January 3rd – 5 applicants for his job.
b. Nothing new about geoid model
c. Will attend Friday meeting
Executive Committee/Coordinating Council:
a. Dates of fall meeting - Thursday/Friday, October 16/17, 2008, EC/CC meetings.
b. Monthly costs are going up for CSRC/SOPAC, $122,000/month; NASA funds were cut as well
as NGS funds.
c. Friends of NOAA would like letter of endorsement from CSRC/SOPAC
d. Date for Fall Coordinating Council meeting – A discussion ensued regarding a Thursday or
Friday meeting date. Michael McGee contacted Davis suggesting that Friday would be best
for the private sector representatives to attend. Some government sector employees do not
work on Fridays and may not attend a Friday meeting. Turingan will send out an email to the
Coordinating Council requesting feedback on a Thursday or Friday meeting date.
New Business:
a. Yehuda proposed new committee to look into governance/infrastructure of CRTN; how to
move forward – committee includes Art Andrew, Chris Walls, Gigi Cardoza, Ross Carlson;
Dick will send out email about this after Friday meeting
b. Kevin Kelly will head up committee revising/updating the Master Plan
c. Work plan committee will wait until funding to revise
d. Dick reported on Japanese delegation revising land survey rules in Japan, CSRC came up in
discussion and delegates were surprised to hear that land surveyors publish geodetic control.
e. Dick and Marti to meet with John Ellison of CA Environmental Resources on Thursday
f. Discussion about document to establish a CA Chief GIS Officer – document doesn’t discuss
geodetic control, CSRC/SOPAC may be able to give input; possible opportunity to obtain
funding; an older document lists CSRC as a repository of geodetic data; Mark Turner to pursue
a meeting/discussion with possible committee members
Old Business:
a. CA CORS/CGPS – first 15 sites are in process to be added; 1 has been added
b. CSRC Coordinates in ITRF2005 – Ikehara inquired about a statement that the coordinates are
ITRF2005. Yehuda confirmed this and indicated that file header would be modifed to state
this unambiguously;
c. Accuracy statement – Ikehara said that we need an accuracy statement for the Coordinates as
required in the Public Resources Code. Davis requested that this be on the agenda next month.
10. Adjourn: Next EC meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, September 24th.
The meeting adjourned at 3:35 p.m.
Prepared by Cecilia Whitaker, CSRC Secretary
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Executive Committee Teleconference
September 2, 2008
Conference Line: 1-866-740-1260
Pass Code: 8222156 (followed by the pound key (#))
 Roll Call (to determine quorum)
 Review Agenda
 Review and Approve July 23, 2008 EC Meeting Notes
Election Results
 Welcome New Members
Director’s Report
 Responses to CRTN Proposal
 Budget Crisis
 NOAA Final Report (FY 07/08)
 Other Items
Financial Report
 Final Report for FY 07/08
 Report format and schedule for FY 08/09
 Other Items
Executive Manager’s Report
 National Height Modernization Program
 Administration and other items
Contracts/Projects Status Reports
 Central Coast Height Modernization
 Northern San Joaquin Valley Height Modernization
o Orthometric Height Adjustment (Penfield & Smith)
NGS Report
 Geoid Model
Executive Committee/Coordinating Council
 CC Fall Meeting
 Other Items
Executive Committee Teleconference
September 2, 2008
New Business
 Meeting with Japanese delegation
 Meeting with John Ellison, CA Resources Agency
Old Business
 CSRC Coordinates in ITRF2005
 Coordinate Accuracy Statement
 Other Items