1 Supplemental Data Spatial Patterns of Atmospherically Deposited Organic Contaminants at high elevation in the Southern Sierra Nevada Mountains, California David F. Bradford, Kerri Stanley, Laura L. McConnell, Nita G. Tallent-Halsell, Maliha S. Nash, and Staci M. Simonich Passive Air Sample Sampling and Analysis Method Media Preparation. Pre-cut polyurethane foam (PUF) disks (13.5 cm diam., 1.2 cm thick) were purchased from Shawnee Instruments, Inc. (Village of Cleves, OH). Other characteristics of the PUF disks used in the study were: bulk density, 2.5 x 104 g/m3; volume, 1.7 x 10-4 m3; surface area, 3.4 x 10-2 m2. PUF disks were pre-cleaned prior to deployment. The PUF material was rinsed well with distilled water, extracted using a Soxhlet apparatus using chromatographicgrade acetone for 24 hours, followed by a second extraction with chromatographic-grade ethyl acetate (Fisher Scientific, Newark, DE). The PUF disks were then dried in a vacuum oven at approximately 30 oC for 48 hours. Disks were stored in bulk in a large clean, air-tight glass jar and protected from light exposure until needed. Prior to deployment, each PUF disk was spiked with 25 mL of depuration-chemical mixed standard solution in order to assess the air-side mass transfer coefficient, ka. Disks were placed on clean aluminum foil inside a fume hood, and a glass volumetric pipette was used to apply the solutions over the entire disk. The large volume was used to thoroughly saturate the disk. The disks were allowed to dry in the fume hood for approximately 3 minutes on each side prior to placing each disk into a separate clean glass jar with a Teflon-lined lid. Spiked disks were kept at ≤ -20 oC (either in a freezer or kept on dry ice) until deployment to minimize 2 degradation of the depuration chemicals. Three deuterated compounds with a large range of octanol-air partition coefficients (KOA) values were used: 13C6-hexachlorobenzene, diazinon-d10 diethyl, and d4-α-endosulfan (Table S2). Extraction and Analysis. Samples were extracted in batches of approximately 20. With each batch, two laboratory controls were included: a laboratory blank PUF disk and a spike PUF disk. The spike PUF disk consisted of a clean PUF disk spiked with a mixture of organophosphorus and organochlorine compounds as well as five polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs; Table S2). Concentrations in the spike solutions ranged from 1.00 ng/µL for most of the organochlorine compounds and PBDEs; 2.00 ng/µL for the 4,4’-DDE and 4,4’-DDD; and 4.00-5.00 ng/µL for the organophosphorus compounds, diazinon and malathion. One hundered microliters of a second solution containing 100 ng/µL of 13C6-hexachlorobenzene, diazinon-diethyl d10 and d4-α-endosulfan were also spiked onto the PUF disk control sample. All samples were extracted using a Soxhlet apparatus for eight hours. The extracts were reduced to approximately 15 mL using rotary evaporation. Extracts were further reduced to 1 mL using the N-EVAP nitrogen evaporator and then exchanged into isooctane as a final solvent. Extraction was followed by a clean-up of the extract using two solid-phase extraction (SPE) cartridges in series. The first cartridge was a 6-mL reservoir, Supelclean LC-Alumina-N cartridge (Supelco, Bellefonte, PA) with approximately 0.5 cm-thick layer of pre-extracted sodium sulfate (Fisher Scientific, Newark, DE). The second cartridge was a 10-mL reservoir, SPEC-SI filter cartridge with 35 mg of silica resin (Varian Chromatography, Lake Forest, CA). The cartridges were pre-eluted with 6 mL of hexane which was discarded. The sample extract was then loaded onto the sodium sulfate column and eluted with 6 mL of a 4:1 hexane:petroleum ether mixture followed by 6 mL of ethyl acetate. The eluant was captured in a 15-mL conical 3 centrifuge tube. The sample was then concentrated using the N-EVAP to approximately 1 mL and then exchanged into isooctane as a final solvent. An octachlorinated biphenyl, 2,2',3,4,4',5,6,6'-octachlorobiphenyl, was added to the final extracts and used as an internal standard for quantitative analysis. Samples were analyzed using an Agilent 6890 gas chromatograph coupled to a 5975 inert mass spectrometer. Selected-ion-monitoring was used, and the mass spectrometer was operated in NCI mode. Methane was the ionization gas at a pressure of 40 Pa. The source and quadrapole temperatures were 150°C. Gas chromatography parameters for monitored compounds were as follows: 30-m DB-17 MS capillary column (J&W Scientific Corporation, Folsom, CA), 0.25mm inner diameter, 0.25-µm film thickness, helium carrier gas, constant flow at 1.0 mL/min; temperature program: injector port temperature 250°C, initial temperature 130°C, hold 1.0 min, 6°/min to 205°C, hold 4.5 min, 6°/min to 300, hold 4.5 min. The injection port was operated in pulsed splitless mode. Pressure was 44 kPa with a pulse pressure of 275 kPa. The detector interface was 300°C. A five-point calibration curve was established for each analyte and instrument response was linear over the calibration standards range (r2 ≥ 0.99). Calibration standard concentrations, on average, ranged from 0.010 ng/µL to 0.203 ng/µL. The instrument was recalibrated every 20 to 25 sample injections. Quantitation of each compound was calculated based on the area of the ion with the largest abundance. Confirmation of a particular compound in a sample was determined by the presence of at least one of the two qualifying ions in the proper ratio to the quantifying ion (± 20%) and the retention time of the peak was within ±0.02 min of the retention time of the standard solution. The requirement for only one qualifying ion in the proper ratio is 4 due to the use of the NCI mode where the number of ions in the mass spectra is often dominated by one or two ions, with very small contributions from other ions. Estimated detection limits (EDLs) were determined for each analyte as suggested by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency [1]: EDL values were determined from analysis of at least 7 extracts from blank PUF disks spiked at the lowest point on the calibration curve for each analyte. Each compound EDL was calculated based on the standard deviation of the average mass determined multiplied by the appropriate Student t-value (Table S2). Average recoveries for most analytes were adequate at 60-70%. Calculation of Air Sampling Rates and Air Concentration Values. As stated in the Materials and Methods, three isotopically-labeled chemicals, 13C6-hexachlorobenzene, diazinon (diethyld10), and d4-α-endosulfan, were spiked on each disk prior to deployment, and recoveries of these chemicals along with their octanol-air partition coefficients KOA were used to estimate the effective air sample volumes. Recoveries of the diazinon (diethyl-d10) were much lower than expected from its estimated KOA value indicating this chemical was not stable over the sample collection period. The average recovery of 13C6-hexachlorobenzene was 27%, but lower recoveries were expected as this chemical is more volatile than most of the analytes. All samples with very low recoveries were from the first sample period; average temperatures were 2 or 3 degrees higher during the first sampling period than the second period, and daytime temperatures at some stations approached or exceeded 30 oC during the first period. However, these results were still useful in calculating the air-side mass transfer rate values needed to determine effective air sampling rates. The overall average recovery for d4-α-endosulfan was 80%. However, in some samples recoveries were greater than 100%. Problems with poor chromatography for this chemical may have contributed to inconsistent results. Results from 13C6-hexachlorobenzene 5 were found to be the most consistent, so resulting mass transfer rates derived from this chemical were used in calculating air sampling rates for target analytes. The air sampling rate derived from the depuration compound results, R (m3 day-1), is calculated from the air-side mass transfer coefficient, ka (m day-1) and the PUF disk surface area, A (m2). R = ka A (1) The value of ka is dependent on the loss of depuration chemical, -ln(C/Co), the PUF disk volume to surface area ratio, Dfilm (m); the dimensionless PUF/air partition coefficient, K’PUF-a’; and the sampling time, t (days). ka = -ln(C/Co) x Dfilm x K’PUF-a’/t (2) The relationship of log KPUF-a (PUF-Air partition coefficient) and log Koa (octanol-air partition coefficient) has been established [2] as Log KPUF-a = 0.6366 log Koa – 3.1774 (3) The dimensionless K’PUF-a can be calculated from log KPUF-a using the density of the foam material: K’PUF-a [dimensionless]=(PUF density) x 10^( log KPUF-a) (4) Equations for the temperature dependence of Koa for specific chemicals have been determined [3, 4]. The temperature dependent Koa value for HCB may be determined from the following equation where T = temperature (K): log Koa = -2.39 + 2914/T (5) For example, the average air temperature for the entire sample period was used to calculate sample-specific Koa values for HCB-13C6. If the average temperature was 12.3 oC, the HCB-13C6 recovery for a sample was C/Co = 0.37, and the sample collection time was 32 days: 6 13 log Koa value for HCB- C6 =7.82 using equation 5; log KPUF-a = 1.80 using equation 3; K’PUF-a [dimensionless] = 1.58x106 using equation 4; ka = 251 (m/day) using equation 2; and R = 8.5 (m3/day) using equation 1. Since each chemical of interest has its own Koa value, an effective sample volume, Vair (m3) must be calculated for each analyte. Vair = (K'PUF-a) x (Vol. of PUF) x {1 - exp[-(time) x (ka)/(K'PUF-a)/(Dfilm)]} (6) The ka value derived from the depuration compound, HCB-13C6 was calculated for each sample. K’PUF-a for the particular analyte was calculated as described above except that a temperatureadjusted Koa value for the analyte was utilized in equation 3. Since temperature depended Koa values are not available for ß-endosulfan, the equation for α-endosulfan (log Koa = -5.9 + 4333/T) was used to calculate analyte-specific air volumes for this chemical. 7 Table S1. Detailed information for sites sampled. More than two sites are represented for some Areas because tadpoles were not available from the same sites during both sampling periods. “*” indicates site for air sampling. Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) coordinates refer to Zone 27, North American Datum 1927. Water body surface area and maximum depth refer to water body selected for sampling; tadpoles were sometimes sampled in smaller adjacent, detached water bodies. Surface area was derived from U.S. Geological Survey digitized 1:24,000-scale maps. Depth was derived by field measurements (R. Knapp, unpublished data). Linear and upslope distances are from the edge of the San Joaquin Valley (see text). Area A A B B C C C D D D D E E F F G G H H I I J J K K L L M M M N N Final Site No. 11684 * 11685 11474 11475 * 10594 12337 * 12338 10299 * 11281 10310 10311 11087 * 11089 12457 * 12461 12154 12155 * 10249 10525 * 21329 21559 * 20027 * 23058 20135 21522 * 20037 21317 * 21390 * 2310X 2030X 20062 * 21397 UTMEast 346316 346491 363722 363239 345221 345980 345670 370513 370794 372356 372140 373213 373505 349146 349069 369110 369332 362532 362273 352965 352562 361846 362156 376325 377404 355480 356237 366576 366680 366523 380257 382061 UTMNorth 4098263 4098247 4103540 4103102 4083175 4082685 4082590 4090485 4090172 4091251 4090703 4076951 4077097 4058420 4059154 4064790 4064509 4098611 4099102 4052710 4053011 4047219 4046811 4055173 4052640 4029177 4029744 4025941 4026573 4026636 4035963 4037072 Elevation (m) 3241 3241 3260 3329 3234 3234 3188 3239 3291 3299 3343 3225 3232 2786 2796 3338 3304 3207 3202 3243 3186 3189 3239 3375 3365 3120 3241 3232 3177 3180 3262 3213 Surface Area (ha) 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.06 2.07 0.15 0.37 0.57 0.07 3.05 1.62 0.21 0.08 0.09 0.06 0.17 0.24 10.12 0.68 0.39 0.18 6.44 0.03 0.81 0.23 1.08 0.15 0.29 0.50 --0.69 0.26 Max Depth (m) 0.50 0.30 1.00 0.40 7.30 2.00 7.75 2.70 0.25 1.75 3.40 1.50 0.50 0.75 1.25 0.50 3.00 14.50 5.80 1.50 1.50 6.40 0.10 2.00 0.50 2.00 1.50 1.40 1.50 --2.50 0.60 Linear Distance (km) 63.47 63.60 80.94 80.31 54.49 54.87 54.58 80.65 80.71 82.45 82.10 76.06 76.71 45.65 46.06 64.42 64.65 77.32 77.20 45.79 45.54 51.74 52.12 68.40 68.36 42.90 43.77 51.00 51.36 51.31 67.63 69.77 Upslope Distance (km) 96.13 96.11 116.33 116.47 85.47 86.59 86.78 125.62 126.62 128.43 128.58 124.46 123.96 111.52 111.08 117.14 116.74 108.99 108.74 62.48 61.98 182.58 182.53 187.33 184.90 59.57 60.34 163.16 162.58 162.78 176.30 177.57 Minimum Maximum Median 2786 3375 3237 0.03 10.12 0.24 0.10 14.50 1.50 42.90 82.45 64.01 59.57 187.33 116.94 8 Table S2. Target analytes and depuration chemicals included in passive air sample analysis along with analytical parameters, estimated detection limits, and average spike recovery values. Compound Agricultural Pesticides Chlorpyrifos Chlorothalonil Diazinon α-endosulfan β-endosulfan Endosulfan sulfate Fipronil Malathion Trifluralin Banned Organochlorines Aldrin α-chlordane γ-chlordane 4, 4’-DDD (1-chloro-4-[2,2-dichloro1-(4- chlorophenyl)ethyl]benzene) 4, 4’-DDE (1-chloro-4-[2,2-dichloro1-(4-chlorophenyl)ethenyl]benzene) Dieldrin α-hexachlorocyclohexane γ-hexachlorocyclohexane Heptachlor Heptachlor Epoxide Cis-nonachlor Trans-nonachlor Mirex Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers BDE 47 (2,2',4,4' tetrabromodiphenyl ether) BDE 100 (2,2',4,4',6 pentabromodiphenyl ether) BDE 99 (2,2',4,4',5 pentabromodiphenyl ether) BDE 154 (2,2',4,4',5',6 – hexabromo diphenyl ether) BDE 153 (2,2',4,4',5,5' – hexabromo Mass of ions monitored (m/z) Estimated Detection Limit (ng) Average Spike Recovery (%)a 313, 315, 214 264,266,268 169, 303 406, 408, 412 406, 408, 404 386, 388, 384 384, 331, 400 157, 172 335, 305, 336 0.6 18 3.0 0.9 0.9 1.0 0.5 3.7 5.7 85 26 77 67 70 74 87 80 54 330, 237, 332 410, 408, 412 410, 412, 408 248, 250, 320 0.8 3.2 8.3 17 49 86 68 75 318, 320, 316, 281 4.3 60 346, 380, 237 255, 257, 71 255, 71, 257 266, 300, 232 318, 237, 388, 282 444, 442, 446 444, 442, 412 370, 404, 334, 439 1.0 1.8 0.7 0.6 1.1 0.7 1.8 1.0 58 50 50 67 53 72 67 78 161, 81, 79, 325 4.3 72 161, 484, 81, 79 1.9 70 161, 79, 484, 81 2.2 70 81, 644, 484, 564 2.4 62 81, 644, 484, 564 2.4 60 diphenyl ether) Depuration Chemicals Diazinon (diethyl-d10) d4-α-endosulfan 13 C6-hexachlorobenzene Internal Standards 2,2',3,4,4',5,6,6'-octachlorobiphenyl δ-hexachlorocyclohexane 179, 303 410, 412, 408, 414 290, 292, 288, 294 430, 428, 394 255, 257, 71 a. n = 54 for depuration compound recoveries and n=7 for all other compounds 109 97 105 9 Table S3. Sediment semi-volatile organic compound estimated detection limits (EDLs). Log Koc Sediment Estimated Detection Limit (ng/g dry weight) Log Koc Sediment Estimated Detection Limit (ng/g dry weight) Amide Pesticides Thiocarbamate Pesticides Alachlor 2.3 2.6 Acetochlor 2.3 11 Metolachlor 2.5 5.4 Propachlor 2.5 2.0 Organochlorines Pesticides and Metabolites HCH (Hexachlorocyclohexane), gamma 3.5 0.24 HCH, alpha 3.5 0.30 HCH, beta 3.5 0.46 HCH, delta 3.5 0.64 Methoxychlor 4.6 7.0 Heptachlor 4.7 2.8 Heptachlor epoxide 3.7 0.64 Hexachlorobenzene 3.5 0.0031 Endrin 4.0 2.6 Endrin aldehyde 4.0 0.21 Chlordane, trans 4.9 0.013 Chlordane, cis 4.9 0.28 Nonachlor, trans 5.2 0.037 Nonachlor, cis 5.2 0.041 Triallate 3.2 Triazine Herbicides and Metabolites 0.16 Cyanazine Prometon Atrazine 12 7.5 6.9 Chlordane, oxy Dieldrin Aldrin o,p'-DDT o,p'-DDD (dichlorodiphenyldichloroethane) o,p'-DDE (dichlorodiphenyldichloroethylene) p,p'-DDT 2.1 2.2 2.4 Simazine 2.2 Metribuzin 3.1 Miscellaneous Pesticides Etridiazole 2.0 Dacthal 2.5 Trifluralin 4.0 Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons 20 0.40 9.4 0.027 0.024 3.9 4.0 5.0 5.4 0.39 2.8 0.67 3.5 Acenaphthylene Acenaphthene Fluorene Anthracene Phenanthrene Pyrene Fluoranthene Chrysene + Triphenylene Benzo(a)anthracene Retene Benzo(k)fluoranthene 5.2 5.1 Benzo(a)pyrene 5.9 2.5 5.2 5.3 2.4 3.2 Benzo(b)fluoranthene Benzo(e)pyrene Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene Dibenz(a,h)anthracene Benzo(ghi)perylene 5.9 5.9 7.0 9.0 6.4 6.4 6.4 16 6.8 1.3 p,p'-DDD 5.2 6.7 p,p'-DDE 5.2 6.7 Mirex 5.7 0.12 Organochlorine Sulfide Pesticides and Metabolites Endosulfan I Endosulfan II Endosulfan sulfate Phosphorothioate Pesticides 4.3 4.3 4.5 Methyl parathion 2.7 3.8 3.8 4.1 4.3 4.3 4.8 4.9 8.6 53 9.7 39 20 0.12 2.7 5.4 5.4 5.2 5.9 0.67 1.2 13 3.7 Polychlorinated Biphenyls 0.13 0.081 0.056 PCB 101 PCB 118 PCB 153 4.9 4.9 5.1 1.7 0.085 0.075 6.4 PCB 138 PCB 187 5.1 5.3 0.11 0.013 10 Malathion Diazinon Parathion Ethion Chlorpyrifos 1.5 3.1 3.3 4.1 3.8 20 3.3 19 3.6 0.41 PCB 183 Ave, Min, and Max EDLs ave max min 5.3 0.032 5.5 53 0.0031 11 Table S4. Chemical concentrations and detection frequencies in sediment. Concentration values < estimated detection limit (EDL) have been substituted with ½ EDL. “P25” and “P75” refer to 25th and 75th percentiles, respectively. Dry-mass Basis (ng/g dry) Chemical Useable N* Detect N** Detect Freq.*** Median Min Max Carbon Basis (ng/g carbon) P25 P75 Median Min Max P25 P75 Period 1 (N=28): Current-use Pesticides Chlorpyrifos Dacthal α-endosulfan β-endosulfan Endosulfan Sulfate 8 28 28 28 27 6 26 10 19 27 75.0% 92.9% 35.7% 67.9% 100.0% 0.107 0.117 0.017 0.180 1.758 0.043 0.003 0.002 0.001 0.074 3.478 5.379 4.412 7.095 31.194 0.082 0.048 0.008 0.011 0.790 0.706 0.323 0.256 0.558 5.312 1.730 1.929 0.426 2.124 26.147 0.285 0.018 0.059 0.057 2.112 12.438 28.659 15.775 25.369 111.548 0.852 0.922 0.168 0.330 13.321 5.751 4.113 1.957 5.647 61.521 Historic-use Pesticides p,p'-DDE Trans-chlordane Cis-nonachlor Trans-nonachlor 28 28 27 28 17 23 25 23 60.7% 82.1% 92.6% 82.1% 2.433 0.097 0.183 0.178 0.111 0.000 0.005 0.001 25.304 1.359 1.443 1.149 0.936 0.044 0.059 0.079 13.284 0.202 0.288 0.343 31.679 1.163 1.718 2.299 4.664 0.009 0.076 0.026 109.429 6.092 5.160 6.994 21.104 0.628 1.322 1.347 66.377 2.173 2.651 3.447 PCBs PCB 138 (hexa) PCB 153 (hexa) PCB 183 (hepta) PCB 187 (hepta) 28 27 26 26 27 18 16 22 96.4% 66.7% 61.5% 84.6% 0.029 0.047 0.011 0.049 0.002 0.001 0.001 0.000 0.428 0.285 0.122 0.241 0.013 0.019 0.004 0.016 0.113 0.127 0.029 0.091 0.502 0.684 0.144 0.394 0.075 0.118 0.028 0.041 1.570 4.437 2.670 3.234 0.265 0.357 0.102 0.287 1.071 1.152 0.265 0.675 PAHs Benzo(b)fluoranthene Fluoranthene 22 26 12 26 54.5% 100.0% 1.827 2.545 0.116 0.045 34.447 26.419 0.905 0.714 3.639 6.245 22.865 38.488 4.377 1.701 123.179 165.340 15.857 20.810 39.208 57.171 12 Dry-mass Basis (ng/g dry) Chemical Useable N* Detect N** Detect Freq.*** Median Carbon Basis (ng/g carbon) Min Max P25 P75 Median Min Max P25 P75 Period 2 (N=28): Current-use Pesticides Chlorpyrifos Dacthal α-endosulfan β-endosulfan Endosulfan Sulfate 25 23 28 28 28 22 23 7 19 28 88.0% 100.0% 25.0% 67.9% 100.0% 0.101 0.220 0.013 0.164 1.104 0.011 0.015 0.002 0.001 0.031 2.276 3.187 3.094 4.742 31.551 0.038 0.069 0.006 0.005 0.266 0.227 0.591 0.126 0.827 5.043 1.372 2.109 0.297 1.198 15.183 0.499 0.440 0.060 0.079 2.212 10.717 19.085 17.974 26.136 188.929 0.999 1.228 0.156 0.285 7.810 3.587 5.029 0.795 6.057 33.129 Historic-use Pesticides p,p'-DDE Trans-chlordane Cis-nonachlor Trans-nonachlor 28 28 28 28 17 23 26 24 60.7% 82.1% 92.9% 85.7% 2.181 0.091 0.139 0.173 0.122 0.000 0.001 0.001 27.995 0.980 1.324 1.623 0.542 0.022 0.059 0.085 9.831 0.260 0.338 0.462 33.829 0.963 1.774 2.533 3.048 0.013 0.088 0.088 194.722 5.561 7.926 8.036 17.639 0.581 0.951 1.169 66.912 2.187 3.392 4.421 PCBs PCB 138 (hexa) PCB 153 (hexa) PCB 183 (hepta) PCB 187 (hepta) 28 28 28 28 27 24 18 27 96.4% 85.7% 64.3% 96.4% 0.048 0.067 0.009 0.033 0.002 0.001 0.001 0.000 0.504 1.005 0.143 0.367 0.007 0.026 0.004 0.015 0.114 0.194 0.030 0.107 0.515 1.028 0.146 0.520 0.052 0.104 0.015 0.053 3.020 4.037 0.673 1.730 0.270 0.578 0.078 0.333 1.080 1.864 0.271 0.872 PAHs Benzo(b)fluoranthene Fluoranthene 28 28 3 28 10.7% 100.0% 0.762 2.502 0.128 0.071 13.347 198.113 0.296 0.586 2.245 4.962 12.876 49.703 3.202 1.244 209.221 3105.462 7.130 15.984 22.574 85.944 * "Useable N" refers to samples not rejected because of high blank values. ** "Detect N" refers to samples not rejected because of high blank values and chemical was detected. *** "Detect Freq." = Detect N/Useable N 13 Table S5. pH and electrical conductivity of water samples. Period 1 Period 2 Mean ± SE 6.19 ± 0.07 6.37 ± 0.10 Range 5.37 - 6.94 5.01 - 7.36 28 27 Mean ± SE 8±1 15 ± 5 Range 1 - 27 3 - 127 28 28 pH n Conductivity (µS/cm) n 14 Table S6. Chemical concentrations and detection frequencies in tadpoles. Concentration values < estimated detection limit (EDL) have been substituted with ½ EDL. “P25” and “P75” refer to 25th and 75th percentiles, respectively. Wet-mass Basis (ng/g wet) Useable N* Dry-mass Basis (ng/g dry) Lipid Basis (ng/g lipid) Detect N** Detect Freq.*** Median Min Max P25 P75 Median Min Max P25 P75 Median Min Max P25 P75 24 21 19 27 21 20 13 25 87.5% 95.2% 68.4% 92.6% 0.048 0.091 0.033 0.051 0.010 0.004 0.007 0.003 0.082 0.313 0.128 0.202 0.041 0.065 0.009 0.030 0.060 0.151 0.051 0.079 0.716 1.125 0.386 0.692 0.146 0.065 0.051 0.036 1.351 4.726 1.896 2.969 0.437 0.737 0.138 0.458 0.806 1.643 0.880 0.964 22.244 36.885 12.008 19.290 2.224 4.096 2.616 1.251 156.11 156.11 61.339 135.75 12.229 24.015 4.436 10.627 29.266 61.211 21.210 39.216 27 26 96.3% 0.244 0.005 0.723 0.146 0.383 3.545 0.084 12.341 2.292 4.463 123.18 5.318 542.99 64.403 173.71 Historic-use Pesticides p,p'-DDE Trans-chlordane Cis-nonachlor Trans-nonachlor 27 13 27 27 14 13 16 20 51.9% 100.0% 59.3% 74.1% 0.238 0.014 0.008 0.014 0.116 0.001 0.003 0.001 0.974 0.025 0.031 0.044 0.127 0.011 0.003 0.001 0.520 0.018 0.015 0.025 3.850 0.150 0.102 0.188 0.813 0.033 0.019 0.004 10.767 0.410 0.390 0.542 1.715 0.131 0.051 0.020 5.960 0.210 0.173 0.270 131.30 5.818 3.311 4.863 26.069 1.476 0.596 0.274 1676.5 11.610 14.306 15.970 62.961 4.040 1.683 0.848 178.16 6.669 6.787 8.898 PCBs PCB 153 (hexa) PCB 183 (hepta) PCB 187 (hepta) 12 26 27 8 4 19 66.7% 15.4% 70.4% 0.021 0.001 0.004 0.009 0.001 0.002 0.031 0.003 0.011 0.010 0.001 0.002 0.024 0.001 0.007 0.248 0.019 0.055 0.125 0.013 0.020 0.436 0.046 0.161 0.164 0.018 0.037 0.291 0.028 0.082 6.730 0.755 2.121 1.965 0.175 0.312 15.172 6.611 7.490 3.540 0.509 1.180 11.738 1.257 2.858 Chemical Period 1 (N=27): Current-use Pesticides Chlorpyrifos Dacthal α-endosulfan β-endosulfan Endosulfan Sulfate 15 Wet-mass Basis (ng/g wet) Dry-mass Basis (ng/g dry) Lipid Basis (ng/g lipid) Useable N* Detect N** Detect Freq.*** Median Min Max P25 P75 Median Min Max P25 P75 Median Min Max P25 P75 0 24 27 27 0 24 9 18 --100.0% 33.3% 66.7% --0.152 0.008 0.056 --0.028 0.007 0.004 --0.728 0.282 0.248 --0.096 0.008 0.004 --0.283 0.092 0.095 --1.557 0.083 0.590 --0.243 0.064 0.031 --5.769 2.529 2.229 --0.935 0.073 0.035 --2.418 0.742 0.971 --19.895 1.505 7.280 --2.741 0.441 0.245 --68.426 36.137 28.488 --13.651 0.802 0.570 --32.674 13.701 13.996 27 26 96.3% 0.425 0.005 1.158 0.308 0.656 4.407 0.044 8.666 3.060 6.094 56.296 0.564 236.99 33.281 81.209 Historic-use Pesticides p,p'-DDE Trans-chlordane Cis-nonachlor Trans-nonachlor 27 27 27 27 18 25 20 20 66.7% 92.6% 74.1% 74.1% 0.601 0.038 0.043 0.052 0.118 0.001 0.003 0.001 1.909 0.071 0.106 0.114 0.132 0.030 0.003 0.001 0.863 0.056 0.056 0.081 4.750 0.336 0.392 0.454 1.068 0.005 0.025 0.005 16.393 0.546 0.886 1.018 1.432 0.295 0.054 0.011 9.369 0.491 0.589 0.758 54.242 4.518 4.507 5.247 8.775 0.085 0.304 0.056 272.59 12.795 16.689 22.252 20.283 2.924 0.859 0.172 127.49 7.713 8.150 12.225 PCBs PCB 153 (hexa) PCB 183 (hepta) PCB 187 (hepta) 27 27 27 15 8 20 55.6% 29.6% 74.1% 0.028 0.001 0.010 0.009 0.001 0.001 0.096 0.025 0.041 0.010 0.001 0.002 0.046 0.010 0.016 0.242 0.015 0.102 0.078 0.011 0.013 1.030 0.265 0.446 0.094 0.012 0.028 0.404 0.085 0.140 3.705 0.209 1.198 0.528 0.077 0.102 9.475 2.569 4.496 1.155 0.162 0.450 6.232 1.184 2.367 Chemical Period 2 (N=27): Current-use Pesticides Chlorpyrifos Dacthal α-endosulfan β-endosulfan Endosulfan Sulfate * "Useable N" refers to samples not rejected because of high blank values. ** "Detect N" refers to samples not rejected because of high blank values and chemical was detected. *** "Detect Freq." = Detect N/Useable N 16 Table S7. Principal components analysis (PCA) of chemical concentrations for pesticides and non-pesticides in sediment (carbon basis) and tadpoles (dry-mass basis). Tadpole PCAs also include developmental stage as a variable. Concentration values < EDL were substituted with ½ EDL. Sample sizes vary among PCAs because of missing values or low frequency of detection (<30%) for some chemicals (see Materials and Methods). Bold (red) values indicate relatively high loadings for variable. Principal components analysis for non-pesticides in tadpoles during Period 1 was not done because only PCB 187 had few missing values and detection frequency >30%. PESTICIDES Medium: Sampling Period: Number Chemicals: Number Samples: Principal Component: Eigenvalue: Chemical loadings: Chlorpyrifos Dacthal α-endosulfan β-endosulfan Endosulfan Sulfate p,p’-DDE Transchlordane Cisnonachlor Transnonachlor Tadpole Stage Sediment Sediment Tadpoles Tadpoles 1 2 1 2 8 8 8 8 27 20 17 23 1 0.585 2 0.202 3 0.098 1 0.738 2 0.104 3 0.079 1 0.568 2 0.149 3 0.112 1 0.443 2 0.165 3 0.132 --0.319 0.352 0.388 ---0.246 -0.448 -0.331 --0.600 0.016 -0.083 0.215 0.360 --0.365 0.911 -0.039 ---0.088 -0.123 -0.338 ---0.451 0.241 0.314 0.409 0.400 -0.011 -0.517 -0.256 -0.221 -0.142 0.234 0.010 -0.021 --0.133 0.306 0.282 --0.284 0.518 0.571 --0.297 0.168 -0.142 0.407 0.318 -0.127 0.235 -0.134 -0.662 0.381 0.338 -0.236 -0.308 -0.339 0.277 0.390 0.194 0.033 0.694 0.147 0.286 0.264 0.383 -0.304 -0.322 -0.473 -0.060 0.397 0.274 -0.073 0.403 0.028 0.121 --- --- --- 0.456 -0.131 0.216 0.405 0.281 0.138 0.395 0.004 0.210 0.377 0.244 -0.126 0.440 -0.067 -0.015 0.187 0.636 0.389 0.336 0.093 0.646 0.394 0.257 0.133 0.439 -0.146 0.006 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A -0.171 -0.101 0.887 0.003 -0.293 0.767 17 NONPESTICIDES Medium: Sampling Period: Number Chemicals: Number Samples: Principal Component: Eigenvalue: Chemical loadings: PCB 138 PCB 153 PCB 183 PCB 187 Fluoranthene Tadpole Stage Sediment Sediment Tadpoles Tadpoles 1 2 1 2 5 5 --- 3 24 28 --- 26 1 0.577 2 0.231 3 0.170 1 0.630 2 0.192 3 0.121 ----- ----- ----- 1 0.659 2 0.248 3 0.059 0.055 0.551 0.572 0.573 0.194 0.720 0.259 -0.008 -0.095 -0.637 0.678 -0.163 -0.140 -0.006 0.703 0.392 0.485 0.524 0.539 0.216 0.279 -0.315 -0.107 -0.170 0.885 -0.844 0.319 0.034 0.129 0.409 ----------- ----------- ----------- --0.565 0.584 0.577 --- --0.017 0.025 0.104 --- --0.819 -0.318 -0.474 --- N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A --- --- --- -0.085 0.994 0.044 18 Table S8. Spearman rank correlation test results for chemical concentrations (detects and nondetects) and principal component 1 (PC_1) as a function of distance metrics (linear and upslope distance) for sediment and tadpoles. PC_1 is derived from separate principal components analyses for all pesticides and all PCB/PAHs (detects and nondetects). Values shown for significant relationships are direction of relationship and p value. “ns” indicates not significant. “----“ indicates chemical is not in dataset or detection frequency was <30% (Tables S4 and S6). Period 1 Sediment Period 2 Tadpoles Sediment Tadpoles Linear Upslope Linear Upslope Linear Upslope Linear Upslope Pesticides All Pesticides (PC_1) ns Chlorpyrifos ns ns ns ns + 0.037 0.037 ns ns ns ns ---- ---- Dacthal ns ns ns ns ns ns ns α-endosulfan ns ns ns ns ---- ---- ns ns 0.037 Β-endosulfan ns ns ns ns ns ns ns Endosulfan sulfate ns ns ns ns ns ns 0.012 ns p.p’-DDE ns 0.032 ns ns Trans-chlordane ns ns ns ns ns ns Cis-nonachlor ns ns ns ns ns ns Trans-nonachlor ns ns ns ns ns 0.021 0.004 0.006 0.009 <0.001 ns ns ns 0.013 0.001 0.001 <0.001 ---- 0.001 ns 0.005 Non-Pesticides All PCB/PAHs (PC_1) ns ns ---- ns ns <0.001 ns 19 PCB 138 ns ns ---- PCB 153 ns ns ns ---0.011 PCB 183 ns ns ---- ---- PCB 187 ns ns ns ns 0.014 0.002 0.001 0.002 Benzofluoranthene ns ns ---- ---- Fluoranthene ns ns ---- ---- ns ---- ---0.002 ns ns ns ns ns ns ns 0.023 ---- ---- ---- ---- ns ns ---- ---- 20 Fig. S1. Relationships among linear distance, upslope distance, and elevation for sampled sites. Two sites are represented from each area (n = 28; Fig. 1). A. Linear distance from the San Joaquin Valley and elevation. B. Upslope distance from the Valley and elevation. C. Upslope distance and linear distance. 21 Fig. S2. Loading scores for each chemical on principal component 1 (PC_1) for principal components analysis for sediment (carbon basis) and tadpoles (dry-mass basis). Principal components analysis for PCB/PAHs in tadpoles during Period 1 was not done because only PCB 187 was detected frequently. “Ev.” indicates eigenvalue for PC_1. “*” indicates chemical omitted from analysis because it was not represented in dataset or many values were missing. Samples sizes, specific values for principal components 1 through 3, and tadpole-stage scores are provided in Table S7. 22 Fig. S3. Spatial interpolation for principal component 1 scores from principal components analysis for pesticide concentrations in tadpoles during Period 2. “+” symbols indicate location of site represented in PCA. Site locations and watershed boundaries correspond to those shown in Fig. 1. Tick interval is 10 km. Spatial interpolation was done by kriging (Surfer 8; Golden Software, Golden, CO). 23 Supporting Information References 1. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. 2004. Test methods for evaluating solid waste, physical/chemical methods, 3rd ed.; SW-864; U.S. Environmental Protection Agency: Washington, DC. http://www.epa.gov/epaoswer/hazwaste/test/main.htm. 2. Shoeib M, Harner T 2002. Characterization and comparison of three passive air samplers for persistent organic pollutants. Environ Sci Technol 36:4142-4151. 3. Shoeib M, Harner TM. 2002. Using measured octanol-air partition coefficients to explain environmental partitioning of organochlorine pesticides. Environ Toxicol Chem 21:984990. 4. Harner T, Shoeib M. 2002. Measurements of octanol-air partition coefficients (Koa) for polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs): predicting partitioning in the environment. J Chem Eng Data 47:228-232.