Lake Washington, Cedar, Sammamish Watershed –WRIA 8 2009 Plan Updates: 3-Year Work Plan and 10-Year Start List – Technical Committee Recommendations Plan # and Name Description On EDT memo (1) of additional projects? Technical Committee Recommendation Yes Add #C216B to 10-Year and 3-Year Create #C216 B - Elliot Bridge Habitat Acquisitions N/A Yes Add to 3-Year (WRIA 8 Team recommendation) Change name to: South Lake Washington DNR Shoreline Restoration Add Plan # 266 to 10-Year Add to 10-Year Yes Add to 10-Year Changes to 10-Year Start List or 3-Year Work Plan #C216 Additional Flood Buyouts Near Elliot Bridge Additional Flood Buyouts Near Elliot Bridge: Pursue additional home buyouts (1-2) near Elliot Bridge. #C 266 Sam Chism Trail Shoreline Restoration Buyouts and levee setback are a part of King County Flood District CIP 2008-2011. Shoreline restoration of WA Department of Natural Resources property. Remove am portion of flume (along lakeside), create shallow water habitat, protect existing cove, and plant overhanging riparian vegetation. Change name to: Lake Washington Shoreline Restoration at Cedar River delta. #C218 Herzman Floodplain Restoration #N332 Sammamish River Mouth Wetland Restoration Herzman Floodplain Restoration: Modify Herzman levee to improve function of and access to floodplain on backside of levee. Modifications could include partial removal or setback. Additional actions include placement of large wood in the river and floodplain, planting native vegetation, and creation of side-channels and backwater areas where possible. King County Flood District CIP 2009-2012 Sammamish River Mouth Wetland Restoration: Restore wetlands on King County property near mouth and on island. 2009 WRIA 8 Three-Year Work Plan Update – DRAFT – Technical Committee Recommendations 2/12/2016 Page 1 On EDT memo (1) of additional projects? Technical Committee Recommendation #C241 Partial Removal Jan Partial Removal Jan Road and Rutledge/Johnson Levees: Modify or remove approximately 500 linear feet from the Road and downstream end of the Jan Road Levee and the RutledgeRutledge/Johnson Levees Yes Add to 10-Year #C288 Chism Park Shoreline Restoration N/A Add to 10-Year Plan # and Name Description Johnson Revetment, leaving a sufficient length intact at the upstream end to prevent damage to the remaining facility and maintain the current flood protection to residents' homes. The right bank modifications are part of project C234. King County Flood District CIP 2009-2012 Chism Park Shoreline Restoration: Remove bulkhead and place gravels. Beaux Arts – 1100 feet of shoreline restoration, setback rock armoring, improve vegetation. Riparian restoration I266 – Fifteen Mile Creek Project Name Changes and Small Corrections Add the restoration work phase. C236 Cedar Grove – Split project number into two phases – acquisition and Rainbow Bend Mobile restoration. Home Park Flood Rename project to capture large scale. Buyout Add C271 – the specific description of Mapes Creek to Smaller corrections “Small Creek Mouth and Shoreline” listing. Add restoration work phase to project description for “Sammamish Tributary Mouth Restoration Feasibility Study” list of projects. Change Name to: Lake Washington Shoreline Restoration, Section 4 (I-90 to 520), Chism Beach (C288A) Beaux Arts Village (C288B). Yes Add to 10-Year (end of meeting two-thirds of TC present) Currently on 3-Year List Add restoration work phase. Change project name: Cedar River Rainbow Bend Acquisition (C236A) Restoration (C236B) Both projects currently on 3Year List OK for both description and number addition. Notes: (1) WRIA 8 Technical Memorandum 2007-01. 2009 WRIA 8 Three-Year Work Plan Update – DRAFT – Technical Committee Recommendations 2/12/2016 Page 2