SCRIP FOR “A TRIP TO REMEMBER!” Characters: David Sherlock: David Delaney: Mary Keohane: Deirdre Casey: Jimmy Dave / Clown Mary Witch INT. INSIDE MARYS CAR IN CAR PARK – DAY Doors of car are heard closingDAVE D Shit lads, we’ve got exams in like two weeks time… We’ve gotta get outta here and do something…Pints anyone? DAVE S I dunno…I’m kinda broke! DAVE D How about we go to the woods so? MARY Sure we’ve class at three! DAVE S It’s only class…let’s go to the woods! DAVE D Yeah! Mary starts engineCar is seen driving away from car parkThe car passes a guy on roller bladesDAVE S Dave, what’s the hardest part about roller blading? DAVE D: I dunno man! DAVE S: Telling your folks you’re gay! All laughIntro rollsCar is seen arriving at the woodsEXT. CAR PARK AT WOODS – DAY MARY, DAVE D & DAVE S gets out of carThey are seen walking in the woodsSuddenly MARY hears a loud bang as she is walking in the foliageShe looks around startledMARY Lads, did ye hear that? DAVE S & DAVE D continue to walkMARY walks on after a look aroundDAVE S spots a big magic mushroom growing and kneels down on one kneeDAVE S Look what I’ve found! DAVE S picks the mushrooms, examines it and nods. DAVE S walks to MARY and give her some mushrooms and then to DAVE D and gives him some also. They all eat the mushrooms. Twenty minutes laterDAVE D Lads is this affecting ye at all yet? DAVE S No, not really! MARY Lads, I feel like there is someone watching us out here! DAVE S You’re just paranoid Mary! DAVE D Whuust …did anyone hear that? DAVE D runs into the forest panting frantically. He sees a baby doll in a tree. The doll appears to wink and blink at him. A babies cooing can be heard. He looks shocked and a little wasted. A baby cries. He runs away into the forest. He sees DAVE S from behind and places his hand on DAVE Ss shoulder to turn him around only to see his own face on DAVE Ss body. He panics and runs away hysterically. DAVE Ds HALUCINATION Run you little bitch! MARY and DAVE S are hanging around feeling the effects of the mushrooms. Mary Wonders were Dave D is gone… Mary Where’s that Where’s that Where’s that Where’s that clown clown clown clown gone? gone? gone? gone? Mary Walks away in search of Dave D. MARY Dave! The WITCH is heard laughing manically. A WITCH is seen on a swing. MARY looks at her terrified. The WITCH looks all around menacingly and then she sees MARY and begins to laugh hysterically. DAVE S is examining a tree and turns around looking bewildered. DAVE S What clown? He continues into the wood and the CLOWN appears in the distance. He runs after DAVE S with a knife. DAVE S then sees a clown juggling ahead and waves at him. The clown looks threateningly. The CLOWN takes out a knife and begins to chase DAVE S. The CLOWN continues to chase DAVE S trying to stab him. DAVE S keeps running until he comes to an old house. He goes in. INT. OLD HOUSE – AFTERNOON DAVE S enters and takes a looks around. He sees a mirror and goes over to it and holds it. He looks into it and he sees visions of the clown. Suddenly the CLOWN’S arm grabs DAVE S’s right shoulder and stabs him with a knife several times. DAVE S squirms and exclaims with pain until he falls onto the floor dead. EXT. IN THE WOODS – AFTERNOON DAVE D is lying face down on the ground. MARY runs over to him and tries to life him off the ground. MARY Dave, Dave, Dave come on we gotta go! Get up! Come on they’re coming! DAVE D brings himself to his feet but his leg is injured and he is not happy. DAVE D What the fuck? What the fuck? MARY and DAVE D run out of the woods. They run back to Mary’s car. They jump in and speed off. THE END