Kouamana Bousson Associate Professor of Aerospace Sciences address Aerospace Sciences Department Calçada Fonte do Lameiro 6201-001 Covilhã, Portugal email bousson@ubi.pt, k1bousson@yahoo.com phone +351 275 329 713 fax +351 275 329 768 Research Interests Aircraft Control Systems, Trajectory Optimization & Control, Identification Teaching Interests Aircraft Systems, Flight Dynamics & Control, Missile Guidance & Control Education PhD, National Institute of Applied Sciences, Paul Sabatier University, Toulouse, 1993 MSc, Paul Sabatier University, Toulouse, 1989 MEng, Ecole Nationale de l’Aviation Civile (ENAC), Toulouse, 1988 Current and Previous Positions Associate Professor, Aerospace Sciences Dept., University of Beira Interior, 2004-present Course Director, Aerospace Sciences Dept., University of Beira Interior, 2001-2006 Vice-President, Aerospace Sciences Dept., University of Beira Interior, 2002-2005 Assistant Professor, Aerospace Sciences Dept., University of Beira Interior, 1998-2004 Invited Assistant Professor, Aerospace Sciences Dept., Univ. of Beira Interior, 1995-1998 Researcher, French National Council for Scientific Research (CNRS), Toulouse, 1993-1995 Teaching Associate, Ecole Nationale de l’Aviation Civile (ENAC), Toulouse, 1992-1994 Teaching Assistant, Ecole Supérieure d’Informatique et de Gestion, Toulouse, 1990-1992 Society Membership AIAA-American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Publications Author or co-author of more than 50 publications (books and papers in journals and conference proceedings) Some Relevant Publications Bousson, K., “Time-varying Parameter Estimation with Application to Trajectory Tracking”, accepted for publication in Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology, Vol. 79(4), 2007. Abstract: This paper is concerned with an online parameter estimation algorithm for nonlinear uncertain time-varying systems for which no stochastic information is available. The estimation procedure, called Nonlinear Learning Rate Adaptation (NLRA), computes an individual adaptive learning rate for each parameter instead of using a single adaptive learning rate for all the parameters as done in stochastic approximation, each individual learning rate being controlled by a meta-learning rate rule for the sake of minimizing the measurement prediction error. The method does not require stochastic information about the system model and the measurement noise covariance matrices contrarily to the Kalman filtering. Numerical results about aircraft navigation trajectory tracking show that the method is able to estimate reliably time-varying parameters even in presence of measurement noise. Bousson, K. and Correia, S.D., “Optimization Algorithm Based on Densification and Dynamic Canonical Descent”, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, Vol. 191, pp. 269-279, 2006. Abstract: Stochastic methods have gained some popularity in global optimization in that most of them do not assume the cost functions to be differentiable. They have capabilities to avoid being trapped by local optima, and may converge even faster than gradient-based optimization methods on some problems. The present paper proposes an optimization method, which reduces the search space by means of densification curves, coupled with the dynamic canonical descent algorithm. The performances of the new method are shown on several known problems classically used for testing optimization algorithms, and proved to outperform competitive algorithms such as simulated annealing and genetic algorithms. Bousson, K., “Single Grid-point Dynamic Programming for Trajectory Optimization”, AIAA Atmospheric Flight Mechanics Conference and Exhibit, Paper Nº AIAA 2005-5902, San Francisco, USA, 15-18 August 2005. Abstract: A Dynamic Programming (DP) method is presented in the framework of trajectory optimization. The method is based on the use of a single state grid-point at each stage, and on the successive reductions of the value of the cost-to-go at each iteration up to convergence. The method has the advantage of requiring less computation memory and time than Iterative Dynamic Programming that has been the best extension to dynamic programming known so far. The main contribution of the proposed method is to provide an efficient dynamic programming method for high dimension systems and for both classes of smooth and nonsmooth cost functions. Numerical examples are presented, and the results are shown to be much better than those obtained through Iterative Dynamic Programming. Bousson, K., “Viable Feedback Space Trajectory Control”, Proceedings of the International Council for Astronautical Sciences (ICAS-2004), Paper ID-462, Yokohama, Japan, August 29 – September 3, 2004. Abstract: The present paper proposes a method for controlling an aerial vehicle inside a corridor without leaving it, the dynamics of the vehicle being subject to bound constraints on the control variables. Such a control method is necessary when the system under control does not need to follow exactly a curvilinear reference trajectory. Therefore, what is in fact required from such a system is to maintain the trajectory close to some nominal reference within a certain admissible tolerance. Based on the known initial and terminal positions of the system, a sequence of waypoints is chosen in such a way that the segment joining two consecutive waypoints remain fully inside the control corridor. Then a predictive control law is designed to control the system from a waypoint to the next until the specified terminal position is reached. An application dealing with orbital control illustrates the method and reveals its potentials for handling the control of complex systems even in case of unknown measurement noise. K. Bousson: “Sequential Nonlinear Identification of Stability Derivatives by Gain Adaptation”, Russian-American Journal of Actual Problems of Aviation and Aerospace Systems, Vol. 7, No.2(14), pp. 61-72, 2002. Abstract: The identification of stability derivatives is the backbone of adaptive flight control and airborne simulation systems mainly in the case when these derivatives are subject to changes. The present paper proposes an on-line stability derivative identification method for nonlinear flight models. The identification procedure computes an individual adaptive learning rate for each stability derivative instead of using a single adaptive learning rate for all the stability derivatives, each individual learning rate depending on a meta-learning rate. The method is on the one hand void of probabilistic information about the flight model and the measurement errors contrary to the Kalman filtering, and on the other hand it guarantees fast convergence to optimal values. The convergence properties of the method are stated and proved, and the practical efficiency successfully demonstrated on an aircraft longitudinal model. K. Bousson: “Sequential Parameter Identification Method For Nonlinear Systems”, Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Intelligent Control, Vancouver, Canada, October 27-30, pp. 874-878, 2002. Abstract: In this paper we propose an accurate online parameter identification algorithm for nonlinear time-varying systems. For such systems, techniques based on cross-validation to achieve regularization or model selection are not possible, and classical least square techniques are not reliable mainly when the dynamics of the system is highly nonlinear. To overcome these problems, an identification algorithm devised from Sutton’s dynamic learning rate techniques and based on a learning window and forgetting factor criterion has been used. In doing so, the proposed algorithm avoids the need for heuristic choices of the initial conditions and noise covariance matrices required by the Kalman filtering. The performance of the proposed method is demonstrated in the end on aircraft flight dynamics parameters identification in the horizontal plane. K. Bousson: “Automatic Guidance of Aircraft for Collision Avoidance in Terminal Areas”, Russian-American Journal of Actual Problems of Aviation and Aerospace Systems, Vol. 6, No.2(12), pp. 49-57, 2001. Abstract: The present paper copes with aircraft optimal guidance for automatic collision avoidance in terminal areas. The collision avoidance problem is expressed as an optimization problem whose solution vector is composed of individual aircraft headings, velocities and flight levels as guidance information that corresponding aircraft should follow to automatically avoid collision and at the same time to converge to a specified landing procedure start point. Simulation results are presented and show that the proposed method is capable of ensuring collision avoidance in an optimal way. K. Bousson: “Efficient Global Optimization Based on Dynamic Canonical Descent”. Journal Systems Science, Vol. 26, Nº 4, pp. 61-78, 2001. Abstract: Stochastic methods have gained some popularity in global optimization in that most of them do not assume the cost functions to be differentiable, have capabilities to avoid being trapped by local optima, and may converge even faster than gradient-based optimization methods on some problems. The present paper briefly reviews the advantages and the limitations of some classical stochastic optimization algorithms such as genetic algorithms (GA) and simulated annealing (SA), and then proposes a faster derivative-free and deterministic (non-stochastic) global optimization algorithm which retains their advantages while avoiding their disadvantages. F. Guerrin, K. Bousson, J.Ph. Steyer, L. Travé-Massuyès: “Qualitative Reasoning Methods for CELSS Modeling”, Advances in Space Research Journal, Vol. 14, Nº. 11, pp. (11)307 (11)312, 1994. Abstract: Qualitative Reasoning (QR) is a branch of Artificial Intelligence that arose from research on engineering problem solving. This paper describes the major QR methods and techniques, which, we believe, are capable of addressing some of the problems that are emphasized in the literature and posed by CELSS modeling, simulation, and control at the supervisory level.