PRE-PROPOSAL Macondo 252 Oil Spill Impacts in Louisiana Coastal Wetlands: Effects on SoilMicrobial-Plant Systems Principal Investigators: Irving A. Mendelssohn1, Aixin Hou2, Qianxin Lin1 1 Department of Oceanography and Coastal Science 2 Department of Environmental Sciences School of the Coast and Environment, Louisiana State University Baton Rouge, LA 70808 225 578-6425 Background and Justification The Macondo 252 oil spill resulting from the blowout of the Deepwater Horizon drilling platform on April 20, 2010 is debatably the largest environmental disaster ever experienced in the United States, and, without question, the largest oil spill. The release of an estimated 4.9 million barrels of oil exposed the nation’s largest and most productive wetland-estuarine environment to an unprecedented potential for environmental damage. The coastal wetland system, which comprises almost 40% of all coastal wetlands of the 48 conterminous United States, is of special concern because of the suite of environmentally and economically important services they provide, not only to the northern Gulf of Mexico, but also to the nation. Most, if not all, of these ecosystem services are dependent on a healthy, functioning soil-microbial-plant system, which provides the base for such ecosystem services as hurricane and storm protection, water quality enhancement, faunal support, sedimentation and carbon sequestration, and many others. Hence, the critical importance of understanding to what extent the soil-microbialplant system, and dependent ecosystem services, has been impacted by the Macondo 252 oil spill is evident. Thus, our proposed research will address the question: Did the Macondo 252 Oil Spill cause large-scale perturbations to the structure and function of soil-microbial-plant ecosystems in the wetlands of the Northern Gulf of Mexico (NoGM)? Goals and Objectives: The primary goal of the proposed research is to assess impact and recovery of the soil-microbial-plant system to Macondo 252 oil in the realistic field environment and under more controlled greenhouse conditions. This information will be essential for estimating degree of damage to coastal ecosystems as well as the potential for remediation. Specifically, we shall answer the following questions: 1. What are the effects of the spilled oil on the ecological structure and function of the soil-microbial-plant system of coastal salt marshes dominated by Spartina alterniflora and Juncus roemerianus? 2. How do these effects on microbial and plant structure and function differ with dominant plant species (Spartina or Juncus) and what factors determine any differential response? 3. What is the relative sensitivity of dominant plant species to different degrees of oiling and how does mode of oil-exposure (aboveground versus belowground) control response? Research Approach We shall use both field and greenhouse studies to answer the above questions. Field sites in northern Barataria Basin have already been identified. Field experiments will employ replicated field sites which have received no to high oiling as determined from available map data. Greenhouse treatments will include different degrees of oil coverage of the vegetation and soil. We presently have the necessary oil to do the greenhouse studies. We shall assess impacts to and recovery of (1) microbial structure (genomic assessments [see below]) and function (functional genes, denitrification rates and denitrifying bacteria quantification), (2) marsh vegetation structure (vegetation species composition, species richness, cover and biomass) and function (above and below-ground primary productivity, organic matter decomposition, sedimentation, erosion, soil stability), and (3) soil physico-chemical variables (soil texture, organic matter, dissolved organic carbon, redox potential, salinity, pH, sulfide, temperature, NH4, NO3, P, K. Ca, Mg, Na, S, Fe, Mn, Cu, Zn) and oil concentration (TPH and limited GCMS) that will be used to help explain the microbial and plant responses. The above microbial and vegetation responses will be measured in replicated field and greenhouse studies. In the field, sites that received low/med, medium/high and no oiling have been identified and will be used. Microbial Component The proposed research will combine field study with greenhouse mesocosm experiments. Two powerful genomic tools (GeoChip 3.0 and 454 Pyrosequencing) are now available for monitoring microbial community structure in environmental samples. The GeoChip is specially designed to provide enhanced capability for studying biogeochemical processes and functional activities of microbial communities. It is particularly useful for providing direct linkages of microbial genes/populations to ecosystem processes and functions. The new version 3.0 contains more than 50,000 probes from genes involved in C, N, S cycling, organic contaminant degradation, and metal resistance. We will employ the GeoChip analysis to answer the following questions: (1) what are the effects of the spilled oil on the composition of major functional genes critical for biogeochemical cycling and natural bacterial processes in coastal marshes, (2) what are the changes in distribution and diversity of genes that play critical roles in alkane and PAH degradation (e.g., alkB, ndo, phe, others) in marsh soils in response to the oil spill, and (3) what is the relative sensitivity of functional genes to different oiling scenarios on the marsh. Although understanding the response of the microbial structure to the Macondo oil is essential, it is equally critical to quantify oil effects on microbial function. An important microbial function in wetland soil ecosystems is microbial denitrification, the process by 2 which nitrate is reduced to gaseous nitrogen forms. This process is important in lowering plant-available nitrogen, and hence in promoting the ecosystem service of enhanced water quality. Thus, in addition to the above general characterization of microbial community structure and function, the proposed research will also determine denitrification and denitrifying bacteria as impacted by the spilled oil. We will employ the C2H2 block technique because it is still a widely used and suitable technique for quantifying denitrification across a large number of sites for comparisons of sites and experimental treatments. The high phylogenetic diversity among bacterial denitrifiers makes the use of 16S rDNA-based approaches inappropriate for ecological study of this group. Genes involved in the denitrification process, such as those coding for nitrite reductase (nir) or nitrous oxide reductase (nosZ), are directly relevant. We will measure denitrifying bacteria by quantifying denitrification genes nir and nosZ using quantitative polymerase chain reaction (QPCR). Vegetation Component The vegetation component of the research will be conducted at the same locations and within the same plots (field and greenhouse) as the microbial component. Specifically, we shall measure the following vegetation responses to the various oiling scenarios: plant photosynthetic rate, plant species cover, species composition and richness, new and old plant stem density, plant canopy height, plant mortality rate, and live and dead aboveground biomass. In addition, plant oil coverage index, soil physiochemical characteristics such as organic matter, interstitial inorganic elements (NH4, NO3, P, K, Ca, Mg, Na, Fe, Mn, Cr, Ni, Cu, Pb, Zn, V, pH), salinity, Eh, conductivity, pH, dissolved and particulate organic matter, soil texture and bulk density, total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH), n-alkanes and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in the composite sediment samples with gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS) will also be analyzed to determine their relationship to marsh structural and functional responses. Also, marsh functional processes, such as ecological resilience (a measure of the rate at which a system recovers from disturbance, above and belowground productivity, soil organic matter decomposition, sedimentation, soil stability and erosion, and soil respiration will also be measured to determine their responses to the oil and recovery over time. Relevance to NGI General Themes The proposed research addresses the "Observe" and "Understand" NGI general themes. All of the experimental and observational data collected will be used to understand how the oil impacts the soil-microbial-plant system. Budget: $148,500 3