Ancient Greek & Roman Theater: Notes on Drama & Acting

Ancient Greek Theater and Acting
Aristotle said that theatre originated from people impersonating others.
Aristotle’s Six Elements of Drama:
o Plot: what happens in a play
o Theme: what the play means
o Character: a role played by an actor in the play
o Language: the word choices made
o Music/Rhythm: the sound, rhythm, and melody of the speeches.
o Spectacle: the visual elements of the production of a play.
Theatre first appeared at the Dionysus Festival, which was held in honor
of Dionysus, the Greek god of wine, theatre and partying.
Four qualities of Greek Drama:
o Festivals
o Competition
o Chorus
o Religious
Plays were based on mythology and historical events.
Greek Tragedy:
Greek Comedy:
Violence and death offstage
Stories based on myth or
Masks were used
Theme: Sometimes chance
Gesture and movement were
rules the world
Only used 3 actors.
made bigger and simpler.
Label the parts of a Greek Theater:
Word Bank:
Orchestra: “dancing place;” circular acting area
Skene: a permanent building at the back of the orchestra; represented
Parados: the pathway used by the actors and chorus for their entrances and exits.
Theatron: “seeing place;” audience seating.
Actors and Acting
The first actor was Thespis. He stepped out from the chorus reciting poetry
and invented acting.
Acting Styles:
o Men played all the parts. No women were allowed to be in the Greek
o They used masks.
To make voices louder.
To make facial features larger.
So each actor could play many parts.
The Chorus:
o Function
To explain the current situation
To bring the audience up to date
To comment on the action
To engage in dialogue with the actors and offer them advice.
o Consisted of 3 to 50 men.
o Represented citizens of whatever was king in play
o Sung and danced
o All wore same mask
55 B.C.: The first stone theater was built in Rome by the order of Julius
Much more entertaining than Greek theatre.
Theatre held at religious festivals.
Festivals were held in honor of the gods, but much less religious than in
Roman Theater Influcences
Greek Drama
Circus-like elements
Farce (short unplanned make-believe situations with stock characters)
Forms of Roman Drama
o Solo dance with music and chorus
o Used masks, story-telling, and mythology and historical stories
o Spoken
o No masks
o *Women were actors in the mime*
o Violence was shown on stage
o Interest in morality
Goodness, honesty
o Violence was shown on stage
o Based on Greek comedies
o Slapstick: broad comedy marked by wild action, as the throwing of pies
in actors' faces, mugging, and obvious silly situations and jokes.
Parts of a Roman Theater
Scaena: the stage house or building behind the stage; related to the Greek skene
Orchestra: semi-circular space between the audience and the stage
Cavea: audience seating area; related to the Greek theatron
First permanent Roman theater was built in 54 A.D.
Had stadium-style seating
The Colosseum was built in 80 A.D. and was three stories tall.
Acting and Acting Styles:
Mostly male actors, though women were in mimes.
Mimes were considered lower than actors in status.
Style of Acting:
o Tragedy: slow, stately delivery of lines
o Comedy: more rapid and conversational delivery of lines
o The mimes did not use masks.
o Used a chorus in much the same way the Greeks did