Break Out Session Notes

Topic: Employer Engagement
Thought/recommendation to share with the group at the closing of Meeting of the Minds:
Get involved with HR professional associates
Collaboration – share OCR schedules with other schools
Reciprocating – employer appreciation events
Creativity in engaging employers – newsletters, themed career fairs, other campus
Expanding definition of OCR – Skype interviews, virtual info sessions
Best Practices/Success stories:
Brandeis: shared OCR schedules with other schools to get onto call mass for an
Wentworth: bring faculty members to educate employer (bring course packets)
Brandeis: identify alumni champions, who can sell your students to their employers
Bridgewater State: whole day WS for employers
Use “backdoor” methods to get students to employers (e.g. mock interview days,
networking events)
Go to HR professional events – Crash if necessary!
Roger Williams & BC: haunted house “career fear”
o Horror or Hire – Dress
o Graduate Ghoul – Grad School
o Employers dress up too
Tufts: employer newsletters 2x a semester
Lessons learned:
Work with other centers on campus (e.g. career center for grad students)
Appreciation events – new and returning employers
o Pre-existing ones can testify to their positive experiences
Roger Williams: survey ~ # of students at career fairs has decreased
OCR is just a process, it’s ok if they don’t come to campus
Brainstorming Ideas:
Host an appreciation event for employers
Virtual info interviews with employers
o Collaborate with other schools
Give employers a tour, show them interesting things on campus
Just calling your program “campus recruiting” vs. “ON campus”
o Educating your supervisors that stats will be different (i.e. may not come to
campus, but will still post a job)
o Skype or video conferencing with students not on campus, or abroad
Possible Partners/Collaboration:
Collaboration with other schools
Collaboration with faculty to get their employer
Collaboration with “alumni champions” info