F-35-R, Michigan - Michigan Department of Natural Resources

F-80-R-5, Michigan
Study 230736
New Study: 2003-04
Name of Study: Response of an aquatic invertebrate community to reduced summer streamflows in a
northern Michigan stream.
A. Problem: Water withdrawals for agricultural, industrial, and domestic purposes in Michigan may
adversely affect stream invertebrate communities. Although a broad array of literature documents the
effects of water withdrawals on aquatic habitats and stream fishes, little work has been done to
document effects on aquatic invertebrates. Relatively few studies have been conducted in the United
States, and even fewer focus on stream systems comparable to those found in Michigan. Accordingly,
a thorough evaluation of the effects of seasonal dewatering on aquatic invertebrates in a Michigan
stream system is needed. Such an evaluation will lend insight into the possible ramifications of water
withdrawals on organisms crucial to Michigan stream communities and food webs.
B. Objectives: The objective of this study is to evaluate the response of the aquatic invertebrate
community in Hunt Creek, Michigan to simulated irrigation withdrawals. Specifically, we wish to
determine the effects of dewatering on aquatic invertebrate density, taxon richness, and functional
feeding group composition. In addition, we wish to compare predicted changes in weighted usable
area (WUA) from an Instream Flow Incremental Methodology (IFIM) model (Baker and Coon 1995)
to observed changes in abundance of invertebrate families.
C. Justification: Between 1974 and 1997, the area of land irrigated for agricultural purposes in
Michigan increased from 97,000 acres to 393,000 acres statewide (USDA 1999). Seasonal
withdrawals to irrigate golf courses accounted for an additional 38,000 acres of land in Michigan in
1999 (Michigan Water Use Reporting Program, unpublished data). Such increases in stream water use
for agricultural, industrial, and domestic purposes raise concern about the effects of water withdrawals
on all components of Michigan’s stream communities, including aquatic invertebrates, and places
Michigan’s public trust resources at risk.
Aquatic invertebrates process organic matter and are an important food source for fish. These
organisms are crucial to nutrient cycling and energy flow through lotic systems (Rader and Belish
1999). Rader and Belish (1999) noted that there is a wealth of literature that suggests aquatic
invertebrate communities are tightly linked to in-stream hydraulic conditions such as flow variation.
Although numerous studies have examined the effects of increased flow conditions on aquatic
invertebrates (Boulton et al. 1992; Cobb et al. 1992; Imbert and Perry 2000), little work regarding the
effects of dewatering (reducing flow) has been accomplished. Studies that have examined the effects
of dewatering on invertebrates have primarily been undertaken in other countries (O’Keefe and
DeMoor 1988; Dudgeon 1992; Castella et al. 1995), or in systems in the western United States not
comparable to those found in Michigan (e.g. McClay 1968; Rader and Belish 1999).
An evaluation of the effects of dewatering on aquatic invertebrates in a Michigan stream will provide
much needed information regarding the potential ramifications of water removal to the state’s stream
communities. Information provided by this study will not only contribute to the knowledge base in the
literature, it may also provide direction for future research.
D. Background: Concern about the effects of excessive water withdrawals on stream communities in the
western United States in the 1970’s led to the development of the IFIM, a protocol for protecting
instream flows that is dependent upon field data collection, habitat modeling, and negotiation over
projected impacts of reduced streamflow on fish and aquatic habitat (Milhous et al. 1989). Although
the IFIM, including its suite of habitat modeling programs collectively know as the Physical Habitat
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Simulation Model (PHABSIM), has been widely applied in the western United States, the system has
not been extensively used in Michigan to evaluate effects of water withdrawals (Nuhfer and Baker, in
press) although IFIM was used extensively to analyze hydropower effects in the early 1990’s (G.
Whelan, Michigan Department of Natural Resources, personal communication). Accordingly, studies
642 (Evaluation of the Instream Flow Incremental Methodology in a Michigan trout stream) and 655
(The effects of different levels of summer dewatering and a validation test of the Instream Flow
Incremental Methodology (IFIM) in a Michigan brook trout stream), funded in part by Sport Fish
Restoration monies, were initiated to test the PHABSIM component of IFIM in Hunt Creek, a system
representative of hydrologically stable, groundwater dominated streams in northern Michigan. These
studies examined PHABSIM and species-specific habitat-discharge suitability relationships for
To test PHABSIM and species specific habitat-discharge suitability relationships, a study area of Hunt
Creek was designated and divided into three sections: an upstream reference zone, a treatment zone,
and a downstream reference zone. In 1989-90, a diversion channel was excavated around the
treatment zone. Bulkheads were installed at the upstream and downstream ends of the treatment zone
as a means of controlling discharge and to support traps used in monitoring fish movement for studies
642 and 655. The upstream bulkhead diverted water around the treatment zone (simulating irrigation
withdrawals) from June 1 to August 31 of each year from 1991-98. During 1991-94 50% of the
streamflow was diverted, followed by a 75% diversion of streamflow in 1995-96 and a 90% diversion
of streamflow in 1997-98.
The primary focus of studies 642 and 655 was to determine the validity of PHABSIM in a Michigan
trout stream. In those studies, habitat availability projections from PHABSIM were related to fish
abundance, growth, survival, recruitment, and emigration. Aquatic invertebrate data were also
collected from the treatment (dewatered) and upstream reference zones of Hunt Creek from 1992-94
and 1997-98. However, these data have not yet been completely analyzed. Baker and Coon (1995)
reported the effects of a 50% reduction in streamflow to the aquatic invertebrate community of Hunt
Creek (Study 642), but to this date, no report on the effects of a 90% reduction in streamflow has been
made. Accordingly, no comparison exists between the effects of a 50% and 90% reduction in
streamflow to the aquatic invertebrate community of Hunt Creek. Although all aquatic invertebrate
samples collected for studies 642 and 655 have been processed, the data are currently archived at the
Hunt Creek Fisheries Research Station. We wish to analyze the archived data to further examine and
compare the effects of two different streamflow reductions (50% and 90%) on the aquatic invertebrate
community of Hunt Creek. We propose to document the effects of water withdrawal on invertebrate
communities and specific taxa by describing changes in aquatic invertebrate densities, taxon richness,
and functional feeding group composition. We will use regression analysis to determine if WUA
predictions are linearly related to changes in abundance of invertebrate families.
E. Procedures: Archived aquatic invertebrate data collected from Hunt Creek during studies 642 and
655 will be analyzed to determine if a significant difference in aquatic invertebrate density, taxon
richness, and functional feeding group composition exists between the treatment (dewatered) and
reference zones across years with two different flow reductions (50% and 90%). We will compare
predicted changes in WUA with water withdrawal (from Study 642) to observed changes in
abundance of invertebrate families.
Job 1. Assemble and format all aquatic invertebrate data from studies 642 and 655 that are currently
archived at the Hunt Creek Fisheries Research Station so that comparisons of abundance in
treatment and reference zones can be compared between years when either 50% or 90% of
summer baseflow was diverted.
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Job 2. Compare aquatic invertebrate densities, taxon richness, and functional feeding group
composition to determine if significant differences exist between the treatment and reference
zones at two levels of flow reduction. Examine relations between predicted changes in WUA
for invertebrate families to observed changes in abundance of invertebrate families. Exact
methods for data analysis will be determined upon compilation of all available data.
Job 3. Write research manuscript(s).
Job 4. Write annual performance report.
Job 5. Publish research manuscript(s) as journal article or Fisheries Division technical document.
Job 6. Write final report.
G. Geographical Location: Hunt Creek Fisheries Research Station, Lewiston, Michigan.
H. Personnel: Todd C. Wills and Andrew J. Nuhfer, Fisheries Research Biologists, Hunt Creek
Fisheries Research Station; Troy G. Zorn and Edward A. Baker, Fisheries Research Biologists,
Marquette Fisheries Research Station; support staff.
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Literature Cited:
Baker, E. A., and T. G. Coon. 1995. Comparison of predicted habitat change and benthic
macroinvertebrate response to a simulated irrigation withdrawal in Hunt Creek, Michigan. Michigan
Department of Natural Resources Fisheries Research Report 2019, Ann Arbor.
Boulton, A. J., and P. S. Lake. 1992. Stability of an aquatic macroinvertebrate community in a multiyear
hydrologic disturbance regime. Ecology 73: 2192-2207.
Castella, E., M. Bickerton, P. D. Armitage, and G. E. Petts. 1995. The effects of water abstraction on
invertebrate communities in UK streams. Hydrobiologia 308: 167-182.
Cobb, D. G., T. D. Galloway, and J. F. Flannagan. 1992. Effects of discharge and substrate stability on
density and species composition of stream insects. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
49: 1788-1795.
Dudgeon, D. 1992. Effects of water transfer on aquatic insects in a stream in Hong Kong. Regulated
Rivers: Research and Management 7: 369-377.
Imbert, J. B., and J. A. Perry. 2000. Drift and benthic invertebrate responses to stepwise and abrupt
increases in non-scouring flow. Hydrobiologia 436: 191-208.
McClay, W. 1968. Effects of controlled flow reductions on aquatic insects in a stream riffle. M. S. thesis.
Montana State University, Bozeman.
Milhous, R. T., M. A. Updike, and D. M. Schneider. 1989. PHABSIM reference manual: version 2. U.S.
Fish and Wildlife Service FWS/OBS 89/16. (Instream Flow Information Paper 26).
Nuhfer, A. J., and E. A. Baker. In press. A field validation of the Instream Flow Incremental Methodology
(IFIM) in a Michigan brook trout stream. Michigan Department of Natural Resources Fisheries
Research Report, Ann Arbor.
O’Keefe, J. H., and F. C. DeMoor. 1988. Changes in the physico-chemistry and benthic invertebrates of
the Great Fish River, South Africa, following an interbasin transfer of water. Regulated Rivers:
Research and Management 2: 39-55.
Rader, R. B., and T. A. Belish. 1999. Influence of mild to severe flow alterations on invertebrates in three
mountain streams. Regulated Rivers: Research and Management 15: 353-363.
USDA (United States Department of Agriculture). 1999. 1997 Census of Agriculture, Michigan State and
County Data, Volume 1, Geographic Area Series Part 22. Document AC97A-22.