IncompleteHistory_01.jpg Title: 6°40’00” S 36°19’00” E Erosion noun e-ro-sion 1. The process by which rock or soil is gradually destroyed by wind, rain, or the sea: the problem of soil erosion the erosion of the coastline 2. The process by which something is gradually reduced or destroyed erosion of the gradual erosion of our civil liberties Erosion, removal of surface material from the Earth’s crust, primarily soil and rock debris, and the transportation of the eroded materials by natural agencies from the point of removal Encyclopædia Britannica IncompleteHistory_02.jpg Title: SW TZ Caption: Tanzania 945,087 km2 NE Africa Population: 47,783,100 (2012) Fertility rate: 5.3 Life expectancy: 60.9 Iringa Southern highlands Indian Ocean drainage zone Eastern Arc mountain range: 30,000,000 years old 96 endemic species of vertebrates 800 endemic plant species IncompleteHistory_03.jpg Title: Th230/Pa231 Caption: Evidence of early hominid activities 260K (260,000+70,000-40,000) Th230/Pa231 Late Acheulian/early Middle Stone Age Assemblage Type 1: 70% handaxes, cleavers, knives, small flake tool, large picks, corescrapers, choppers, spheroids; Type 2: 40- 60% small tools; Type 3: 50% large picks, core-scrapers, choppers, spheroids, few small tools, few bifaces Lower sand horizon Hippo, skull and limbs absent, unretouched quartz flakes Raw material types Quartz, quartzite, rock crystal, chert or flint varieties, sandstone, rhyolite, granite, trachyte, basalt, ironstone, argillite, feldspars, pumice IncompleteHistory_04.jpg Title: Kikunga Caption: Marcus Kikunga (1942-1990) Eularia Beatrice Nzalaria (1948): Richard Kikunga (1967), Pascacia Kikunga (1970-2010), Thomas Kikunga (1972-2006), Juma Kikunga (1975), Daria Kikunga (1976): Saouda Bukuku (1999), Joseph Bukuku (2000), Victor Mgimwe (2010) IncompleteHistory_05.jpg Title: 100-130 d Caption: Crop cycle of maize 100 -130 days Phenological phases: vegetative phase, reproductive phase and maturation phase IncompleteHistory_06.jpg Title: 42-145 d Caption: Growing season 42-145 days Mean length: 93- 97 days Start: first week of December End: last week of April IncompleteHistory_07.jpg Title: Euforbia sp. Caption: Tree species Euphorbia sp., Acokanthera laevigata, Cassipourea malosana, Bersama abyssinica, turrea holstii, Halleria lucida, Macaranga kilimanscharica, Ekerbigia capensis, Podocarpus sp., Rapanea, Schefflera, umbellifera Shrubs Clausena anisata, Coffea mufindensis Sparse trees Alangium chinense, Albizia gummifera, Chrysophyllum gorungosanum IncompleteHistory_08.jpg Title: 181,369 t Caption: Bag of maize (100kg) 70,000 to 80,000TSh at Iringa municipal market (2013) 181,369 tons of maize sold outsaide Iringa region (2011-2012) IncompleteHistory_09.jpg Title: 1220 kw Caption: Hydroelectric plant - Tosamaganga 1951, TANESCO owned, turbine type/manufacturer: Gilkes & Gordon/Francis Installed capacity 1220 kw, average energy 55 GHh/yr, average energy 6.3 MWc, power flow 16.3 m3/s, spill low 4.8 m3/s, total flow 21.1 m3/s Out of operation: outdated and inefficient technology (2002) Heavily contaminated with PCBs – priority 1 IncompleteHistory_10.jpg Title: pH 6.8 Caption: Chemical analysis of the Little Ruaha river water 0.25 Boron ppm, 0.16 me/l Calcium, 0.12 Magnesium, 0.35 Sodium, 0.28 residual Sodium carb, 0.94 Sodium absorption ratio Complete chemical analysis Electric conductivity at 25°C 131, pH 6.8, Alkalinity 48, total hardness 28, Chlorides 4, O2 absorbed 6.7, Nitrite nil, Nitrate trace, Fluoride 0, Silica 26.5, Sulphate 3.7, Calcium 2.4, Magnesium 5.28, Sodium 14, Iron 0.90, total dissolvent solids 430 IncompleteHistory_11.jpg Title: 1273m3 Caption: Tosamaganga catchment area 1273m3 Flow in May: 20,0638 m3/s, catchment area 759km2, mean annual discharge 4.4, mean annual rainfall 1000mm, mean annual runoff 184s/km IncompleteHistory_12.-20jpg Title: No.1-2-3 etc IncompleteHistory_21.jpg Title: 1948 Caption: “I used to live near the road to Iringa, close to a big tree. Every day, I walked to school in Tosamaganga. One day, I was 18, I wanted to cross the bridge over the Little Ruaha River, but there was a dangerous rhinoceros in the area. I had to take a different road, passing the hydroelectric plant. Marcus worked there as a carpenter, and he watched me passing by. He introduced himself to my father, who gave me away.” Eularia Beatrice Nzalaria Marcus Kikunga (1942-1990) died of tuberculosis. He was born in Irula and came to Tosamaganga to work as a carpenter at the hydroelectric plant. He is buried in Irula, leaving nothing behind in Tosamaganga. IncompleteHistory_22.jpg Title: 973 hPa Caption: Wind Speed: 26 km/h Humidity: 44% Air pressure: 973 hPa Prevailing wind: S IncompleteHistory_23.jpg Title: S Caption: Adiabatic flame temperature Oxy-dicyanoacetylene 4,990°C Oxy-acetylene 3,480°C Oxyhydrogen 2,800°C Air-acetylene 2,534°C Blowtorch (air-mapp gas) 2,200°C Bunsen burner (air-natural gas) 1,300 -1,600°C Candle (air-paraffin) 1,000°C IncompleteHistory_24.jpg Title: 1-10 mm Caption: Geological erosion: 1 to 10 mm per century IncompleteHistory_25.jpg Title: Aw Caption: Aw (Köppen-Geiger climate classification) Tropical wet and dry or savanna climate Moderately cool tropical and subhumid Average temperature: 19.7°C IncompleteHistory_26.jpg Title: 708mm p.a. Caption: Rain Rainfall: 708 mm p.a. Unimodal rainfall: Mvua za mwaka: December – April IncompleteHistory_27.jpg Title: 06:17 Caption: Civil twilight 06:17-18:49 Astrological twilight 05:27-19:39 Nautical twilight 05:52-19:14 IncompleteHistory_28.jpg Title: 18:27 Caption: Sunrise: 06:39 Sunset 18:27 Length of day 11:47:28 IncompleteHistory_29.jpg Title: LX Caption: Lixisols (LX) 46888.61 km2; 4.95% Definition Soils, having an argic horizon starting within 100 cm from the soil surface, or within 200 cm of the soil surface if the argic horizon is overlain by loamy sand or coarser textures throughout Connotation Strongly weathered soils in which clay is washed down from the surface soil to an accumulation horizon at some depth; from L. lixivia, washed-out substances Parent material Unconsolidated, strongly weathered and strongly leached, finely textured materials Environment Regions with a tropical, subtropical or warm temperate climate with a pronounced dry season, notably on old erosional or depositional surfaces. Many Lixisols are (surmised to be) polygenetic soils with characteristics formed under a more humid climate in the past Profile development ABtC-profiles. On slopes and on other surfaces subject to erosion, the argic accumulation horizon may be exposed or at shallow depth IncompleteHistory_30.jpg Title: Commiphora spp. Caption: Trees as/for Water conservation/water source Ficus thonningii, Ficus sycomorus Windbreak Xeroderris stuhlmannii Cultural significance Ficus sycomorus, Syzygium cordatum, Kigelia africana Spiritual significance Commiphora spp.: trees that provide a means of communicating with ancestors Indicators for rainfall Mihemi: shed leaves when the rains are about to end Mipogoro (Acacia): sprouting in the dry season indicates a good rainy season is coming. In the past, flowering also indicated that rains were about to end