Efficient Density Clustering For Large Spatial Data Using Hawaiian Metrics Fei Pan, Baoying Wang, Yi Zhang, Dongmei Ren, Xin Hu, William Perrizo Computer Science Department North Dakota State University Fargo, ND 58105 Abstract Data mining for spatial data has become increasingly important as more and more organizations are exposed to spatial data from such sources as remote sensing, geographical information systems (GIS), astronomy, computer cartography, environmental assessment and planning, bioinformatics, etc. Recently, density clustering methods, such as DENCLUE, DBSCAN, OPTICS, have been published and recognized as powerful clustering methods for Data Mining. These approaches typically regard clusters as dense regions of objects in the data space that are separated by regions of low density. However, these methods are know to lack scalability with respect to dimensionality. In this paper, we develop a new efficient density-clustering algorithm using Hawaiian metrics and P-trees [1]. The fast P-tree ANDing operation facilitates the calculation of the density function within Hawaiian rings. The average time complexity of our algorithm for spatial data in d-dimensions is O ( dn n ) . Our proposed method has comparable cardinality scalability with other density methods for small and medium size of data, but superior dimensional scalability. Keywords: Density Clustering. Hawaiian Metrics. Peano Count Trees. Spatial Data 1. Introduction With the rapid growth of large quantities of spatial data collected in various application areas, such as remote sensing, geographical information systems (GIS), astronomy, computer cartography, environmental assessment and planning, efficient spatial data mining methods are in great demand. Density based cluster algorithms have been recognized as a powerful clustering approach capable of discovering arbitrary shape of clusters as well as dealing with noise and outliers, and are widely used in the mining of large spatial data. There are two major approaches for density-based methods. The first approach is represented by DENCLUE [3]. It exploits a density function, e.g., step function or Gaussian function to measure the density in attribute metric space. Clusters are identified by determining density attractors. Thus, clusters of arbitrary shape can be easily determined by overall density functions. This algorithm scales well with run time complexity O ( n log n ) by means of grid cells techniques. However, it requires careful selection of the density parameter and noise threshold , which may significantly influence the quality of the clustering results [10]. The second approach calculates the density of all data points and groups them based on density connectivity. Typical algorithms in this approach include DBSCAN [6] and OPTICS [8]. DBSCAN first defines a core object as a set of neighbor points consisting of more than a specified number of data points. All the data points reachable within a chain of overlapping core objects define a cluster. The run time complexity of DBSCAN is O ( n log n ) for spatial data when using a spatial index. Otherwise, it is O (n 2 ) [10]. OPTICS can be considered as an extension of DBSCAN without providing global density. It assumes each cluster has its own density parameter and uses a random variable to learn its probability distribution. It has the same run time complexity as DBSCAN, that is, O ( n log n ) if a spatial index is used and O (n 2 ) otherwise. The spatial index and grid cell techniques used in these two methods are only suitable for low dimension data sets []. For high dimension, the volume of spatial index nodes and grid cells will increase exponentially, degrading accuracy and performance dramatically. Recently, a new distance metric, the Hawaiian Metric, has been proposed for data mining [2]. It exploits a new lossless data structure, called the Peano Count Tree (P-tree) [1]. The performance of Hawaiian metric data mining using P-trees is shown to be fast and accurate [2]. In this paper, we propose an efficient density clustering algorithm using Hawaiian metrics and show that the method scales well with respect to dimension. The basic idea is to make use of P-trees and Hawaiian metrics to calculate the density function in O ( n ) time, on the average. The fast P-tree ANDing operation is used to get density functions within certain Hawaiian ring neighbors. Furthermore, we adopt a look around pruning method to combine the density calculation and a hill climbing technique. The overall run time complexity is O ( dn n ) for a d-dimensional data set, on the average. Experimental results show that the algorithm works efficiently on large-scale, high-dimensional, spatial data, outperforming other density methods significantly. This paper is organized as follows. In section 2, The Hawaiian metrics and P-tree techniques are briefly reviewed. In section 3, we introduce the new efficient density clustering method using Hawaiian Metric, and then prove its efficiency in terms of time complexity. Finally, we compare our method with other density methods experimentally in section 4 and conclude the paper in section 5. The symbols used in this paper are given in Table 1. Table 1. Symbols and Notations Symbol X m r Pi,j Definition Spatial pixel, X = {x1, x2, …, xn}, n is the number of attributes Maximal bit length of attributes Radius of Hawaiian ring Basic P-tree for bit j of attribute i Pi,j’ bi,j Pxi,j Pvi,r Px,r Qid Complement of Pi,j The jth bit of the ith attribute of x. Operator P-tree of jth bit of the ith attribute of x Value P-tree within ring r Tuple P-tree within ring r Quadrant identification 2. Review of Hawaiian Metrics and P-trees Distance metrics (or similarity functions) are key elements of clustering algorithms and therefore play an important role in data mining. A number of distance metrics has been utilized so far; of which some of the common ones are Euclidian distance, Manhattan distance, Max distance and Lp-distance. In this section, we first briefly review the Hawaiian Metrics, and the Peano Count Tree (P-tree) [1] data structure and related P-tree algebra. 2.1. Hawaiian Metrics Many distance metrics have been used in clustering algorithms. Representative metrics include Euclidean distance, Manhattan distance, and Max distance (Minkowski or Lq-metrics with q=2, 1 and respectively). For two data points, X = (x1, x2, x3, …, xn-1) and Y = (y1, y2, y3, …, yn-1), the Euclidean distance function is defined as Minkowski distance function d 2 ( X ,Y ) d q ( X ,Y ) q n 1 (x i 1 y i ) 2 . It can be generalized to the Lq or i n 1 wi | x i 1 i this gives the Euclidean function. If q=1, d 1 ( X , Y ) y i |q , where q is a natural number. If q=2, n 1 | x i yi | gives the Manhattan distance. i 1 n 1 Max function is defined as d ( X , Y ) max | x i y i | . i 1 The Hawaiian metrics, also called HOBBit metric [2], is bit wise distance function. It measures distance based on the most significant consecutive matching bit positions starting from the left (Position Of Inequality or POI – leading to the Hawaiian terminology). Bist at different position gives different contribution to similarity measurements. based on the following observation. Hawaiian metric difference measurements are When comparing two values bitwise from left to right, once a P-tree 36 / __________/ \__________ / \___ / \ 16 _13__ \ / \ ____7__ 0 / / 4 | 4 \ \ 2 1 4 //|\ //|\ 1100 0001 \ ___ / / 0 | \ 4 difference is1 found, the position of that first difference reveals much about the magnitude of difference //|\ two values. Let Ai be a non-negative fixed point attribute in tabular data sets, R(A1, A2, ..., between the 0010 Each An). Ai is represented as a fixed-point binary number, x, i.e., x = x(m)x(m-1)---x(1)x(0).x(-1)---x(-n). Let X and Y be two values of Ai, the position of inequality (POI) or Hawaiian similarity between X and Y is defined by m( X , Y ) max{ i | xi yi 1} where xi and y i are the i th bits of X and Y respectively, and denotes the XOR (exclusive OR) operation. In another word, m is the left most position at which X and Y differ. The Hawaiian distance between two tuples, X and Y, is defined by d ( X , Y ) 2 m( X ,Y ) . For two value X and Y of signed fixed binary attribute Ai, the Hawaiian distance between X and Y are same as above if X and Y are same sign. If X and Y are opposite sign, then the distance is d ( X , Y ) d ( X ,0) d (Y ,0) . Hawaiian metric data mining uses a data structure, called a Peano Count Tree, to facilitate its computation for spatial data. Some details about P-trees are described in next sub-section. 2.2. Peano Count Trees (P-trees) The Peano Count Tree (P-tree) is a tree structure organizing any tabular data set with fixed point numerical values (categorical attributes can be coded to fixed point numeric and floating point attributes can be intervalized using their exponents). Each attribute is split into separate files, one for each bit position. A basic P-tree, Pi, j, is then the P-tree for the jth bit of the ith attribute. Given a fixed point attribute of m bits, there are m basic P-trees, one for each bit position. The complement of a basic P-tree, Pi, j, is a P-tree associated with the column of bit complements, which is denoted as Pi, j ‘. Figure 1 shows an example of basic P-tree construction and its complement. 11 11 11 11 11 11 00 01 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 00 11 11 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 10 00 00 00 00 a) 8x8 bSQ file 36 _________/ / \ \__________ / ___ / \___ \ / / \ \ 16 ___7___ ___13___ 0 / / | \ / | \ \ 2 0 4 1 4 4 1 4 //|\ //|\ //|\ 1100 0010 0001 b) Basic P-tree Figure 1. 28 __________/ / \ \_________ / ___ / \___ \ / / \ \ 0 ___9___ ___3__ 16 / / | \ / | \ \ 2 4 0 3 0 0 3 0 //|\ //|\ //|\ 0011 1101 1110 c) Complement P-tree Example of P-tree Construction In Figure 1, we are assuming the original table is a table where each row is a pixel in an image and each attribute is a reflectance value (e.g., of Red, Green, Blue, etc.) ranging from 0 and 255. The 88 bit array on the left of Figure 1 is some bit of some attribute (a bit-Sequential or bSQ file). We have arranged the bits spatially (rather than as a single column of bits) so that their pixel of origin is clear. The corresponding Peano Count tree (P-tree) showing the hierarchy of quadrant 1-bit counts is given in the middle. The root count is 36, and the counts at the next level, 16, 7, 13, 0, are the 1-bit count for the four major quadrants (in Peano or Z order). Since the first and last quadrant is made up of entirely 1-bits and 0-bits respectively, we do not need sub-trees for these two quadrants. The complement is shown on the right. It provides the 0-bit counts for each quadrant. P-tree ANDing is one of the most important and frequently used algebraic operations on P-trees. The ANDing operation is executed using Peano Mask trees (PM-trees), a lossless, compressed variant of Peano Count trees, which used simple masks instead of root counts at each internal node. In PM-trees, three value logic, i.e., 0, 1, and m (for mixed), is used to represent pure-0, pure-1 and non-pure (or mixed) quadrants, respectively. The bit-wise AND of two bit columns can be done efficiently using PM-tree, as illustrated in Figure 2. m ____/ m / \ \______ / / \ \ / / \ \ 1 m m 1 / / \ \ / / \ \ m 0 1 m 11 m 1 //|\ //|\ //|\ 1110 0010 1101 _____/ / / / / / 1 a). P-tree-1 0 \ \ m ________ / / \ / ____ / / / 1 0 / 1 \______ \ \ \ m / / \ \ 1 1 1 m //|\ 0100 0 b). P-tree-2 Figure 2. \___ \ \ \ m | \ \ 1 m //|\ 1101 \ 0 m //|\ 0100 c). AND-Result P-tree ANDING Operation Figure 2 shows the PM-tree result (on the right) of the ANDing of PM-tree1 (on the left) and PM-tree2 (in the middle). There are several ways to perform P-tree ANDing. The basic way is to perform ANDing level-by-level starting from the root level. The rules are summarized in Table 2. Table 2. P-tree AND rules Operand 1 0 0 Operand 2 0 1 Result 0 0 0 1 1 m m 1 m m 0 1 m 0 if four sub-quadrants result in 0; Otherwise m In Table 2, operand 1 and operand 2 are two P-trees (or sub-trees). ANDing a pure-0 tree with any P-tree results in a pure-0 tree. ANDing a pure-1 tree with any P-tree, P2, results in P2. ANDing two mixed trees results a mixed tree or pure-0 tree. By using P-tree logical AND and complement operations, Hawaiian distance can be computed very quickly. The detailed algorithm for Hawaiian ring based P-tree operations are discussed in the following section. 3. The P-tree Hawaiian Density Based Clustering Algorithm Generally speaking, density based cluster algorithms group the attribute objects into a set of connected dense components separated by regions of low density. A cluster is regarded as a connected dense region of objects, which grows in any direction that density leads. Therefore, density based clusters are capable of discovering arbitrarily shaped clusters and deal well with noise and outliers. The main drawback of existing density based algorithms is slowness and lack of scalability. Typical density based algorithms, such as DBSCAN, OPTICS and DENCLUE, exploit different approaches to improve the speed and scalability. In this paper, we propose a P-tree Hawaiian ring based density clustering algorithm, which we will refer to as PHD-Clustering (P-tree, Hawaiian, Density Clustering). The basic idea is to exploit Hawaiian rings (all points lying between a inner Hawaiian distance threshold and an outer Hawaiian distance threshold from a center point) and P-trees to get the density function in one step. The fast P-tree ANDing operation is used to get density function within any specified Hawaiian ring neighbor. We also adopt a look around pruning method to combine the density calculation and hill climbing. The detailed algorithm is in section 3.1 and 3.2. In section 3.1, we describe calculation of the density function using P-trees and Hawaiian rings. In section 3.2, the algorithm for finding density attractors is discussed. Finally, the efficiency of our algorithm is analyzed in terms of time complexity. 3.1. Calculation of the Density Function Using P-trees and Hawaiian Rings Definition 3.1.1. Hawaiian Ring and Hawaiian Ball The Hawaiian ring of radii, centered at c is defined as R(c, r1, r2) = {x X | r2 dh(c,x) r1}. r1 and r2 , Letting r1 = 0, a Hawaiian Ring becomes a Hawaiian Ball. Definition 3.1.2. Point Sets within Hawaiian Balls (PSHB) Given a Hawaiian ball, R = R(c,0,r), centered at c, if there exists xX such that xR, then return P-tree Pc,r else return the pure0 tree. The size of point set is defined as |PSHB(c,r)| = RootCount(Pc,r). Algorithm 3.1.1. Calculation of PSHB Given a Hawaiian ball R (c, 0, r) centered at c. PSHB or Pc,r is implemented as follows. Operator P-tree, Pci,j, is defined based on b i,j of point c: If b i,j = 1 Pci,j = Pi,j Otherwise = P’i,j P-trees on dimension i ( i = 1, 2, 3, …, n) within Hawaiian ball r are calculated by Pvi,r = Pci,1 & Pci,2 & Pci,3 & … & Pci,r P-trees on all dimensions are calculated by ANDing the value P-trees as Pc,r= Pv1,r & Pv2,r &Pv3,r & … & Pvn,r According to Definition 3.1.2, |PSHB(c,r)| = RootCount (Pc,r). Definition 3.1.3. Point Set within Hawaiian Rings Given a Hawaiian ring R(c, r1, r2) centered at c, point set size in the Hawaiian ring is define as |PSHB(c,r2)| - |PSHB(c,r1)| = RootCount (Pc,r2) RootCount (Pc,r1). Definition 3.1.4. Hawaiian Density Function Given n number of Hawaiian rings centered at c with radius of r1, r2, … rn, Hawaiian Density Function of c is defined as m Dc = w (| PSHB (c, r ) | | PSHB (c, r i i 1 i 1 i ) |) m = w * ( RootCount ( Pc, r ) RootCount ( Pc, r i 1 i i i 1 )) where wi is the weight. Note, we define the Hawaiian density function as the weighted summation of point set size within each consecutive Hawaiian ring. Wi is determined such that the nearby neighbors contribute to the density function more than those far away from the point. Giving more voting weight to closer point sets than distant ones increases clustering accuracy. There are many weighting functions which can be used to adjust the distance, e.g. Gaussian weighting, Kriging and radial basis function weighting, Podium weighting [12], etc. 2 (ri* d) Here we defined wi = ri* , where ri is radius of Hawaiian ring and d is the dimension of the spatial data set. The definition is based on the following analysis. First, since the Hawaiian metric is a bitwise metrics, the spatial radius actually increases exponentially (at the rate of 2 r ) as the Hawaiian radius r increases, i.e. 1, 2, 4, 8 … 2 r. Secondly, data point size increases exponentially as the spatial dimension increases. Suppose there is a data point in each spatial unit. For d-dimensional space with radius 2r, the data set size is (2r)d or 2r*d. For d-dimensional space, the data set within Hawaiian ring R(c, r, r+1) is 2(r+1)*d - 2r*d = 2r*d. If wi is defined as 2r*d, the data set in each Hawaiian ring will make the same contribution to the density function. Since we want closer neighbors to have a greater contribution, we defined w i = ri* 2(ri* d). 3.2. Finding Density Attractors Using Look Around Pruning Technique Now that we know the density of each data point, we need to find the density attractors, i.e., local maxima of the overall density function. The density function based algorithm can be summarized in 2 steps: 1) Get the density function for each point, 2) Get the density attractors. Having a high density doesn’t necessarily make a point a density attractor – it must have the highest density among its neighbors. Instead of using hill climbing techniques as is done in DENCLUE [12], we adopt look around pruning. We first define a neighborhood as a ball of radius . The number, , determines the final number of density attractors. defined a fixed number of Hawaiian rings. It ranges from 0 to the maximal bit length of attributes. After finding density, D x, of a point. x, we compare that density with that of any density attractor within its neighborhood. If it is greater than the density of all its neighbors, it is labeled as the new density attractor, cluster center. The old density attractors are de-labeled and will not be considered as attractors further. For example, suppose QID of data point X is 0.3.2 and D x = 250. The tuple P-tree Px, within neighborhood is shown in Figure 3. We need compare Dx with the neighbor’s density. From the Px,, x has four neighbors with QIDs of 0.0.2, 0.3.1, 2.3.0 and 2.3.3. If densities of these points are respectively 300, 0, 220 and 0, and 0.0.2 and 2.3.0 are labeled as density attractors. By comparing Dx with the maximal density of 0.0.2 and 2.3.0, 250 < max(300, 220), therefore we determine that x is not a density attractor. Otherwise if Dx = 350, 350 > max (300, 220), x is labeled as the new density attractor. The old density attractors 0.0.2 and 2.3.0 are de-labeled and will not be considered later. / 3 / /\ 1 0 //\\ 0010 5 _____ / / \ \______ / \ \ 0 2 0 \ / /\ \ 0 2 0 00 2 //\\ //\\ 0110 1001 Figure 3. Tuple P-tree Within Neighborhood of x After all the data points have gone through the process above, the final density attractors, cluster centers will be determined. The algorithm is summarized in Figure 4. INPUT : PtreeSet Pi,j for bit j and attribute i, neighborhood OUTPUT : Density attractors // Pi,j - PTree for attribute i and bit j; N - # of data points; n - # of attributes; P - Neighborhood ptree // m - maximal bit length of attributes; flag[i] - lable of cluster center of data point i. //w[h] – density weight of Hawaiian ring h BEGIN FOR i=1 to N DO flag[i] 0 P [i] Pure1 PTree, DENS[i] 0, PrevRC 0 FOR j=1 TO n DO FOR h=1 TO m DO GET bjh[i] IF bjh[i]=1 PXjh Pj,h ELSE PXjh P`j,h P [i] P [i] & PXjh w [i] = h * pow (2, h*n) DENS[i] DENS[i]+ w * (RootCount(P [i]- PrevRC); PrevRC RootCount(P [i]); IF h = m - P P [i] IF DENS[i] > The largest of the density within neighborhood , flag[i] 1, clear the flags of its neighborhood points. END Figure 4. PHDClustering Algorithm The look around pruning algorithm is robust, which means the clustering results are independent of training data point order. Suppose there are three points x[1], x[2] and x[3] in the neighborhood . Let Den[1] > Den[2] > Den[3]. There are 6 possible feeding orders of these three data points. The training processes of different feeding orders are shown in Table 3. From the table, the density attractor after step 3 are all x[1]. Therefore our look around pruning algorithm for find density attractors is robust, independent of data feeding order. Table 3 Density Attractor during Training Process For Different Data Feeding Order Feeding Order Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 x[1], x[2], x[3] x[1] x[1] x[1] x[1], x[3], x[2] x[1] x[1] x[1] x[2], x[1], x[3] x[2] x[1] x[1] x[2], x[3], x[1] x[2] x[2] x[1] x[3], x[1], x[2] x[3] x[1] x[1] x[3], x[2], x[1] x[3] x[2] x[1] 3.3. Time Complexity Analysis Let be the fan-out of a P-tree and let n be the number of data points it represents. We first present some Lemmas on P-trees, and then derive the run time complexity O ( n n ) on average. Lemma 3.3.1. The number of level of P-tree k = log() n Proof Sketch: The numbers of nodes in each level of P-trees are: 1, , 2, 3, … k. Obviously the leave level k is n bits long, i.e. k = n. Thus k = log() n. Lemma 3.3.2. Maximum number of nodes in P-tree at the worst case = ( n – 1) / ( – 1) Proof Sketch: without compression, the total number of nodes = 1 + + 2 + 3 + … k-1 = (k – 1) / ( – 1), according to Lemma 3.3.1, k = n, we get = ( n – 1) / ( – 1) Lemma 3.3.3. Total number of nodes in P-tree with compression ratio of (<1) = 1 + (k * n – ) / ( * – 1), where k is the number of levels of P-tree. Proof Sketch: The numbers of nodes in each level of P-trees with compression ratio at level i is i * i-1., where i ranges from 1 to k.. For example, at level 2, there are ( * )* = 2 * nodes. We get the total number of nodes with compression ratio of is = 1 + + 2 * + 3 * 2 + … + k-1 * k-2 = 1 + * (k-1*k-1 – 1) / (* – 1) = 1 + ( k * k – ) / ( * – 1) = 1 + (k * n – ) / ( * – 1) Corollary 3.3.1. When = 0, the total number of nodes in P-tree is 1; when = 1, the total number of nodes in P-tree is (n – ) ( – 1) + 1. We also notice that when = 0.5 and = 4, the total number of nodes in P-tree with compression ratio is = 1 + (4k/2k – 2 *4) / (4 – 2) = 1 + (4k /2 – =1+( Theorem 3.3.1. 8) /2 n - 8 ) /2 Average run time complexity of PHDClustering with compression ratio 0.5 and fan-out of 4 is O (d*n * n ), where d is the number of dimensions. Proof Sketch: P-tree ANDing operation is executed node by node to calculate the density. Each node ANDing is counted as one operation. For n data points in d-dimension, there are d*m basic P-trees, here m is the maximal bit size of each dimension. The total run time to get density P-trees is d*m*n*, where is the total number of nodes of a P-tree. For data sets with fan-out = 4 and average compress rate = 0.5, according to Corollary 3.4.1, the total number of nodes of a P-tree = 1 + ( n - 8) /2. Therefore, the total time to get density for n data points in d-dimension is d*m*n * (1 + ( n - 8) /2). Since we adopt look around pruning technique and only compare previous density attractors, so the run time complexity of finding density attractors can be neglected. Thus, the average time complexity of density based clustering using P-tree with compression ratio 0.5 and fan-out of 4 is O (d*n * n ). 4. Experiment Evaluation Our experiments were implemented in C++ language on a 1GHz Pentium PC machine with 1GB main memory, running on Debian Linux 4.0. The test data includes the aerial TIFF image (with Red, Green and Blue band reflectance values), moisture, and nitrate map of the Oaks area in North Dakota. The data is prepared in five sizes, that is, 128x128, 256x256, 512x512, 1024x1024, 2048x2048. The data sets are available at [4]. We evaluate our proposed P-tree Hawaiian ring based density clustering algorithm, PHDClustering from respect of scalability, quality and parameter sensitivity. In this experiment, we compare our proposed PHDClustering with several Density Function based Clustering method (DFC) using different distance metrics, including Manhattan distance based DFC (DFC-Manhattan), Euclidian distance based DFC (DFC-Euclidian), and Max distance DFC (DFC-Max). The experiment was performed on the five different sizes of data sets. The average CPU run time of 30 runs is shown in Figure 5. Average Run Time (S) DFC-Manhattan DFC-Max DFC-Euclidean PHDCluster 1800 1600 1400 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 0 128x128 256x256 512x512 1024x1024 2048x2048 Data Size (number of tuples) Figure 5. Running Time Comparison of PHDCluster with other Density Clustering using Different metrics From Figure 5, we see that DC-Manhattan is faster than DC-Max and Dc-Euclidan. But PHDCluster method is much faster than all of them on these five data sets. Especially when the data set size increases, the time of PHDCluster method increases at a much lower rate than other methods. The experiment results show that PHDCluster method is more scalable for large spatial data set. 5. Conclusion In this paper, we propose an efficient P-tree Hawaiian density based clustering algorithm (PHDCluster), with average time complexity, O ( dn n ) ), for spatial data sets. PHDCluster exploits a new distance metric, the Hawaiian metric, to calculate density functions using Peano Trees (P-trees). The Hawaiian metric is natural for spatial data and the calculation of Hawaiian metrics using P-tree is extremely fast. Our proposed method has comparable cardinality scalability with other density methods for small and medium size of data, but is shown to be superior regarding dimensional scalability. Our method is particularly useful for data streams. In data streams, such as large sets of transactions, remotely sensed images, multimedia video, etc., new data keeps on arrival continually. Therefore both speed and accuracy are critical issues. Achieving high speed using P-tree, and high accuracy using the weighted Hawaiian metrics provides a density based clustering method that is well suited to the clustering of steam data. Besides spatial data, our method also has potential applications in other areas, such as DNA micro array and medical image analysis. Reference: 1. William Perrizo, Peano Count Tree Technology, Technical Report NDSU-CSOR-TR-01-1, 2001. 2. Maleq Khan, Qin Ding, William Perrizo, k-Nearest Neighbor Classification on Spatial Data Streams Using P-Trees, PAKDD 2002, Spriger-Verlag, LNAI 2336, 2002, pp. 517-528. 3. Alexander Hinneburg, Daniel A. Keim, An Efficient Approach to Clustering in Large Multimedia Databases with Noise, Proc. 4rd Int. Conf. on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, AAAI Press, 1998. 4. 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