CENTRAL & WEST FIFE SHOW SCHEDULE Incorporation of Leslie and Kinglassie Agricultural Society and the Western District of Fife Agricultural Society SATURDAY 6th JUNE 2015 AT HILTON OF BEATH FARM, KELTY, FIFE, KY4 0HF (By kind permission of the Thomson family) ENTERTAINMENT FOR ALL THE FAMILY 9AM - 5PM Adults £8 · OAPs £4 · Children under 14 FREE · FREE PARKING CLOSING DATES FOR ENTRIES Cattle, Clydesdales (NB NEW RIDDEN CLYDESDALE CLASS) Sheep, Goats & Poultry Home Produce Saturday 23rd May 2015 Saturday 23rd May 2015 Enhanced Membership Saturday 30 May 2015 Dogs On showfield Entries for the Vintage parade On showfield Show Secretary: - Ms Sam Roger, 6 Lowry Place, DUNFERMLINE, KY11 2PR Tel:- 01383 413977 Email secretary@westfifeshow.com Entry Secretary: - Mrs P Wilson, Carskerdo Farm Cottage, CUPAR, KY15 5PN Tel:- 07703 535151 Email entries@westfifeshow.com Please refer to the website for any amendments and late notices www.westfifeshow.com 1 PLEASE NOTE Competition in this List of Premiums is restricted to Members of the Society, except for dogs and Home Produce. All stock must be the bona fide property, and have been in actual possession of the Exhibitor before 1st April, 2015. Prize money will be paid on the day to those prize winners whom have paraded. This rule will be strictly adhered to. The Regulations should be read before any entry form is completed and signed. The Society is a Company Limited by Guarantee, Company Number SC 264332. In accordance with regulations laid down, all those entering the Show will qualify as ‘Associate Members’. All Associate Members are entitled to attend the Annual General Meeting of the Society. This will take place on Monday 2nd November 2015 in The Holiday Inn, Dunfermline at 7.30 pm. GENERAL REGULATIONS 1. SUBSCRIPTIONS are payable in advance in January. Members who have not yet paid their Subscriptions of £10.00 are requested to do so to the Society 2. All annual subscriptions and entry money must be paid to the Society before Show Day. Exhibits by anyone failing to make payment as above are disqualified from Competition, and any prize which may be awarded by the Judges to such exhibits will be withheld and be due to the exhibit which the Judges may find next in order of Merit. 3. Competition in this List of Premiums is restricted to Members of the Society, except for DOGS, AND HOME PRODUCE. Crop Competition is confined to Members of the Society in the Central and West Fife District. Entries for the Crop sections are restricted to crops grown on land owned or tenanted by a farmer holding a Department of Agriculture code number, and must be in respect of whole fields or a min of eight acres (three acres in respect of turnips). 4. An ADMISSION PASS to the Showground will be issued for each Member of the Society whose subscription has been paid for the current year. 5. Entries only from BRUCELLOSIS ACCREDITED HERDS in the CATTLE classes (except for bullocks in the 'Any Other Beef' section.) 6. WARBLE FLY ERADICATION. In compliance with a request from the Divisional Veterinary Officer, we cannot accept entries of Warble affected animals. 7. MAEDI VISNA - only fully accredited and non-designated sheep will be allowed to compete. Separate stalling for both will be available. Strict conditions apply to accredited sheep on return from the Show and details thereof may be obtained from Signet Farm Business, PO Box 604 Milton Keynes. SCRAPIE - all females of all breeds entered/exhibited should be empty, should not have lambed within 30 days prior to the Show and not subject to procedures which change the seasonal breeding pattern. 8. Judging of stock commences at 10.00 am (8.30am for Light horses), 9.30am for sheep and Clydesdales) as per the Schedule. Sections being judged simultaneously will not be delayed under any circumstances. 2 9. PARADE OF PRIZE STOCK - all prize cattle and horses in halter are to be paraded at the Show at 2.30 pm. Any case of refusal to parade will be reported to the Committee and the prize money withheld. 10. The Society shall not be liable for any loss or damage which may rise from injury to any exhibit, either during the Show or during transit. 11. The Committee shall decide all questions respecting premiums and other matters connected with the Show, and their decision by the mouth of their Convenor, shall be final and not subject to any review whatever. 12. Stock for special or extra prizes is subject to the same Rules and Conditions as for any other prizes, excepting in this, that where Special Conditions are annexed to a special or extra prize, such special conditions shall prevail over the ordinary Rules and Regulations. 13. Every Lot must be intimated by a Certificate of Entry lodged with the Secretary by the date shown on the front of this leaflet. Printed forms of entry to be had on application to the Secretary. 14. Every Lot must be on the Showground no later than 9.30 am on the day of Show and penned (where pens are provided) and cannot be removed before 4.30 pm. 15. All exhibits shall during the Show be in charge of exhibitors by themselves or Servants and shall be placed in the Showground according to the directions of the Committee. 16. The Premiums awarded will be paid on Show day to all exhibitors who have paraded their stock where applicable (except Crops). 17. No-one will be admitted within the Rings or Pens while exhibits are being judged except where the Judges, Members of the Committee who may be in attendance upon them, Officers of the Society upon necessary business and those in charge of stock. 18. The decision of the Judges shall be final and not subject to review on any grounds whatever. 19. A protest can only be lodged on either or both of the following grounds; i) That the exhibitor is not qualified to compete, or ii) That the exhibitor is excluded by the Conditions or Rules of Competition. 20. Every protest must be made in writing and must be delivered during the Show at the Secretary's Office in the Showground. A deposit of £25 must be lodged with each protest and the Committee shall have power to withhold repayment if any expense has been incurred, or if they consider the protest unnecessary or trivial. 21. On the second Tuesday after the Show, the parties to a protest must be in attendance at the Office of the Secretary of the Society at 7.30 pm with such evidence as to them may seem proper, when the protest will be disposed of by the Committee, whose decisions by the mouth of their Convenor, shall be final, and not subject to any review whatever. 22. In the event of a Prize being awarded to an exhibit, against which or its exhibitor a protest has been lodged and sustained, as provided in Rules 19, 20 and 21, such prize shall be forfeited and shall be due to the exhibit (if any) which the Judges shall have found to be next in order of merit. 23. In no case shall a Premium be awarded unless the Judges shall deem the exhibit of sufficient merit. 24. All Pedigree stock must be entered in their respective Herd Books or the exhibitor must produce a Certificate from the Council of the Society thereof, that his animal is eligible to be entered therein. Stud book numbers for registered Sections must be stated on Entry Forms. 3 25. Breeding stock must not be shown in an improper state of fatness, and the Judges are hereby prohibited from awarding premiums to overfed animals. 26. All cows must have their calves within the year and, when exhibited must either be in milk or calf. Those in milk must be milked during the time of the Show. 27. Bulls of one year old and upwards must be haltered and led. 28. Horses of one year old and upwards must be haltered and led. 29. The ages of all animals must be reckoned from 1st January in the year of birth, except where otherwise stated. OFFICE BEARERS President: The Earl of Elgin & Kincardine, KT Show Secretary: Ms Sam Roger, 6 Lowry Place, Dunfermline Entry Secretary: Mrs Pat Wilson, Carskerdo Farm Cottage, Cupar DIRECTORS Chairman: Mr Ryan Nelson, Blair Mains Farm, Culross Vice-Chairman: Mrs June Geyer, Blairhall Farm, Culross Junior Vice-Chairman: Mr David Laird, Middle Balbeggie Farm, Kirkcaldy Immediate Past Chairman: Mr Douglas Bonn, The Nurseries, Middlebank, Dunfermline Treasurer/Company Secretary: Mr David Walker, CA. Company Office: Thomson Cooper, Carnegie Campus, Dunfermline LIST OF PREMIUMS OVERALL POINTS AWARD Fordell Cup A Points Cup presented by the late The Right Hon The Earl of Buckinghamshire to be held for a year by the Exhibitor gaining the Highest Number of Points in the Cattle, Sheep, Goats and Clydesdale Horse Classes, exclusive of the Open Sections. The Points will be awarded as follows: 1st prize - 4 points; 2nd prize - 3 points; 3rd prize - 2 points. Only Ordinary Classes, the prizes for which are money premiums will count. Should any dispute arise in connection with the awarding of points, the Committee's decision will be final. 4 ROSETTES Society Rosettes will be awarded to the Champion, Reserve Champion and Best Animal (bred by Exhibitor) in each of the breeds in Cattle, Sheep, Goats and Clydesdale Horse Classes. The Royal Highland and Agricultural Society of Scotland have presented a Trophy to be awarded to the Champion of Champion animal selected from the Champions of each of the Dairy, Beef, Sheep, Clydesdale and Goat sections. This animal will lead the Stock Parade followed by its own breed. CKD GALBRAITH HAVE KINDLY SPONSORED THE CHAMPION OF CHAMPIONS SECTION which will be awarded on points by the Judges The overall winner will receive £50 OVERHEAD BEEF JUDGE: Mr Alan Clark, North Garngour, Lesmahagow, Lanark OVERHEAD SHEEP JUDGE: Mr David Lowry, Newsteadings Farm, Cartland, Lanark BEEF CATTLE Royal Bank Cup - the Group Winner of each Beef Section is eligible for this Trophy. Elgin Cup - Challenge Cup presented by the late The Right Hon the Earl of Elgin & Kincardine, and to be held for one year by the Exhibitor of the Most Meritorious Animal competing in the Beef Cattle Class. Special Prize 1 Best Pair Calves bred by Exhibitor in the Beef Classes. £10 to the winner. No entry fee. 5 ABERDEEN ANGUS Judge Entry Fee Prizes Mr John Tilson, Wedderlie, Gordon, Berwickshire £3.00 1st £10.00 2nd £7.00 3rd £5.00 The William Meiklem Cup to be awarded to the Best Animal in the Aberdeen Angus Classes. Perpetual Trophy for Annual Exhibition. Bank of Scotland Cup to be awarded to the Best Animal of Opposite Sex to Champion. Perpetual Trophy for Annual Competition. Aberdeen Angus Cattle Society kindly donates a Championship sash and a rosette for the Champion Aberdeen Angus and a rosette for the best animal bred by exhibitor in the Aberdeen Angus classes. The Society will award a special commemorative medal to the Champion. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Bull born prior to 1st January, 2014 Bull born on or after 1st January, 2014 Cow, in milk or in calf, born before 1st January, 2013 Heifer, born on or after 1st January, 2013 and before 1st January, 2014 Heifer, born on or after 1st January, 2014 Male or female born after 6th June 2013 Calf male or female born after 1st January 2015 Group (1 bull and 2 females) from different classes ANY PURE-BRED EXCLUDING ABERDEEN ANGUS Judge Entry Fee Prizes Mr John Tilson, Wedderlie, Gordon, Berwickshire £3.00 1st £10.00 2nd £7.00 3rd £5.00 The Laird & Smith Trophy to be awarded to the Best Hereford Animal - for Annual Competition. The Merchant and Traders Cup to be awarded to Best Hereford Animal of Opposite Sex to Best Hereford Animal - for Annual Competition. Scottish Hereford Breeders kindly donate a Rosette to be presented to the Champion Pedigree Hereford Animal presented by the Hereford Herd Book Society and the Scottish Hereford Breeders. William Meiklem of Bennochy Cup to be awarded to Best Shorthorn Animal - for annual Competition. 10 11 12 Bull (any age) Bull born after 1st January 2014 Cow or Heifer in calf or with calf at foot 6 13 14 15 Heifer or 2 year old born after 1st January 2013 (if sufficient entries, class will be split) Calf male or female born after 1st January 2015 Group (1 bull and 2 females) from different classes HIGHLAND CATTLE Judge Entry Fee Prizes Mr A Kirkpatrick, Strathmore, Glengarnock, Ayrshire £3.00 1st £10.00 2nd £7.00 3rd £5.00 The AMB Kellock Trophy will be presented to the Champion animal The Highland Cattle Society awards a Champion Rosette for the Breed Champion provided that there is a total number of five Highlanders forward for judging. These classes qualify for the Highland Cattle Society Show Fold Competition Females entered in the appendix register of our Herd Book, either Appendix B or Appendix A are eligible for entry and are identified by the letter “B” or “A” tattooed in the ear or written in water proof ink on an ear tag. 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Senior Bull born before 1st January, 2014 Junior Bull born in 2014 Cow in calf or in milk, born before 1st January, 2012 Heifer born in 2012 Heifer born in 2013 Heifer born in 2014 Calf, male or female, born in 2015, class will be split if sufficient entries Group (1 bull and 2 females) from different classes CONTINENTAL Judge Entry Fee Prizes 1st Mr Robert Aitken, 6 College Terrace, Methven, Perth £3.00 £10.00 2nd £7.00 3rd £5.00 If numbers warrant, classes will be split according to breeds Kirkton of Beath Cup presented by T. Thomson, to be held for one year by the Exhibitor of the Best Animal in the Continental Section. 24 Bull (any age) 25 Junior Bull, born in 2014 26 Cow or Heifer in calf or with calf at foot 27 Heifer 1 year old or over, if sufficient entries class will be split 28 Calf male or female 29 Group (1 bull and 2 females) from different classes 7 BLONDE d’AQUITAINE Judge Entry Fee Prizes Mr Robert Aitken, 6 College Terrace, Methven, Perth £3.00 1st £10.00 2nd £7.00 3rd £5.00 The British Blonde Society awards a Sash to the Champion. All cattle forward should be registered as pedigree with the British Blonde Society. 30 31 32 33 34 35 Bull (any age) Junior Bull, born in 2014 Cow or Heifer in calf or with calf at foot Heifer 1 year old or over, if sufficient entries class will be split Calf male or female Group (1 bull and 2 females) from different classes LIMOUSIN Judge Entry Fee Prizes Mr Robert Aitken, 6 College Terrace, Methven, Perth £3.00 1st £10.00 2nd £7.00 3rd £5.00 Muirhead Trophy to be presented to the best Limousin for annual competition. The British Limousin Cattle Society present rosettes to the Champion and Reserve. Champion Points are awarded at this Show towards the Scottish Limousin Club Exhibitor of the Year 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 Bull born prior to 1st January, 2014 Bull born on or after 1st January 2014 Cow, in milk or in calf born before 1st January 2013 Heifer born on or after 1st January 2008 and before 1st January 2014 Heifer born on or after 1st January 2014 Calf male or female born after 1st June 2014 Calf male or female born after 1st January 2015 Group (1 bull and 2 females) from different classes BELGIAN BLEU Judge Entry Fee Prizes 44 45 46 47 48 49 Mr A MacInnes, 1 Ruaig, Isle of Bute, Argyll & Bute £3.00 1st £10.00 2nd £7.00 3rd £5.00 Bull (any age) Junior Bull, born in 2014 Cow or Heifer in calf or with calf at foot Heifer 1 year old or over, if sufficient entries class will be split Calf male or female Group (1 bull and 2 females) from different classes 8 SIMMENTAL Judge Entry Fee Prizes Mr David Lowry, Newsteadings Farm, Cartland, Lanark £3.00 1st £10.00 2nd £7.00 3rd £5.00 The Greencap Trophy, Kindly presented by the Inglis family to be awarded to the Champion animal in the Simmental Section. The British Simmental Society award rosettes for Champion and Reserve Champion 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 Bull born before 1 June 2013 Bull born between 1 June 2010 and 31 May 2014 Bull calf born between 1 June 2013 and 31 December 2014 Cow in milk or in calf Heifer born on or after 1 June 2010 in calf or eild Heifer born between 1 June 2010 and 31 May 2014 Heifer calf born between 1 June 2011 and 31 December 2014 Calf born on or after 21 January 2015 Group of 3 animals (1 male and 2 females) included in separate classes, the property of the same exhibitor ANY OTHER BEEF BREED – including unregistered pure bred Judge Entry Fee Prizes Mr D Templeton, Blairsgreen Farm, Saline, Fife £3.00 1st £10.00 2nd £7.00 3rd £5.00 Please note: Entries in other sections not eligible. Mineral Supplements Cup to be awarded to the best animal in the fat cattle classes, for Annual Competition. The Representatives of the late JG Cunningham Challenge Cup to be awarded to the best pen of two prime cattle. Perpetual Trophy for annual competition. 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 2 bullocks 2 heifers 1 bullock (any breed) 1 heifer (any breed) Cross suckling cow with calf at foot Suckling calf, born after 1st January, 2015. Entries in other classes not eligible, except pairs. Cross Heifer suitable to make a suckling cow. Entries in other classes not eligible The undernoted class is confined to exhibitors within the Central and West Fife area. Single prime animal, heifer or steer. 9 DAIRY CATTLE Judge Entry Fee Prizes Mr Andrew Lawrie, Grangehall, Pettinain, Lanark £3.00 1st £10.00 2nd £7.00 3rd £5.00 HOLSTEIN (including British Friesian Breeders) Bruce Cup - Dairy Cattle Challenge Cup, presented by The Right Hon. The Earl of Elgin & Kincardine. To be held for one year by the Exhibitor of the Best Dairy Animal Dick Cup kindly presented by the late William Dick, Transylaw, Dunfermline to be held for one year by the Exhibitor of the Best British Friesian. The 'Chalmers' Trophy kindly presented by the Late Andrew Chalmers, to be awarded to the Best Female Animal in the Holstein Friesian Classes, bred by Exhibitor. Won outright by R.E McKendrick, Cameron, Windygates and re-presented by him. Coronation Trophy to be awarded in the Best Progeny Group in the Holstein Classes bred by exhibitor. The John McNab Trophy will be presented to the exhibitor with the most points in the Production and Inspection class (class 70). This trophy can only be won once by the same animal. The Aird Trophy originally presented to the best pair of Friesian calves, draff fed, and re-presented to the highest placed Young Handler 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 Calf born after 1 January 2015 Heifer born since 1 January 2014 Heifer in calf Cow in calf Heifer in milk Junior Cow in milk (2nd or 3rd calf) Senior Cow in milk (4 calves upwards) Pair of Cows Progeny Group - 3 or more by one Sire Production - For a 305 day lactation, every 3kgs combined weight of BF and Protein equals one point. Milk Record Certificates should be given to the steward on the morning of the Show indicating the relevant lactation number to be judged. Inspection - Points up to a maximum of 100 will be allocated by the judge. 76 Production & Inspection, animal to be bred by exhibitor Entries for the following classes (class 77 and 78) are confined to exhibitors within the Central & West Fife area, and will exclude cattle shown in any other class 77 Heifer, in milk or in calf 78 Cow, in milk or in calf 10 ANY OTHER DAIRY BREED Judge Entry Fee Prizes 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 Mr Andrew Lawrie, Grangehall, Pettinain, Lanark £3.00 1st £10.00 2nd £7.00 3rd £5.00 Calf born after 1 January 2015 Heifer born since 1 January 2014 Heifer in calf Cow in calf Heifer in milk Junior Cow in milk (2nd or 3rd calf) Senior Cow in milk (4 calves upwards) Pair of Cows Progeny Group - 3 or more by one Sire SPECIAL CALF CLASS SPONSORED BY GEA DAIRYFLOW Judge Mr Andrew Lawrie, Grangehall, Pettinain, Lanark No Entry Fee Prizes 1st £50.00 2nd £10.00 3rd £10.00 th th 4 £10.00 5 £10.00 6th £10.00 88 Special Young Handler class open to Dairy and Beef Calves born after 1 st January 2015, with handler under the age of 16 on the day of the Show 11 THE AIRVOLUTION ENERGY CYDESDALE IN HAND AND RIDDEN SECTIONS Judge Entry Fee Prizes Captain James Anderson, West Glen Farm, Kilmalcolm £3.00 1st £10.00 2nd £7.00 3rd £5.00 Championship. Airvolution Energy has kindly offered £50 prizes to the Champion of the following sections:– Overall Clydesdale, Turnout (from classes 98 and 99) and Ridden Stewart Cup kindly presented by the late H.R. Stewart of Keavil, to be held for a year by the Exhibitor gaining the highest number of points in the Clydesdale Horse classes. The points to be awarded as follows: 1st - 3 points; 2nd - 2 points; 3rd - 1 point. Elgin Cup kindly presented by the late Right Hon. The Earl of Elgin & Kincardine for the best Clydesdale in the Show. The Greenhill Cup kindly presented by T & D Greenhill, Fordelhill, Leuchars. This cup shall be awarded to the breeder and exhibitor of the best Clydesdale (male or female) bred by exhibitor. The Cup can only be won outright if won on three occasions not necessarily in succession and by a different animal in each attempt. Silver Salver - this trophy, which has been kindly donated by the Scottish Central Horse Breeding Society, shall be awarded to the breeder and exhibitor of the best Clydesdale, three years and under, to be held for one year by the winner. Meiklem Cup kindly presented by the late Wm. Meiklem, Kirkcaldy for best Clydesdale foal. To be held for one year by the winner. The John Reid of Dunduff Cup kindly presented by the late John Reid of Dunduff, originally for the best animal in the Agricultural Horse classes and now to be awarded to the overall winner of classes 98 and 99 Clydesdale Horse Society Shield - A Shield (supplied and engraved by CHS) will be awarded to the best yearling or two-year-old colt or filly, registered or eligible for registration with the Society, not having won a Shield before in its lifetime. The exhibitor must be a current member of The Society Ferguson Rose Bowl presented by Alastair B Ferguson in 1966and to be awarded to the Exhibitor gaining most points for grooming, harness and decoration (Class 97) 12 PLEASE NOTE – Clydesdale judging will commence at 9.30 am 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 Gelding (3 year old and upwards) Brood mare, foaled or to foal this season Yeld mare (3 years old and upwards) Foal (name of Sire to be stated) Filly, 1 year old and 2 year old Colt or Gelding, 1 year old and 2 year old Clydesdale (male or female) bred by exhibitor Clydesdale and 2 of her offspring not to exceed 3.5 years of age Best harness, grooming and decoration - Grooms retainer £10.00 Heavy Horse Turnouts, singles Heavy Horse Turnouts, pairs 100 Young Handlers. An engraved medal is presented by The Clydesdale Horse Society to the best young handler aged 12 to 16 on the day of the show who has not already qualified in 2015. The capabilities of the handler are to be assessed, not the animal being led. The qualifier will be eligible to compete in the final at The Royal Highland Show in 2016. The Young Handler Scheme and The Young Handler Final are generously sponsored by the James Bennett Fund The Clydesdale Horse Society awards Rosettes to all entrants in this class. 101 RIDDEN SECTION Judge Mrs Chris MacMillan, Haugh Farmhouse, Newbridge CLYDESDALE ridden Pure Bred Mare or Gelding, three years old or over. The judge will ride the horses. Spurs are not permitted This class is a qualifier for the Blair Castle Ridden Clydesdale Championships to be held at the FEI European Eventing Championships, Blair Castle on Sunday 13th September 2015. The first two in each class will qualify. Qualification may go to fourth place if horses placed 1st and 2nd have already qualified. Registered Clydesdales and those eligible for registration may qualify and enter for the Championship. The Harry K. Brown Cup will be awarded to the Champion of Class 101 SHEEP The Earl of Rothes Cup presented for most points in the Sheep Section. To be held for one year. 1st - 3 points; 2nd - 2 points; 3rd - 1 point. William Allan Perpetual Challenge Salver presented for overall Champion Sheep presented by G & D Allan, Castlandhill, Rosyth, Dunfermline 13 BLACKFACE SHEEP Judge Entry Fee Prizes Mr John Dykes, Slipperfield Farm, West Linton, Peebleshire £3.00 1st £10.00 2nd £7.00 3rd £5.00 The Members and Friends Trophy to be awarded for the Best Blackface Sheep. Perpetual Trophy for Annual Competition. The Blackface Sheep Breeders Association kindly donates a rosette to be presented to the Champion in this section. 102 103 104 105 106 107 Ram Ram lamb Ewe (must be nursing or have nursed a lamb this year) Gimmer Ewe lamb Pen of three (tup, shearling or over, ewe and gimmer) BLUE FACED LEICESTER Judge Entry Fee Prizes Mr John Dykes, Slipperfield Farm, West Linton, Peebleshire £3.00 1st £10.00 2nd £7.00 3rd £5.00 Robertson Cup presented by the late W.B. Robertson, Colton, Dunfermline to be held for a year by the Exhibitor of the Most Meritorious Exhibit in any of the Blue Faced Leicester sections for sheep. Blue faced Leicester Sheep Breeders Association kindly offers a Special Rosette for the Overall Champion. 108 109 110 111 112 113 Ram Ram Lamb Ewe (must be nursing or have nursed a lamb this year) Gimmer Ewe Lamb Pen of Three (one male and two females), bred by Exhibitor 14 SUFFOLK Judge Entry Fee Prizes Mr M Stewart, Brotherstone, Melrose, Roxburghshire £3.00 1st £10.00 2nd £7.00 3rd £5.00 The Hugh Elder & Son Ltd Trophy presented for the most meritorious Exhibit in the Suffolk sections. Perpetual Trophy for Annual Competition. The Chapman & Frearson Quaich presented for the best opposite sex to Champion. The Russell Cup to be awarded in the Suffolk Sheep section for the Best Pen of Three sheep of the Suffolk breed. One male and two females bred by Exhibitor. Donors Sir David Russell LLD and David FO Russell MC. Perpetual Trophy for Annual Competition. Suffolk Sheep Society kindly offers a Special Rosette for the Best Exhibit Tayside Suffolk Breeders Club kindly offers 1st, 2nd & 3rd place Rosettes for Class 120. (Entrants need to be members of the Club to receive a rosette but not members to enter the class) 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 Senior Ram Ram lamb Ewe (must have nursed her lamb this year) Gimmer Ewe lamb Pair of ewe lambs Pair of untrimmed lambs of either sex or one of each (not to have been shown in any other class) bred by Exhibitor Pen of three (one male and two females) bred by Exhibitor TEXEL Judge Entry Fee Prizes Mr Alan Clark, North Garngour, Lesmahagow, Lanark £3.00 1st £10.00 2nd £7.00 3rd £5.00 TSB Scotland Challenge Trophy for best Texel The Lindifferon Trophy will be presented to the Best Texel Bred by Exhibitor. The Texel Sheep Society Ltd kindly offers a special rosette for the Champion and Reserve Champion. 15 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 Senior Ram Shearling Ram Tup lamb Ewe (must have nursed a lamb this year) Gimmer Ewe lamb Pen of three (one male & two females), bred by Exhibitor ZWARTBLES Judge Entry Fee Prizes 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 Mr Colin Rae, 9 Rokele Drive, Collin, Dumfries £3.00 1st £10.00 2nd £7.00 3rd £5.00 Senior Ram Shearling Ram Tup lamb Ewe (must have nursed a lamb this year) Gimmer Ewe lamb Pen of three (one male & two females), bred by Exhibitor SHETLANDS Judge Mr Alan Hill, c/o Cedar Lodge, Ewingston Farm, Humbie Entry Fee Prizes £3.00 1st £10.00 2nd £7.00 3rd £5.00 The Rench Cup kindly donated by T A Findlay for the Overall Champion Shetland The Fieldview trophy kindly donated by J & D Brunton for the Best Opposite Colour to the Champion Whites 136 Ram 137 Shearling Ram 138 Ram Lamb 139 Ewe (must have nursed a lamb this year) 140 Ewe lamb 141 Gimmer 142 Pen of three (one male & two females), bred by Exhibitor Coloureds 143 Ram 144 Shearling Ram 145 Ram Lamb 146 Ewe, (must have nursed a lamb this year) 147 Ewe Lamb 148 Gimmer 149 Pen of three (one male & two females), bred by Exhibitor 16 CROSS OR HALF-BRED Judge Entry Fee Prizes 150 151 Mr M Stewart, Brotherstone, Melrose, Roxburghshire £3.00 1st £10.00 2nd £7.00 3rd £5.00 Gimmer Ewe (must have nursed a lamb this year) ANY OTHER SHEEP BREED Judge Entry Fee Prizes 152 153 154 155 156 157 Mr M Stewart, Brotherstone, Melrose, Roxburghshire £3.00 1st £10.00 2nd £7.00 3rd £5.00 Ram any age Ram lamb Ewe (must be nursing or have nursed a lamb this year) Gimmer Ewe Lamb Pen of Three (one male and two females), bred by Exhibitor LAMBS Judge Entry Fee Prizes 158 159 160 Mr Alan Clark, North Garngour, Lesmahagow, Lanark £3.00 1st £10.00 2nd £7.00 3rd £5.00 Three prime lambs by a native sire Three prime lambs by a continental sire One prime lamb (excluding lambs already shown in any other classes) The undernoted class is confined to exhibitors within the Central and West Fife area. 161 Three prime lambs 17 SHEEP YOUNG HANDLERS SPONSORED BY NFU MUTUAL, CUPAR Judge Mr Alan Clark, North Garngour, Lesmahagow, Lanark No Entry fee Prizes 1st £10.00 2nd £7.00 3rd £5.00 National Sheep Association will present a rosette to the winner of this class 162 The sheep handler must not have attained their 16th birthday on the day of the Show. They will be judged on their showing ability of a lamb from any breed of sheep. GOATS Judge Entry Fee Prizes Mrs A Dick, Rowanmyle House, Tarbolton, Ayrshire 3.00 1st £10.00 2nd £7.00 3rd £5.00 Silcock Cup to best exhibit, for annual competition Becky Memorial Trophy for best milker presented by Mrs P Jones for annual Competition. Avonvale Shield for best goatling Lovels Glen Cup for best kid Bernard Tankard for an animal belonging to an exhibitor not previously placed in the first three. Kindly presented by Mrs M. Bernard. Pitlochie Rosettes for reserve-best milker, reserve-best goatling, reserve best-kid Scottish Goat keepers Federation Rosette for best goatling Highland Goat Club Rosette for best kid Forth and Tay Goat keepers Rosette for best exhibit belonging to member of their Club Ladeside Special Rosette for best Anglo Nubian 18 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 White goat having borne a kid Coloured goat having borne a kid Anglo-Nubian goat having borne a kid White goatling age 12 months and under 2 years not having borne a kid Coloured goatling age 12 months and under 2 years not having borne a kid Anglo-Nubian goatling age 12 months and under 2 years not having borne a kid White female kid - over one month and under 12 months Coloured female kid - over one month and under 12 months Anglo-Nubian female kid – over one month and under 12 months Please state date of birth and breed type on Entry form. Please state number of pens required Please state if goats are CAE negative, certificates will be required at Show prior to unloading. INGLIS VETS DOG SHOW Companion Dog Show held under Kennel Club Rules and Regulations Judge Carol MacKenzie, 9 Mount Melville Crescent, Strathkinness, Fife Entry Fee £1.00 Trophy for best dog in Show Classes 210 - 218 are for Pedigree Dogs Only Breed Classes 210 Any Variety Puppy (6-12 months old) 211 Any Variety Veteran (over 7 years old) 212 Any Variety Toy 213 Any Variety Utility 214 Any Variety Pastoral 215 Any Variety Working 216 Any Variety Hound 217 Any Variety Terrier 218 Any Variety Gundog 19 1st – 4th rosettes 1st – 4th rosettes 1st - 4th rosettes 1st - 4th rosettes 1st - 4th rosettes 1st - 4th rosettes 1st – 4th rosettes 1st – 4th rosettes 1st – 4th rosettes Best in Show & Reserve Best in Show to be awarded to unbeaten dogs from the above classes. Novelty Classes (all dogs) 219 Large Dog in best condition – dogs (cross breeds only) 220 Large Dog in best condition – bitches (cross breeds only) 221 Small Dog in best condition – dogs (cross breeds only) 222 Small Dog in best condition – bitches (cross breeds only) 223 Dog with waggiest tail (all dogs) 224 Dog with saddest eyes (all dogs) 225 Dog the Judge would most like to take home (all dogs) 226 Best Six Legs (all dogs) 227 Best Trick (all dogs) Special Best in Show to be any dog which has one a first prize in any of the Novelty Classes. The above sections are by permission of the Scottish Kennel Club subject to Kennel Club rules F (4). Dogs competing do not require to be registered at the Kennel Club, but entries are only accepted on condition that each exhibitor agrees to exhibit under the regulations of the Scottish Kennel Club for companion dog shows. ● ● ● ● Dogs should be kept on leads for the duration of the Show. It is your responsibility to clear up any mess your dog makes in or around the Showground. Entries taken on field from 1.30 pm and prior to each class. Judging commences at 2.00pm. POULTRY Judge Entry Fee Prizes Mr A Robertson, 1 Loanknowe Cottage, Eccles, Kelso £1.00 per bird plus £1.00 day membership per exhibitor £5.00 to best in each section £10.00 for Champion £5.00 to best Native Breed Mr J Webster has kindly donated the Blairmill Quaich to be presented to the Champion Bird Mr A Cumming has kindly donated the Duncrieve Trophy The High-Flyer Cup will be awarded to the Best Opposite Sex to the Champion. This Cup was kindly donated by William Watt. ASDA have kindly presented a Trophy to be awarded to the best True Bantam in Show this year. Society Prize Cards will be presented to 1st, 2nd and 3rd winners in each class Society Rosettes will be presented to the Champion and Reserve Champion 20 Please note: No feeding allowed in pens until after judging WATERFOWL 300 Goose or Gander 301 Aylesbury Duck or Drake 302 Rouen Duck or Drake 303 Indian Runner Duck or Drake 304 Call Duck or Drake 305 A.O.V. Duck 306 A.O.V. Drake LARGE FOWL 307 O.E.G. Male or Female 308 Leghorn Male or Female 309 R.I.R. Male or Female 310 Sussex Male or Female 311 Wyandotte Male or Female 312 Orpington Male or Female 313 Silkie Male or Female 314 Scots Grey Male or Female 315 Dumpy Male or Female 316 A.O.V. Male Soft Feather 317 A.O.V. Female Soft Feather RARE BREEDS 318 Male or Female BANTAMS - HARD FEATHER 319 O.E.G. Spangle Male 320 O.E.G. Spangle Female 321 O.E.G. Black Red Male 322 O.E.G. Clay or Wheaten Female 323 O.E.G. Black or Blue Male 324 O.E.G. Black or Blue Female 325 O.E.G. A.O.C. Male 326 O.E.G. A.O.C. Female 327 Modern Game Male 328 Modern Game Female 329 Young Fanciers Hard Feather Male or Female BANTAMS - SOFT FEATHER 330 Ancona Male or Female 331 Australorp Male 332 Australorp Female 333 Hamburgh Pencilled Male or Female 334 Leghorn Bantam Male 335 Leghorn Bantam Female 336 Minorca Bantam Male or Female 337 Scots Grey Male 338 Scots Grey Female 21 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 Dumpy Male or Female White Wyandotte Male or Female Wyandotte A.O.C. Male Wyandotte A.O.C. Female R.I.R. Male R.I.R. Female Welsummer Male Welsummer Female Sussex Male Sussex Female Silkie Bantam Male Silkie Bantam Female Plymouth Rock A.C. Male Plymouth Rock A.C. Female German Langshan Male German Langshan Female A.O.V. Soft Feather Male A.O.V. Soft Feather Female Young Fanciers Soft Feather Bantam Male or Female Maran Male Maran Female TRUE BANTAMS 360 Belgian Male 361 Belgian Female 362 Rosecomb Male 363 Rosecomb Female 364 A.O.V. True Bantam Male 365 A.O.V. True Bantam Female 366 Pekin Male 367 Pekin Female 368 Dutch Male 369 Dutch Female EGGS Entry Fee Prizes 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 £0.50 per class £5.00 Champion egg Three bantam’s fresh eggs – white Three bantam’s fresh eggs – any other colour Three hen’s fresh eggs – white Three hen’s fresh eggs – any other colour Three duck’s fresh eggs – any colour One bantam fresh egg – white One bantam fresh egg – any other colour One hen fresh egg – white One hen fresh egg – any other colour One duck fresh egg – any colour 22 LONG SERVICE AWARDS The Royal Highland and Agricultural Society of Scotland Long Service Awards to Farm Workers may be presented at the Show in the Main Ring. Application forms for Medals and Certificates for service of more than 30 years can be arranged with our Secretary or from the RHASS website https://rhass.org.uk/awards-and-grants/ TRADE STAND COMPETITION Judge Mr E McFarlane, Balnacraig, Main Street, Saline Supreme Trade Stand (judged between large and small stands). The Jimmy Ross Trophy will be awarded to the overall winner. 23 CROP COMPETITION 1. Entries confined to growers within the Central and West Fife Area. 2. Trophies are awarded to the winner of the sections listed below: Hamlyn Angus Milling Co. Salver Foster’s Lager Shield CSC Crop Care Quaich Kildean Salver Alexander Inglis & Son Ltd Cup Lothian Barley Rose Bowl AF Silage Shield ECV Nutrition Cup Rosebine Cup Winter Barley Spring Barley Winter Wheat Fodder Crop Oilseed Rape Oats Pit Silage Bale Silage most points in two sections of the combinable crops 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 Winter Wheat (Feed) Winter Wheat (Milling) Winter Barley Spring Barley Winter Oats Spring Oats Winter Oilseed Rape Spring Oilseed Rape minimum of 8 acres minimum of 8 acres, entries in 230 not eligible minimum of 8 acres minimum of 8 acres minimum of 8 acres minimum of 8 acres minimum of 8 acres minimum of 8 acres 238 239 240 241 Fodder Pit Silage Bale Silage Spring Beans minimum of 3 acres 24 ARE YOU INTERESTED IN BECOMING A CENTRAL & WEST FIFE AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY ENHANCED MEMBER? The benefits of Enhanced Membership are: Free Show Entry for member and guest Free Lunch in the Members Marquee and option to buy lunch for a guest Free Show Catalogue Forward Parking Free Entry to Members Ringside Marquee Free entry (one) to crop, stock or horse competitions Name ___________________________________________________________ Address _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ Postcode ____________________ Email address_______________________ Telephone/Mobile ________________________________________________ I enclose £25.00, being my Enhanced subscription to the Society for one year. Signature _______________________________________________________ Date ___________________________________________________________ Please return completed form and your fee to the Show Secretary:Ms Sam Roger, 6 Lowry Place, DUNFERMLINE, KY11 2PR Closing Date – Saturday 30 May 2015 BACS PAYMENTS:BANK SORT CODE: ACCOUNT NUMBER: - Bank of Scotland 80-06-55 06011668 Please accompany this with an email to secretary@westfifeshow.com If you require a receipt please send a stamp addressed envelope. Thank you 25 CENTRAL & WEST FIFE AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY YOUNG FARMERS SUB-COMMITTEE HOME PRODUCE This is an Open Competition for All – not just Young Farmers Judges: Entry Fee: Prizes: Mrs Margaret Nelson and Mrs Mary Wilson £2.00 per competitor To be announced 1. Western District of Fife Agricultural Society Challenge Cup presented by William Mungall of Transy. Presented to person gaining most points in baking overall, not necessarily a member. 2. Small Cup YFC Junior Baking & Handicrafts presented to under 21 member of West Fife YFC gaining most points 3. Rose Bowl Leslie & Kinglassie Agricultural Society donated by the Late Andrew Chalmers. Presented to over 21 member of West Fife YFC gaining most points. 4. Thirteen years old and under: Rosettes will be given from 1st to 6th Open es 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Jar of Lemon Curd Individual Quiche Lorraine 3 x Cheese Scones 3 x Empire Biscuits 3 x Squared Pieces of Tray bake Wedge of Carrot Cake 3 x Squares of Tablet Cake (Decoration Only) - Carnival Theme Floral Arrangement (Fresh Flowers) incorporating a sports item Sewn Soft Toy Thirteen Years Old and Under Section 1. Decorated Cupcake - Decoration Only 2. 3 x Pieces of Uncooked Tray bake 3. Floral Arrangement (fresh flowers) in a Jam Jar 4. Poster A4 - Advertising the show 1. All baking entries to be presented on a doyley or paper plate provided by the exhibitor. 2. Competitors can only enter one exhibit per . 3. Exhibits should be set up in the Young Farmers' Tent on the Show field by 10.30am and ready for judging at 11.00am prompt. They should not be removed until 3.00pm in order that spectators can view exhibits. 4. This competition is open to everyone – not just Young Farmers. 5. Please fill in the form on next page and return it along with your payment to the address given by Saturday 23rd May 2015, cheques payable to “West Fife YFC”. 6. Anyone with any queries in the meantime should contact the Club by email westfifeyfc@hotmail.co.uk 26 CENTRAL & WEST FIFE AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY YOUNG FARMERS SUB-COMMITTEE HOME PRODUCE Entry Form Name Address ............................................................................................................................ .......................................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................................................... Post Code........................................... Tel No ................................................................. Signed ....................................................... Date ..................................................... Email for confirmation of entries ..................................................................................... Please complete and return this form it along with your payment to the address given below by Saturday 23rd May 2015, cheques payable to “West Fife YFC”. Entry Fee: £2.00 per competitor Lucy Mitchell, Newbigging Farm House, Burntisland, Fife, KY3 0AQ 27 CENTRAL & WEST AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY Incorporation of Leslie and Kinglassie Agricultural Society and the Western District of Fife Agricultural Society ANNUAL SHOW First Saturday in June AT HILTON OF BEATH FARM KELTY FIFE KY4 0HF (By kind permission of the Thomson family) Show Secretary: - Ms Sam Roger, 6 Lowry Place, DUNFERMLINE, KY11 2PR Tel:- 01383 413977 Email secretary@westfifeshow.com Please refer to the website for any amendments and late notices www.westfifeshow.com 28