YEAR 2 Progress Report Modeling, Assimilating and Predicting Physical-Biological Climate Variations of the California Current System Grant Award NNG05GC98G A proposal funded by: Modeling, Analysis and Prediction (MAP) Climate Variability and Change NNH04ZYS008N Office of Earth Sciences National Aeronautics and Space Administration Washington, DC 20546 Principal Investigator: Emanuele Di Lorenzo, Assistant Professor School of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences Georgia Institute of Technology Atlanta, GA, 30332-0340, (858) 534-6397 Co-Investigators: Arthur J. Miller, Research Oceanographer Climate Research Division Scripps Institution of Oceanography, UCSD La Jolla, CA 92093-0224, (858) 534-8033 John R. Moisan, Oceanographer NASA/GSFC Wallops Flight Facility Wallops Island, VA 23337, (757) 824-1312 Goals of the project The focus of this project is to use remotely sensed data (AVHRR / MODIS SST, TOPEX / ERS-1 altimetry, QuikSCAT / SeaWinds wind fields, and CZCS / SeaWiFS / MODIS ocean color) in conjunction with in situ CalCOFI data (temperature, salinity, currents, nitrate, chlorophyll-a, bulk zooplankton) to quantify, diagnose and predict the scales and processes of physical and biogeochemical variability. Specifically, we are producing a time-dependent picture of the physical and biogeochemical dynamics during the period 1950-present using individual CalCOFI cruise observations and associated satellite data combined with the Regional Ocean Modeling System (ROMS). Among the Key ESE Research Questions to be addressed here are: How is the ocean circulation varying on interannual and decadal timescales? How can predictions of climate variability and change be improved? How well can transient climate variations be understood and predicted? How well can long-term climatic trends be assessed or predicted? The technical goals include improving the data assimilation techniques, biological models and dynamical interpretation of ROMS, which is being used by NASA scientists at JPL in ocean modeling applications. Progress on proposal tasks: During year two we have continued to make progress on the following three tasks: (1) perform an ensemble of ocean forward model hindcasts of the physics and biology in the northeast Pacific from 1950-2005, (2) develop and test the data assimilation framework for the California Current System (CCS) and (3) re-process and analyze the CalCOFI hydrography from 1950-2005 in preparation of the assimilation. We report each task separately. Motivated by the findings of the first year and second year, we have begun to conduct research that links decadal variations in the California Current with the entire North Pacific, including the Kuroshio-Oyashio Externsion region and the tropics. In doing so we have proposed new hypotheses to explain the dynamics of decadal variability in the Pacific Ocean and how these may be instrumental in linking ecosystems fluctuations across the basin. These additional findings, which extend beyond the original scope of the proposal are discussed in section 4. Publications supported from this grant are highlighted in blue when cited in the text. All figures are appended at the end of the text. 1. Northeast Pacific physical and biological hindcasts from 19502005 Our first task was to use long-term model integrations in the northeast Pacific region to investigate the dynamics controlling decadal variations in ocean tracers (e.g. salinity, nutrients). Using the high-resolution (9km, 15km) ocean model ensembles (Figure 1 shows the spatial domain) we have made further progress in understanding the dynamics underlying the North Pacific Gyre Oscillation (NPGO), which we had reported last year [Di Lorenzo et al., 2008a]. The NPGO emerges as the 2nd dominant mode of sea surface height variability (2nd EOF SSH) in the Northeast Pacific in both model and satellite. NPGO is significantly correlated with previously unexplained fluctuations of salinity, nutrients and chlorophyll-a measured in long-term observations in the California Current (CalCOFI). We use the term NPGO because its fluctuations reflect changes in the intensity of the central and eastern branches of the North Pacific gyre circulations as evident from the NPGO SSHa anomalies. Further analyses have revealed that NPGO also explains salinity and nutrient fluctuations recorded in the Gulf of Alaska (Line P) and at the Hawaii station (Figure 1) [Di Lorenzo et al., 2008b, in prep.]. The NPGO thus provides a strong indicator of fluctuations in the mechanisms driving physical and ecosystem dynamics. A more detail analysis of the oceanic budget associated with the surface expression of the NPGO and the Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO) was performed during year 2 [Chhak et al., 2008] and revealed how the oceanic patterns typical of these modes are shaped by anomalies in the surface wind-driven currents that display the mean tracer gradients. In this study we also isolate the atmospheric forcing of the NPGO, which is directly related to a well know pattern of sea level pressure variability termed the North Pacific Oscillation [Walker and Bliss, 1932]. The combined action of the atmospheric forcing of the PDO and NPGO contribute to modulations in the upwelling cell along the entire North Pacific eastern boundary (see next section). 1.1 Changes in upwelling and ecosystem along the North Pacific eastern boundary A parallel task of this proposal was to diagnose how the eddy field and upwelling system respond to decadal and interannual changes in the forcing. To this end we have completed a systematic analysis of how the North Pacific eastern boundary upwelling cell changes during different phases of the PDO and NPGO mode. Using the ROMS adjoint model in combination with a passive tracer we conducted inverse calculations to track decadal changes in the depth of the upwelling cell [Chhak and Di Lorenzo., 2007]. We find that decadal changes in upwelling along the CCS are not uniform in space and reflect forcing associated with the different large-scale climate modes. While the upwelling cells north of 38°N reflect PDO variability, the cells south of 38°N are controlled by changes in wind stresses associated with the NPGO [Di Lorenzo et al., 2008a](Figure 2). These findings are relevant in light of the recent evidence that links changes in upwelling in the California Current with the occurrence of different regimes in the sardine/anchovies [Rykaczewski and Checkley, 2008]. Motivated by the findings in the CCS we also concluded passive tracer experiments in the Gulf of Alaska to show how changes in the eddy statistics affect the offshore transport iron-rich coastal water, which are critical for explaining the ecosystem in the Alaskan gyre. The findings of these experiment show that predominant downwelling conditions associated with the positive phase of the PDO drive a stronger eddy field and stronger offshore transport [Combes and Di Lorenzo, 2008](Figure 3). 1.2 Large-scale structure and dynamics of the NPGO in the Pacific Using satellite data of SSH we have begun investigating the large-scale structure of the NPGO. We find that the NPGO pattern extends beyond the North Pacific and is part of a global-scale mode of climate variability that is evident in global sea level trends and sea surface temperature [Di Lorenzo et al., 2008a] (Figure 4). The sea surface temperature (SST) footprint reveals an equatorially symmetric structure and ENSO-like shape suggesting that coupled tropical dynamics are involved in the dynamics of the NPGO. For year 2008 we plan to further explore the dynamics underlying these structures using the outputs of the Earth Simulator Global Eddy resolving model hindcast from 1950 to present (OFES model), the NASA GISS coupled model and of the GFDL coupled climate model. 1.3 NPGO links decadal variations in the California Current with the Kuroshio-Oyashio Extension The NPGO is locally forced by surface wind variability associated with the North Pacific Oscillation (NPO) (Figure 5), which is a fluctuation in sea level pressure characterized by high pressure over Hawaii and low pressure in the Gulf of Alaska [Walker and Bliss, 1932]. Therefore the NPGO is the oceanic expression of the NPO. We find that the oceanic sea level anomalies forced by the NPO trigger an oceanic adjustment with radiation of westward propagating Rossby wave signals that reach the North Pacific western boundary and modulate decadal variations in the KOE (Figure 5). Although the role of Rossby waves in modulating decadal variations in the KOE has been noted before (Qiu et al., 2005; Miller et al., 2000; Taguchi et al. 2007), the link between the eastern and western boundary was not established. Therefore the NPGO provides an important link between prominent decadal variations in the eastern and western boundaries. We are in the process of submitting a manuscript [Di Lorenzo et al., 2008c, in prep.] that shows how decadal variations in the Kurioshio and in the California Current are driven by a common forcing -- the NPO. 1.4 Coherent Ecosystem variations in the Pacific and NPGO An important aspect of this project is to understand how physical variability drive resposes in the ecosystems. In the CCS we find that changes in upwelling associated with the NPGO exert the dominant control. However the NPGO exhibit a large-scale structure in SSH and SST, which is also evident in satellite Chl-a from SeaWiFS (Figure 6). This suggests that NPGO type variability may be invoked to explain ecosystem variations throughout the Pacific. Although this finding is beyond the scope of the proposed research, which was limited to the CCS, we intend to pursue this hypothesis with a combined analysis of the SeaWiFS satellite data and the OFES model output. 1.5. Mechanism of Pacific Decadal Variability: a hypothesis The NPO drives the NPGO and a downstream decadal response in the KOE [Di Lorenzo et al., 2008c, in prep.]. The NPO has also been linked to ENSO-like expression in the tropics [Vimont et al. 2003]. Preliminary analysis suggests that NPO may have a quasi-deterministic component that originates in the western tropical Pacific. This precursor pattern may be associated with ENSOlike coupled dynamics in the tropics. If true, these causal links may provide a mechanism for a quasi-decadal oscillation. We intend to explore this hypothesis, which is summarized in Figure 7, in the NASA GISS coupled model and the GFDL 2.0. 2. Data assimilation and predictability dynamics in the CCS One of the goals of this project is to combine the ocean model with the CalCOFI data to produce a reanalysis of the CCS state from 1950-2004 and build a coastal ocean prediction system. 2.1 Data Assimilation and CCS Reanalysis After completing the development of a 4D variational data assimilation platform (4DVAR) of the ROMS model [Di Lorenzo et al., 2007] we have completed the first data assimilation experiments using CalCOFI in situ TS data and the satellite merged products from AVISO [Haidvogel et al., 2008; Muccino et al., 2008]. As we progress towards a systematic application of the data assimilation framework to produce a reanalysis of the ocean physical observations for the CCS we are in process of building a website to post the reanalysis product. This website will be instrumental to promptly distribute the data as well as the modeling platform used in the assimilation. This will allow the users not only to analyze the model data but also to perform additional experiments with the model (e.g sensitivity, ecosystem simulations, etc.). Preliminary distribution of the model data is available on the Georgia Tech DODS server ( These simulations have led to collaborations in two external investigations. The first uses the model output to diagnose the dynamics that lead to a shoaling of the CCS oxygen minimum layer [Bograd et al. 2008], while a second investigation uses the model advection field to explore the biological connectivity along the southern California coast [Rasmussen et al., 2008] In the next year we plan to complete the data assimilation model-observation integration and post on the website a fully referenced reanalysis product from the period 1950-2005. 2.2 Predictability of mesoscale flows in the coastal ocean During this second year we have begun to explore more systematically the timescale and the dynamics controlling the predictability of the CCS. To this end we have performed an ensemble of high-resolution regional ocean model simulations, which selectively introduce uncertainties in the initial conditions and external surface forcing. We find that the timescales of predictability of the upper ocean show a strong dependence on the phase of the seasonal cycle. During the summer season, when uncertainties in the external forcing functions shows their annual minimum, the predictability in the upper ocean is strongly driven by errors in the initial condition field. This condition is reversed during the winter season, due to the strong uncertainties in the forcing, which in this period of the year controls the predictability of the mesoscale circulation. In contrast, below the thermocline the predictability is driven by errors in the initial conditions during all the year, without any meaningful seasonal dependance. The timescales associated with a Nash-Sutcliffe predictability skill of 0.75 ranges from 30 to 15 days for the upper ocean, and are about 15 days for the lower levels. The timescale of the persistence of the ocean state associated with the same measure skill ranges from 15 to 7 days in all the vertical layers. This implies that the ocean model has dynamics skill in the time range of 7-30 days when properly initialized with data assimilation. These results are currently being prepared for publication [Mosca and Di Lorenzo, 2008]. 3. Observational analysis of the CCS ocean climate A detailed analysis of the raw 55-year CalCOFI data confirms that thermocline temperature, Tthermo, warms after the 1976-77 climate regime shift (Figure 8). But the analysis clearly reveals that the thermocline depth, Dthermo, remains essentially constant across the regime shift (Figure 8), although it does vary on decadal timescales. The surface intensified warming after the 1976-77 shift resulted in an increased temperature difference across the thermocline, a higher buoyancy frequency, Nmax, and a more stable upper ocean (Kim and Miller, 2007). Roemmich and McGowan (1995) suggested that the surface warming increased the temperature difference across the thermocline resulting in less lifting of the thermocline by the coastal upwelling. Both thermocline depth and stratification strength (the buoyancy frequency at the pycnocline) affect the nutrient flux due to coastal upwelling because they influence the source of upwelled water. As the surface heating changed the strength of stratification, it also changed the slope of the nitrate-temperature relation (Figure 9) for the mid-depth waters (roughly 30m to 200m). The 12C isotherm, which many previous studies have used as a proxy of thermocline depth, is associated with increased nitrate values after the shift. But since the stratification also increased, the depth from which upwelled waters are mixed to the surface may have changed. Further study is needed to determine how these changes might have interacted to affect upwelling, mixing, cross-shelf transport of nutrient, and vertical nutrient fluxes to the euphotic zone. The temperature-nitrate relationship of the mid-depth waters may be a key indicator of the quality of upwelled water that contributes to sustaining primary production in the euphotic zone (Kim and Miller, 2007). 4. Outreach and Education Activities This proposal supports the education of two graduate students: Jason Furtado (Georgia Tech) and Hey-Jin Kim (Scripps). During the course of this project we have distributed the results at the following invited talks/seminars: Basin-scale climate feedback and biological implications of North Pacific eastern boundary dynamics, ICES/PICES Early Career Scientist Conference, Baltimore, Maryland. 6/2007. North Pacific Gyre Oscillation links ocean climate to ecosystem change PICES Victoria 16th Annual Meeting, Victoria, British Columbia. 10/2007. North Pacific Gyre Oscillation links ocean climate to ecosystem change PICES Workshop on Climate Projections, Victoria, British Columbia. 10/2007. North Pacific Gyre Oscillation links ocean climate to ecosystem change Invited Seminar, University of California Santa Cruz. 10/2007. North Pacific Gyre Oscillation links ocean climate to ecosystem change Invited Seminar, University of Hawaii. 11/2007. Linking the tropic to extra-tropical variability: North Pacific Gyre Oscillation Invited Talk, AGU Fall 2007 Session, San Francisco. 12/2007. The North Pacific Gyre Mode Invited Talk, AGU Fall 2007 Session, San Francisco. 12/2007. North Pacific Gyre Oscillation: linking decadal variations in the tropics and extratropics, University of California Santa Cruz. 02/2008 Results from the modeling activity are also shared with other researcher working in the NSF US GLOBEC projects and the California Current NSF-LTER site. We have also created a website to disseminate the results from this research on the NPGO ( and the model data ( Publications Acknowledging this NASA Grant ( published, in press and submitted ) Bograd, S. J., C. G. Castro, E. Di Lorenzo, D. M. Palacios, H. R. Bailey and W. Gilly, 2008: The shoaling of the hypoxic boundary in the California Current. Geophysical Research Letters, submitted. Chhak, K. and E. Di Lorenzo, 2007: Decadal variations in the California Current upwelling cells. Geophys. Res. Lett., 34, L14604, doi:10.1029/2007GL030203. Chhak, K., E. Di Lorenzo, N. Schneider and P. Cummins, 2008: Forcing of low-frequency ocean variability in the Northeast Pacific. Journal of Climate, submitted. Combes, V. and E. Di Lorenzo, 2007: Intrinsic and forced interannual variability of the Gulf of Alaska mesoscale circulation. Progress in Oceanography, doi:10.1016/j.pocean.2007.08.011. Combes, V. and E. Di Lorenzo, 2008: Interannual and decadal variations in cross-shore mixing in the Gulf of Alaska. Journal of Physical Oceanography, submitted. Di Lorenzo E., Schneider N., Cobb K. M., Chhak, K, Franks P. J. S., Miller A. J., McWilliams J. C., Bograd S. J., Arango H., Curchister E., Powell T. M. and P. Rivere, 2008: North Pacific Gyre Oscillation links ocean climate and ecosystem change. Geophys. Res. Lett., doi:10.1029/2007GL032838. Di Lorenzo, E., Moore, A., H. Arango, Chua, B. D. Cornuelle, A. J. Miller, B. Powell and Bennett A., 2007: Weak and strong constraint data assimilation in the inverse Regional Ocean Modeling System (ROMS): development and application for a baroclinic coastal upwelling system. Ocean Modeling, doi:10.1016/j.ocemod.2006.08.002. Haidvogel D., H. Arango, W.P. Budgell, B.D. Cornuelle, E. Curchitser, E. Di Lorenzo, K. Fennel, W.R. Geyer, A.J. Hermann, L. Lanerolle, J. Levin, J.C. McWilliams, A.J. Miller, A.M. Moore, T.M. Powell, A.F. Shchepetkin, C.R. Sherwood, R.P. Signell, J.C. Warner, J. Wilkin, 2008: Ocean forecasting in terrain-following coordinates: Formulation and skill assessment of the Regional Ocean Modeling System. Journal of Computational Physics, 227, 3595-3624 Kim, H-J. and A. J. Miller, 2007: Did the thermocline deepen in the southern California Current after the 1976-77 climate regime shift? Journal of Physical Oceanography, in press. Moore, A., H. Arango, E. Di Lorenzo, B. D. Cornuelle and A. J. Miller, 2008: An Adjoint Sensitivity Analysis of the Southern California Current Circulation and Ecosystem. Part I: The Physical Circulation , Journal of Physical Oceanography, in revision. Muccino, J., A. Bennett, B. Cornuelle, B. Chua, E. Di Lorenzo, et al., 2008: The Inverse Ocean Modeling System. II: Applications. Journal of Atmospheric and Ocean Technology, in press. Rasmussen L. L., B. D. Cornuelle, L. A. Levin, J. L. Largier and E. Di Lorenzo, 2008: Effects of smallscale features and local wind forcing on tracer dispersion and estimates of population connectivity in a regional scale circulation model . Journal of Geophys. Res., submitted. Seo, H., A. J. Miller and J. O Roads, 2007: The Scripps Coupled Ocean-Atmosphere Regional (SCOAR) model, with applications in the eastern Pacific sector, Journal of Climate, in press. ( in preparation ) Di Lorenzo E., Schneider N. and Ceballos L., 2008: Linking physical-biological decadal variation in the North Pacific western and eastern boundaries. Journal of Climate, in prep. Di Lorenzo E., Schneider N., Franks P. J. S., Miller A. J., Bograd S. J., and Thomas A., 2008: Coherent variations of nutrients and salinity in the Gulf of Alaska and California Current. Geophys. Res. Lett., in prep. Mosca, C. and E. Di Lorenzo, 2008: Predictability of mesoscale coastal flow in the California Current. Dynamicsâ¨of Atmospheres and Oceans, in prep.