Diploma exam and assessment policies in Brighton and Hove 14-19 Learning Partnership Date generated: 9th September 2011 Version: 2011-2012 academic year for Diploma cohorts September 2011-July 2013 Contents Policy introduction Policy scope Consortium authority and policy implementation Consortium timescales and deadlines Consortium exam and assessment policies 1 1 Policy introduction This consortium exam policy covers many management functions that will affect learners’ progress in Diploma achievements. In order for all staff to understand and participate effectively, we have designated exam-related policies to be common across the consortium. We have also indicated within this document areas where policies are delegated to centres – often with guidelines on what those policies should cover and how they should operate. An up-to-date copy of the consortium policy is available at Brighton and Hove 14-19 Learning Partnership website. It is the responsibility of everyone involved in the consortium exam processes to read, understand and implement this policy. 2 Policy scope This section describes the scope of the policy in terms of centres, lines of learning and timescale. 2.1 Details of centres This policy covers the following centres: Centre Type Centre number Alternative Centre for Education 11–16 56175 Blatchington Mill 11–18 56805 Brighton Aldridge Community Academy 11–18 56140 Brighton Hove and Sussex Sixth Form College Sixth form college 56120 Cardinal Newman 11–18 56810 City College Brighton Further education 56130 2 college Cedar Centre 11–16 56205 Dorothy Stringer 11–16 56135 Downs Park Special School 11–16 56834 Downs View Link College Sixth form college 65535 Hillside Special School 11–16 56804 Hove Park 11–18 56830 Longhill 11–16 56150 Patcham High 11–16 56165 Patcham House School 11–16 56170 Plumpton College Further education college 56475 Portslade Aldridge Community Academy 11–18 56835 Varndean College Sixth form college 56215 Varndean School 11–16 56210 3 2.2 Lines of learning covered by this policy This policy covers the following Diploma lines of learning at the levels indicated at the following centres: Diploma line of learning Level Lead centre Hair and Beauty Higher City College Brighton Society, health and development Higher Cardinal Newman 2.3 Duration of this policy This exam policy is effective from September 2011. This exam policy will be reviewed in July 2012. 3 Policy maintenance 3.1 Policy implementation The overall authority for implementing this policy rests with: Centre Name Position Telephone Email Not applicable Lindi Galloway 14-19 Development Consultant 01273 294925 lindi.galloway@brighton-hove.gov.uk 3.2 Policy maintenance The overall authority for maintaining and amending this policy rests with: Centre Name Position Telephone Email Consortium-wide Lindi Galloway 14-19 Development Consultant 01273 294925 lindi.galloway@brighton-hove.gov.uk 4 3.3 Authorities within centres The individuals responsible for policy matters, by centre, are (the curriculum deputies): Centre Name Position Telephone Email Alternative Centre for Education Simon Dawson Deputy Head 01273 604472 Simon.Dawson@ace.brighton-hove.sch.uk Blatchington Mill Ruth King Deputy Head 01273 736 244 ex 226 rking@blatchingtonmill.org.uk Brighton Aldridge Community Academy Michael Brett Vice Principal Teaching Learning and Experiences 01273 691191 Michael.Brett@brighton-hove.gov.uk Brighton Hove and Sussex Sixth Form College Sally Bromley Assistant Principal 01273 552200 s.bromley@bhasvic.ac.uk Cardinal Newman James Kilmartin Deputy Head 01273 558551 j.kilmartin@cncs.co.uk City College Brighton Rebecca Conroy 14-19 Partnerships and Provision Manager 667788 ex 368 RC1@ccb.ac.uk Cedar Centre Tony Hammick Deputy Head 01273 558622 tony.hammick@cedarcentre.brightonhove.sch.uk Dorothy Stringer Richard Baker Deputy Head 01273 508778 TBC rb@stringer.brighton-hove.sch.uk TBC Downs Park Special School Hazel Grice Deputy Head 01273 417448 hazel.grice@downspark.brightonhove.sch.uk Downs View Link College Lalli Howell Deputy Head 01273 507719 lalli.howell@downsview.brightonhove.sch.uk 5 Hillside Special School Pippa Hughes Deputy Head 01273 416979 pippa_hillside@hotmail.co.uk Hove Park Ken Leonard Deputy Head 01273 294969 kleonard@hovepark.org.uk Longhill High Allan Duffy Assistant Head 01273 304086 aduffy@longhill.org.uk Patcham High Mike Newman Deputy Head 01273 543483 mnewman@patchamhigh.org.uk Patcham House School Louise Cook Deputy Head 01273 551028 louise.cook@patchamhouse.brightonhove.sch.uk Plumpton College Maurice Shorten 14-19 Diploma Co-ordinator 01273 890454 Maurice.shorten@plumpton.ac.uk Portslade Community College Johnie Davies Assist Principal 01273 410711 TBC j.davies@pcc-web.com TBC Varndean College Simon Hinks Curriculum Director 01273 508011 sjh@varndean.ac.uk Varndean School Gareth Hughes 01273 561281 garethhughes@varndean.co.uk Deputy Head Except where specified in a specific policy section, these individuals are responsible for implementation of the policy within their centre. 6 3.4 Responsibilities for lines of learning The individuals responsible for policy matters, by line of learning are (the domain assessors): Line of learning Centre Name Position Telephone Email Business Administration and Finance Brighton and Hove 14-19 Learning Partnership Matt Peake Domain assessor 01273 552200 Ext.237 m.peake@bhasvic.ac.uk Construction and the built environment Brighton and Hove 14-19 Learning Partnership Tom Dowds Domain assessor 01273 667788 ex 548 tjd@ccb.ac.uk Creative and media Brighton and Hove 14-19 Learning Partnership Jacqui Fawcett and Rebecca Ewbank Shared Domain assessor 01273 736244 Extn TBC@blatchingtonmill.org.uk Engineering Brighton and Hove 14-19 Learning Partnership Gary Humphrey NEW Name req Domain assessor 01273 667788 ex 479 gdh@ccb.ac.uk Hair and beauty studies Brighton and Hove 14-19 Learning Partnership Melanie Jane Dove Domain assessor (Beauty units) 01273 667788 ex 564 MJD2@ccb.ac.uk Hair and beauty studies Brighton and Hove 14-19 Learning Partnership Martin White Domain assessor (Hair units) required MXW@ccb.ac.uk 7 Hospitality Brighton and Hove 14-19 Learning Partnership Michael Buckman Domain assessor 01273 667747 MB4@ccb.ac.uk Information technology Brighton and Hove 14-19 Learning Partnership Darren Kelly Domain assessor 01273 736244 dkelly@blatchingtonmill.org.uk Brighton and Hove 14-19 Learning Partnership Gary Humphrey NEW Name req Joint Domain assessor 01273 667788 ex 479 gdh@ccb.ac.uk Public Service (from 2011) Brighton and Hove 14-19 Learning Partnership Barbara Holroyd Domain assessor 01273 508011 bah@varndean.ac.uk Retail Business Brighton and Hove 14-19 Learning Partnership Barbara Walman Domain assessor 01273 558551 ex 233 barb_walman@hotmail.com Society, health and development Brighton and Hove 14-19 Learning Partnership Anne Antonio Domain assessor 01273 558551 ex 321 Anne.antonio@newman.brightonhove.sch.uk Sport and active leisure Brighton and Hove 14-19 Learning Partnership Paul Watson Domain assessor 01273 852222 paul.watson@dorothy-stringer.co.uk Travel and tourism Brighton and Hove 14-19 Learning Partnership Mark Halliwell Domain assessor Data required mrh@varndean.ac.uk Manufacturing (from 2011) 8 All queries about policies or their implementation should be referred to centre or domain assessor representatives as listed in sections 3.3 and 3.4. They will determine whether the matter should be referred to the lead assessor / the 14-19 Development Consultant Lindi Galloway lindi.galloway@brighton-hove.gov.uk and whether the policy should be reviewed locally or escalated to a higher level. Except where specified in a specific policy section, these individuals are responsible for implementation of the policy within their line of learning. 3.5 Communication and data sharing The individuals responsible for communication and data sharing, by centre, are (the examination officers): Centre Name Position Telephone Email Alternative Centre for Education Lucy Gordon Examination Officer 01273 604472 Lucy.Gordon@ace.brighton-hove.sch.uk Blatchington Mill Heather Sava Examination Officer 01273 736244 hsava@blatchingtonmill.org.uk Brighton Aldridge Community Academy Nicole Gonzalez Examination Officer 01273 665455 nicole@falmer.brighton-hove.sch.uk Brighton Hove and Sussex Sixth Form College Melissa Gibbon Examination Officer 01273 552200 m.gibbon@bhasvic.ac.uk Cardinal Newman Graham Goldup Examination officer 01273 558551 graham.goldup@newman.brighton-hove.sch.uk Cedar Centre Susie Gaudiere Examination Officer 01273 558622 susie.gaudiere@cedarcentre.brighton-hove.sch.uk City College Brighton Chelsea Franklin Examination Officer 01273 667788 ex 321 chf@ccb.ac.uk Dorothy Stringer Caroline Examination 01273 852220 caroline.norman@dorothy-stringer.co.uk 9 Norman Officer Downs Park Special School Hazel Grice Deputy Head 01273 417448 hazel.grice@downspark.brighton-hove.sch.uk Downs View Link College Lalli Howell Deputy Head 01273 601680 lalli.howell@downsview.brighton-hove.sch.uk Hillside Special School Pippa Hughes Senior teacher 01273 416979 pippa_hillside@hotmail.co.uk Hove Park John Gaston Examination officer 01273 295000 Longhill Judith Woolcott Examination officer 01273 304086 exams@longhill.org.uk Patcham High Aline Bloomfield Examination officer 01273 543483 abloomfield@patchamhigh.brighton-hove.sch.uk Patcham House School Barbara Mulhern Examination Officer 01273 551028 barbara.mulhern@patchamhouse.brightonhove.sch.uk Plumpton College Michelle Garvey Examination Officer 01273 892058 michelle.garvey@plumpton.ac.uk Portslade Aldridge Community Academy Jackie Seager Examination Officer 01273 410711 J.Seager@pcc-web.com Varndean College Alan Ball Examination Officer 01273 508011 adb@varndean.ac.uk Varndean School Solvi Stafford Examination Officer 01273 545213 solvistafford@varndean.co.uk jgaston@hovepark.org.uk The consortium will uphold the terms of the current Data Protection Act in order to ensure that data processing and sharing can take place in a way that helps deliver objectives as regards education and training, furthers the interests of the individuals involved and the public more generally, while still respecting people’s legitimate expectations and rights in relation to the privacy and confidentiality of their personal information. 10 4 Consortium timescales and deadlines 4.1 Line of Learning delivery plans Delivery plans are developed for each line of learning as part of a consortium’s Gateway application. Once line of learning approvals have been received, the consortium line of learning leads will communicate their plans to the consortium. These will include the specifications to be followed for principal learning, the centres that will lead teaching and assessments and the likely volumes of learners at each level that can be accommodated. They will also lead any awarding body approvals that must take place. The timetable for the consortium delivery centres for all lines of learning is as follows: Task Date task must be completed Identification of consortium delivery centres for all lines of learning September 2011 Consortium agreements on specifications and delivery 1st October 2011 4.2 Learner participation decisions Home centres (the school/college at which the learner is on the roll) will determine whether they will offer participation in the Diploma lines of learning to their learners. Those that do so will provide details of learners by line and level to all consortium centres and will maintain accurate Diploma learner group details. The timetable for learner participation decisions is as follows: Task Date task must be completed Learner forecasts April of year ready for September start Preliminary Diploma learner groups May of year ready for September start 11 Complete Diploma learner groups June of year ready for September start 5 Consortium exam and assessment policies 5.1 Learner contracts Approach Each home centre is expected to require Diploma learners to sign a contract. Ownership See section 3.3 ‘Authorities within centres’ for clarification of who maintains this policy area. Additional information The individual(s) that all Diploma learners are required to inform regarding changes in their Diploma learning plans is/are: Centre Name Position Consortium-wide Home Centre see list under 3.3 Curriculum Deputies Telephone Email Learners may be responsible for fees for assessments for which they are entered but which they do not take. Learners are required to agree to and sign an information-sharing agreement. The learner contract policy can be found at the Brighton and Hove 14-19 Learning Partnership website http://www.bhlp.org.uk/sites/bhlp.org.uk/files/2-%20Partnership%20Agreement(V5).doc 5.2 Specification and awarding body selections, Diploma awarding bodies and component awarding bodies 12 Approach Principal learning specifications are determined by the Assessment centre in agreement with the lead and domain assessor Functional skills specifications are determined by HOME SCHOOL Project and/or extended project specifications are determined by Assessment centre Additional and specialist learning choices are determined by the HOME SCHOOL Diploma awarding bodies will be determined by Home centre Learners will be advised of the choice available by the Home centre. Ownership See section 3.3 ‘Authorities within centres’ for clarification of who maintains this policy area. Additional information Choices of Diploma components on offer to learners will be published in school prospectus/on school websites The individual(s) with whom learners should review the choices available is/are: Centre Name Consortium-wide refer to list 3.3 (Curriculum Deputies) Position Telephone Email Position Telephone Email The individual(s) whom learners should inform of their choices is/are: Centre Name Consortium-wide refer to list 3.3 (Curriculum Deputies) 13 All qualifications that are delivered collaboratively will have a single individual (for example, domain assessor) responsible for advising learners, teachers and administrators on the characteristics of the specification and in particular the nature of assessments. All home centres are expected to maintain an up-to-date record of choices available to learners and learners’ choices and to provide access to this information to their exams office. It is strongly advised that this be recorded on the Diploma Learner Study Plan and that each learner and their personal tutor be provided with a copy. 5.3 Prior achievement Approach The consortium policy for prior achievement is to encourage centres and lines of learning leaders to develop their own policies and for centres to administer their own procedures. Ownership See section 3.3 ‘Authorities within centres’ for clarification of who maintains this policy area. Additional information The centres should adhere to awarding body prior achievement guidelines. The learner should be advised of the information they must supply (for example learner name and identifier, qualification, level, reference code, awarding body, date of achievement, centre where achieved). The exams office should process claims for valid prior achievement and monitor whether these achievements are credited to the correct learner account in the Diploma aggregation service. It is advisable to set deadlines for these processes to take place. The individual(s) responsible for advising learners that they might have valid prior achievement when they select a Diploma line and level for study is/are: 14 Centre Name Position Consortium-wide refer to list 3.3 (Curriculum Deputies) Telephone Email The individual(s) responsible for confirming that qualifications already achieved are in fact valid is/are: Centre Consortium-wide Name Position Telephone Email Home school examination officers The consortium policy for prior achievement can be found at Home Centre. 5.4 Information sharing and use of the unique learner number Approach The consortium policy for information sharing and use of the unique learner number is to encourage centres and lines of learning leaders to develop their own policies. Ownership See section 3.3 ‘Authorities within centres’ for clarification of who maintains this policy area. Additional information The centres should adhere to awarding body information sharing and use of the unique learner number guidelines. The consortium policy on information sharing and use of the unique learner number is that each participating centre has signed the necessary Learning Records Service (previously known as MIAP) and QCA agreements. It covers all centres as indicated in section 2.1. All Diploma learners will be allocated a unique learner number. 15 5.5 Registrations and entries Approach The consortium policy for registrations and entries is enforced across all centres and lines of learning. Ownership See section 3.3 ‘Authorities within centres’ for clarification of who maintains this policy area. Additional information All entries for all Diploma learners must be made using the unique learner number. The centres should adhere to awarding body registration and entry guidelines. All qualifications that are delivered collaboratively will have a single individual (for example, head of department) responsible for advising learners, teachers and administrators on the characteristics of the qualification and in particular the nature of assessments. This is clearly true for principal learning but is also necessary for ‘conventional’ qualifications where learners may move centres. Learner plans for all Diploma learners will be distributed to other centres involved before half term in the first autumn term by the diploma venue. Delivery, Registration and Series entry of learners aged 14 for Principal Learning and Project will be by the Diploma Venue. BUT Series entry for the externally assessed (written) examination (ONE UNIT of Principal Learning) will be by the Home Centre, advised by the Diploma venue. Delivery, registration and series entry for all other component parts, will be by the HOME SCHOOL which will also be responsible for Personal Learning and Thinking Skills and Work Experience. 5.6 Access arrangements 16 Approach The consortium policy for access arrangements is enforced across all centres and lines of learning. Ownership See section 3.3 ‘Authorities within centres’ (Curriculum Deputies) for clarification of who maintains this policy area. Additional information The centres should adhere to awarding body access arrangement guidelines. Where the arrangement is substantial, unless otherwise agreed it is the home centre’s responsibility to provide the arrangement. Where modified papers may be required, unless otherwise agreed it is the home centre’s responsibility to inform the centre where the assessment will be carried out ahead of any deadlines. All evidence needed to support the provision of access arrangements is the responsibility of the home centre. Home centres are responsible for informing other relevant centres of any access arrangement granted. They require the learner’s permission to share this information. The consortium policy for the information-sharing agreement can be found at 3.5. 5.7 Internal assessment and record keeping Approach The consortium policy for internal assessment and record keeping is enforced across all centres and lines of learning. Ownership See section 3.3 ‘Authorities within centres’ (Curriculum Deputies) for clarification of who maintains this policy area. 17 Additional information The centres should adhere to awarding body internal assessment and record keeping guidelines. Centres where local assessments are made are responsible for all marking, standardisation and moderation processes. Centres are advised that after enquiries about results are complete work must be kept to satisfactory award of certificates. The arrangements for communicating relevant marks to exams offices in learner’s home centres are: Electronically to head of examinations followed by hard copy of official paperwork. The consortium policy for internal assessment and record keeping can be found on the BHLP website under Quality Assurance.. 5.8 Personal, learning and thinking skills and work experience confirmations Approach The consortium policy for personal, learning and thinking skills and work experience confirmations is enforced across all centres and lines of learning. Ownership See section 3.3 ‘Authorities within centres’ (Curriculum Deputies) for clarification of who maintains this policy area. Additional information The centres should adhere to awarding body personal, learning and thinking skills (PLTS) and work experience confirmations guidelines. Confirmation of personal, learning and thinking skills (PLTS) achievement and appropriate record keeping is the responsibility of the home centre. Confirmation of work experience achievement and appropriate record keeping is the responsibility of the home centre. 5.9 Timetabled exams in principal learning 18 Approach The consortium policy for timetabled exams in principal learning is enforced across all centres and lines of learning. Ownership See section 3.3 ‘Authorities within centres’ (Curriculum Deputies) for clarification of who maintains this policy area. Additional information The centres should adhere to awarding body guidelines. Timetabled externally set written exams will take place at Home centre. Agreements to the contrary will be taken by line of learning leads (see 3.4 Domain assessor list) with approval of lead assessor. The line of learning lead will communicate these to the exams office in learners’ home centres. 5.10 Finance: awarding body fees Approach The consortium policy for awarding body fees is enforced across all centres and lines of learning. Ownership See section 3.3 ‘Authorities within centres’ (Curriculum Deputies) for clarification of who maintains this policy area. Additional information The centres should adhere to awarding body guidelines. Awarding body charges, where applicable, will follow where the entry has been made. More information regarding awarding body fees can be found at Home Centre. 19 The individual(s) responsible for managing transactions between centres is/are: Centre Name Position Telephone Email See section 3.3 ‘Authorities within centres’ (Curriculum Deputies) 5.11 Special consideration Approach The consortium policy for special consideration is enforced across all centres and lines of learning. Ownership See section 3.3 ‘Authorities within centres’ (Curriculum Deputies) for clarification of who maintains this policy area. Additional information The centres should adhere to awarding body special consideration guidelines. Where special consideration claims are required for a single assessment on behalf of a number of learners, the centre where the assessment takes place would need to inform the centres where the entry was made. 5.12 Results Approach The consortium policy for results is enforced across all centres and lines of learning. Ownership See section 3.3 ‘Authorities within centres’ (Curriculum Deputies) for clarification of who maintains this policy area. 20 Additional information The centres should adhere to awarding body results guidelines. Results for all qualifications achieved by all learners studying for the Diploma will be credited to their home centre. Where results for qualifications and units are of interest to centres other than those that receive them, they will be communicated to the other centre. The individual(s) responsible for communicating these results to other centres is/are: Centre Name Position Consortium-wide Exams Officer as listed in 3.5 or Data Manager Telephone The other arrangements for results are N\A The results will be communicated to other centres by Electronically and/or followed by hard copy. 5.13 Enquiries about results Approach The consortium policy for enquiries about results is enforced across all centres and lines of learning. Ownership See section 3.3 ‘Authorities within centres’ (Curriculum Deputies) for clarification of who maintains this policy area. Additional information The centres should adhere to awarding body guidelines. The policy for enquires about results can be found at Home Centre and where fees are payable then the Home Centre will pay. 21 Email All enquiries with awarding bodies concerning learners’ results for assessments are to be made via the home centre. The individual, responsible for coordinating enquiries about results to all parties, by line of learning are: Line of learning Centre Name Position Consortium-wide Consortium-wide Examination Officer of Home Centre as listed in 3.5 22 Telephone Email Signatures (provided in alphabetical order by name of deputy head) Michael Brett, Vice Principal, Brighton Aldridge Community Academy [Sign Here] Date Signed Sally Bromley, Assistant Principal, BHASVIC [Sign Here] Date Signed Rebecca Conroy, 14-19 Manager, City College Brighton [Sign Here] Date Signed Louise Cook, Deputy Head, Patcham House [Sign Here] Date Signed Richard Baker, Dorothy Stringer [Sign Here] Date Signed Simon Dawson, Deputy Head, Alternative Centre for Education [Sign Here] Date signed 23 Johnie Davies, Vice Principal, Portslade Aldridge Community Academy [Sign Here] Date Signed Allan Duffy, Deputy Head Longhill [Sign Here] Hazel Grice Deputy Head, Downs Park Special [Sign Here] Date Signed Tony Hammick, Deputy Head, Cedar Centre [Sign Here] Date Signed Simon Hinks, Curriculum Director, Varndean College [Sign Here] Date Signed Lalli Howell, Deputy Head, Downs View Link College [Sign Here] Date Signed Gareth Hughes, Deputy Head, Varndean School [Sign Here] Date Signed 24 Pippa Hughes, Senior Teacher, Hillside Special [Sign Here] Date Signed James Kilmartin, Deputy Head, Cardinal Newman School [Sign Here] Date Signed Ruth King, Deputy Head, Blatchington Mill [Sign Here] Date Signed Ken Leonard, Deputy Head, Hove Park [Sign Here] Date Signed Mike Newman, Deputy Head, Patcham High [Sign Here] Date Signed Maurice Shorten, 14-19 Diploma Co-ordinator, Plumpton College [Sign Here] Date Signed 25