II. PUBLICATIONS A. Ph.D. DISSERTATION Biological Interactions in Rice Fields: A Community-Ecology Approach to Mosquito Control. In English. Ecology Program, University of California at Davis, 424 pages, 4/88. Major Prof.: Richard Karban; Other Committee members: Profs. Thomas Schoener, Catherine Toft, Peter Moyle. (publications C1,2,3,4,5,7) B. BOOKS EDITED COMPENDIA: Blaustein, L. and Schwartz, S.S. (editors) 2001. Ecology of Temporary Pools. Special expanded issue of the Israel Journal of Zoology. Laser Pages, Jerusalem. 220 pages Blaustein, L., Kotler, B.P., and Brown, J.S. (editors) 2004. Risk of Predation: Prey and Predator Responses. Special expanded issue of Israel Journal of Zoology. Laser Pages, Jerusalem. 169 pages C. ARTICLES IN REFEREED JOURNALS 1. Blaustein, L. 1989. Factors affecting the efficiency of minnow traps to sample populations of mosquitofish (Gambusia affinis) and green sunfish (Lepomis cyanellus). Journal of the American Mosquito Control Association 5:29-35. 2. Blaustein, L. 1989. Spatial distributions of Anopheles freeborni, Gambusia affinis and Lepomis cyanellus in experimental rice fields. Journal of the American Mosquito Control Association 5:254-257. 3. Blaustein, L. 1990. Evidence for predatory flatworms as organizers of zooplankton and mosquito community structure in rice fields. Hydrobiologia 199:179-191. 4. Blaustein, L. and R. Karban. 1990. Indirect effects of the mosquitofish, Gambusia affinis, on the mosquito, Culex tarsalis. Limnology and Oceanography 35:767771. 5. Blaustein, L. and H. Dumont. 1990. Typhloplanid flatworms: Mechanisms of predation and evidence that they structure aquatic invertebrate communities. Hydrobiologia 198: 61-77. 6. Blaustein, L. and J. Margalit. 1991. Indirect effects of the fairy shrimp, Branchipus schaefferi and two ostracod species on Bacillus thuringiensis israelensis-induced mortality to mosquitoes. Hydrobiologia 212:67-76. 7. Blaustein, L. 1992. Larvivorous fishes fail to control mosquitoes in experimental plots. Hydrobiologia 232:219-232. 8. Kotler, B.P., L. Blaustein and J.S. Brown. 1992. Predator facilitation: The combined effects of two different predators on foraging in gerbils. Ann. Zool. Fennici. 29:199-206. 9. Blaustein, L. and B.P. Kotler. 1993. Oviposition habitat selection by Culiseta longiareolata: effects of immature conspecifics, tadpoles and food levels. Ecological Entomology, 18:104-108. 10. Kotler, B. P., L. Blaustein and H. Dednam. 1993. The specter of predation: influence of vipers on the foraging behavior of two desert gerbils. Israel Journal of Zoology 39:11-21. 11. Blaustein, L. and A. Byard. 1993. Predation by Aphanius mento on Culex pipiens: The effect of alternative prey and vegetation. Journal of the American Mosquito Control Association. 9:356-358. 12. Blaustein, L. and J. Margalit. 1994. Differential prey vulnerability of various mosquito species to the cyclopoid copepod, Acanthocyclops viridis. Israel Journal of Zoology 40:55-60. 13. Blaustein, L. and J. Margalit. 1994. Mosquito larvae (Culiseta longiareolata) compete with and prey upon toad (Bufo viridis) immatures. Journal of Animal Ecology 63:841-850. 14. Blaustein, L. 1994. Mosquitoes, malaria and the Hula wetlands: Will reflooding bring back old problems? Ecology and Environment 4:231-238. 15. Ward, D. and L. Blaustein. 1994. The overriding influence of flash floods on species:area curves in ephemeral Negev desert pools: a consideration of the value of island biogeography theory. Journal of Biogeography 21:595-603 16. Blaustein, L. and J. Margalit. 1995. Spatial distributions of Culiseta longiareolata and Bufo viridis within and among desert pools. Journal of Arid Environments 29:199-211. 17. Blaustein, L., B. Kotler and D. Ward. 1995. Direct and indirect effects of a predatory backswimmer (Notonecta maculata) on community structure of desert temporary pools. Ecological Entomology 20:311-318 18. Kotler, B. P. and L. Blaustein. 1995. Titrating food and safety in a heterogeneous environment: When are the risky and safe patches of equal value? Oikos 74:251258. 19. Blaustein, L. and J. Margalit. 1996. Priority effects in temporary pools: Nature and outcome of mosquito larva-toad tadpole interactions depend on order of entrance. Journal of Animal Ecology 65:77-84. 20. Blaustein, L., J. Friedman, and T. Fahima. 1996. Larval Salamandra drive temporary pool community dynamics: evidence from an artificial pool experiment. Oikos 76:392-402. 21. Blaustein, L., B.P. Kotler and E. Nevo. 1996. Biodiversity and microhabitat utilization of the rodent community along opposing slopes of Nahal Oren, Mount Carmel. Israel Journal of Zoology 42: 327-333 22. Blaustein, L. 1997. Nonconsumptive effects of larval Salamandra on its crustacean prey: can eggs detect predators? Oecologia 110:212-217 23. Couch, L, L. Blaustein, D.W. Duszinski, G. Shenbrot, and E. Nevo. 1997. A new coccidian from Acomys cahirinus Desmarest, 1819 from Lower Nahal Oren, Mount Carmel, Israel. Journal of Parasitology 83:276-279 24. Blaustein, L. and B.P. Kotler. 1997. Differential development rates of two color morphs of green toad (Bufo viridis) tadpoles. Israel Journal of Zoology 43:205207 25. Chikatunov, V., M. Lillig, T. Pavliceck, L. Blaustein and E. Nevo. 1997. Biodiversity and local differentiation of insects at "Evolution Canyon" microsite, Nahal Oren, Mt Carmel, Israel. I. Tenebrionidae. Journal of Arid Environments 37:367-377 26. Blaustein, L. 1998. Influence of the predatory backswimmer, Notonecta maculata, on pool community structure. Ecological Entomology 23: (3) 246-252 27. Spencer, M., L. Blaustein, S.S. Schwartz, and J.E. Cohen. 1999. Species richness and the proportion of predatory species in temporary pools: relationships with habitat size and permanence. Ecology Letters 2:157-166 28. Stav, G., L. Blaustein, J. Margalit. 1999. Experimental evidence for predation sensitive oviposition by a mosquito, Culiseta longiareolata. Ecological Entomology 24:202-207 29. Blaustein, L., J. Garb, D. Shebitz and E. Nevo. 1999. Microclimate and community structure in temporary pools. Hydrobiologia 192: 187-196 30. Stav, G., L. Blaustein, and Y. Margalit. 2000. Influence of nymphal Anax imperator (Odonata: Aeshnidae) on oviposition by the mosquito Culiseta longiareolata (Diptera:Culicidae) Journal of Vector Ecology 25:190-202 31. Blaustein, L., and S.S. Schwartz. 2001.Why study ecology in temporary pools? Israel Journal of Zoology 47:303-312 32. Spencer, M. and L. Blaustein. 2001. Risk of predation and hatching of resting eggs in the ostracod Heterocypris incongruens. Journal of Crustacean Biology 21: 575581 33. Spencer, M. and L. Blaustein. 2001. Hatching responses of temporary pool invertebrates in response to environmental signals. Israel Journal of Zoology 47:397-418 34. Spencer, M., S.S. Schwartz and L. Blaustein. 2002. Are there fine-scale spatial patterns in community similarity among temporary freshwater pools? Global Ecology and Biogeography 11:71-78 35. Spencer, M., L. Blaustein and J.E. Cohen. 2002. Oviposition habitat selection by mosquitoes (Culiseta longiareolata) and consequences for population size. Ecology 83:669-679 36. Eitam, A., L. Blaustein. 2002. Non-invasive individual identification of larval Salamandra using tail-fin spot patterns. Amphibia-Reptilia 23: 215-219 37. Martens, K., S.S. Schwartz, C. Meisch, and L. Blaustein. 2002. Non-marine Ostracoda (Crustacea) of Mount Carmel (Israel), with taxonomic notes on the Eucypridinae and circum-Mediterranean Heterocypris. Israel Journal of Zoology 48:53-70 38. Eitam, A., L. Blaustein, M. Mangel. 2002. Effects of Anisops sardea (Hemiptera: Notonectidae) on oviposition habitat selection by mosquitoes and other dipterans and community structure in artificial pools. Hydrobiologia 485: 183-189 39. Eitam, A., Pavlicek, T., Blaustein, L. and Nevo, E. 2002. Effects of inter- and intraslope contrasts at ‘Evolution Canyon’, Israel, on a gall aphid and its natural enemies. Journal of Mediterranean Ecology 4:47-52 40. Kiflawi, M., Blaustein, L, and M. Mangel. 2003. Predation-dependent oviposition habitat selection by the mosquito Culiseta longiareolata: a test of competing hypotheses. Ecology Letters 6:35-40 41. Kiflawi, M., Blaustein, L., and Mangel, M. 2003. Oviposition habitat selection in a mosquito, Culiseta longiareolata in response to risk of predation and conspecific density. Ecological Entomology 28:168-173 42. Kiflawi, M., Eitam, A., and Blaustein, L. 2003. The relative impact of local and regional processes on macro-invertebrate species richness in temporary ponds. Journal of Animal Ecology 72: 447-452 *43. Blaustein, L., Kiflawi, M., Eitam, A., Mangel, M. and Cohen, J.E. 2004. Oviposition habitat selection in response to risk of predation: Mode of detection consistency across experimental venue. Oecologia 138: 300-305. *44. Eitam, A. Norena, C., and L. Blaustein. 2004. Microturbellarian species richness and community similarity among temporary pools: relationships with habitat properties. Biodiversity and Conservation 13: 2107-2117 *45. Eitam, A., L. Blaustein, K. Van Damme, H. J. Dumont & K. Martens. 2004. Crustacean species richness in temporary pools: relationships with habitat traits. Hydrobiologia 525:125-130 *46. Eitam, A. and L. Blaustein. 2004. Oviposition habitat selection by mosquitoes in response to predator (Notonecta maculata) density. Physiological Entomology 29: 188-191 *47. Stav, G., Blaustein, L. and Margalit, Y. 2005. Individual and interactive effects of a predator (Anax imperator) and species sharing the same trophic level as mosquito larvae on mosquito populations. Ecological Applications 15:587-598 *48. Silberbush, A., Blaustein, L. and Margalit, Y. 2005. Influence of salinity concentration on insect community structure: a mesocosm experiment in the Dead Sea Basin Region. Hydrobiologia 548:1-10 *49. Blaustein, L., J. Blaustein and J. Chase. 2005. Chemical detection of the predator Notonecta irrorata by ovipositing Culex mosquitoes. Journal of Vector Ecology 30:299-301 *50. Eitam, A., L. Blaustein and Marc Mangel. 2005. Density and intercohort priority effects on larval Salamandra salamandra in temporary pools. Oecologia 146:3642 *51. Gallitano, S., L. Blaustein, and J. Vonesh. 2005. First occurrence of Ochlerotatus japonicus in Missouri. Journal of Vector Ecology 30:347-348 *52. Larsen, E. and Blaustein, L. 2005. New backswimmer (Heteroptera: Notonectidae) records for Israel. Zoology in the Middle East 36:114-116. *53. Arav, D., and L. Blaustein. 2006. Effects of Pool Depth and Risk of Predation on Oviposition Habitat Selection by Temporary Pool Dipterans. Journal of Medical Entomology 43: 443-497 *54. Blaustein, L. and Chase, J.M. 2007. The role of species sharing the same trophic level as mosquitoes on mosquito populations. Annual Review of Entomology 52:489-507 *55. Stav, G., Blaustein L., Kotler, B.P. 2007. Direct and indirect effects of dragonfly (Anax imperator) nymphs on green toad (Bufo viridis) tadpoles. Hydrobiologia 579:85-93 *56. Segev, O. and L. Blaustein. 2007. Priority effects of the early breeding fire salamander on the late breeding banded newt. Hydrobiologia 583: 275-28 *57. Bar-David S, O. Segev, N. Peleg, N. Hill, A.R. Templeton, C. B. Schultz , L. Blaustein. 2007. Long distance movements by fire salamanders (Salamandra salamandra infraimmaculata) and implications for habitat fragmentation. Israel Journal of Ecology and Evolution (in press) *58. Silberbush, A. and L. Blaustein. 2008. Oviposition habitat selection by a mosquito in response to a predator: are predator-released kairomones air-borne cues? Journal of Vector Ecology (in press) *59. Noreña C., Eitam, A. & Blaustein, L. 2008. “Microturbellarian” flatworms from freshwater pools: New species and records from Israel. Zootaxa (in press) D. ARTICLES OR CHAPTERS IN BOOKS WHICH ARE NOT CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS PUBLISHED 1. Blaustein, L. 1999. Oviposition habitat selection in response to risk of predation: Consequences for populations and community structure. In: Evolutionary Processes and Theory: Modern Perspectives. Ed. by S. P. Wasser, Kluwer Academic Publishers. pp. 441-456. *2. Mitchell, W.A., Kotler, B.P., J.S. Brown, L. Blaustein, S. Dall. 2004. Species diversity in relation to habitat structure, environmental variability and species interactions. In: Gosz, J., S. Pickett, M. Shachak, and A. Perevelotsky (eds), Drylands Biodiversity, Oxford Press. *3. Blaustein, L. and M. Spencer. 2005. Sampling Aquatic Insects. In: Insect Sampling in Forest Ecosystems: Methods in Ecology Series. Leather, S. (ed). Blackwell Science. Pp. 186-220. *4. Blaustein, L. and D.W. Whitman. 2007. Behavioral Plasticity in response to risk of predation: Oviposition habitat selection by a mosquito. In: Whitman D. & TN Ananthakrishnan (ed) Phenotypic Plasticity in Insects: Mechanisms and Consequences (in press). Science Pub Inc. pp. 263-280. *5. Whitman, D.W. and L. Blaustein. 2007. Natural Enemy-Induced Plasticity in Plants and Animals. In: Whitman D. (ed) Phenotypic Plasticity in Insects: Mechanisms and Consequences (accepted). Science Pub Inc. pp. 177-261 E. ARTICLES IN CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS 1. Blaustein, L., N. Engert, E. Steiner, E. Nevo, and M.R. Warburg. 1996. Israel's endangered urodele species: Preliminary studies on their distribution across Mount Carmel and their influences on community structure of temporary pools. Proc. Isr. Soc. Ecol. Environ. Qual. 6:514-516.