General Pharmacology

General Pharmacology
The study of ___________, their _____________, _________________, and ______________
Medication Names
 All listed in ___________________________
__________________ name. Example: _______________________
__________________ name. Example: B-(e,4 dihydroxyphenyl)amethylaminoethanol
__________________ name. Example: _______________________
A. Medications Carried on the Ambulance
1. Activated charcoal – Is used to treat a _________________ or ___________________
when a substance is _____________________. It will __________________ some poisons
keeping the medication from being absorbed by the body.
 In order to use you __________________________________. Generally, charcoal
should be given within _________________ of ingestion of the poison or drug.
2. Oral glucose – is a form of ________________ taken by ______________ to treat a
______________________ patient with an ____________________________ and a
 Administer the ___________tube of glucose.
3. Oxygen – _____________________ is used as a __________ to treat any patient whose
medical or traumatic condition caused them to be ________________ or in danger of
becoming __________________.
List ways you would administer O2 with appropriate liter flow.
4. Epi-Pen – Used to help ___________________________ and ________ airway passages.
Used by patients with severe allergic reactions (_________________) from things such as
_________________, ____________________, and ____________________. Refer to
protocol. These may also be prescribed to patients.
 Adult dose: ______________
 Child dose: ______________
 Injected with an auto-injector syringe on the _________ – __________________
 After injection, hold the syringe in place for ___________________ to allow all
the medication to get into the patient.
 Dispose of auto-injector into a __________________________.
5. Albuterol – (_________________) – ____________________________ (bronchodilator).
Used with individuals having an _________________________. Reduces airway resistance.
 For use on individuals age _________ with a history of _____________.
 Administered through a ______________. Oxygen flow rate should be set at
 Dose is ___________
 For patients with angina, myocardial infarction or congestive heart failure,
_______________________ must be contacted _____________ to
administration of albuterol.
 Side Effects of Albuterol
o ________________________
o ________________________
o ________________________
6. Aspirin – given to patients suffering _________________ with a ____________________.
 If patient has ___________________________ and has no history of aspirin
__________________ and no evidence of recent gastrointestinal _______________,
administer ___________________________________ – 160mg to 325 mg
B. Medications Prescribed to Patients
1. Prescribed Inhaler – used by patients having ________________________ and who
have diseases such as _______________, ____________________ and chronic
2. Nebulizer – medicine is delivered as a _____________________ mixed with oxygen. Used
to treat breathing problems such as __________________________. Provides
____________________________ to the medication.
3. Nitroglycerin – causes blood vessels to _________. Used by patients with ____________
Complication: Pt’s blood pressure may __________. If this happens:
1) __________________________________
2) Lie the pt. ___________
3) Reassess their __________________
C. What you need to know when giving a medication
Indications – Specific _____________, ___________________, or circumstance that makes it
________________________ to administer a drug. example: __________ for
Contraindications – Specific sign, symptom, or circumstance in which it would be
_______________________, or __________________, to administer a drug. example: giving
nitro to a patient with a ___________________________ (hypotensive).
Side Effect – Any action of the drug other than the __________________________
Some side effects are predictable (example: ____________________ as a side effect of
D. Before giving any medication you should be able to answer the following:
1. Dose – _________________ should be given to a patient
2. Actions – ________________________ on a patient
3. Route – _______________________ is administered (i.e., orally, sublingually, by
E. Medications come in many different forms
1. Compressed or powders or tablets –
2. Liquids for injection –
3. Gels –
4. Suspensions –
5. Fine power for inhalation –
6. Gases for inhalation –
7. Sub-lingual spray –
8. Liquid that is vaporized –
F. Routes in which a medication can be administered
1. Oral – ________________________
2. Sublingual – dissolved under the _________________
3. Inhaled – breathed into the ______________ (aerosol or inhaler)
4. Intravenous – injected into the __________ ***
5. Intramuscular – injected into the _______________ ***
6. Subcutaneous – injected under the ___________ ***
G. Steps to take when administering a medication
1. If the order was received from on-line medical direction, confirm the order with the doctor
and write it down.
2. Check to make sure the medication has not expired.
3. Ask yourself:
a. Do I have _____________________________
b. Is this the _____________________________
c. Is this the ______________________________
d. Am I giving the medication the __________________
4. Document the time the medication was administered.
5. Document any changes, if any, in the patient’s condition following administration of the
6. Repeat _____________________________
Patients Must Be Reassessed ANY Time a Medication is Given