NAME: Shannon Martin and Amber Martinez
DATE: 9/17-9/21
TIME: 1:20-3:00
CONTENT AREA: Social Studies
Social Studies II Competency Goal 1: The learner will demonstrate an understanding of the link between self
awareness and the establishment of lifelong goals.
Focus: Universal human needs and characteristics, personal characteristics, setting goals.
Extension: Preferences, Interests, Needs, Strengths (PINS), making choices, setting goals.
OBJECTIVE: The student will be able to…
…recognize and identify Good Citizenship – Rule 1 (Sharing). Use the worksheet to answer comprehension
questions about the lesson.
Early Symbolic:
…recognize and identify Good Citizenship – Rule 1 (Sharing) using pictures symbols. Use the worksheet to answer
questions about the lesson by circling the correct answer or by stamping with a writing tool, eye gaze to correct
picture symbol to answer a question.
…recognize and identify Good Citizenship – Rule 1 (Sharing) using pictures symbols, physical guidance or an
augmentative device. Use a communication device to answer questions about the lesson. Students may using
pointing eye gaze or picture symbols to give response. Students will be able to select objects/items that they can
share with other people.
Students will review with the classroom rules and the previous rules of citizenship that they have learned
(respect, responsibility, and working in the community). They will practice identifying the vocabulary
from previous lessons from word wall.
The Good Citizenship – Rule 1 Sharing handout, picture symbols, “yes/no” switch, appropriate writing utensils and
the Good Citizenship worksheet, Smart Board, cheap talk 8 with good citizenship vocabulary, discovery education
video on sharing, vocabulary matching activity (worksheet)
LESSON PROCEDURES: (What the teacher will do)
For all students, the lesson will begin with a transition from the “Link to Prior Learning” to a discussion of the
subject for the lesson. Teacher will review rules already learned about being a good citizen and ask students literal
recall questions from previous lessons (students can answer verbally or with picture symbols/ACC devices).
Teacher will present new vocabulary on Smart Board and read definitions to students. Students will then practice
matching words to definitions. Level 1 students can practice matching words to definitions and words to pictures.
Level 2 and 3 students can practice matching words paired with pictures to picture symbols.
Teacher will read story about sharing on Smart board, having students circle/point to vocabulary words within the
Teacher will distribute a copy of the Good Citizenship – Rule 1 Sharing handout.
Teacher will lead the lesson by having the students read the handout on Good Citizenship Rule One - Sharing.
Teacher will ask students to identify some the qualities of Rule Two. Students will participate in a sharing activity.
Early Symbolic:
Teacher will lead the lesson by instructing the students on the early symbolic level to use their fingers or other
pointing device to follow along with the Good Citizenship handout as it is being read in class. Students will
participate by answering comprehension questions using appropriate writing tool or augmentative device. Students
will participate in a sharing activity (watching a video and, using response cards, stating whether or not a particular
action is or is not sharing.)
Teacher will lead the lesson by instructing the students on the pre-symbolic level to attend to the reading of the
handout by looking at the pages as they are read aloud by the teacher or student. Students on this pre-symbolic
level will respond to the text by using communication devices and/or head and hand gestures to answer simple
verbal comprehension questions. Students will participate in a sharing activity.
The assistants will sit with students that need assistance in attending to the lesson.
INDEPENDENT PRACTICE (Additional opportunities where you plan to implement the objectives of this lesson
for the students to carry over the skills to other areas…this is to help in planning for generalization practice)
The students on this level will circle and/or write the correct answer on the worksheet.
Early Symbolic:
Students on the early symbolic level will point to the correct picture symbol on the worksheet to identify the correct
answer to the question and circle the correct answer.
The students on the pre-symbolic level will use one or two switches grouped with picture symbols to identify the
correct answer on the worksheet
After completing the worksheet, the class will review the lesson. Students will be assessed based on
individual IEP goals and answering questions throughout the lesson.