Rehabilitation Medicine Summit: Building Research Capacity

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Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation
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1. Research
Fall-related gait characteristics on the treadmill and in daily life
Sietse M. Rispens, Jaap H. Van Dieën, Kimberley S. Van Schooten, L. Eduardo Cofré
Lizama, Andreas Daffertshofer, Peter J. Beek and Mirjam Pijnappels
Published on: 2 February 2016
2. Research
EEG oscillatory patterns and classification of sequential compound limb
motor imagery
Weibo Yi, Shuang Qiu, Kun Wang, Hongzhi Qi, Feng He, Peng Zhou, Lixin Zhang and
Dong Ming
Published on: 28 January 2016
3. Research
Biomechanical walking mechanisms underlying the metabolic reduction
caused by an autonomous exoskeleton
Luke M. Mooney and Hugh M. Herr
Published on: 28 January 2016
4. Methodology
A geometric method for computing ocular kinematics and classifying gaze
events using monocular remote eye tracking in a robotic environment
Tarkeshwar Singh, Christopher M. Perry and Troy M. Herter
Published on: 26 January 2016
5. Research
Evaluation of the effects of the Arm Light Exoskeleton on movement
execution and muscle activities: a pilot study on healthy subjects
Elvira Pirondini, Martina Coscia, Simone Marcheschi, Gianluca Roas, Fabio Salsedo,
Antonio Frisoli, Massimo Bergamasco and Silvestro Micera
Published on: 23 January 2016
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1. Research
The feasibility of a brain-computer interface functional electrical
stimulation system for the restoration of overground walking after
Christine E. King, Po T. Wang, Colin M. McCrimmon, Cathy CY Chou, An H. Do and
Zoran Nenadic
Published on: 24 September 2015
2. Review
A review of wearable sensors and systems with application in
Shyamal Patel, Hyung Park, Paolo Bonato, Leighton Chan and Mary Rodgers
Published on: 20 April 2012
3. Review
Rehabilitation of gait after stroke: a review towards a top-down approach
Juan-Manuel Belda-Lois, Silvia Mena-del Horno, Ignacio Bermejo-Bosch, Juan C
Moreno, José L Pons, Dario Farina, Marco Iosa, Marco Molinari, Federica Tamburella,
Ander Ramos, Andrea Caria, Teodoro Solis-Escalante, Clemens Brunner and
Massimiliano Rea
Published on: 13 December 2011
4. Research
Early changes in muscle atrophy and muscle fiber type conversion after
spinal cord transection and peripheral nerve transection in rats
Kosaku Higashino, Tetsuya Matsuura, Katsuyoshi Suganuma, Kiminori Yukata,
Toshihiko Nishisho and Natsuo Yasui
Published on: 20 May 2013
5. Research
A wireless body area network of intelligent motion sensors for computer
assisted physical rehabilitation
Emil Jovanov, Aleksandar Milenkovic, Chris Otto and Piet C de Groen
Published on: 1 March 2005
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Aims and scope
Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation considers manuscripts on all aspects of research
that result from cross-fertilization of the fields of neuroscience, biomedical engineering, and
physical medicine and rehabilitation. JNER provides a forum for researchers and clinicians
interested in understanding the way neuroscience and biomedical engineering are continuing to
reshape physical medicine and rehabilitation. JNER hosts the introduction of new methods and
the discussion of their clinical implications, and offers an opportunity to publish, in a timely
manner, articles relevant to the intersection of these three fields.
Article collections
Thematic series
Technically-advanced assessments in sensory motor rehabilitation
Edited by: Thierry Keller, Verena Klamroth-Marganska, and Robert Riener
Thematic series
Wearable robotics in clinical testing
Edited by: José Contreras-Vidal, José Gonzalez-Vargas, and José Luis Pons
View all article collections
Standards of reporting
Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation advocates the complete and transparent
reporting of research and methods. Authors are required to follow relevant reporting guidelines
and append the appropriate reporting guideline checklist to their manuscript on submission,
available from the EQUATOR Network. See BioMed Central’s policy page for further
David Reinkensmeyer, Editor-in-Chief
David Reinkensmeyer is Professor in the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering,
the Department of Anatomy and Neurobiology, and the Department of Biomedical Engineering
at University of California, Irvine. Prior to this, he received a B.S. degree in electrical
engineering from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in
electrical engineering from the University of California, Berkeley. He was a postdoctoral fellow
then research assistant professor in the Sensory Motor Performance Program, Rehabilitation
Institute of Chicago and Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Northwestern
University Medical School, before joining U.C Irvine in 1998. Prof. Reinkensmeyer's research
interests include neuromuscular control, motor learning, robotics, and rehabilitation.
Featured article: Feasibility of a BCI functional electrical
stimulation system for the restoration of overground
walking after paraplegia
King et al. 2015
"Direct brain control of overground walking in those with paraplegia due to spinal cord injury
(SCI) has not been achieved. Invasive brain-computer interfaces (BCIs) may provide a
permanent solution to this problem by directly linking the brain to lower extremity prostheses.
To justify the pursuit of such invasive systems, the feasibility of BCI controlled overground
walking should first be established in a noninvasive manner. To accomplish this goal, we
developed an electroencephalogram (EEG)-based BCI to control a functional electrical
stimulation (FES) system for overground walking and assessed its performance in an individual
with paraplegia due to SCI. ... This proof-of-concept study demonstrates for the first time that
restoring brain-controlled overground walking after paraplegia due to SCI is feasible."
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