Needs and Use for Nanoeducation Modules for the Middle School and High School Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) Programs General Background There are many opportunities to integrate the study of nanoscale science and engineering methods and processes into a wide range of middle school and high school STEM Education programs in ways that are compatible with the state and national learning standards that guide instruction. By developing and implementing nanoscale activities for middle school and high school STEM programs, students can gradually develop an understanding of and interest in nanoscale science and engineering processes. In addition, many middle school and high school teachers are, themselves, interested in gaining a understanding of nanoscale science and engineering and will be more likely to integrate nanoscale activities into existing units of study if nanoscale activities involve laboratory experimentation and guided discussions that are similar to and enrich the classroom activities that are already a part of a school’s STEM curriculum. Nanotechnology activities can also provide unique opportunities for students to apply their understanding of fundamental scientific and technological principals to a study of nanoscale science and engineering. In addition, students can gradually develop a better understanding of relationships among scientific research, the engineering design process, and manufacturing processes. Nanotechnology processes also provide opportunities for students to develop an understanding of the unique range of useful nanoscale products and applications. However, the integration of nanoscale science and engineering into middle school and high school STEM programs presents a number of challenges for middle school and high school educators. The very small dimensions of nanoscale structures are difficult for many middle school and high school students to comprehend. There risks to be evaluated in nanoscale science and engineering as well as benefits. The instrumentation required to manufacture or detect nanoscale structures are far more sophisticated than instruments commonly utilized in middle school and high school STEM programs. The emphasis on meeting local, state and national curriculum guidelines requires that middle school and high school educators articulate ways in which classroom activities that focus on nanoscale science and technology assist in meeting those curriculum guidelines and preparing students for local and state students and school assessments. Specific Needs and Use of modules for Middle School and High School STEM Programs The development and use of video and 3D animation modules has the capacity to provide a link between the classroom activities that are common to middle school and high school STEM programs and sophisticated and complex nanoscale science and engineering processes. This capacity was demonstrated during the presentation of two modules at a nanotechnology summer institute for middle school and high school educators held at the University of Massachusetts Amherst during the summer of 2007. That institute was developed jointly by the STEM Education Institute and the Center for Hierarchical Manufacturing at the University of Massachusetts Amherst The context for presentation in of one of the modules was an activity where teachers used isopropyl alcohol as a solvent to create a dilute solution of oleic acid. One drop of that solution was then dropped onto the surface of a layer of water that was covered with a thin layer of chalk dust. The alcohol solvent dissolved in the water and a nanoscale layer of oleic acid spread across the surface of the water. The module described both the process by which oleic acid forms a nanoscale layer on the surface of water and the methods by which the dimensions of the oleic acid thin layer can be calculated. The module provided animations and images that guided viewers toward an understanding of the formation of a nanoscale layer of a substance. The discussion that followed the oleic acid module presentation revealed many ways in which the module can facilitate educational processes at the middle school and high school level. Some teachers indicated their preference to have students do the hands-on activity before showing the module. Other teachers expressed a preference to use a segment of the module to introduce students to the laboratory procedure and then use another segments of the module to review the quantitative aspects of the activity and/or the chemical interactions of molecular structures. The module effectively reinforced the concept that data collected by students during a hands-on activity resulted in the self-assembly of a nanoscale structure. In a second module presented at the summer institute, video and animation modules were used to illustrate the design and applications of an Atomic Force Microscope. Prior to the presentation of the module, teachers has used plastic building blocks to design and construct a device that used a combination of a lever mechanism and a laser light beam to map the small changes in elevations along the surface of a structure. The teachers recognized the value of hands-on activities that engage students in the engineering design process as they designed and constructed a model of a device that detects and maps nanoscale structures. They also recognized the tremendous value of providing students with an opportunity to view video footage of an actual Atomic Force Microscope as well as animations that revealed the similarities between their module and the actual device. Future and Other Perspectives There are many opportunities to develop modules that will enrich the middle school and high school curriculum. An example is a module that would relate the electroplating of zinc metal onto a copper electrode, as is commonly done in middle school and high school physical science courses, to nanoscale electrodeposition processes. Another module could reveal the interdisciplinary nature of nanoscale science and engineering by relating the chemical synthesis of nanoscale ferrofluid particles in a chemistry laboratory to the delivery of nanoscale medicine to tumors via the human body’s circulatory system. It is evident that, with a careful review of local, state, and national STEM curriculum guidelines, the development of modules provides a vital link between the entire middle school and high school STEM curriculum and nanoscale scientific research as well as nanoscale engineering and manufacturing. In addition, the production of the modules is an excellent example of the application of technological devices that have components that include nanoscale structures. These devices provide the technological capacity to provide images and animations that build an understanding of nanoscale science and engineering. Many of the technological devices that many middle school and high school students utilize would not be available without nanoscale manufacturing processes. The availability of these devices provides a unique opportunity for students to recognize that many ways in which nanoscale science and engineering has impacted their lives.