I. Implementation of the activities, included in Action L1 “Creation of

For the period September – October 2010
For the period from the beginning of September to the end of October 2010
the Executive Environment Agency (ExEA), associated beneficiary to the project
FutMon - LIFE 07 ENV/DE/000218 realized the following by main activities:
I. Implementation of the activities, included in Action L1 “Creation of large
scale representative monitoring grid” and Action L2 – „Large scale
representative monitoring”
Reporting period: 01. 09. 2010 – 31.10.2010
A processing and encoding of the data obtained in the research field activities
was made, to assess the trees-heads and down the damage caused by biotic and
abiotic nature in leaves, needles, twigs, stems and roots in the permanent
experimental areas. Forms BG2010.PLO, BG2010.TRE and BG2010.TRF are
completed as requested in the reporting data for the year 2010 methodology.
Processed data were obtained from taxation measurements of standing
experimental areas for updating and supplementing the indicators included in the
reporting form BGGENER.PLT, as specified within the project.
Record dossiers of the experimental areas were made, updated with data from
forest information - forestry department, subdivision, site, etc. These dossiers include
photographs of the experimental areas and specific abiotic and biotic damage
observed trees. Plant communities’ determination and their representation in the
ecological network were also made.
Prepared and submitted already is a final report of the project "Establishment
of a representative network for large-scale inventory and monitoring of forest
ecosystems” and “Representative monitoring network on a large-scale assessment of
forest conditions in 2009 and 2010".
II. Implementation of the activities included in Action ІМ1 - „Selection of core
plots of Intensive Monitoring – Forests for 2009 and 2010.”
The activities have been carried out under preliminarily schedules and
programs. The samples of atmospheric deposition were collected every two weeks.
Samples were analyzed in the laboratories of the ExEA.
The results of the analysis were processed and data was uploaded for
treatment in a specially designed program. It has begun gathering and analyzing of
the soil waters samples. Samples of litterfall are gathering according to the
The data on air quality and meteoparameters are processed and included in
the database of the ExEA.
Reporting period: 01. 09. 2010 – 30.09.2010
In the reporting period has been made the following:
1. Processing and analysis of data from field observations of the crown condition
in the sample plots of Yundola, Vitinia and Staro Oriahovo, to characterize
trends in the indicators “defoliation” and “discoloration” for a longer period.
2. Analysis of the causes of observed damage on trees and plants as a whole,
considering the potential anthropogenic factors.
3. Processing and analysis of the phytocoenotic descriptions about the floristic
composition, structure and dynamics of plant communities.
4. Processing the results of soil studies.
5. Take of leaf samples from the fixed sample areas and their preparation for
6. Processing of data from chemical analysis of atmospheric deposition,
stemflow and soil waters, for a definite period.
7. Data processing of litterfall, for a definite period.
8. Analysis of data on air pollution, for a definite period.
9. Analysis of data on characteristics of meteorological conditions, for a definite
Reporting period: 01. 10. 2010 – 31.10.2010
In the reporting period has been made the following:
1. Evaluation and interpretation of data from field study work, related to forest
crown condition. Filling in the PLT, TRC, TRD, INV and PLI forms.
2. Evaluation of data from the phytocoenotic descriptions about floristic
composition, structure and dynamics of plant communities and preparation of
the PLV and VEM forms.
3. Evaluation of data from soil surveys and preparation of the PLS, PRF, PFH
and SOM forms.
4. Evaluation of data from soil solution and preparation of the SSO, SSM and
PSS forms.
5. Evaluation of data about litterfall and preparation of the LFP, LFM and LFO
6. Evaluation of data from chemical analysis of atmospheric deposition, stemflow
and soil waters for the specified period and preparation of the PLD, DEM and
DEO forms.
7. Assessment of data on air pollution, for a definite period.
8. Assessment of data on characteristics of meteorological conditions, for a
definite period.
9. Preparation of the final report, as specified under contract.
III. Implementation of the activities included in the demonstration project D2
within the project FutMon – “Calculation and Evaluation of the Full Nutrient
Cycle and Critical Loads of Pollutants in the Intensive Monitoring Plots –
Forests for 2009 and 2010”
Reporting period: 01. 09. 2010 – 30.09.2010
In the reporting period has been made the following:
1. Foliar sampling was taken from 5 sample trees in the sample plots Vitinia
(Fagus sylvatica), Staro Oriahovo (Quercus frainetto) and Yundola (Picea
abies, current and current+1 needles). The mass of 100 leaves and 1000
needles, and the absolutely dry mass of the samples were measured.
2. Data processing of protocols for mass and chemical composition of litterfall.
Statistical processing of data.
3. Data processing of protocols on chemical composition of soil waters.
4. Data processing of protocols on chemical composition of atmospheric
5. Processing of the results from field studies about floristic composition and
phytocoenotic structure of the vegetation.
6. Defining of the projective cover and the average height of species in the
reporting sites for biomass.
7. Preparation of tables and charts for the preparation of the final report on the
Reporting period: 01. 10. 2010 – 31.10.2010
In the reporting period has been made the following:
1. Preparation of the final report, including interpretation of data from chemical
analysis of litterfall, soil waters and atmospheric deposition.
2. Determination of the species composition in functional groups of plants and
species with great phytocoenotic importance.
3. Determination of the loss of basic cations from the soil with soil waters.
4. Determination of the entry of nitrogen deposition and nitrogen losses in the
soil waters.
5. Determination of the ionic balance at entry and export of cations and anions.
6. Interpretation of the results taken from the model for determination of critical
loads of acidity, sulphur and nitrogen.
7. Estimations and prognoses.
8. Fill in the required forms for reporting the results of the analysis of litterfall, soil
waters, atmospheric depositions and phytocoenotic studies.
IV. Implementation of the activities included in the work package М8 –
„National dissemination of information”
Reporting period: 01. 09. 2010 – 31.10.2010
With regard of presenting the results of the Project, and to meet the
requirements set out in Activity M8, during the reference period a contract with the
firm “Prima Print Ltd.” was prepared. The signed contract is for the design and supply
of notice boards for the sample plots, within the intensive forest monitoring of the
The project’s budgetary allocations enabled the development of notice boards
of a smaller size for FutMon SP – 36 in number – which must be placed near the
visitor centres and on places with easy access. Envisaged implementation date is
06/11/2010, then pending is the organization of procurement and the installation of
the notice boards themselves.