Online Supplement David E. Krummen, MD, FACC, FHRS1,2 Justin

Online Supplement
David E. Krummen, MD, FACC, FHRS1,2
Justin Hayase, MD1,2
David J. Morris, MD1,2
Jeffrey Ho, MD1,2
Miriam R. Smetak, BS2
Paul Clopton, MS2
Wouter-Jan Rappel, PhD1,2
Sanjiv M. Narayan, MD, PhD, FACC, FHRS1,2
University of California San Diego, San Diego, CA
Veterans Affairs San Diego Healthcare System, San Diego, CA
Page S1
Table of Contents
Supplemental Movie Descriptions
page S3
Data Supplement: Simulation of VF and Mapping
page S4
Data Supplement: Comparison of VF by Induction Method
page S6
Data Supplement: Ventricular Activation during Rapid Pacing
page S7
Data Supplement: Relationship between CL and Duration
page S8
Data Supplement: Comparison of Apical and Basal Mapping
page S9
page S11
Page S2
I. Supplemental Movie Descriptions
Supplemental Movie 1: Movie shows a left ventricular rotor in a 73 year old patient with an
ejection fraction of 25%. The rotor is observed in the mid-septal LV, and completes 15 counterclockwise rotations. The phase singularity around which rotation occurs is identified by the
stationary pink dot (center of image), which remains visible for the duration of the rotor. This
episode of ventricular fibrillation required defibrillation.
Supplemental Movies 2 and 3: These movies show samples of spatially conserved right
ventricular rotors during 2 consecutive VF inductions in a 63 year old patient with nonischemic
cardiomyopathy, recurrent VT, and an ejection fraction of 40%. The clockwise rotors both occur
in the posterior right ventricle, and persist for 48 and 34 consecutive clockwise rotations,
respectively. Both episodes of VF required defibrillation.
Supplemental Movie 4: Movie shows a left ventricular focal source in a 68 year old patient with
an ejection fraction of 32%. Notice the greater proportion of electrical diastole and lack of
rotation compared with the rotor examples. This episode of ventricular fibrillation terminated
spontaneously during defibrillator charging.
Supplemental Movie 5: Movie shows disorganized activity with no clear rotor or focal source in
a 52 year old patient with a normal EF. Activation patterns are varying and chaotic, spanning the
VF cycle.
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Supplemental Movie 6: This movie shows right (left side of image) and left (right side of
image) ventricular activation during rapid pacing from the RV at a cycle length (CL) of 220
msec. Activation shows centrifugal activation from the pacing site without evidence for rotors.
Image conventions are similar to those in online supplement figure S2 (below).
II. Data Supplement: Simulation of VF and Mapping
Prior work has shown that rotor filaments spanning from endocardium to epicardium
display spiral waves endocardially (1,2). To explore the effects of a non-endocardial rotor
filament configuration on endocardial mapping during VF, we created a 3D computational model
of spiral wave activity. For these experiments, the Barkley model (3) was implemented using a
200x100x100 grid with a grid space of dx=0.4 and a timestep of dt=10-4 (all units are
dimensionless). Parameters were set as follows: a=1.1, b=0.18, epsilon=0.02, and diffusion
constants set to 1, consistent with prior work (4). We examined a hairpin-shaped filament with
both ends terminating on the epicardium (figure S1A and S1B). This filament was initiated
using the procedure detailed in Dutta et al. (4).
This filament configuration results in focal activation on the endocardium (figure S1C)
and spiral waves on the epicardium (figure S1D).
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Figure S1. Half-maximal activation (orange wavefront) due to a rotor filament (red),
with both ends terminating on the epicardium, shown from an endocardial view (S1A), and an
epicardial view (S1B). Endocardial activation (S1C) shows focal activation, while epicardial
activation shows rotors (S1D).
These results are in concordance with prior work (5). Importantly, the majority of focal
sources in our study were not consistent with observed rotors; only 2/12 rotors (17%, p=NS) in
patients with 2 episodes of VF with focal activity were spatially conserved between VF
inductions. We therefore estimate the proportion of potential misclassified rotors as a minority
(<20%) of the observed focal sources. The majority may represent triggered activity (6),
Purkinje-muscle reentry (5), or alternative mechanisms. Future studies, using combined
endocardial and epicardial recordings, may clarify the nature of the observed focal activation.
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III. Data Supplement: Comparison of VF by Induction Method
Significant insights into VF mechanisms have been made studying VF induced by rapid
pacing (7-10) and T wave shock (11,12). Prior work evaluating differences in VF between rapid
pacing induction and T-wave shock have shown no difference in surface ECG dominant
frequency or defibrillation threshold (13). However, it is unclear whether differences in
intracardiac rate, regularity, rotor number, or rotor duration exist. We hypothesized that VF
characteristics would not be significantly different between these induction techniques.
The pacing protocol consisted of interrupted, rapid pacing at decreasing cycle lengths to
induce VF, with a 1 minute recovery interval between pacing attempts. The duration of
continuous pacing immediately prior to VF induction was 13.7±7.9 seconds. For shock-on-T
induction, 3.2 seconds of rapid pacing preceded a 2 Joule T-wave shock. Both induction
methods were less than the 30 second threshold previously demonstrated for ischemia to
significantly affect VF mechanisms (7).
Using electrograms recorded from the biventricular basket catheters (128 electrodes), we
calculated VF rate both using dominant frequency (DF) (14) and with a validated autocorrelation
(autoCL) algorithm (15). We also calculated VF regularity using peak area ratio (PAR) (14,16)
and regularity index (RI) (17). Each measure was computed at each electrode over consecutive 1
second intervals for the duration of VF. These values were then averaged to determine the
global value in each VF episode.
We also compared the number and duration of VF rotors between the two induction
types. Shock-on-T and rapid pacing VF episodes were then matched by left ventricular EF,
Page S6
which has previously been shown to affect VF rate (18,19), and characteristics were evaluated
using the paired t test.
As shown in Table S1, there were no differences in any of the measured parameters.
These findings are in agreement with those by Zima and colleagues (13), and support the
hypothesis that VF mechanisms are conserved for different induction techniques.
Table S1. Comparison of Rapid Pacing-induced and Shock-induced VF
Dominant Frequency, Global (Hz)±SD
Autocorrelation CL, Global (msec)±SD
Peak Area Ration, Global±SD
Regularity Index, Global±SD
Number of Rotors±SD
Rotor Duration (msec)±SD
Pacing-Induced VF Shock-Induced VF
IV. Data Supplement: Ventricular Activation during Rapid Pacing
We examined ventricular activation during rapid pacing in all patients with induced VF
(n=19 patients). We mapped activation at the fastest paced rate achieved with 1:1 activation and
prior to induction of VF. The average paced cycle length (CL) evaluated was slower, but not
statistically different, than the final VF CL (evaluated paced CL: 220±32 msec; VF CL 210±26
msec; p=0.16).
Figure S2 (below) and supplemental movie 6 show biventricular activation during pacing
at a CL of 220 msec in a 73 year old patient with an ejection fraction of 25%. (VF initiated at a
paced CL of 210 msec in this patient, and the final VF CL was 199 msec). Notably, laminar
activation without rotation is shown in the isochronal plots, and no consistent phase singularity is
observed in the phase movie.
Page S7
Figure S2. Isochronal map of biventricular activation during pacing at CL 220 msec. Laminar
activation occurs during rapid pacing from the RV apex. No rotational activation is seen.
Overall, there was no evidence (0 of 19 patients) of rotors during rapid pacing prior to the
onset of VF. We conclude that mapping and motion artifact did not create the appearance of
rotors during rapid pacing at CLs approximating VF.
V. Data Supplement: Relationship between CL and Duration
In prior work, structural heart disease (LV size (18,19)) and electrical remodeling
(gradients in IK1 (20)) were found have an impact on VF dynamics. To further investigate the
importance of electrical remodeling on rotor formation, we analyzed the relationship between
rotor CL and temporal stability. As shown in figure S3, we found no significant correlation
(R2=0.02, p=0.4) between these rotor characteristics.
Page S8
Figure S3. Relationship between rotor cycle length and temporal stability (R2=0.02, p=0.4).
Future work should investigate the electrophysiologic properties of rotor sites to
determine the precise alterations which support rotor formation and stabilization in human VF.
VI. Data Supplement: Comparison of Apical and Basal Mapping
Ventricular anatomy varies from apex to base. To assess for differences in mapping
conditions between apical and basal basket electrodes, we compared rotor data from sustained
VF episodes according to location. We defined basal rotors as those rotors observed at basket
electrodes 7 and 8, and apical rotors as rotors observed at basket electrodes 1 and 2. Because
Page S9
patients could potentially contribute multiple rotors to the analysis, repeated measures analysis of
variance was used for statistical analysis.
There were no significant differences in rotor characteristics between apical and basal
rotor locations (table S2). Future studies should determine if larger rotor samples show evidence
of anatomically-based variance in VF characteristics.
Table S2. Comparison of apical and basal rotor characteristics in sustained VF.
Characteristic, Sustained VF
Percent of Observed Rotors
Rotor Core Cycle Length (msec)
Rotor Prevalence (% of VF Cycles)
Maximum Rotor Stability (Consecutive VF Cycles)
Page S10
Apical Rotors
Basal Rotors
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