UNDERLYING ISSUES by Carol Baltkalns, Geomancer/Dowser As an Energy Therapist and Educator, I am a person interested in the well-being of others, and I often wonder why some people just don’t seem to respond to treatments. Whether those treatments are of Eastern or Western medicine, it doesn’t really seem to matter. After literally being drawn to become more involved in dowsing and learning about electromagnetic energy lines, I believe I now understand why and would like to share the following information. For centuries and before ‘modern times’, it was well known that sacred buildings, such as churches and monasteries, were built on earth energy lines called ‘ley lines’. These buildings were architecturally designed to follow the grid pattern of these lines. In fact, it was often said that where your dog rested for the night would be a ‘sleepers delight’ and where your cat rested during the day would ‘sweep a good night’s rest away’. In addition to the ley lines, there were other energetic lines at work, forming the grid pattern that permeates the earth and flows through all things. These various lines have come to be known by the initial observers’ names – The Hartman Lines, which run North-South and East-West, and The Curry Lines, which run on a diagonal pattern of North-East to South-West and North-West to South-East (named after Drs. Hartman & Curry, respectively). These lines generally run on a grid pattern every 8 to 10 feet and can be up to 18 inches in width. When these two different lines cross each other, they alternate between a positive charge and a negative charge, just like a battery. When you sleep on top of two negative crossing lines, you are spending up to 8 hours with this electromagnetic energy flowing through your body. This is not healthy. Also, if there happens to be an underground water vein flowing beneath your house, and in particular directly under your bed, then there is additional concern. Water magnifies and amplifies the electromagnetic energy flowing along these lines. It is important to be aware of how these naturally-occurring energy lines weave through your home, and especially how they flow through your sleeping area. The solution is simple – have the water vein diverted and move your bed so that it is not on top of these negative lines! A Geomancer – a dowser who specializes in identifying and working with geopathic stress zones in homes, offices, stables/barns, etc – can assist you in mapping out zones of disturbances in your home and finding solutions to reduce your exposure to the electromagnetic energy.