3900-PM-BSDW0254q Instructions Rev. 7/2013 COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION BUREAU OF SAFE DRINKING WATER Remove and recycle these instructions prior to mailing to DEP BULK WATER LOADING STATIONS Module 15-B has been developed to provide completeness and uniformity in the submission of information supporting an application for a public water supply permit for bulk water loading stations. The permit amendment/approval ensures that (1) the PWS has adequate quantity of water available for planned sale; (2) adequate measures are taken to prevent potential contamination of public water system supplies; (3) appropriate security measures are in place and; (4) no adverse impacts on the system operation will occur with the proposed taking points. The permit requirements for Public Water Systems (PWS) under Chapter 109 are governed by ownership or operational control. The following information, including the drawing and associated table, is intended to help the PWS in determining the need for the required permit authorization associated with potable or non-potable Bulk Water Loading activity. The term “taking point” used here implies a location of water withdrawal point on any part of the PWS facility (raw water prior to being sent to a treatment facility, partially treated water, or finished water ready for human consumption). Bulk water loading activity has the potential to affect the quantity and/or quality of water served to the public and requires a minor permit amendment. The level of authorization for taking points is contingent upon whether the water at the taking point is finished or raw (not ready for human consumption). Permit amendments are required for taking points for bulk water sales located on any part of the PWS associated with finished water (ready for human consumption) and that are owned or operated by the PWS. Letter approvals may be sufficient for taking points for bulk water sales located on the raw water portion of the system when there are no potential impacts on operations. However, a minor permit amendment is required when the potential for impacts on operations exists. For example, a permit amendment should be obtained for taking points located within a treatment plant to ensure that plant hydraulics and/or treatment efficacy are not adversely impacted. The diagram and table on pages 3 – 5 provides additional information about the various types of taking points and the associated permit requirements. For example, taking point #4 in the attached drawing represents one of the more common situations. In this scenario, a PWS waterline (service line) serves a meter pit (which is equipped with a water meter, gate valve, backflow preventer device and secure hatch) that is owned and operated by the bulk water loading customer. The metered waterline feeds the earthen pond which is to supply water to the non-potable bulk water loading customer. In this situation, no permit for the meter pit is required. The rational for this decision is based on cross-connection control program requirements under section 109.709 of DEP regulations. The non-potable bulk water loading customer of the PWS has the ownership and control of the meter pit and has fulfilled its responsibility by providing adequate backflow devices to prevent contamination of PWS water supplies. This customer is responsible for proper operation, maintenance and security of the meter pit. In the above scenario, if the meter pit was owned or operated by the PWS, a permit amendment would be required. If the proposal involves construction of a water line and related appurtenances by someone other than a PWS for bulk water sale for potable use, or for a combination of potable and non-potable use, a permit will be required to make the project sponsor a public water supplier. -1- 3900-PM-BSDW0254q Instructions Rev. 7/2013 The PWS may propose the use of fixed or mobile loading stations for potable or non-potable bulk water loading activity. A mobile bulk water loading station may be used at multiple hydrant locations provided those hydrant locations are identified in the permit. As per the current Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for Chapter 109 Minor Permit Amendment and Permit Transfers, both a construction and operation permit is required when a permit amendment involves a bulk water loading station. When the use of a mobile bulk water loading station is proposed, the construction and operation permit in those situations should include taking point locations. Once it is determined that a permit amendment is needed, the PWS will need to follow the following instructions to obtain a permit amendment: This module has been designed for bulk water loading station taking points located on any part of the public water system that are owned or controlled by the public water system. At a minimum, each application for a bulk water loading station must contain the following: 1) An application form (3900-PM-BSDW0002) properly executed by a principal executive officer, general partner, or the owner of the public water system. 2) A completed copy of Module 15-B for each bulk water loading station. 3) An engineer’s report which describes the taking point and bulk water loading station facility. Duplicate copies of the above information must be submitted to the appropriate regional office. -2- 3900-PM-BSDW0254q Instructions Rev. 7/2013 Taking Points for Potable or Non-potable Bulk Water Loading -3- 3900-PM-BSDW0254q Instructions Taking Point 1 Rev. 7/2013 Description of Taking Point Taking point is outside the PWS system with withdrawal from surface or groundwater. Ownership/Operation Requirements PWS Owns/Operates The PWS may need to apply for River Basin Commission approval, if applicable and if selling to gas industry may require an Oil and Gas Water Management Plan approval as a third party supplier of water. Non-Potable Bulk Water Loading Customer No permits or amendments required of PWS. Customer may be required to obtain other authorizations such as Water Management Plan for water sales to gas industry Module 15B 2 Taking point is on the raw water side of the PWS system. PWS Owns/Operates Allocation permit needed by PWS for withdrawal from surface water. Letter approval for the taking point for bulk water sale assuming no potential impact on system operation. 3 Taking point is withdrawal from the PWS treatment unit. PWS Owns/Operates A permit amendment is required for PWS due to the potential impact on operations. Yes PWS Owns/Operates All Facilities A permit amendment is required for PWS. Yes PWS Operates Meter Pit only and NonPotable Bulk Water Loading Customer owns all facilities A permit amendment is required for PWS. Yes Non-potable Bulk Water Loading Customer Owns/Operates All Facilities No SDW permit amendment required of PWS or customer. Customer may be required to obtain other authorizations such as Water Management Plan for water sales to gas industry PWS Owns/Operates A permit amendment is required for PWS. 4 5 Taking point is on the finished water side of the PWS system. Taking point is a service line from storage. -4- Yes 3900-PM-BSDW0254q Instructions Rev. 7/2013 Taking Point Description of Taking Point Ownership/Operation Requirements Module 15B 6 Taking point is a fire hydrant. PWS Owns/Operates The PWS needs to apply for and obtain a permit amendment. The permit amendment will require use of approved mobile loading station and approved hydrant locations. Yes 7 Taking point is a bulk loading station within system PWS Owns/Operates A permit amendment is required for PWS. Yes 8 Taking point is on the finished water side of the PWS system and will be used for potable purposes PWS Owns/Operates A permit amendment is required for PWS. Yes -5- 3900-PM-BSDW0254q Rev. 7/2013 COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION BUREAU OF SAFE DRINKING WATER PUBLIC WATER SUPPLY MODULE 15-B BULK WATER LOADING STATIONS Date Prepared: Date Revised: PERMIT NO. (FOR DEPARTMENT USE ONLY) A. GENERAL INFORMATION Design Engineer and Firm: Public Water System: PWSID: Location of Project: Municipality: County: Description of Project: Justification of Project (Describe the public health and/or economic benefits of the project): B. DOCUMENTATION REQUIRED (109.503; PWS Manual, Part II, Sections I.B.3.a., III.D.2. and VIIIM) 1. Have two (2) copies of the Public Water Supply Permit Application (3900-PM-BSDW0002), including all appropriate signatures and seals, been submitted? Yes No a. Yes No If yes, are the application forms signed and sealed by all appropriate parties? 2. Have two (2) copies of the design engineer’s report, signed and sealed by a licensed professional engineer registered to practice in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, been submitted? Yes No 3. Does the front cover or flyleaf or first page of each set of drawings and specifications bear the signature and embossed seal or reasonable facsimile of the licensed professional engineer, registered to practice in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, by or under whom prepared. Yes No 4. Does each subsequent page or drawing bear an embossed seal or reasonable facsimile of such seal? Yes No 5. Does the engineer’s report include all applicable items specified in Part II of the Department’s Public Water Supply Manual? Yes No a. If no, explain. 15B - 1 3900-PM-BSDW0254q Rev. 7/2013 PUBLIC WATER SUPPLY MODULE 15-B BULK WATER LOADING STATIONS Date Prepared: Date Revised: PERMIT NO. (FOR DEPARTMENT USE ONLY) C. WATER SOURCES Water Allocation (including subsidiary) Permit or Order of Confirmation Information* Source Type Source Name Date of Last Use (Well, Spring, Surface Water, Interconnections) Permitted Capacity Permit No. * If applicable ** DRBC: Delaware River Basin Commission SRBC: Susquehanna River Basin Commission 1. Has the applicant registered the water sources as required by Chapter 110 regulations? 2. If yes, is the applicant in compliance with all Chapter 110 reporting requirements? 15B - 2 Permitted Capacity Expiration Date DRBC or SRBC** Docket Information* Permit No. Permitted Capacity Expiration Date Yes No Yes No 3900-PM-BSDW0254q Rev. 7/2013 PUBLIC WATER SUPPLY MODULE 15-B BULK WATER LOADING STATIONS Date Prepared: Date Revised: PERMIT NO. (FOR DEPARTMENT USE ONLY) D. LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION OF EACH BULK WATER LOADING STATION 1. Identification: Name of taking point: Is finished water provided at this taking point? Yes No Yes No If no, please describe the type of water being provided and for what purpose. 2. Location: Please provide the lat/long and physical location of the facility. Is the loading station located near a storage facility to ensure an adequate supply and maintain system pressure? 3. Description: Please provide a description of the facility. a. What is the maximum daily withdrawal over 24 hour period? GPD Include a water distribution system map and schematic locating water sources, bulk water loading stations, storage facilities, treatment facilities, and water monitoring/metering points. E. MOBILE BULK WATER LOADING STATIONS 1. Does this application include the use of mobile bulk water loading stations? Yes No 2. Mobile bulk water loading stations shall meet all the same regulatory and design standards as fixed loading stations. Mobile bulk loading station equipment may only be used at approved taking points. List all taking points associated with this mobile bulk water loading station. Include a water distribution system map and schematic locating water sources, mobile bulk water loading station talking points, storage facilities, treatment facilities, and water monitoring/metering points. 15B - 3 3900-PM-BSDW0254q Rev. 7/2013 PUBLIC WATER SUPPLY MODULE 15-B BULK WATER LOADING STATIONS Date Prepared: Date Revised: PERMIT NO. (FOR DEPARTMENT USE ONLY) F. FACILITY DESIGN STANDARDS 1. CROSS-CONNECTION CONTROL (109.608; PWS Manual, Part II, Section VIII, M & Part V) a. Is cross-connection control provided on the service water supply? Yes No b. Is an air gap used for cross-connection control? Yes No c. If a backflow prevention device is used, is it a reduced pressure zone device (RPZD)? Yes No If yes, d. 2. 3. 1) Is the RPZD properly sized for the service water flow? Yes No 2) Is the RPZD properly sized for the backpressure to be withstood? Yes No 3) Will the RPZD be periodically tested and maintained? Yes No Describe the tank filling procedures and how the source system is protected from backflow during tank filling operations. MATERIALS AND SANITARY MEASURES (109.602; 109.606; PWS Manual, Part II, Section II, J) a. Do all materials including pipes, fittings, valves, transfer tubing, etc. conform to the latest standards issued by AWWA, ANSI/NSF, American Standards Association, and ASTM; and meet the requirements under 109.602 and 109.606? Yes No b. Does the piping arrangement prevent contaminants from being transferred from a hauling vessel to others subsequently using the station? Yes No c. Are hoses protected from contamination by contact with the ground? Yes No PUMPS (PWS Manual, Part II, Section VI) a. Where used, is the transfer pump of a design and constructed of materials which will not degrade the quality of the water? Yes No N/A b. Is the transfer pump enclosed in a cabinet to protect against contamination? Yes No N/A If no, describe how the pump is protected during use. 4. SECURITY MEASURES (PWS Manual, Part II, Section II, M) Describe the security measures in place to prevent unauthorized access or tampering. 15B - 4 3900-PM-BSDW0254q Date Prepared: Rev. 7/2013 PUBLIC WATER SUPPLY MODULE 15-B BULK WATER LOADING STATIONS Date Revised: PERMIT NO. (FOR DEPARTMENT USE ONLY) G. FILLING AND DISPENSING PROCEDURES (109.4; 109.702) 1. Does the operations and maintenance plan provide detailed instructions on the tank loading and unloading procedures with emphasis on preventing cross-connections at the fill station and contamination of the transfer tubing? 2. Briefly describe the filling and dispensing procedures. Yes No H. MEASURES TO PREVENT ADVERSE IMPACTS (109.4) 1. I. J. Describe the measures to prevent adverse impacts to system pressures or water quality (i.e., depletion of disinfectant residuals). MEASURES TO MONITOR AND CONTROL OPERATIONS (109.4) 1. Describe the measures to monitor and control withdrawals, and respond appropriately during times of high demand, low flow, drought, fire protection, water line breaks and other water supply emergencies. 2. Does the water system have a Drought Contingency Plan (DCP)? If yes, what is the date of most recent update? If no, consider preparing a DCP. Note: DCPs should be updated every three years. Yes No CODES (CHAPTER 109. SUBSECTION F. DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS) 1. Will the proposed facilities meet the requirements as listed in DEP’s Public Water Supply Manual, Part II, Section I.D.? Yes No 2. Will all materials and chemicals that come in contact with, or affect the quality of the water be certified for conformance with ANSI/NSF Standards 60 and 61, as applicable? Yes No K. ORIGINAL SEAL AND SIGNATURE OF PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER Signature of professional Engineer: ______________________________________________ SEAL 15B - 5