Answers to Review Questions – Ch 3 SQL 1,2,4,5,6,12,14,15,16,17,20,21 James River Jewelry A,B,C (using INSERT INTO),D,E,F,P,R 3.1 What does SQL stand for? Structured Query Language 3.2 What is a data sublanguage? A language that has only constructs for defining and processing a database. To have full language capability, it needs to be embedded in a such as COBOL, Visual Basic or C#. 3.4 Why is it important to learn SQL? You cannot do everything with graphical tools, it’s the only way to create SQL programmatically, and you’ll be a stronger database developer if you know it. 3.5 Describe in your own words the purpose of the two business rules listed on page 56. Use the following tables for your answers to questions 3.6–4.4: PET_OWNER (OwnerID, Name, Phone, Email) PET (PetID, Name, Type, Breed, DOB, OwnerID) (See Figure 1-27 on page 26 for sample data) 3.6 Code a CREATE TABLE command to create the PET_OWNER table. Justify your choices of column properties. CREATE TABLE PET_OWNER ( OwnerID Integer Primary Key, Name Char (50) Not Null, Phone Char (12), Email VarChar(100)); OwnerID is integer because it will be a surrogate key. (By the way, the means by which such keys are created varies from DBMS to DBMS, and is not discussed in this text.) Name is Char rather than varchar because we may search on it. Neither Phone nor Email are required – they’re not keys and we may want to record a customer even if we have neither. 3.12 Code the SQL statements necessary to remove the PET_OWNER table from the database. Assume that the referential integrity constraint is to be removed. ALTER TABLE PET DROP CONSTRAINT OwnerFK; DROP TABLE PET_OWNER; 3.14 Code a SQL statement to display all columns of all rows of PET. Do not use the * notation. SELECT FROM 3.15 Code a SQL statement to display all columns of all rows of PET. Use the * notation. SELECT FROM 3.16 * PET; Code SQL to display the Breed and Type of all pets. SELECT FROM 3.17 PetID, Name, Type, Breed, DOB, OwnerID PET; Breed, Type PET; Code SQL to display the Breed, Type, and DOB of all pets having the Type Dog. SELECT FROM WHERE Breed, Type, DOB PET Type = ‘Dog’; Note: cannot be Type = ‘DOG’. 3.20 Code SQL to display the Breed, Type, and DOB for all pets having the Type Dog and the Breed Std. Poodle. SELECT FROM WHERE 3.21 Breed, Type, DOB PET Type = ‘Dog’ AND Breed = ‘Std. Poodle’; Code SQL to display the Name, Breed, and Type for all pets that are not of Type Cat, Dog, or Fish. SELECT FROM WHERE Name, Breed, Type PET Type NOT IN (‘Cat’, ‘Dog’, ‘Fish’); Answers to James River Jewelry Project Questions Assume that James River designs a database with the following tables: CUSTOMER (CustomerID, Name, Phone, Email) PURCHASE (InvoiceNumber, Date, PreTaxAmount, CustomerID) PURCHASE_ITEM (InvoiceNumber, ItemNumber, RetailPrice) ITEM (ItemNumber, Description, Cost, ArtistName) Answer the following questions for this database: A. Code CREATE TABLE statements for each of these tables. For this example, I’ll use SQL Server data types. Also note creation of surrogate key CustomerID using SQL Server syntax CREATE TABLE CUSTOMER ( CustomerID Integer Primary Key IDENTITY (100,10), Name Char (50) Not Null, Phone Char (12), Email VarChar(100)); CREATE TABLE PURCHASE ( InvoiceNumber Integer Date Date City Char (35) PreTaxAmount Money CustomerID Integer Primary Key, Not Null, Not Null, Not Null, Not Null); CREATE TABLE PURCHASE_ITEM ( InvoiceNumber Integer Not Null, ItemNumber Integer Not Null, RetailPrice Money Not Null); ALTER TABLE PURCHASE_ITEM ADD CONSTRAINT PurchaseItemPK PRIMARY KEY (InvoiceNumber, ItemNumber); CREATE TABLE ITEM ItemNumber Description Cost ArtistName B. ( Integer Char (100) Money Char (100)); Primary Key, Not Null, Not Null, Write foreign key constrains for the relationships in each of these tables. Make your own assumptions regarding cascading deletions, and justify those assumptions. ALTER table PURCHASE ADD CONSTRAINT CustomerFK FOREIGN KEY (CustomerID) REFERENCES CUSTOMER; (No cascade delete here because I don’t want any purchase data to be inadvertently deleted.) ALTER table PURCHASE_ITEM ADD CONSTRAINT PurchaseFK FOREIGN KEY (InvoiceNumber) REFERENCES PURCHASE ON DELETE CASCADE; (Cascade here because want line items to be deleted when purchase invoice is.) ALTER table PURCHASE_ITEM ADD CONSTRAINT ItemFK FOREIGN KEY (ItemNumber) REFERENCES PURCHASE; (No cascade delete here because don’t want to be able to remove items if there are purchases that use them.) C. Code SQL statements to insert three rows of data into each of these tables. Assume that CustomerID of CUSTOMER is a surrogate key column whose values will be supplied by the DBMS. All will be in format like: INSERT INTO CUSTOMER VALUES (Mary Jones’, ‘2320090’,‘’); D. E. Code SQL statements to list all columns of all tables. SELECT FROM * CUSTOMER; SELECT FROM * PURCHASE; SELECT FROM * PURCHASE_ITEM; SELECT FROM * ITEM; Code SQL statements to list the ItemNumber and Description for all items that cost more than $100. SELECT FROM WHERE F. Code SQL statements to list the ItemNumber and Description for all items that cost more than $100 and were produced by an artist with a name ending with the letters son. SELECT FROM WHERE AND P. ItemNumber, Description ITEM Cost > 100; ItemNumber, Description ITEM Cost > 100 ArtistName LIKE ‘%son’; Code SQL statements to modify all ITEM rows with a name of Baker to Rex Baker. UPDATE SET WHERE ITEM ArtistName = ‘Rex Baker’ ArtistName = ‘Baker’; R. Given your assumptions about cascading deletions in your answer to question B, write the fewest number of DELETE statements possible to remove all of the data in your database, but leave the table structures intact. DELETE FROM DELETE FROM DELETE FROM PURCHASE; ITEM; CUSTOMER; Note the delete of PURCHASE will delete all rows in PURCHASE_ITEM as well.