Winnebago County Extension P.O. Box 47 Thompson, Iowa 50478 Phone (641) 584-2261 FAX (641) 584-2267 Toll Free: 1-888-408-6606 April 17, 2012 Dear 4-H Livestock Exhibitor, Parent, 4-H Leaders & FFA Advisors: The following 4-H animal projects MUST BE RECORDED one of two ways: using the identification form and returned to the Extension Office OR entered into 4-H online by May 15, 2012. Please see each project for details. BREEDING BEEF HORSE DAIRY SWINE GOAT DOG SHEEP BUCKET CALF You must meet the May 15 deadline to be eligible to show at the county fair. Note: This is not your fair entry! CATS RABBITS POULTRY Distribution of I.D. sheets to 4-H members will be handled as follows: Sheep/Meat Goat -- forms will be available at the weigh-in site and will be completed that day. Swine -- forms will be available when tags are picked up at the Extension Office or completed online. Breeding Beef, Dairy Cattle, Dairy Goats, Horses, Dogs – completed in 4HOnline Bucket/Bottle Calf/Lamb – forms will be available when tags are picked up at the Extension Office. All animal ID forms available on the web at: Enclosed is information for exhibitors. If you have any questions, please let us know. Sincerely, Libby Myer County Extension Program Assistant Iowa State University and U.S. Department of Agriculture cooperating Extension programs are available to all without regard to race, color, national origin, religion, sex, age, and disability. SWINE EXHIBITORS -- UNIFORM TAGGING SYSTEM Winnebago County will use a uniform tagging system for 4-H & FFA Swine projects exhibited at the 2012 County Fair. Market Swine must be identified by official 4-H eartags. Ear notches are NOT required for exhibition at the Winnebago County Fair. (You are encouraged to use a notching system for your own herd management practices.) 4-H requirements to show at the Winnebago County Fair All of the animals must be owned by and identified to the individual 4-H’er. The Fairboard will pay for 20 tags per exhibitor. Exhibitors will pay $.50 per tag for additional tags (over 20) used. Please bring a check when you return your I.D. form. Check is to be made out to the Fairboard. Any 4-H/FFA Swine entry without official county tags will not be considered a 4-H/FFA project and cannot be exhibited in a 4-H/FFA Swine class. All Market Swine exhibited at the Winnebago County Fair must weigh from 220-290 pounds on July 19. All 4-H and FFA members are required to be FSQA –Food Safety Quality Assurance (formerly PQA III) certified to show swine at the Winnebago County Fair. Pigs are no longer required to be vaccinated, but is strongly encouraged. All of Iowa is now classified as a Stage 4 as of April 15, 2003. Testing is no longer required either. New 2012 Health Requirements as stated by the Iowa Dept. of Agriculture and Land Stewardship Some key law changes took place starting January 1, 2012 for swine exhibitions For all documents pertaining to the new law changes, go to, Included changes are: No 30-day quarantine is needed when swine return from a show No re-testing for Pseudorabies is needed when swine return from a show ITEM 1. Amend rule 21—64.34(163), catchwords, as follows: 21—64.35(163) Health requirements for exhibition of livestock, poultry and birds at exhibitions. Each county fair shall have an official veterinarian who will inspect all livestock, poultry and birds when they are unloaded or shortly thereafter. No Certificate of Veterinary Inspection will be required on livestock, poultry and birds exhibited at a county 4-H or FFA show. Quarantined animals or animals from quarantined herds cannot be exhibited. Evidence of warts, ringworm, footrot, pinkeye, draining abscesses or any other contagious or infectious condition will eliminate the animal from the show. 64.35(1) Swine exhibition requirements. “Swine exhibition” means an exhibit, demonstration, show, or competition involving an event on the state fairgrounds, a county fair, or other exhibition event. The sponsor of the exhibition must retain an Iowa licensed veterinarian to supervise the health of the swine at the exhibition location. The sponsor must electronically file the approved registration form and obtain approval from the state veterinarian at least 30 days before the event. The registration form includes the name of the exhibition and the address and telephone number of its location; the name, address and telephone number of the veterinarian; and the date of the planned exhibition. Sales of swine will not be allowed unless the event has been registered and received approval from the state veterinarian 30 days prior to the event. 64.35(2) Swine exhibition report required. The sponsor of the swine exhibition shall electronically submit to the department the approved report form within five business days after the conclusion of the exhibition. The form includes the name of the exhibition and the address and telephone number of its location; the name, address and telephone number of the veterinarian; the date that the exhibition occurred; the name, address and telephone number of the owner of the swine; and the address and telephone number of the premises from which the swine was moved after the exhibition if such premises is a different premises. On farm tagging will be done by the 4-H or FFA member. Members are responsible for contacting the Extension Office to arrange for a tagger and the appropriate number of tags. (Taggers can be checked out for a maximum of 3 days.) The number of available taggers is limited, so please plan ahead to avoid a “last minute” demand for taggers near the May 15 deadline. The 4-H or FFA member is responsible for arranging an on farm visit to verify information reported on the swine identification form. This visit needs to be made by a 4-H leader, a FFA Advisor, or an Extension staff member. This visit must be made prior to May 15, 2011. A verification signature is required on all swine I.D. forms by the person verifying the weighing and tagging procedure. PLEASE CONTACT THE EXTENSION OFFICE FOR STATE FAIR REQUIREMENTS. RATE OF GAIN CHARTS - SWINE These charts show projected ending weights for pigs of varying beginning weights and different rates of gain. The first chart is for 110 day feeding period (April 1 - July 19). The second chart is for a 90 day feeding period (April 21 – July 19). For example, a pig with a 50 pound beginning weight and an ADG of 1.7 would weigh 237 pounds at fair time. You can also use the charts to determine the weight of pigs you should identify. If you want a 245 pound hog and you expect a daily gain of 1.8, your pigs should weigh 80-86 pounds on April 21. You can develop your own chart for different feeding periods. PROJECTED ENDING WEIGHT FOR 110 DAY FEEDING PERIOD 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 2.0 2.1 2.2 200 205 210 215 211 216 221 226 222 227 232 237 233 238 243 248 244 249 254 259 255 260 265 270 266 271 276 281 277 282 287 292 starting weight 35 40 45 50 Average daily gain 90 DAY FEEDING PERIOD 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 2.0 2.1 2.2 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 180 185 190 195 200 205 210 215 189 194 199 204 209 214 219 224 198 203 208 213 218 223 228 233 207 212 217 222 227 232 237 242 216 221 226 231 236 241 246 251 225 230 235 240 245 250 255 260 234 239 244 249 254 259 264 269 243 248 253 258 263 268 273 278 85 90 95 220 225 230 229 234 239 238 243 248 247 252 257 256 261 266 265 270 275 274 279 284 283 288 293 Average daily gain starting weight BREEDING BEEF All breeding beef must be identified by May 15th in 4hOnline by the 4-H’er • ALL information must be completed especially birth dates, registration numbers for purebred heifers and tattoo numbers for both purebred and commercial heifers. Winnebago County will accept a herd eartag. • Blank tattoo fields will not allow heifers to show at State Fair period. The Iowa State Fair requires an ear tattoo. Registered purebred animals must include registration. • All heifers, purebred and commercial, need tattoos and must be in 4hOnline by May 15 • If a heifer was weighed in as a market heifer initially and the 4-H’er now wants her as a breeding heifer, he/she must re-enter the heifer into 4hOnline as a breeding heifer by May 15th. A heifer is not allowed to be identified as both a commercial heifer and as a market heifer. LAMB & SHEEP EXHIBITORS Winnebago County will be using a uniform tagging and weighing system for 4-H & FFA sheep projects. To help properly identify your animals before May 15, the county-wide weighing and tagging will be held: Saturday, April 28 9:00 - 11:00 a.m., Fairgrounds, Thompson (State Fair Weigh-in) If you are interested in showing 4-H State Fair, please let the Extension Office know so we can make arrangements for tags. If you are interested in FFA State Fair – please contact your advisor. You may tag as many animals as you have in your project. As in the past, all market lambs must be weighed and tagged. Lambs to be shown at the County Fair should weigh at least 90 lbs. on July 19. Lambs under 90 lbs. will be placed in a feeder lamb class. Market lambs must be identified with official 4-H eartags. Breeding animals may use flock eartags for identification for the County Fair. Only market lambs need to be weighed. See the attached chart for suggested weights for market lambs. Please contact the Extension Office for State Fair requirements. Due to the Scrapie Eradication Program all ewes must have a scrapie flock tag (not the same as county I.D. tag) to be eligible for exhibition at the Winnebago County Fair. If you buy a ewe lamb, the tag will be from the sellers flock number. If you raise your own ewe lambs your animal must have your flock tag. Wether lambs do not need to have scrapie flock tags. Tags can be ordered from the USDA Animal & Plant Health Inspection Service by calling 1-866-873-2824. When you call they will assign you a flock premise number. RATE OF GAIN - MARKET LAMBS This chart shows projected ending weights for lambs of varying beginning weights and different rates of gain. The chart uses an 82-day feeding period (April 28 - July 19). For example, a market lamb with a 60-pound beginning weight and an ADG of .07 would weigh 117 pounds at fair time. PROJECTED ENDING WEIGHT - 82 DAY FEEDING PERIOD 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 59.6 64.6 69.6 74.6 79.6 84.6 89.6 94.6 99.6 67.8 72.8 77.8 82.8 87.8 92.8 97.8 102.8 107.8 76 81 86 91 96 101 106 111 116 84.2 89.2 94.2 99.2 104.2 109.2 114.2 119.2 124.2 92.4 97.4 102.4 107.4 112.4 117.4 122.4 127.4 132.4 100.6 105.6 110.6 115.6 120.6 125.6 130.6 135.6 140.6 108.8 113.8 118.8 123.8 128.8 133.8 138.8 143.8 148.8 117 122 127 132 137 142 147 152 157 Average daily gain starting weight 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 Horse Exhibitors Identification Process – By May 15 • All horses must be entered into 4hOnline by the 4-H’er • .jpg photos must also be uploaded (4 photos per horse; front, rear, left side, right side) • For leasing agreements on horses, refer to DOG Identification Process – By May 15 • All dogs must be entered into 4hOnline by the 4-H’er Rabbit • New for 2012: Rabbits must be entered into 4hOnline for State Fair exhibition as well as County • Tattoo in LEFT ear is required and must be in 4hOnline • May 15 ID deadline for: All commercial and/or fancy rabbits • July 1 ID deadline for: All meat rabbits-Roasters, Single Fryers, Meat Pens • All rabbits make entry for State Fair for their specific classes on the State Fair Entry Form by July 1st Poultry Identification Process – By May 15 • Poultry are not required to be entered into 4hOnline for State Fair • All poultry make entry for State Fair for their specific classes on the State Fair Entry Form by July 1st • Market Broilers only must make entry by June 1st with the State 4-H Office • The market broiler rules and entry form can be found at Class 9 - Market Broiler Special Division 1. Exhibitors are to be enrolled in the poultry project. (Will automatically be enrolled if Intent to Participate form is returned.) 2. Intent to participate form must be completed and filed with full payment to the Winnebago County Extension Office on or before April 15, 2012. Checks are to be made payable to Welps, Inc. 3. The exhibitor will purchase 25 birds, price set each spring. 4. Chicks will be identified with numbered wing bands for 4-H project identification purposes. Information will be attached to the Poultry Identification Report form. 5. Chicks will be shipped directly from Welps, Inc. in Bancroft around the first week of June (approximately 7 weeks before the first day of fair). 6. Broiler entries are limited to a pen of 3 males and/or a pen of 3 females. Each exhibit must be healthy and clean. 7. Exhibits will be judged on uniformity, merit and rate of gain. Class 9a pen of males 9b pen of females There will be a rate of gain champion and a champion pen. over Winnebago County Extension P.O. Box 47 Thompson, Iowa 50478 Phone (641) 584-2261 1-888-408-6606 FAX (641) 584-2267 IOWA STATE UNIVERSITY University Extension Market Broiler Class Special Poultry Division 1. Exhibitor must be enrolled in the poultry project. (Will automatically be enrolled if form is returned.) 2. Intent to participate form must be completed and filed with full payment to the Winnebago County Extension Office on or before April 15. Checks to be made payable to Welps, Inc. 3. The exhibitor will purchase 25 birds for $30.25. 4. Chicks will be identified with numbered wing bands for 4-H/FFA project identification purposes. Information will be attached to the Poultry Identification Report form. 5. Chicks will be shipped to your home or post office- directly from Welps, Inc. in Bancroft around the first week of June (approximately 7 weeks before the first day of fair). 6. Broiler entries are limited to a pen of 3 males and/or a pen of 3 females. Each exhibit must be healthy and clean. 7. Exhibits will be judged on uniformity, merit and rate of gain. Intent to Participate Due: April 15 Registration Form - Market Broiler Class Name ___________________________________________________________ Grade ________________ Address __________________________________Town/Zip_______________________________ Club / Chapter ____________________________________________________ Phone ________________ I would like to purchase 25 birds for $30.25. My check (made payable to Welp’s Inc.) is attached and understand they will be shipped to me approximately the first week of June. Send form and payment to Winnebago County Extension, PO Box 47, Thompson, IA 50478 I will take proper care of these birds. I will plan to enter one or two pens in the Winnebago County Fair. ______________________________________ Exhibitor Signature The youth above has my permission to participate in this program and has my total support. ______________________________________ Parent / Guardian Signature Extension programs are available to all without regard to race, color, national origin, religion, sex, age, or disability.