Southeast Regional History Graduate Student Conference

Southeast Regional History
Graduate Student Conference
Power of Place
Physical, Temporal, Ideological
Graduate Student Presentations, 1:00 – 5:00 p.m.
Keynote Address, 5:00 – 6:00 p.m.
Saturday, April 3, 2010 in the Oglesby Union
Registration and Lunch: 12:00-1:00 p.m. in 311E Oglesby Union
Session 1: 1:00-2:00 p.m.
Race, Class, and Identity in the Twentieth-Century South (312 Oglesby Union)
Chair: Scott Craig
“The ‘Right Sort’ of Tourist: Auto Camping, the State Board of Health, and the Development of
Modern Tourism in Florida, 1919-1929”
Sarah Burns, Florida State University
“Goldwater, Maddox, and McClung: Principled Resistance to the Civil Rights Act of 1964”
T. W. Upchurch, University of North Florida
“Forming a New Identity: Economic Growth and Conservation in Florida, 1970-1990”
Scott Shubitz, Florida State University
Commentator: Dr. Jen Koslow
History in High Culture: Poetry, Art, and the Enlightenment (314 Oglesby Union)
Chair: Gregory Stern
“The Creation of the Noble Savage: A Religious Perspective”
Joshua Meeks, Florida State University
“Sidney Lanier’s War”
Darron Darby, Florida State University
“Augusta Savage: Florida’s Elusive African-American Artist, Educator, and Activist”
Judy Connolly, University of North Florida
Commentator: Dr. Neil Jumonville
Session 2: 2:00-2:45 p.m.
Military and Technical Superiority (313 Oglesby Union)
Chair: Colleen Beck-Kaplan
“The Ironclad and the Sea: The Effect of Maritime Conditions on Union and Confederate Ironclad
Warship Operations”
Gregory Stern, Florida State University
"Adios, Zolipote!: Sanitation and American Imperialism During the Veracruz Occupation”
Benjamin Sperduto, University of South Florida
Commentator: Dr. Alex Avina
Biological and Environmental History (315 Oglesby Union)
Chair: Sarah Burns
“Lost in the Desert: Mining Burros in the American West”
Abe Gibson, Florida State University
“Biologist and Continental Drift: The Case of Philip J. Darlington, Jr.”
Darryl Myers, Florida State University
Commentator: Dr. Joseph Gabriel
Break: 2:45-3:00 p.m.
Session 3: 3:00-4:00 p.m.
Colonization, Imperialism, and Globalization (312 Oglesby Union)
Chair: Jennifer Sullivan
“The Social, Economic, and Geographic Contexts for Evangelical Home Missions: An Interpretation of
Colonial Discourse, 1798-1850”
Barton Price, Florida State University
“Appiah’s Inattentiveness and the Necessary Ambiguity of Cosmopolitanism”
Matthew Moraghan, Florida State University
“If Only We Had More Space: Mars and the Continuing Discourse of Colonization”
Jae Jerkins, Florida State University
Commentator: Dr. Heike Schmidt
Religious Physical Space (314 Oglesby Union)
Chair: Abe Gibson
“Religious Buildings Dedicated to Pax: Ideology and Architecture”
Caroline Cheung, Florida State University
“Stephen S. Wise and the Creation of the Free Synagogue: A Place Where Ideas Could be Disseminated
Liz Morgenstern, Florida State University
“Counter-Communist Cathedrals: Poland and the Bloodless Revolution of 1989”
Bryan Banks, Florida State University
Commentator: Dr. Jonathan Grant
Session 4: 4:00-5:00 p.m.
Early Modern Identity (313 Oglesby Union)
Chair: Bryan Banks
“Virgin Martyrs and Holy Warriors: The Church’s Construction of Suicide in the Middle Ages”
Alissa Bell, University of West Florida
“Clothes Make the Man: Masculinity, Clothing, and Crusading”
Andrew Holt, University of Florida
“Opportunities within Tragedy: Refashioning Urban Space and Identity in Noto of 1693”
Norse Hutchens, University of South Florida
Commentator: Dr. Francois Dupuigrenet-Desroussilles
Gender in History (315 Oglesby Union)
Chair: Jennifer Sullivan
“Family of Science: Gender and Science in the Cold Family of New York, 1720-1770”
Colleen Beck-Kaplan, Florida State University
“The Queen Caroline Affair: The Impact of the Trial of 1820 on Victorian Femininity”
Courtenay A. Harrold, Florida State University
“Women in the Space Race, 1957-63”
Judy Connolly, University of North Florida
Commentator: Dr. Suzanne Sinke
Keynote Speaker: 5:00-6:00 p.m. in 312 Oglesby Union
Introduction of Keynote Speaker
Dr. Suzanne Sinke
"The Map Is Not The Territory": Revisiting Gender as a Useful Category of Historical Analysis
Dr. Amy Koehlinger
Thank you to our sponsors:
History Graduate Student Association
Congress of Graduate Students
The Graduate School
International Programs