Sources NGDC-Articles utilises par la NGDC pour son catalogue Ambraseys, N.N. (1962) Data for the investigation of the seismic sea-waves in the eastern Mediterranean. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, Vol. 52, No. 4, p. 895-913. Ambraseys, N.N. (1960) The seismic sea wave of July 9, 1956, in the Greek Archipelago. Journal of Geophysical Research, Vol. 65, No. 4, p. 1257-1265. Ambraseys, N.N. (1962) Data for the investigation of the seismic sea-waves in the eastern Mediterranean. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, Vol. 52, No. 4, p. 895-913. Antonopoulos, J. (1979) Catalogue of tsunamis in the eastern Mediterranean from antiquity to present times. Annali Di Geofisica, Vol. 32, p. 113-130. Antonopoulos, J. (1980) Data from investigation on seismic sea-waves events in the eastern Mediterranean from the birth of Christ to 500 A.D., Annali Di Geofisica. Vol. 33, p. 141-161. Antonopoulos, J. (1980 )Data from investigation on seismic sea waves events in the eastern Mediterranean from 500 to 1000 A.D. Annali Di Geofisica, Vol. 33, p. 163-178. Antonopoulos, J. (1980) Data from investigation on seismic sea waves events in the eastern Mediterranean from 1000 to 1500 A.D. Annali Di Geofisica, Vol. 33, p. 179-198 National Earthquake Information Center (NEIC) 1980 to present Preliminary Determination of Epicenters (PDE), a weekly and monthly publication, National Earthquake Information Center, U.S. Geological Survey, Golden, Colorado, 1980 to present. Galanopoulos, A.G. (1960) Tsunamis observed on the coasts of Greece from antiquity to present time. Annali Di Geofisica, Vol. 8, No. 3-4, p. 369-386. Papadopoulos, Gerassimos A., and B.J. Chalkis (1984) Tsunamis observed in Greece and the surrounding area from antiquity up to the presenttimes. Marine Geology, Vol. 56, Issues 1-4, April 1984, p. 309-317. Soloviev, S.L. (1990) Tsunamigenic zones in the Mediterranean Sea, Natural Hazards, Vol. 3, p. 183-202. Soloviev, S L., Ch. N. Go, and Kh. S. Kim 1992 Catalog of tsunamis in the Pacific, 19691982. Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Moscow, 208 p. Translated from Russian by Amerind Publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, India, 1988 [Originally published in Russian in 1986]. Wigen, Sydney O., T.S. Murty, and D.G. Philip (1983) - Tsunami of May 11, 1981 on the coast of South Africa - Proceedings 1983 Tsunami Symposium, Hamburg, Federal Republic of Germany, August, 1983, E.N. Bernard, ed., NOAA, Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory, Seattle, Washington, USA, p. 187-202. National Earthquake Information Center (NEIC) (1980 to present) - Preliminary Determination of Epicenters (PDE) -, a weekly and monthly publication, National Earthquake Information Center, U.S. Geological Survey, Golden, Colorado, 1980 to present. Autres Articles complétant la base de données PAP-Papadopoulos G., (2002) – Tsunami Hazard in the Eastern Mediterranean: Strong Earthquakes and Tsunamis in the Coring Gulf, Central Greece – Natural Hazards Vol.29 pp 437-464. PEL-Pelinovsky E., Kharif Ch., Riabov I., Francius M. (2002) – Modelling of Tsunami Propagation in the Vicinity of the French Coast of the Mediterranean – Natural Hazards n°25 pp 135-159. TIN02-Tinti S., Maramai A.,Graziani L. (2004) – The New Catalogue of Italian Tsunamis – Natural Hazards n°33, pp 439-465. TIN01-Tinti S., Maramai A.,Graziani L. (2005) – Tsunamis in the Aeolian Islands (southern Italy) : a review – Marine Geology n°215, pp 11-21. CAM-Campo M. (1991) – Tsunami Hazard on th Spanish Coasts Of the Iberian PeninsulaScience of Tsunami hazards Vol. 9, n°1 , pp 83-91. Sites internet: Site de la Bibliothèque interactive du laboratoire de Los ALamos (USA). Site de la Tsunami Society, publiant le journal « Science of Tsunamy Hazards ». GADR - Un document power point retraçant l’activité sismologique et tsunamigène de la Méditerranée Orientale. Site de la National Geophysical Data Center (NGDC) dépendant de la National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (Noaa) relatant les tsunamis affectant la Mediterranée.