DISTRIBUTED HYDROLOGICAL MODELING AND RIVER FLOW FORECAST FOR WATER ALLOCATION IN A LARGESCALED INLAND BASIN OF NORTHWEST CHINA YANGWEN JIA, HAO WANG, JIANHUA WANG AND DAYONG QIN Department of Water Resources, Institute of Water Resources & Hydropower Research 20 Che-Gong-Zhuang West Road Beijing, 100044, China This paper describes an application of WEP model to a large-scaled inland basin of Northwest China, namely the Heihe Basin (141363km2) for rational allocation of water Resource. With the aid of GIS software, the input data were prepared and the model parameters were estimated at first. The WEP model, a grid-based distributed hydrological model, was then modified to satisfy the conditions in the Heihe basin by adding a snowmelt module. The basin was discretized into 141363 grid cells each having a size of 1km by 1km. A mosaic method was adopted to calculate the water and heat fluxes in every grid cell by averaging those in 8 types of land use patches inside the cell. A simulation of 21 years from 1982 to 2002 was carried out in a time step of 1 day. The model was calibrated from 1996 to 2000 and verified in remaining years using the observed discharges at several gauge stations. The simulated results have higher values of the Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency and lower relative errors. The validated model was applied to estimate the annually averaged water resources in the basin from 1992 to 2002 and to forecast monthly runoff in low flow periods and five-day runoff in high flow periods to assist the water allocation in the basin. INTRODUCTION Study on hydrological cycles in watersheds is to solve water flow fields and to quantify water fluxes that are precondition for studying water resources evolvement, sediment movement, pollutant transport and ecological processes, and thus it can provide scientific and technological basis for sustainable development. With the development of PC, GIS and RS techniques, distributed watershed hydrological modelling received high attentions and got a great development since 1980s. A lot of models (Singh and Woolhiser [1]) have been developed since the occurrences of SHE model (Abbott et al. [2]). Distributed hydrological modelling can play important roles in the following aspects: (1) water resources allocation and flood forecast for hazard prevention; (2) analysis of human activities’ impact on water resources and environment; (3) predictions of possible changes of water resources and ecology with the global change in future; (4) hydrological predictions in un-gauged or badly gauged basins (PUBs); (5) support for studies of sediment movement, no-point source pollutant transport and ecological problems etc. The WEP (Water and Energy transfer Processes) model is a grid-based distributed hydrological model. Its original version was based on the studies of Jia and Tamai [3] on 1 2 water and heat budgets in Tokyo metropolis. It was greatly improved at the Public Works Research Institute (Jia et al. [4]). The model was verified in several urbanized or partially urbanized watersheds in Japan, and ever applied to evaluate the effects of countermeasures like infiltration facilities and retarding ponds on hydrological cycle improvement. In 2003, after adding a snowmelt module and considering the hydrodynamic mechanism of frozen soils in high mountain areas, the WEP model was successfully applied to a large-scaled inland basin, the Heihe Basin for water resources evaluation and river flow forecast. The Heihe Basin is an inland basin located in arid areas of Northwest China, with an area of 141363km2 (see Figure 1). Almost all of water resources are generated in the upstream mountain area (annual precipitation is 350mm) and consumed in the middlestream area (annual precipitation is 140mm) and in the downstream area (annual precipitation is 47mm). With the development of local economy in the Heihe basin, water shortage and irrational water utilization in the middle-stream area caused a serious ecological and environmental crisis to the downstream area. In addition to administration countermeasures, a national key study project was carried out in the past 3 years to provide a decision-support information system for rational allocation of water resources in the basin. Hydrological modeling and river flow forecast are the bases of water allocation and thus are one of study topics of the project. Figure 1. The Heihe basin and land use distribution in 2000. 3 MODEL DEVELOPMENT The WEP model is a physically based spatial distributed (PBSD) model. In addition to hydrological modelling, it also has functions of heat transfer simulation, flow component separation and pollutant transport simulation. Its hydrological component is only introduced here. The vertical structure of the WEP model within a grid cell is shown in Figure 2(a). The state variables include depression storage on land surfaces and canopies, soil moisture content, land surface temperature, groundwater level, and water stage in rivers, etc. A brief description of modelling approaches of hydrological processes follows with equations and modelling approaches of energy transfer processes referred to in Jia and Tamai [3] and Jia et al. [4]. The horizontal structure of the WEP model is shown in Figure 2(b). Treated as overland flow, runoff from a grid cell is routed along the steepest of eight directions to its adjacent cells using the kinematic wave method in the 1-D scheme and the downhill Newton method. The computation sequence is determined from the lowest flow accumulation number (headwater area) to the largest flow accumulation number (river outlet). River flow is routed for every tributary and a main channel using the kinematic wave method or the dynamic wave method in the 1-D scheme and the Newton-Raphson method. Evaporation is calculated with the Penman equation and transpiration is calculated by using the Penman-Monteith equation. The average evapotranspiration in a grid cell is obtained by areally averaging those from each land use. Infiltration during heavy rains is calculated utilizing the generalized Green-Ampt model for infiltration into multi-layered soil profiles suggested by Jia and Tamai [3] whereas soil moisture movement in unsaturated soils during other periods is solved using the Richards model. A heavy rainfall period is defined as a period during which the rainfall intensity is greater than the saturated soil hydraulic conductivity. Surface runoff from the soil-vegetation group consists of two parts, namely the infiltration excess during heavy rainfall periods and the saturation excess during the other periods. Infiltration excess occurs when the depression storage on the land surface surpasses its maximum value. The depression storage is balanced with rainfall as inflow and infiltration, evaporation and infiltration excess as outflows. Saturation excess during the remaining periods may occur if the groundwater level in the unconfined aquifer rises and the topsoil layer becomes nearly saturated. It is deduced by applying the Richards model. Subsurface runoff is calculated according to land slopes and unsaturated soil hydraulic conductivities in those grid cells adjacent to rivers. Groundwater flow in multi-layered aquifers is simulated using the Boussinesq equation and the interactions between surface water and groundwater of the unconfined aquifer are considered through a source term. The source term includes the recharge from unsaturated soil layers, the groundwater outflow to rivers, the water use leakage, the pumped groundwater, the percolation to the lower aquifer, and the evapotranspiration from groundwater. Groundwater outflow is calculated according to the hydraulic 4 conductivity of riverbed material and the difference between river water stage and groundwater head in the unconfined aquifer. The temperature-index approach is adopted to simulate snow storage and snowmelt processes in mountain areas and the hydraulic conductivity of frozen soil is assumed to be exponentially decreased when the air temperature is below the critical value. Precipitation Water Body Group Soil-Vegetation Group Interception Layer Impervious Area Group Transpiration Depression Layer Subsurfac e Runoff Surface Runoff Evaporation Longwave Radiation Shortwave Radiation Top Soil Layer Suction Diffusion Infiltration 2nd Soil Layer 3rd Soil Layer Recharge Flow in Ae heat fluxes Confined Aquifer 1 GWP Transition Layer Exchange by seepage or Unconfined Aquifer outflow Aquitard 1 Flow in WUL Flow out Percolation 1 Flow out Aquitard 2 Flow in Confined Aquifer 2 Percolation 2 Flow out (a) 1D Overland Flow 1D River Flow Tributary Main River (b) Figure 2. (a) Vertical structure in a grid cell of WEP model and (b) horizontal structure of WEP model. 5 MODEL APPLICATION The basin was discretized into 141363 grid cells each having a size of 1km by 1km. With the aid of GIS software, the input data like land use, topography, vegetation, soil, aquifer and water use etc were prepared. The overland flow in the upstream mountain area (28168 grid cells) was simulated using the kinematic wave equation whereas that in the downstream plain area was neglected because surface runoff is rarely generated in the plain area. The river flow routing was carried out for 10 main river channels, which were divided into 178 river links. Parameter estimation Parameters of the WEP model can be roughly classified into 3 categories. The first one includes the parameters related to land surface and river networks like the Manning roughness of overland and rivers, the thickness and hydraulic conductivity of the riverbed material, the impervious ratio of urban land covers, the maximum storage of land depression etc. The second category is the vegetation parameters including the vegetation fraction, the maximum interception storage, the leaf area index (LAI), the aerodynamic resistance, the stomal resistance and the root distribution parameters etc. The third category is soil and aquifer parameters including the soil layer thickness, the soil porosity, the soil residual moisture content, the suction at the wet front, the saturated hydraulic conductivity, the moisture-suction curve parameters, the moisture-conductivity parameters, the conductivity and thickness of aquifers and aquitards, and thickness, storage coefficient or specific field of aquifers etc. It is found that 7 parameters, i.e., the soil saturated hydraulic conductivity, the impervious ratio of urban area, the maximum storage of land surface depression, the Manning roughness, the aquifer conductivity, the aquifer specific yield or storage coefficient and the conductivity of riverbed material are key ones. Among these key parameters, the soil saturated hydraulic conductivity, the impervious ratio of urban area and the maximum storage of land surface depression are sensitive to infiltration excess, the maximum storage of land surface depression and the Manning roughness have big effects on the shape of flood hydrograph and the remaining ones effect saturation excess and groundwater outflow or river seepage. Except the key parameters, others are usually directly referred to deduced values without tuning. Results A simulation of 21 years from 1982 to 2002 was carried out in a time step of 1 day. The model was calibrated from 1996 to 2000 and verified in remaining years using the observed discharges at several gauge stations, one example is shown in Figure 3. The simulated results have higher values of the Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency and lower relative errors (see Table1). The validated model was applied to estimate the annually averaged water resources in the Heihe basin from 1992 to 2002 (see Table2). Because there is almost no runoff generated in the middle and downstream areas, the amount of water resources from 6 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 400 300 Simulated Observed 200 100 0 Monthly Rainfall (mm) 500 19 82 19 83 19 84 19 85 19 86 19 87 19 88 19 89 19 90 19 91 19 92 19 93 19 94 19 95 19 96 19 97 19 98 19 99 20 00 20 01 20 02 Monthly Discharge (m3/s) upstream mountainous area is approximately the total amount of water resources in the whole Heihe basin. Though the runoff from main rivers can be obtained from observation, the runoff from small rivers and lateral groundwater inflow are usually difficult to obtain and the WEP model plays a role in this case. Figure 3. Comparison of simulated and observed monthly discharges at the Yingluoxia gauge station. Table 1. Evaluation of simulated river flow results. Observed annual runoff volume (108m3) Simulated annual runoff volume (108m3) 16.85 Calibration period (1996-2000) Verification period 1 (1982-1995) Verification period 2 (2001-2002) Whole period (1982-2002) Relative error NashSutcliffe efficiency of monthly discharge Correlation coefficient of monthly discharge 16.82 -0.2% 0.85 0.96 16.19 16.21 0.1% 0.89 0.96 14.61 14.10 -3.5% 0.91 0.95 16.25 16.30 -0.3% 0.88 0.96 Table 2. Annually averaged water resources in the Heihe basin from 1992 to 2002 estimated by using the WEP model Amount (108m3) Runoff from main rivers Runoff from small rivers and groundwater into Zhang-Ye basin Lateral groundwater inflow into Central basin Lateral groundwater inflow into Jiu-Quan basin Total 26.0 7.8 3.3 1.1 38.2 7 The validated model was also utilized to give monthly runoff forecast in low flow periods (from October to April) and 5days’ runoff forecast in high flow periods to assist the water allocation in the basin, as shown in Figure 3 and Figure 4. In the upstream area of the Heihe basin, about 90% of annual precipitation concentrates in wet seasons (from May to September), which provides good conditions for monthly runoff forecast in low flow periods. The 3 steps’ forecast approach is adopted: (1) predicting the distributions of soil moisture, groundwater level and accumulated snow at the end of September using the WEP model and recorded climate data; (2) assuming the climate daily series in coming low flow periods as the averaged ones from 1982 to 2002 and (3) using the model to forecast river flow according to the assumed climate data and predicted initial conditions. Fig.11 shows that the relative forecast errors of monthly discharges range from –14% to 15% whereas it is 5% in the whole dry period of 2002, thus the low flow forecast is quite successful. As for 5days’ runoff forecast in high flow periods, because the averaged concentration time of runoff in the upstream Heihe basin is about 2 to 3 days, it can be realized by using a forecast of 3days’ rainfall. Fig.12 shows that the relative forecast errors of 5days’ runoff volume in May 1999 have a range from –26% to 33% with the minimum of -3%. 90 Observed 80 Predicted 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 4 3 2 1 12 11 0 10 Monthly averaged discharge (m3/s) Oct.2000 - April 2001 100 2000 1500 Observed Predicted 1000 500 26 -3 1 5. 21 -2 5 5. 16 -2 0 5. 10 6- 11 -1 5 5. 5. 5. 5. 5 0 1- 3 Water volume in 5 days(10000m ) Figure 3. One example of monthly discharge forecast in dry seasons at the Yingluoxia gauge station. Figure 4. One example of 5days’ river flow forecast at the Yingluoxia gauge station. 8 CONCLUSIONS Study results described above shows that this study provides a successful example for a distributed hydrological model applied to a large-scaled inland basin to aid in water resources estimation and regulation. The distributed hydrological models like the WEP model are expected to play roles in practices of water resources management, flood forecast, environmental evaluation and biology protection. Ongoing efforts include (1) establishing a modelling module library to make model applications get easier, especially for the case of inadequate data; (2) adopting changeable spatial and time steps for different processes both to grasp physical mechanism and to save computation time; (3) enhancing its parameter estimation and (4) coupling it with sediment movement and pollutant transport modelling. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This study got financial support from Ministry of Science of China in a national key study project of the Tenth Five-year Plan entitled Decision-support Information System Development for Rational Allocation of Water Resources in the Heihe Basin. REFERENCES [1] Singh V.P. and D.A Woolhiser. Mathematical modeling of watershed hydrology, Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, Vol.7, No.4, (2002), pp 270-292. [2] Abbott M.B., Bathurst J.C., Cunge J.A., O’Connell P.E. and Rasmussen, J. “An Introduction to the European Hydrological System - Systeme Hydrologique Europeen, SHE, 2: Structure of a physically-based distributed modelling system”, J. Hydrol., Vol.87, (1986), pp 61-77. [3] Jia, Y. and Tamai N. “Integrated Analysis of Water and Heat Balances in Tokyo Metropolis with a Distributed Model”, J. Japan Soc. Hydrol. & Water Resour. , Vol.11, No.2, (1998), pp 150-163. [4] Jia Y., Ni G., Kawahara Y. and Suetsugi T. 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