Ming-Heng Wang, Ph.D. 論文著作 期刊論文(Peer-Reviewed Journal Papers): 1. Wang, M.-H., Schrock, S.D., Vander Broek, N., and Mulinazzi, T. (submitted). Estimating Dynamic Origin-Destination Data and Travel Demand Using Cell Phone Network Data –A Case Study in Kansas Metro Corridor, International Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems. 2. Wang, M.-H., Schrock, S.D., and Bornheimer, C., (Submitted). Effects of Portable Rumble Strips in Travel Speed and Driver Behavior at Maintenance Work Zones. ASCE, Journal of Transportation Engineering. (SCI) 3. Bornheimer, C., Schrock, S.D., Wang, M.-H., and Lubliner, H., (under review). Developing a Regional Safety Performance Function for Rural Two-Lane Highways. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board. (SCI) 4. Wang, M.-H., Benekohal, R.F., and Ramezani, H. (2011). Safety and Headway Characteristics Analysis in Highway Work Zones with Automated Speed Enforcement, Advances of Transportation Studies– an International Journal, issue XXIII, pp.67-76. 5. Hajbabaie, A., Wang, M.-H., Medina, J.C., Chitturi, M.V., and Benekohal, R.F. (2011, In Press), Sustained and Halo Effects of Various Speed Reduction Treatments in Highway Work Zones. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board. (SCI, Impact Factor: 0.482) 6. Wang, M.-H., and Benekohal, R.F. (2010). Analysis of Left-Turn Saturation Flow Rates and Capacity at Signalized Intersections. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, No. 2173, pp. 96–104. (SCI, Impact Factor: 0.482) 7. Schrock, S. D., Heaslip, K.P., Wang, M.-H., Jasrotia, R., and Roscot, R. (2010). Closed Course Test and Analysis of Vibration and Sound Generated by Temporary Rumble Strips for Short Term Work Zone, Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, No. 2169, pp. 21–30. (SCI, Impact Factor: 0.482) 8. Heaslip, K.P., Schrock, S.D., Wang, M.-H., Bai, Y., and Brady, B. (2010). A Closed Course Feasibility Analysis of Temporary Rumble Strips for Use in Short Term Work Zones. Journal of Transportation Safety and Security, Vol. 2, Issue 4, December 2010, pages 299- 311. 9. Chitturi, M., Benekohal, R. F., Hajbabaie, A., Wang, M.-H., and Medina, J. C. (2010). Effectiveness of Automated Speed Enforcement in Work Zones, ITE Journal, Vol. 80(6), Institute of Transportation Engineers, June 2010. pp.26-35. 10. Benekohal, R. F., and Wang, M.-H., Chitturi, M., Hajbabaie, A., and Medina, J.C. (2009). Speed Photo-Radar Enforcement and its Effects on Speeds in Work Zones. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, No. 2096, pp.80-97. (SCI, Impact Factor: 0.298) 11. Medina, J.C., Benekohal, R.F., Hajbabaie, A., Wang, M.-H., and Chitturi, M.V. (2009). Downstream Effects of Speed Photo Enforcement and Other Speed Reduction Treatments on Work Zones. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, No. 2107, pp.24-33. (SCI, Impact Factor: 0.298) 12. Benekohal, R. F., Chitturi, M., Hajbabaie, A., Wang, M.-H., and Medina, J.C. (2008). Automated Speed Photo Enforcement Effects on Speeds in Work Zones. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, No. 2055, pp.11-20. (SCI, Impact Factor: 0.259) 13. Wang, M.-H., and Benekohal, R. F. (2007). Arrival-Based Uniform Delay Model for Exclusive Protected-Permitted Left Turn Lane at Signalized Intersections. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, No. 2027, pp.91-97. (SCI, Impact Factor: 0.206) 14. Wang, M.-H., and Benekohal, R. F. (2006). The Blocked Time for Permitted Left Turn Lane Group with Two Lanes Opposing for Two Arrival Types. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, No. 1988, pp.138-146. (SCI) 12/26/2011 Ming-Heng Wang, Ph.D. Publications - Page |2 15. Yang, G. K., Wang, M.-H., Chu, P., Huang, D., and Deng, P. (2004). Approximation Solution for the Inventory Model with Random Planning Horizon. The Engineering Economist, Vol. 49, No. 4, pp.351-362.(EI) 16. Wang, M.-H., and Chen, P. S. (2001). Goyal’s inventory model revisited. Journal of Information & Optimization Sciences, Vol. 22, No. 1, pp. 123-128. 17. Wang, M.-H. (1999). Approximation of optimal order policy for deteriorating items with a linearly increasing demand. Journal of Information & Optimization Sciences, Vol. 20, No 3, pp. 429-442. 18. 蘇志強,王銘亨,趙崇仁,(1999) 模糊觸動號誌控制模式之研究, 中國土木水利工程學刊,第 11 期, 第 2 卷, pp.365-375 . 研討會論文(Peer-Reviewed Papers in Conference Proceedings): 1. Wang, M.-H., Schrock, S.D., and Mulinazzi, (Accepted). The Use of Cell Phone Network Data in Traffic Data Collection and Long-Haul Geographic Extent Tracking. The 91st Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C., January, 2012. 2. Bornheimer, C., Schrock, S.D., Wang, M.-H., and Lubliner, H., (Accepted). Developing a Regional Safety Performance Function for Rural Two-Lane Highways. The 91st Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C., January, 2012. 3. Wang, M.-H., and Schrock, S.D. Mulinazzi, T. Deriving Cross-Region Commuting Traffic and Potential Transit Demand using Cellular Phone Positioning Data. 18th World Congress on ITS, Orlando, FL, October, 2011. 4. Wang, M.-H., Schrock, S.D., and Mulinazzi, T., Freight Data Collection Techniques and Algorithms using Cellular Phone Data. The 90th Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C., January, 2011. 5. Wang, M.-H., Schrock, S.D., Rescot, R.A., and Bornheimer, C., Field Evaluation for Portable Plastic Rumble Strips at Short-Term Maintenance Work Zones. The 90th Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C., January, 2011. 6. Wang, M.-H., Schrock, S.D., and Mulinazzi, T. The Potential of Cellular Phone Positioning Technology in Travel Behavior and Traffic Impact Study. 2010 ITS World Congress, Bussan, Korea, October, 2010. 7. Wang, M.-H., and Benekohal, R.F. Analysis of Left-Turn Saturation Flow Rates and Capacity at Signalized Intersections. The 89th Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C., DVD. January, 2010. 8. Schrock, S. D., Heaslip, K.P., Wang, M.-H., Jasrotia, R., and Rescot, R., Closed Course Test and Analysis of Vibration and Sound Generated by Temporary Rumble Strips for Short Term Work Zone. The 89th Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C., DVD. January, 2010. 9. Wang, M.-H., and Benekohal, R.F. Calibration and Validation of Left Turning Traffic Operation and Performance for CORSIM. The 89th Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C., DVD. January, 2010. 10. Wang, M.-H., Benekohal, R.F., and Ramezani, H. Headway and Safety Analysis of Speed Law Enforcement Techniques in Highway Work Zones. The 89th Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C., DVD. January, 2010. 11. Wang, M.-H., Benekohal, R.F., and Ramezani, H. Safety and Headway Characteristics Analysis in Highway Work Zones with Automated Speed Enforcement, Road Safety and Simulation International Conference, France, October 2009. 12. Medina, J.C., Benekohal, R.F., and Wang, M.-H. Pedestrian Safety and Crosswalk Signage Preferences in a Large University Campus Environment. Road Safety and Simulation International Conference, France, October 2009. 13. Wang, M.-H., Schrock, S. D., and Mulinazzi, T. Feasibility of Using Cellular Telephone Data to Determine the Truckshed of Intermodal Facilities. Mid-Continent Transportation Research Symposium, Iowa State University, August 2009. Ming-Heng Wang, Ph.D. Publications - Page |3 14. Benekohal, R.F., Wang, M-H., Chitturi, M.V., Hajbabaie, A., and Medina, J.C. Speed Photo-Radar Enforcement and its Effects on Speeds in Work zones. The 88th Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C., DVD. January, 2009. 15. Hajbabaie, A., Benekohal, R.F., Chitturi, M.V., Wang, M.-H., and Medina, J.C. Comparison of Automated Speed Enforcement and Police Presence on Speeding in Work Zones. The 88th Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C., DVD, January, 2009. 16. Medina, J.C., Benekohal, R.F., Hajbabaie, A., Wang, M.-H., and Chitturi, M.V. Spatial Effects of Speed Photo Enforcement and Other Speed Reduction Treatments on Work Zones, The 88th Annual meeting of Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C., DVD, January, 2009. 17. Wang, M.-H., and Benekohal, R. F. Real-Time Signal Timing Considering Signal Progression and Left Turn Treatment. The 10th International Conference on Applications of Advanced Technologies in Transportation (AATT), Greece, May 2008. 18. Benekohal, R.F., Hajbabaie A., Chitturi, M.V., Wang, M.-H., and Medina, J.C. Automated Speed Enforcement Effects on Speeding and Platooning In Work Zones. The 10th International Conference on Applications of Advanced Technologies in Transportation (AATT), Greece, May 2008. 19. Benekohal, R. F., Chitturi, M., Hajbabaie, A., Wang, M.-H., and Medina, J.C. Automated Speed Photo Enforcement Effects on Speeds in Work Zones. The 87th annual meeting of Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C., DVD, January, 2008. 20. Benekohal, R. F., Medina, J.C., and Wang, M.-H. In-street Pedestrian Crossing Signs and Effects on Pedestrian-vehicle Conflicts. The 87th Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board Washington, D.C., DVD, January, 2008. 21. Benekohal, R. F., Wang, M.-H., and Medina, J.C. Pedestrian-Vehicle Interaction and Conflicts under Various Crosswalk Treatments. Road Safety and Simulation International Conference, Italy, November 2007. 22. Wang, M.-H., and Benekohal, R. F. Arrival-Based Uniform Delay Model for Exclusive Protected-Permitted Left Turn Lane at Signalized Intersections. The 86th Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C., DVD, January, 2007. 23. Wang, M.-H., and Benekohal, R. F. The Blocked Time for Permitted Left Turn Lane Group with Two Lanes Opposing for Two Arrival Types. The 85th Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board Washington, D.C., DVD, January, 2006. 24. Benekohal, R. F., and Wang, M.-H. Uniform Delay Model for Protected-permitted Left Turn Lanes at Signalized Intersections. The 5th International Symposium on Highway Capacity and Quality of Service, Vol. 2, Yokohama, Japan, July 2006. 25. 蘇志強,王銘亨,林欽誠, 路口公車優先通行控制系統實測之研究, 第二屆台灣智慧型運輸系統 研究會論文集, 2000 年. 26. 蘇志強,婁自強,王銘亨,程序性交通程法研究, 2000 年道路交通安全與執法研討會論文集, 2000 年. 27. 何國榮,黃益三,王銘亨,人體血液中酒精濃度與呼氣酒精濃度在實例上的探討, 2000 年. 28. 蘇志強,李政聰,王銘亨, 幹道公車優先續進號誌控制模式之研究, 第一屆台灣智慧型運輸系統 研究會論文集, 1999 年 29. 簡俊能,兵界力,王銘亨,高速公路隧道群(區)車流及行車事故特性分析, 1999 年道路交通安全 與執法研討會論文集, 1999 年. 30. 蘇志強,王銘亨,智慧型觸動號誌控制模式之研究, 12 屆運輸學會年會論文集, 1997 年. 技術報告 TECHNICAL REPORTS 1. Wang, M.-H., Schrock, S.D., and Mulinazzi, T. Improving the Long-Range Tracking Algorithm for use in Tracking Long-Haul Trucks using Cellular Data, Final Report, Supported by Mid-America Transportation Center, July 2011. 2. Wang, M.-H., Schrock, S.D., and Bai, Y. Evaluation of Innovative Traffic Safety Devices at Short Term Work Zones, Final Report, University of Kansas, Supported by Kansas DOT, October, 2010. Ming-Heng Wang, Ph.D. Publications - Page |4 3. Wang, M.-H., Schrock, S.D., and Mulinazzi, T. Feasibility of Using Cellular Telephone Data to Determine the Truckshed of Rail-Truck Intermodal Facilities, Supported by Mid-America Transportation Center, January 2010. 4. Schrock, S. D., Heaslip, K.P., Wang, M.-H., Jasrotia., R., and Rescot, R. Closure Test of Temporary Rumble Strip for Short Term Work Zones, Supported by Mid-America Transportation Center, December, 2009. 5. Benekohal, R. F., Hajbabaie, A., Medina, J.C., Wang, M.-H., and Chitturi, M. Speed Photo-Radar Enforcement Evaluation in Illinois Work Zones. Final Report, Illinois Center for Transportation, University of Illinois, Urbana, June 2009. 6. Perlmutter, D.D., Wang, M.-H., and Schrock, S.D. Top Transportation & Energy Issues Facing the Nation. The University of Kansas Transportation Research Institute (KU TRI). Grant #DT0S59-06-G-0047, September, 2008. 7. Benekohal, R.F., Wang, M.-H., and Medina, J.C. Crosswalk Signing and Marking Effects on Conflicts and Pedestrian Safety in UIUC Campus. Traffic Operations Lab Series No 22. FHWA-IL/UI-TOL-22. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL, 2007. 8. Medina, J.C., Benekohal, R.F., and Wang, M.-H. Analysis of Pedestrians and Drivers Opinions on Crosswalk Safety at UIUC Campus. Volume 1: Pedestrian and Driver Surveys. Traffic Operations Lab Series No.19. FHWA-IL/UI-TOL-19. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. 2007. 9. Rodriguez, J.D., Medina, J. C., Benekohal, R.F., Morocoima-Black, R., and Wang, M.-H. Pedestrian Safety on Campus Crosswalks in Big Ten Universities. Traffic Operations Lab Series No.21. FHWA-IL/UI-TOL-21. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. 2007. 10. Benekohal, R., Medina, J.C., Rodriguez, J.D., and Wang, M.-.H. Crosswalk Safety Study for UIUC Campus: Executive Summary. Traffic Operations Lab Series No.23. FHWA-IL/UI-TOL-23. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. 2007. 11. 台北市公車優先號誌之研發與示範,交通部運輸研究所, 蘇志強主持, 2001 年 5 月. 12. 幹道公車優先通行號誌控制模式之研究, 行政院國科會, 蘇志強主持 2001 年 7 月. 13. 全觸動公車優先通行之研究, 行政院國科會,蘇志強主持, 2000 年 7 月. 14. 制定整體運輸計畫法之初步研究, 交通部運輸研究所, 蔡中志主持, 1999 年 6 月. 15. 道路交通事故統計制度之研究, 交通部道安委員會, 蔡中志主持, 1998 年 6 月. 16. 台灣東部易肇事路段改善之研究, 台灣省交通處, 王文麟主持, 1996 年 6 月.