RAMTOWN FIRE COMPANY STANDARD OPERATIONAL GUIDELINES “RESPIRATORY PROTECTION PROGRAM” Scope and Purpose The Ramtown Fire Company shall adopt and utilize a respiratory protection program in accordance with the requirements of New Jersey PEOSHA, N.J.A.C. 12:100-10. Chapter 1 Introduction 1-1 Policy It is the policy of the Ramtown Fire Company to maintain a comprehensive safety and occupational health program for respiratory protection based upon sound engineering, productive education and strict enforcement. In accordance with the requirements of New Jersey P.E.O.S.H.A., N.J.A.C 12:100 - 4.2, all active members of the Ramtown Fire Company shall participate in practices for proper respiratory protection. These practices shall be implemented within departmental guidelines for all Ramtown Fire Company members. 1-2 Purpose This program establishes Departmental policy, responsibilities, and the requirements for the protection of employees whose job requires the use of respiratory protection. 1-2.1 This document will also provide assistance to the employee in the use and care of respiratory equipment. 1-3 Contents. This program shall contain, as a minimum, the following components: (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) written standard operating guidelines training fitting of respirator respirator use inspection, storage, and maintenance surveillance of work area conditions program evaluation documentation 1 RAMTOWN FIRE COMPANY STANDARD OPERATIONAL GUIDELINES 1-4 Type of Respiratory Protection. Although various types of respiratory protection exist, the Ramtown Fire Company shall recognize and use only self - contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) during incident operations. As SCBA shall be worn at all times if the following conditions are present at any given incident: (a) oxygen deficient atmospheres (b) any unknown atmospheres (c) any smoke filled environment where products of combustion may be harmful to firefighters (d) any conditions which are immediately dangerous to life and health (IDLH) (e) any firefighters working in confined spaces Chapter 2 Standard Operating Guidelines 2-1 General. All members of the Ramtown Fire Company shall wear an SCBA when entering a fire until the officer in charge determines that no respiratory protection is required. It is required that an SCBA be worn during all stages of salvage and overhaul. An SCBA shall be worn when entering a confined space and in emergency operations involving toxic substances until it is demonstrated by monitoring that the atmosphere is safe (i.e. oxygen concentration is greater that 19.5% and less than 23.5% and other contaminants are below harmful levels). 2-2 Training Required. Members wearing respiratory protective equipment shall be trained in its proper use. No member shall wear respiratory equipment without training as specified in this document. See Chapter 3 of this program regarding training requirements. 2-3 Protective Clothing. Members wearing respiratory protection shall be fully protected with the use of approved structural firefighting clothing. 2-3.1 Protective clothing shall consist of the following items: (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) turnout coat bunker pants gloves boots helmet hood accountability identification tag personal alert safety system (PASS) device 2 RAMTOWN FIRE COMPANY STANDARD OPERATIONAL GUIDELINES 2-4 Maintenance and Fit test Responsibility. Members shall maintain their respiratory protective equipment in a constant state of readiness an inspect the equipment periodically and before each use. Chapter 5 of this program will explain in detail further maintenance required for the SCBA. Each member is to conduct a negative and positive pressure fit test prior to donning the SCBA. 2-5 General Safety Requirements. Each member wearing an SCBA must activate the personal alert safety system (PASS) device before entering an area where respiratory protection is required. No member shall enter an are alone that requires respiratory protection. Two or more fully trained firefighters wearing SCBA shall work together and maintain visual, physical or voice communication at all times. Chapter 3 Training 3-1 Training Required. Proper use of the respiratory equipment can only be assured if sufficient and adequate training is provided to all members of the department. 3-1.1 The respiratory protection training specified in this document is required before any use of an SCBA by a member. 3-1.2 Initial training is to be provided during the Fire Fighter I Course at a state approved training academy. 3-1.3 No member is to use respiratory protection equipment until all training has been completed. 3-1.4 Members trained at other than a state approved fire academy must be certified as trained by the Chief or Training Officer. The Chief or Training Officer, in order to certify any member, shall be certified in New Jersey State Level Two Instructor. 3-2 Training Program. Training in the use of respiratory protection equipment shall be done in three places. Each new member shall complete all phases as follows. 3 RAMTOWN FIRE COMPANY STANDARD OPERATIONAL GUIDELINES 3-2.1 Phase One shall consist of initial training for the new member and be conducted in house by a certified Level I instructor also certified in SCBA in accordance with the Division of Fire Safety requirements. The initial training shall consist of explanation, donning/doffing, maintenance and safety of an SCBA. This training shall only be considered a minimum requirement and it shall not warrant the member to enter any situation that requires an SCBA. This level of training is for the sole purpose of training the new member how to use the SCBA in the event of an emergency. Only after successfully completing phase two will the member be permitted to work in an environment that requires SCBA. The following training shall be provided: (a) an opportunity to handle the SCBA. (b) assurance of proper fitting of the SCBA. (c) method of determining face to face piece seal. (d) extended familiarization time to wear the SCBA in non-emergency situations. (e) explanation of the need for respiratory protection and the consequences of improper usage of an SCBA. (f) discussion of how to recognize and handle emergencies dealing with SCBA. (g) maintenance and operational inspection of the SCBA. 3-2.2 Phase Two shall consist of nine hours of training through the Monmouth County Fire Academy (or other approved program) State Certified Division of Fire Safety Firefighter I course. Only after full completion of the State Certified course will the member be allowed to perform the full range of firefighting duties that require respiratory protection. 3-2.3 Phase Three consists of refresher training on an annual basis. Each member shall perform six contact hours of refresher training consisting of donning/doffing, safety, maintenance and live burn situations. 3-3 Course Content. Recruit training in SCBA equipment shall be conducted as specified in this document. A course outline for SCBA training is attached as appendix D of the program. 3-4 Regular Training. Ongoing training shall be provided to all firefighters to keep the familiarization of all the equipment current. Respiratory protection will be part of the ongoing training conducted on a monthly basis. Topics to be covered for the particular month shall be disseminated by the Assistant Chief in charge of departmental training. Training includes inspection of respiratory protection equipment which serves as a review of structure and the function of components. 3-5 Annual Training. Each member shall complete an annual refresher program consisting of a review of the new recruit training, fit testing on devices to be used and an opportunity to wear each device. This training will be conducted as part of the ongoing monthly training. 4 RAMTOWN FIRE COMPANY STANDARD OPERATIONAL GUIDELINES 3-6 Record Keeping. Records for both recruit training as well as ongoing training shall be retained in accordance with Ramtown Fire Company policies. The training records shall be maintained by the Assistant Chief in charge of training. A list of those approved to wear respiratory protection will be posted on the bulletin board. See appendix C for sample list to be used. Any member not fulfilling their annual refresher training shall not be permitted to respond to any alarm until their refresher training has been completed. Chapter 4 Respirator Fitting and Seal 4-1 Responsibility for Seal Protection. Each member of the Ramtown Fire Company shall inspect and test respiratory equipment before each use to insure that there is a proper seal between the face piece and his/her face. 4-2 Seal Inspection Training. Members of the department shall be given training in all three phases on how to determine if a proper fit exists once donning the face piece. 4-3 Inspection Before Use. Each member shall complete a qualitative fit test of their face piece throughout all three phases of training as outlines in manufacturer’s specifications (see Appendix A). Each member of the department shall receive his/her own face piece to keep with them at all times. Each member is responsible for selecting his/her own correct size face piece. A member shall not wear respiratory protective equipment unless the proper size face piece is available and the equipment is proper working condition according to the manufacturer’s specifications. 4-4 Effective Seal Required. An effective face-to-face piece seal is extremely important when using respiratory protective equipment. Minor leakage can allow contaminants to enter the face piece, even with a positive pressure SCBA. Any outward leakage will increase the rate of air consumption, reducing the time available for use and safe exit from a hazardous area. The face piece must seal tightly against the skin, without penetration or interference by any protective clothing or other equipment. 4-4.1 Nothing can be between the sealing surface of the mask and the face of the wearer including but not limited to; eyeglasses, protective hoods, and beards or facial hair. No firefighter shall have more than a two day growth of facial hair at any time prior to donning an SCBA. Protective hoods shall only be worn in accordance with manufacturer’s recommendations. 4-5 Contact Lenses. Contact lenses shall not be worn with respiratory protection equipment except as permitted by NFPA 1500-1992 and supported by non-enforcement interpretations issued PEOSH in a letter dated April 21, 1993 and in a memo issued by OSHA to the regional administrators dated February 8, 1988 and attached as Appendix E. The use of soft contact lenses shall be permitted with SCBA use, provided that the member wearing soft contact lenses 5 RAMTOWN FIRE COMPANY STANDARD OPERATIONAL GUIDELINES has previously demonstrated successful long term contact lens use for at least six months without any problems. Chapter 5 Use of Respiratory Equipment 5-1 Respiratory Protection Required. Respiratory protection equipment shall be worn by all members of the department when a contaminant is present or suspected. A SCBA shall be worn in an unknown or IDLH environment. Firefighting activities are considered IDLH and a SCBA is required when working in an area containing smoke or other contaminants resulting from fire or other emergency or release of material. 5-2 Class D Breathing Air Required. At last grade D breathing air shall be used in all SCBA used by members of the department. Oxygen is never to be used with SCBA equipment as an explosion may occur. 5-3 Manufacturer’s Recommendations. The use of all SCBA shall be in accordance with the Operation and Maintenance instructions supplied by the manufacturer. 5-4 Operations and Maintenance Requirements. The following Operations and Maintenance instructions are provided as Appendix A of this program. The Ramtown Fire Company recognizes only the Scott 4.5 positive pressure open circuit self contained breathing apparatus as its respiratory protection equipment. Chapter 6 Inspection, Storage, Maintenance, and Air Supply 6-1 Inspection. Regular periodic inspections are required to ensure that all respiratory protection equipment is properly operating and available for use. 6-2 Inspection Schedule. SCBA and cylinders shall be inspected after each use and weekly for all volunteer fire departments. Each SCBA shall be cleaned and disinfected after each use. Guidelines for inspection are found in the manufacturers instructions in Appendix B of this program. 6-2.1 After each inspection the appropriate forms shall be completed (Appendix C). SCBA units found to be unfit for donning shall be immediately taken out of service, tagged with a description for the deficiency and sent to an approved manufacturers facility. 6-2.2 Members will not subject SCBA units to unnecessary abuse due to neglect and/or carelessness. Caution must be taken to protect one’s own face piece from being scratched or damaged. 6 RAMTOWN FIRE COMPANY STANDARD OPERATIONAL GUIDELINES 6-2.3 Only cleaning/sanitizing solutions for respiratory equipment should be used for cleaning and disinfection. Alcohol and phenol based cleaners (i.e. Lysol) shall be avoided due to the destructive effects it will cause on the face piece material. 6-2.4 In the event replacement or repair of SCBA components is necessary, it shall be performed only by persons certified in respiratory repair. 6-2.5 SCBA units shall be returned to the manufacturer’s authorized facility for routine overhaul as required by the manufacturer and NJAC 12:100-10.10(e) which mandates overhaul and calibration every two and when damaged. 6-2.6 SCBA cylinders shall be emptied per the instructions of the manufacturer if not utilized within a 3 month period (90 days). 6-2.7 SCBA cylinders shall be hydrostatic tested within the period specified by the manufacturer and applicable governmental agencies. Steel cylinders must be tested every five (5) years and composite cylinders every three (3) YEARS. 6-2.8 All SCBA units shall be inspected and maintained as specified by the manufacturer and ANSI Z88.5, PRACTICES FOR RESPIRATORY PROTECTION FOR THE FIRE SERVICE. A copy of the ANSI Standard shall be maintained at the office of the Fire Chief and any other locations deemed appropriate. 6-3 Storage. All units shall be stored so that they are protected against direct sunlight, dust accumulation, severe temperature changes, excessive moisture, fumes and damaging chemicals. Care is to be taken so that the means of storage does not distort or damage rubber or elastomeric components. 6-4 Air Supply Standards. Breathing air in the SCBA cylinder shall meet the requirements of the Compressed Gas Association G-7.1, COMMODITY SPECIFICATION FOR AIR, with a minimum air quality of grade D, as well as meeting a water vapor level of less than 25 ppm. Sources of compressed breathing air, such as compressors, cascade systems, storage receivers, etc. used for filling SCBA cylinders shall be tested in accordance with the requirements of the New Jersey Department of Health (NJDOH) including both private vendors and fire department facilities. Private vendors supplying the department with compressed breathing air shall provide a copy of the most recent inspection and certification on an annual basis. Chapter 7 Documentation of Compliance 7-1 Required Documentation Procedures. In compliance with PEOSH Program requirements for verification of maintenance and inspection, the following documentation procedures will be adhered to. Periodic inspections will be completed at least once a month and documented by completing a “daily inspection form” (See Appendix C). Completed periodic inspection forms shall be maintained and filed within the department. 7 RAMTOWN FIRE COMPANY STANDARD OPERATIONAL GUIDELINES 7-2 Inspections Required After Use. After each use all SCBA units shall be inspected according to manufacturers instruction, and the “After Use Form” shall be filled following the inspection. (See Appendix C). 7-3 Training Records. Certified of completion for Firefighter I courses shall be filed in the individual personnel folders in the Chief’s Office. Training records for refresher training shall be kept on file in the Chief’s Office. The completion of respiratory protection training shall be documented and the records shall note as a minimum the topic covered, the amount of time spent and a roll call of members in attendance. This documentation shall be kept on file in the Chief’s Office. Chapter 8 Program Evaluation 8-1 Evaluation Requirements. As per ANSI Z88.5-1981, “The effectiveness of the SCBA program shall be evaluated and corrective actions taken at least annually. 8-2 Inspection Audit. The officer in charge of SCBA inspection details will choose, at random, one SCBA after inspection and insure that the equipment has been properly checked. The officer will then make notation in the inspection log containing the SCBA unit number, date, time and signature indicating the audit was done. 8-3 Program Monitoring. Periodic monitoring is necessary to ensure all members are adequately protected. Random inspections shall be made by the Assistant Chief in charge of training to ensure that the provisions of this program are being properly implemented. 8-3.1 An annual written review of the program shall be submitted by the Assistant Chief in charge of training. The written review shall include an assessment of each element required as follows: (a) Ensure procedures for the purchasing of approved equipment are in place. (b) Ensure that all members are being properly fitted with SCBA. This includes annual fit testing. (c) Ensure that all members using SBA are properly trained. (d) Ensure that the proper equipment, cleaning, inspection and maintenance procedures are in place and being followed. (e) Ensure that the proper documentation is being kept at all levels. 8-4 Evaluation Report. The results of the program evaluation shall be presented in a written report that list plans to correct faults and the target dates for their implementation. 8 RAMTOWN FIRE COMPANY STANDARD OPERATIONAL GUIDELINES 9 RAMTOWN FIRE COMPANY STANDARD OPERATIONAL GUIDELINES APPENDIX A Manufacturers Instructions SCOTT Presur-Pak 2.2 Positive Pressure SCBA 10 RAMTOWN FIRE COMPANY STANDARD OPERATIONAL GUIDELINES APPENDIX B Recommended Checkout Procedures 11 RAMTOWN FIRE COMPANY STANDARD OPERATIONAL GUIDELINES Checklist Backpack and harness assembly Straps: Visually inspect for complete set Visually inspect for frayed or damaged straps Buckles: Visually inspect for mating ends Check locking operation on waste strap Backplate and cylinder lock: Visually inspect backplate for cracks, missing rivets, screws, etc. Visually inspect cylinder hold-down mechanism and strap. Check strap tightener and lock to ensure it is fully engaged. Cylinder and valve assembly Physically check to ensure that the cylinder is tightly fastened to the backplate. Visually inspect for large dents or gouges in the cylinder. Check hydrostatic test date to ensure it is current (every 5 years for metal and every 3 years for composite). Determine that the cylinder valve lock is working properly. Inspect condition of gauge needle, face, and lens. Turn on the cylinder, listen and feel around the packing for leakage. Take out of service if leakage is observed. 12 RAMTOWN FIRE COMPANY STANDARD OPERATIONAL GUIDELINES Regulator and high pressure hose Listen and feel for leakage in hose or at hose-to-cylinder connector. Ensure that the reducer hose coupling is hand tightened to the cylinder valve outlet. Slowly press the center of the donning switch on the regulator and release. Check that the breathing regulator purge valve (red knob on regulator) is closed (full clockwise and pointer on know upward). Slowly open the cylinder valve by rotating the know counterclockwise. The vibralert alarm should sound and the stop. There should be no air flow from the facepiece. Don the facepiece or hold the mask to the face to effect a good seal. Inhale sharply to start the automatic flow of air. Breathe normally from the facepiece to ensure normal operation. Remove facepiece from the face. Air should flow freely from the facepiece. Fully depress the donning switch on the regulator causing the air flow to stop. Rotate the red purge valve one half (1/2) turn counterclockwise (pointer on knob downward). Air should flow freely from the regulator. Unit must be taken out of service if the by-pass does not operate properly. Rotate the purge valve one half (1/2) tunr clockwise to the fully closed position (pointer on knob upward). Air flow from the regulator should stop. Compare the remote gauge to the cylinder gauge. The variation between the two should not exceed 100 psi. Watch the remote gauge drop in pressure after the tank valve is closed. A drop in pressure indicates leakage. Close cylinder valve. Rotate the purge valve counterclockwise until air begins to flow. Observe the remote pressure gauge on the harness and note the pressure when the vibralert sounds. The pressure should be 20% to 25% (or about one fourth) of the total tank pressure when the alarm begins to sound. when the air stops flowing, return the purge valve to the fully closed position. If the alarm does not operate as specified, the unit must be taken out of service for repair. Check cylinder gauge to ensure cylinder is full. Recharge the cylinder if the pressure is less than 90% of the rated pressure. 13 RAMTOWN FIRE COMPANY STANDARD OPERATIONAL GUIDELINES Facepiece Ensure that the seal between the lens and the rubber or silicon facepiece is intact. Defective masks must be taken out of service. Check the straps and harness for wear. 14 RAMTOWN FIRE COMPANY STANDARD OPERATIONAL GUIDELINES APPENDIX C After Use / Monthly Inspection Form 15 RAMTOWN FIRE COMPANY STANDARD OPERATIONAL GUIDELINES APPENDIX D Training Outline 16 RAMTOWN FIRE COMPANY STANDARD OPERATIONAL GUIDELINES “SELF CONTAINED BREATHING APPARATUS DRILL” I. Respiratory Hazards Encountered By Firefighters A. Firefighter injuries and fatalities B. The respiratory system C. The body's reaction while wearing SCBA D. Respiratory hazards 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Oxygen deficiency Smoke Elevated temperatures Toxic gases Hazardous materials Confined space emergencies E. Detecting the hazardous environment 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Right to know surveys Hazardous materials fact sheets MSDA sheets Labeled containers Placards Other common methods F. Common methods used to measure and evaluate exposure to hazardous substances II. Types of Breathing Apparatus A. Types of SCBA 1. Open circuit (includes positive and negative pressure) 2. Closed circuit 17 RAMTOWN FIRE COMPANY STANDARD OPERATIONAL GUIDELINES III. Major Components, Purpose, Use, and Limitations of SCBA A. Purpose and use of basic components 1. 2. 3. 4. Air cylinder assembly Regulator assembly Facepiece assembly Backpack and harness assembly B. Limitations of breathing equipment 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. High/low temperatures Communications problems Hazardous materials incidents Emergency operations Visual deficiencies C. Use and wearing of hood, helmet, and coat collar while wearing SCBA D. Identifying various types of cylinders and their hydrostatic dates IV. Physical Requirements of Wearer A. PEOSHA requirements B. Physical considerations 1. 2. 3. 4. Condition of wearer Duration of effective period of use Long hair and beards Glasses and contact lenses V. Mechanical Operating Procedures A. Main line valve B. By-pass/purge valve C. Regulator/pressure reducer assembly D. Audible warning device 18 RAMTOWN FIRE COMPANY STANDARD OPERATIONAL GUIDELINES E. Cylinder valve VI. Donning SCBA A. Performing cylinder checks 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Cylinder pressure Low pressure alarm High pressure hose Regulator assembly Low pressure hose Hydrostatic test date B. Methods of donning SCBA 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Over the head method Coat method Seat mount Side or rear mount Compartment or back-up mount C. Methods of donning facepiece D. Changing cylinders VII. Safety Rules and Emergency Operating Techniques For Use of SCBA A. Proper training to 1. Training in the proper and safe procedures for the use of SCBA - Right Know regulations 2. Training in when to use SCBA - PEOSHA regulations B. Physical limitations 1. Controlled breathing rate 2. Degree of physical exertion/use of oxygen 3. Physical fitness and use of SCBA 19 RAMTOWN FIRE COMPANY STANDARD OPERATIONAL GUIDELINES C. Situations involving fire operations 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Air duration Warning devices - low air alarm, PASS unit Wearing SCBA during overhaul Extreme temperature changes Changing air cylinders Emergency escape procedures Standby personnel Buddy systems Safety lines D. Special operations - nonfireground operations 1. Hazardous materials incidents 2. Confined space rescue 3. Water submersion VIII. Inspection, Testing, and Servicing Procedures for Breathing Equipment A. Procedure for inspection 1. 2. 3. 4. Air cylinder assembly Regulator assembly Facepiece assembly Harness assembly B. Frequency of inspections 1. After each use 2. Before each use 3. Weekly/monthly C. Testing schedule 1. Cylinders 2. Regulators/pressure reducing assemblies D. Maintenance and servicing 1. Record keeping 2. Repair/reconditioning procedures 3. Schedule for maintenance 20 RAMTOWN FIRE COMPANY STANDARD OPERATIONAL GUIDELINES 4. Maintenance procedures IX. PEOSHA Requirements A. When SCBA is worn 1. "Working inside buildings or confined spaces where toxic products of combustion or oxygen deficiency may be present". (1910.156) 2. "During emergency situations involving toxic substances". (1910.156) inhalation 3. "While engaged in emergency response in a situation where potential hazards exist". (1910.156) B. Types of apparatus required (1910.156) X. Right To Know Requirements Relating To SCBA A. Training requirements B. Right to know surveys C. Labeling of containers D. Hazardous Substance Fact Sheets E. Material Safety Data Sheets F. Methods used to prevent and control exposure to hazardous substances G. Nature of potential health and safety risks 21