
faculty of mathematics and
natural sciences
graduate school
of science
Training and Support Plan
Employed PhD student (AIO)
This Training and Support Plan (TSP) is to be completed by the principal supervisor (the ‘promotor’)
of a PhD student at the start of the project, and it must be approved by both the director of the
research institute and the director of the Groningen Graduate School of Science (GGSS).
Name of PhD student
Date of birth
Title of research project
Start and end date of PhD project
Funding agency & money flow
Research institute
Research group
Principal thesis advisor (‘promotor’)
Daily supervisor(s)
Proposed external advisor
faculty staff who is not a member of the research group
(in some institutes: scientific or PhD co-ordinator)
GGSS Training and Support Plan - Employed PhD student (AIO)
1. Goals of the PhD programme and purpose of the TSP
The PhD programme has two main goals; (1) the scientific training of the PhD student in an
individual research project, resulting in a doctoral dissertation within a period of four years;
and (2) the professional training of the PhD student in both transferable and field-specific
academic skills by means of courses, scientific meetings, and networking activities. The
Training and Support Plan gives an overview of the PhD programme in terms of tasks,
expected outcomes, training, supervision, and evaluation. It is an agreement between all
involved parties, made to achieve these goals in an efficient way.
2. Duties of the PhD student
The PhD student will perform the research project described in Section 3 (>75% of the time),
will follow an educational programme in accordance with the requirements of the Groningen
Graduate School of Science (10-15%), and will be involved in teaching and/or the supervision
of undergraduate students (10%). The educational programme is outlined in Section 5. It
includes writing an introductory essay, following courses, workshops and/or summer schools,
and actively participating in conferences (including at least one oral presentation).
The PhD student is expected to complete a doctoral dissertation within 4 years. A dissertation
consists of, at minimum, a general introduction, several chapters reporting experimental or
theoretical research and a synthesis. Generally, the chapters are of publishable quality, and at
least some chapters have already been submitted to scientific journals or even published.
…edit this text if appropriate
3. Short description of the research project
…add brief project description (max. 1 A4; italics)
4. Time planning of the research project
…give indication of time planning (in half-year increments)
5. Educational programme
In addition to conducting individual research, the PhD student follows an educational
programme of 30-36 EC (= credits according to the European Credit Transfer System)
consisting of a variety of training elements and networking activities. At least 6 EC should be
spent on the acquisition of ‘transferable skills’ (e.g. following GGSS courses such as Project
Management, Scientific Writing, Dynamic Presentation, Academic Teaching Skills, Writing a
Grant Proposal, Career Development or Science to the Market). Other courses on general
research techniques are offered under auspices of the GGSS, among them Experimental
Design, Data Analysis, Advanced Statistics, Experimentation with Animals (‘Proefdierkunde’)
and Computer Simulations. More field-specific courses are organized by research schools
(Dutch ‘onderzoekscholen’) such as (include name of relevant research school(s)). Credits can also be
given for other activities, for instance an internship in another lab or participation in a master
class or international summer school. PhD students are encouraged to present their work at
national and international meetings, and the GGSS gives credit for such activities. Credit can
also be obtained for the organisation of symposia, workshops, scientific debates and other
academic activities. To ensure freedom in fulfilling these training requirements, PhD students
each receive an individual training budget (ITB) of € 750 per year.
GGSS Training and Support Plan - Employed PhD student (AIO)
Two training activities are mandatory for all PhD students enrolled in the GGSS: following the
introductory course Mastering Your PhD and writing an Introductory Essay. Both activities
must be completed within the first six months of the PhD programme.
The Introductory Essay (6 EC) gives the student’s vision of the research project and a
detailed description of the research plan. It consists of a literature review, a description of the
research questions to be addressed and a detailed project plan, including a schedule/timeline.
After the PhD student and supervisors have agreed on the content of this essay, a copy is sent
to the Graduate School Office, where it is filed as an addendum to this TSP.
In addition, the PhD student has to satisfy the following requirements for training and
…add requirements specific to this project (e.g. obtaining required skills or repairing deficiencies), including
timing (when to be completed?) and proof that the goal has been achieved (e.g., exam or certificate); preferably all
mandatory elements should take place in the first year of the PhD programme.
The training and educational programme might be complemented by the following elements:
…add a few elements that seem particularly appropriate; be specific with respect to training elements to be
completed in the first year
6. Supervision and assessment of progress
At least twice a year the PhD student will present an oral overview of progress made in the
research project. At least once per month (change if necessary) the progress and planning of the
project will be discussed in an individual meeting with the supervisor(s). More frequent
progress meetings will be scheduled as needed. The overall frequency of meetings should be at
least once every two weeks (change if necessary). The PhD student is expected to play an active
role in the research group’s weekly seminars.
…edit this paragraph if necessary
7. Evaluations and appraisal interview
In addition to regular progress meetings, evaluation meetings of the PhD student and the
supervisor(s) will take place after the first half year and at the end of each year of the project.
The purpose of these meetings is to discuss general issues such as the state of the project, the
performance of the PhD student, the frequency and quality of supervision, and the facilities
and working environment. In preparation for these meetings, the PhD student will write a
report giving a summary of the activities, achievements and problems encountered in the
previous period, as well as an overview of plans for the coming year(s). This report contains all
training elements for which the student wishes to receive credit from the GGSS. An amended
and approved (by the thesis advisor) version of the report will be sent to the Graduate School
Office where it is filed and the credits are registered.
The first-year evaluation is noteworthy in that it takes the form of an appraisal interview,
during which the performance of the PhD student is judged by a committee consisting of (add
the names of the evaluators (at least two, including the external advisor)), and a representative from the
P&O department. A negative review at this time will result in the termination of the student’s
position. During the first evaluation meeting (after the first half year), a prognosis will be given
concerning the outcome of the first-year assessment, giving the PhD student the opportunity
to remedy deficiencies.
…edit this text if appropriate
GGSS Training and Support Plan - Employed PhD student (AIO)
8. Amendments to the TSP
If necessary, adjustments to this TSP can be made during any of the evaluation meetings.
Major amendments have to be communicated to the Graduate School Office.
9. Certificate
After finishing the PhD project, the student will receive a certificate from the graduate school
attesting to the educational programme completed during the PhD period. After successfully
defending the PhD thesis in a public ceremony, the PhD student is awarded a doctoral
diploma signed by the Rector of the University of Groningen, the Secretary and the
promoter(s) and affixed with the Great Seal of the University of Groningen.
10. Signatures:
Promotor 1
Promotor 2
PhD student
Director research institute .............................................
Director GGSS
Prof. dr. Franz J. Weissing
GGSS Training and Support Plan - Employed PhD student (AIO)