Book Analysis Paper

Book Analysis Paper
This paper will focus on some of the key concepts of the book The Five Dysfunctions of a Team
by Patrick Lencioni. In this paper, you will need to discuss issues related to the book and
discussion topics.
What I’m looking for:
o Summarize key concepts of the book.
o Use the key concepts you recognize and provide further insight about how those concepts
affect business communication-either positively or negatively.
o Detailed and specific references to characters, situations, or relationships.
o Critique the author’s position – what is Lencioni’s position on leadership and teams?
o Provide an analysis of how Lencioni’s ideas would work with you. How do you see
yourself in the situation? How would these ideas work with your present or potential
o Display your ability to make relevant connections among the book, you, and the business
Things to think about:
o What does the author say about group dynamics? What point is the author trying to
o What do you think he wants businesses to do?
o Will these ideas work in all situations in business?
o Why is this an important book to read? What value does this book have to businesses and
business communication?
o What do you think of the notion, discussed in class, about being flexible or adaptable in
trying to achieve personal/individual or team goals?
o The good of the many outweighs the good of the one. OR The good of the one outweighs
the good of the many. Draw a comparison between one of these statements and the book.
Be sure that your paper:
C – displays correct language usage, spelling, mechanics
O – displays a logical organizational pattern (most important to least important or vise versa;
order of importance) and provides clear and sophisticated transitions (these should go beyond
such things as first, second, third…)
M – covers the material necessary (provides enough detail and explanation) to make your views
and analysis clearly understood.
E – displays expression (word usage, sentence structure, and paragraph development) that
reflects, at least, upper college level writing.