Suzanne Kutterer-Siburt 343 E. Locust Columbia, IL 62236 618‑281

618-281-5858 (H)
618-650-3472 (W) (w)
Masters in Public Administration/Government/Non-Profit Management, Southern Illinois
University at Edwardsville, Edwardsville, Illinois (August, 1992)
B.A. Anthropology (emphasis in Archaeology) Minor - Contemporary Religious Studies,
Western Illinois University, Macomb, Illinois (May, 1981)
MacMurray College, Jacksonville, Illinois (August, 1977 - December, 1978)
A.R.M.Y. Camp Leadership Challenge, Fort Knox, KY, Summer 1999
November, 1993 - Present
Southern Illinois University Edwardsville: Assistant Director, Leadership Development
Duties: Responsible for the development, coordination, and implementation of a comprehensive leadership program and
volunteer services that contributes to the growth and development of students. The program includes development
modules and on-campus and community volunteer placement, professional development series, service-learning in
academic classes, Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, IMAGE, and Peer Leadership. The Student Leadership
Development Program requires the collaboration of community and business leaders, the SIUE University community,
the St. Louis metropolitan area, and all levels of education from high school though higher education. Also responsible
for training and monitoring students, faculty and staff; the operation of the Volunteer Center; the development and
administration of one day and five day community service projects which explore the community and the social agency;
the placement and monitoring of students in volunteer service, provide consultation in volunteer management for the
community and university, involvement in Campus Compact and Illinois Campus Compact for Community Service.
Skills in developmental theory, advisement, assessment, curriculum development, developing agencies agreements,
monitoring and training of not-for-profit and governmental agencies, interpersonal skills, manual development, program
development, development of position descriptions, report preparation, supervision of paid and non-paid staff,
development of structured reflection, student needs assessment, service-learning projects and classes, and non-profit
agency agreement, budgeting, leadership training, promotions (marketing), communication, fund raising; WEB site
database of volunteer positions, computer List Serve, and grant writing.
January, 1990 - November, 1993
Cahokia Mounds State Historic Site: Lead 1 (Education Director & Development)
Administer the Education Department - Special Events - Fund Raising and Grant Writing - Resource Development Education Volunteers - Present Professional Programs and Workshops on Museum Education, Funding, Volunteer
Organizations - Further Public Awareness and Network within the Metropolitan St. Louis area in Missouri and Illinois
and with Indian Communities
Duties: Supervise an education staff and education volunteers in developing new programs through research; implement,
sustain, publicize, and administer all educational programs, including programs for organized groups, large and small,
preschool through senior citizen, develop policies and guidelines for staff, programs and visitors; develop, organize,
publicize and administer special events and special events programming (largest event three days 35,000+); Coordinate
special events with the Indian community throughout the U.S.; raise money for all programs and additional staff through
grants and from private sector; prepare budgets, keep records of the program’s finances; prepare reports and
spreadsheets, proposals and present to the support organization; initiate, develop and administer special programs with
public and private institutions; develop and layout for printer all specials events, educational brochures and other forms
of publicity (all camera ready; present programs on museum education, volunteer organization, archaeology, working
with minority cultures and other topics related to the public; develop, involve and further a relationship with native
American community and other minorities; developed multi-cultural programs for the Voluntary Desegregation program;
supervised paid and non-paid personnel; placement, interviewing, training, evaluations.
August, 1984 - January, 1990
Cahokia Mounds State Historic Site: Volunteer Coordinator, Education Director, Special Events, Fund Raising,
Publicity and Present Programs/Workshops
Duties: Develop, research, implement, sustain and administer all educational programs, including programs for
organized groups (small and large), develop on site educational programs and special events through outside resources
for on site and off site, special public programming; raise funds for all programs through grants and from private sector;
develop operations manuals for all areas of the museum; schedule and train volunteers and staff in all areas of the
museum; developed, established and administered the 200 plus volunteer organization, including recruiting, scheduling,
training and handling all discipline problems, write and edit monthly newsletter, write and update museum and training
manuals, develop and implement all social activities and recognition; write all publicity new releases; developed and
updated publicity list; made and strengthen contact with press; represent the site at meetings; advocate the preservation of
archaeological sites; interpretation of the site; prepared the educational programs, education staff and volunteers for
installation in the new Cahokia Mounds Interpretive Center, September, 1989; organized and administered the Grand
Opening festivities; other duties included budgeting and personnel (paid and non-paid) supervision.
May, 1981 - August, 1984
FAI-270 Archaeological Mitigation Project, University of Illinois, Archaeologist
Duties: (April, 1983 - August, 1984) Assisted in feature and artifact inventory and analysis for the various archaeological
reports which included preparation of graphs and maps; floated feature soil and analyzed botanical and fauna materials,
entered feature and fauna data on micro computer, wrote and debugged programs to use this data; entered/proof reports
on word processor; kept records on site budgets, greeted visitors at the lab; provided tours of the facility to develop
relationship with local residents; assisted at Foley Farm and Nature Park and the Boismenue House to teach children
field-lab techniques and about archaeology.
(August, 1981 - October, 1982)
Pulled diagnostic materials; assisted in the analysis of archaeological material, which included human bone, plant, faunal,
lithic and ceramic material; organized notes from the field; excavated features along the FAI-270 right-of-way; helped
design and set up a display on the FAI-270 Archaeological Project for the Columbia Public Library.
(August, 1981)
Excavated and mapped archaeological features at the Range Site; responsible for field notes associated with feature
excavations; floated feature soil and analyzed botanical and fauna material recovered.
(May, 1977 - May, 1981)
Held various positions of field excavation, floatation and analyst during school breaks as project assistant on various
archaeological projects. Lab assistant for Western Illinois Archaeological Department during the school year.
Director, Region 1, Congress of Illinois Historical Societies and Museums 1987 - 1994
Museum Educators Roundtable of Metropolitan St. Louis 1985 - 1993
St. Louis Council of Volunteer Directors 1987 to Present
Advisory Committee, American Indian Center of Mid-America 1990 - 1996
Illinois Historic Preservation Agency Interpreters Steering Committee 1993
Secretary & Treasure, Illinois Campus Compact for Community Service 1997 to Present
Assistant Treasure, United Campus Ministry 1998 to Present
United Way Higher Education Task Force 1997n to Present
Illinois Arts Council Ethnic & Folk Arts 1992, 1994, 1995, 1996, & 2000
Madison Arts Council 1992 & 1993
Illinois Arts Council Arts-In-Education Program 1993
Illinois Campus Compact for Community Service 1995
Excellence In Undergraduate Education, SIUE 1997
Grant writer for the American Indian Center of Mid-America, Cahokia Mounds Museum Society, and Southern Illinois
University Edwardsville
Greater St. Louis United Way Illinois East Side Allocation Committee 1998 to Present
Greater St. Louis United Way St. Clair County Allocation Committee 1998 to Present
1987 & 1988 Volunteer Connection Telethon Orientation Co-Chairperson (Channel 4, St. Louis)
1988 Young Career Woman, Granite City, Illinois Chapter of Business and Professional Women
Archaeological Test State University Civil Service System, scored 100%
Awarded Superior Achievement Education Category - Congress of Illinois Historical Societies and Museum "Indian Diversity" 1993
Awarded Certificate of Commendation - Midwest Museum Conference - "Indian Diversity" 1993
Awarded Certificate of Commendation - American Association for State and Local History - "Indian Diversity"
Awarded Illinois Humanities Council Lawrence W. Towner Award - "Indian Diversity" 1993
"Expand, Explore, Enjoy . . . Experience Together," Growing Times
"Volunteerism: Making a Better Program," Congress News
"A Journey to Cahokia Mounds" Cahokia Mounds State Historic Site 1986
Series of Cahokia Mounds Volunteer & Job Training Manuals 1986 - 1993
Series of Cahokia Mounds Educational Policies, Programs and Activities 1984 - 1993
Heritage America Program Booklet (yearly revised) 1989 - 1993
"How to . . . Develop Effective Children’s Programming," Association of Illinois Museums 1993
"Indian Diversity" includes videos programs, text book, university course, educational programs, posters,
brochures and two traveling exhibits - Project Coordinator and Principal Writer (Cahokia Mounds) -Awarded
Superior Achievement Education Category by Congress of Illinois Historic Societies and Museums Awarded
Certificate of Commendation by Midwest Museum Conference & American Association for State and
Local History - Project Funded by the Illinois Humanities Council 1992
"Milton Harrington Exhibit" Grand Opening Exhibit at Cahokia Mounds Interpretive Center 1989
Co-organized "Public Education: Putting it to Work" symposium, Midwest Archaeological Conference 1993
Organized "Educational Programs" session, Annual Historic Sites Interpreters Meeting, Illinois Historic
Preservation Agency 1993
Developed and administered the following events:
"Heritage America" 1990 - 1993 Program consisted of over 40 traditional Native American craft demonstrators
with two main performance areas and children activities. Attendance 35,000 Budget $40,000.00
Cahokia Mounds State Historic Site Interpretive Center's Grand Opening Festivities 1989
Developed a series of monthly events with a large grand opening as a finale. Program focus was to educate the
public on the prehistoric Indian culture. Attendance at grand opening 25,000 with average attendance at smaller
monthly events 3000.
"Kids Day" 1984 - 1993 Program consisted of over 15 hands-on activities, and performances to educate public
on prehistoric Indian culture. Attendance 15,000 Budget $3000.00
"Craft Classes" Program which was held nine months of the year for adults and children. Traditional Native
American instructors. Funded by Pepsi - Cola
"Winter Lecture Series" 1986 - 1993 Held Jan - May Developed on current topics on archaeology, museum, and
Native American issues.
"Indian Food Festival" 1988 - 1993 Program to introduce the public to the diversity of Indian culture through
food and agricultural technology Attendance 3000 - 6000
"Animal of Prey" 1989 - 1993 Event to educate the public on animals native to the Cahokia Mounds area and
exploitation of the fauna. Attendance 3000
"Indian Body Decorative Arts" 1989 - 1993 Program to introduce the public to the diversity of Indian culture
through the use of clothing, body decoration, and accessories. Attendance 3000
Cahokia Mounds State Historic Site:
Birdman Bash, organizer, Creative Black Tie Fund Raiser, raised $8,998.00 - 1990
Indian Diversity Project, organizer, Major Funding by Illinois Humanities Council $9,867.00 - 1991
Heritage American, organizer, Major Funding by Illinois Arts Council $11,190.00 - 1991 & 1992,
$8,630.00 - 1993
St. Louis Voluntary Desegregation Program, coordinator, yearly $10,000 1989 - 1993
St. Louis Catholic School Desegregation Program, coordinator, yearly $7,500.00 1990 - 1993
Native American Craft Class Program, organizer, yearly $1,500.00 1986 - 1993
Southern Illinois University Edwardsville:
Illinois Campus Compact, curriculum development, School of Business, Southern Illinois University at
Edwardsville 1995
Illinois Campus Compact, curriculum development, Public Administration and Policy Analysis, Southern Illinois
University at Edwardsville 1995
Illinois Campus Compact, Take A Break ,Volunteer Flood Cleanup Project - $2220.56 1995
Indian Pow Wow, Major Funding by Illinois Arts Council $4500.00 1995
"Creating & Maintaining a Volunteer Program," Congress of Illinois Museums and Historical Societies
"Life Along the Mississippi, 1215 A.D.," Missouri Historical Society Magna Carta Exhibit 1992
"Portrait of the Indians of the Midwest," Smithsonian Workshop
"Away with Field Trips at Cahokia Mounds, "Smithsonian Workshop
"Beyond the Classroom and Into the Pasts," Missouri State Teacher Conference
"Marketing Educational Programs and the Return," Congress of Illinois Museums and Historical Societies
"Indians Domino Effect," Riverlands Environmental Conference
"Developing Educational Programs," Missouri State Museum Conference
"Archaeological Education verses Raiders of the Lost Ark and the Wannabies," Society of the Advancement of
Archaeology 1992
"Cahokia Mounds and the St. Louis Public Schools: Partners in Education," Society of the Advancement of
Archaeology (co-author) 1992
"Making Your Educational Programs Accessible" Panelist ADA Conference Chicago Botanical Gardens, Illinois
Arts Council and Congress of Illinois Museums and Historical Societies 1992
"Innovative Ideas For Volunteer Development" Panelist Spring Educational Conference Missouri Travel &
Tourism Conference 1992
"Road of the Reviewed Grant" Steps & Action for Grant Writing Success SIUE Dept. of Public Administration
and Policy Analysis 1993 & Fall 1994 L.I.V.E. Conference Illinois Campus Compact for Community Service
"Archaeology/Education Cannot Exist in a Vacuum" Midwest Archaeological Conference 1993
"Hands-On Educational Programs as an Alternative to Tours" Annual Historic Sites Interpreters Meeting 1993
"Indian Diversity Program / Teaching Cultural Information Correctly" Diversity Advocates, Southern Illinois
University at Edwardsville 1994
"3 Rs': Recruitment, Retention, and Recognition" Southern Illinois University Edwardsville Student Leadership
Conference 1995
"Administrative Do's and Don't's: Leadership Programs" Jepson School of Leadership Studies Conference,
University of Richmond - Virginia 1995
"Developing a Professional Edge" Southern Illinois University Edwardsville Student Leaders Training 1995
"Politically Correct" Southern Illinois University Edwardsville Student Leaders Training 1995
"What Should Be Expected From The Volunteer Experience" L.I.V.E. Conference Illinois Campus Compact for
Community Service 1995
"Preparing Students committed to Community Service Through Curricular & Co-curricular Programs"
NASPA 1996 National Conference
Smithsonian Conference for Teachers, Museum Educators Roundtable St. Louis
Collection Management Workshop, Congress of Illinois Historical Societies and Museums (organized and
conducted twice)
Indian Heritage Conference, Illinois Arts Council and Cahokia Mounds Museum Society and Historic Site
Funded by National Endowment of the Arts 1992
Midwest Museum Conference, Public Relations Co-Chair 1993
Summer High School Leadership Institute, Coordinator, Southern Illinois University Edwardsville 1994 to
Southern Illinois University Edwardsville Student Leadership Orientation and Training 1995
L.I.V.E. Conference, Illinois Campus Compact for Community Service 1995
Student Leadership Development Program Leadership Modules Southern Illinois University Edwardsville 1993 - Present
"Project a Professional Presence Through ... /IMAGE" Southern Illinois University Edwardsville 1995
Business Service Learning Internship Southern Illinois University Edwardsville 1995
Human Relations Advisory Committee, Southern Illinois University Edwardsville 1995-1996
Freshman Year Experience
Residence Hall Peer Assistants
Community Policing
Pathway to Harmony Trainer
Stephen Covey's Seven Habits for Highly People