Descriptive Inorganic, Coordination, and Solid-State Chemistry 2nd Edition, Errata List *p 79 at top: should be "of the more than two centuries" p 86 Prob 4.19, 1st line, insert “3” in front of dz2. *p 122 Reference for Problem 5.27 should be T. Ramasami and A.G. Sykes, J.C.S. Chem. Commun. (1976): 378. §p 162 Figure 7.10(c), The C layer is not oriented correctly. It should look like the B layer in Figure 7.10(d) *p 190 Prob 7.42, 2nd line Should be MgO not MgO §p 211 Prob 8.13 ΔHg should be 121.7 kJ/mol p 211 Prob 8.18 First line: NH4+ is in italics – it should not be p 226 Figure 9.7 The values for electron affinities in this table (from Ref. 24) and the surrounding text do not always match the values given other places in text (principally Chapter 8 values). This will be changed if there is a third edition. §p 248 Table 10.2 The entry in “Mass, u” column should be changed from 1.00728 to 1.007825u (1.00728u is the correct value for the proton whereas 1.007825u is the correct value for hydrogen (including the electron) *p 256 Fig 10.5 Should be Ac-Lu not Ac-Li p 298 Prob 11.30 “diagrams” should be singular *p 327 Prob 12.24 Check into this. Kinetically, lithium is less reactive. §p 371 Caption for Figure 14.14 Eliminate (a), (b), and (c) in the caption as these letters are not used in the actual figure (and are not needed in the figure for clarity). The very last formula in the caption should read [Al(H2O)6]3+ not (Al(H2O6]3+ -- replace beginning parenthesis with beginning square bracket. §p 406 Equation 15.11 Equation 15.12 Should be 23892U Should be 23592U 206 82Pb 207 82Pb + 8 42He + 6 0-1e + 7 42He + 4 0-1e Equation 15.13 Should be 23890Th §p 407 Third paragraph up “as discussed on p. 000” should be replaced with “as discussed on p. 372” §p 424 Problem 15.59 should say “pictured in Figure 15.13f”, not Figure 15.8f §p 462 Prob 16.21 Should be phosphorous acid not phosphorus acid *p 465 Prob 16.57 In first line, change diphosphorus to tetraphosphorous *p 471 Fig 17.2 Should not be shading in S or Se rectangles p 480 Table 17.2 The minus signs in dithionite structure should be on singly-bound oxygens (O’s) not on doubly-bound. §p 491 Prob 17.28 insert word “of” after role: should say Discuss the role of . . . §p 511 Table 18.3 Third entry from the bottom: should be trigonal planar not triagonal planar *p 536 Equation 19.2 Xe+PtF6 should have (s) after it not (g) p 537 3rd line under Eqn 19.7 Should say “The reaction can even be carried out” not “even by carried out”. §p 546 Problem 19.25 Should refer to Figure 19.3 not Figure 9.3. 208 82Pb + 6 42He + 4 0-1e * = corrected in 2nd Printing § = sent to publisher 2/6/2004 Instructor’s/Students’ Solution Manuals (Students’ Manual has answer to only the odd problems) Prob 4.39(c) Should be cobalt (Co) not chromium (Cr) *Prob 4.41 Missing orbital line and barycenter in octahedral split. *Prob 4.59 Square root sign missing in the μS calculation. *Prob 8.2 Should use 2.96 for ro in the Kapustinskii equation because we can’t bank on knowing the crystal structure. This would yield a value for the lattice energy of –716 instead of –755kJ/mol. Prob 8.8 Should refer to Table 7.9 not Table 7.8 Prob 8.13 Replace ΔHg of 243.0 kJ/mol with the correct value of 121.7 kJ/mol *Prob 8.26 In the cycle, it should read 2xEA on the arrow rather than just one. Prob 8.36 (g) for the Cl2 in the thermodynamic cycle should read Cl2(g) not Cl2(g) *Prob 9.17 In the last line, it should refer to Prob 9.16 not 9.15 Prob 10. *Prob 12.24 Check answer. Even though the statement of the problem is incorrect, the answer here is correct. *Prob 13.15 Problem with FrCl has a misprint in it: RaCl2 instead of FrCl *Prob 14.41 At first I thought the IM and SSM should be altered to reflect the complexity of this compound. However, on further inspection, I conclude that the IM and SSM are correct as written. *Prob 16.19 Answers to (b) and (d) should be phosphates not phosphites: (b) (NH4)H2PO4 (d) CaHPO4 Prob 16.57 Check that this is consistent with tetraphosphorus decoxide *Prob 16.62 Don’t need capital on Dinitrogen; should say “oxidized from –1 to +1 in nitrous oxide” *Prob 17.15 Equilibrium (two arrows; one going each way) arrow is misplaced: should be between H2O and HSO3-(aq). *Prob 17.58 Product should be D2SO4. *Prob 18.18 In final balanced equation, need a 2 in front of SO42-(aq). * = corrected in file