Received by the Graduate Council—May 7, 2007 GRADUATE COUNCIL CURRICULUM COMMITTEE (GCCC) Fifth Meeting/2006-07 Academic Year April 9, 2007 SECTION C – Items previously in Section B, now reported for inclusion in the Graduate Catalog p. 1 of 3 COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING AND ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY Department of Electrical Engineering BOT Other Catalog Changes Page 123, 2005-2006 Graduate Catalog Requirements for Integrated B.S./M.S. Sequence ↓ ↓ Specialization in Applied Radio Frequency (RF) Engineering (Thesis Option Only) (30) Students pursuing this specialization must also fulfill relevant Requirements for Graduates with a B.S. in Electrical Engineering or Requirements for Graduates with a B.S. in an Area other than Electrical Engineering or Requirements for Integrated B.S./M.S. Sequence. Required Courses (27) ELE 461, Synthesis of Active and Passive Networks (3) ELE 474, Transmission Line Media and Wave Propagation (3) ELE 475, Antenna Theory and Design (3) ELE 570, Microwave Circuits and Devices (3) ELE573, Time Harmonics Electromagnetic Fields (3) ELE 574, Microwave Measurement and Beam Instrumentation Laboratory (3) ELE 577, Advanced Microwave and Millimeter Wave Engineering (3) ELE 599A, Master’s Thesis (6) One of the following courses (3) ELE 437, Hybrid Circuit Design (3) ELE 560, Digital and Analog Communication Systems (3) ELE 535, Advanced Electronic Devices (3) ELE 572, Microwave Solid-State Devices and Circuits (3) ↓ Certificates of Graduate Study GCCC 10/9/06; Graduate Council 11/6/06; BOT 3/22/07 Received by the Graduate Council—May 7, 2007 GRADUATE COUNCIL CURRICULUM COMMITTEE (GCCC) Fifth Meeting/2006-07 Academic Year April 9, 2007 SECTION C – Items previously in Section B, now reported for inclusion in the Graduate Catalog p. 2 of 3 COLLEGE OF VISUAL AND PERFORMING ARTS School of Music Board of Trustees Other Catalog Change: Page 260 and 261, 2005-06 Graduate Catalog Master of Music The M.M. degree is a 32-semester hour program consisting of 13 semester hours of core requirements plus 19 semester hours taken within one of three areas of study specializations: music education, music performance, or individualized study. Admission Normally, a baccalaureate…….may be admitted to a specific area of study specialization within the M.M. program. Other admission requirements will vary, depending upon the area of study specialization that is selected. Music Education: Applicants are admitted to this area of study specialization only upon the recommendation ……….which they are admitted. Performance: Applicants are admitted to this area of study specialization only upon the recommendation of a committee of the performance……….which they are admitted. Individualized Study: Applicants are admitted to this area of study specialization only upon the recommendation……..he or she is admitted. Applicants for admission to the M.M. program are not required to…..…up all such deficiencies. Applicants who are admitted to the M.M. program in a specific area of study specialization and who then wish to change to another area of study specialization must meet all admission requirements for the new area of study specialization before the change is approved. Applicants for admission to the M.M. program …….entrance requirements. Requirements In partial fulfillment of graduate requirements, a student pursuing the M.M. degree in the performance area of study specialization must prepare and perform………recital. Students pursuing the M.M. degree within the music education or individualized areas of study specializations may present a formal public recital, write a thesis, or complete a final project. Students in the areas specializations of music education and performance……courses. Students in the individualized area of study specialization may take ……..of courses. Received by the Graduate Council—May 7, 2007 GRADUATE COUNCIL CURRICULUM COMMITTEE (GCCC) Fifth Meeting/2006-07 Academic Year April 9, 2007 SECTION C – Items previously in Section B, now reported for inclusion in the Graduate Catalog p. 3 of 3 All students pursuing the M.M. degree must fulfill the following core requirements. Core Requirements (13) MUSC 533, Seminar in Musical Research (3), or MUSC 584, Techniques of Research in Music(3), as appropriate to the area of study specialization and as approved…..studies. ↕ Each student must also fulfill the requirements of one of the following areas of study specializations. Music Education Specialization in Music Education (19) ↕ Specialization in Performance (19) One of the following tracks Band and Orchestral Instruments ↕ Keyboard Instruments ↕ Voice ↕ Individualized Study Specialization (19) A student may design an individualized area of study specialization with course work selected from existing courses, seminars, independent study,………….off campus. While this individual area of study specialization may share some features of other areas of study specializations, its thrust should be distinctive. Individualized study specialization may consist in part ……….entirely on music. Examples of individualized study areas specializations pursued by M.M. students ……proposal. Normally at least one half of the individualized area of study specialization will be in the School of Music. At the conclusion…..have been met. GCCC 11/13/06; Graduate Council 12/4/06; BOT 3/22/07