Purebred Sheep Breeders 64th Annual Sheep & Goat Saturday, May 31st, 2014 Tri-County Fair Grounds ~ Petersburg, WV Take U.S. 220 & Follow Signs to Fair Grounds www.sheepwv.org www.wvsheepandgoatsale.com Page 1 Thursday, May 30th, 2014 12PM – 10PM Check In 5 PM - 7 PM Consignor’s Welcome Meal (Meal Hosted by WPSBA Board Members) 7 PM Club Goat & Lamb Weigh In and Numbered Friday, May 31, 2014 8 – 10AM Finish Check In & Paint Brand Goats & Sheep Note: Please have your Goats & Sheep READY for branding. 11 AM Club Goat Show followed by Full Blood Show & Percentage Boer Goat Show Immediately Following the Goat Show…. Exhibitor’s Meeting 1 PM Club Lamb Show 2 PM Breeding Sheep Show 6 PM Youth Educational Saturday, May 31st, 2014 10 AM 12 PM 12:45 PM 1:30 PM 2:30 PM Junior Judging Contest Annual Lamb Barbeque and Meal Educational Presentation - Selection of animals using genetic information (NSIP) Judging Awards Goat & Sheep Sale Page 2 Youth Sheep and Goat Educational Evening Judging & Skill-a-thon Contest The WV Purebred Sheep Breeders’ Association will be hosting an Educational Evening for youth on Friday May 30, 2014 beginning at 6 pm. There will be two educational stations focusing on animal diseases/ biosecurity and showmanship. Lodging for the night will be provided at the Grant County 4-H Camp. If you are planning to attend please complete the registration form at www.sheepwv.org or call the Grant County Extension office at 304-257-4688 by May 23, 2014. Friday, May 30 6:00 pm Registration, Get-Acquainted, Pizza Party 6:45 pm Animal Diseases/Biosecurity or Showmanship (Rotate by age groups) 7:45 pm Animal Diseases/Biosecurity or Showmanship 9:00 pm Transport to Camp Echo 9:30 pm Setup in Cabins 9:45 pm Council Circle 10:30 pm Snack, Showers 11:00 pm Lights Out Saturday, May 31 8.00 am Return to Tri-County Fairgrounds 8:30 am Breakfast 9:00 am Registration for Judging Contest/Skill-a-thon 10:00 am Judging Contest/Skill-a-thon 1:30 pm Awards Presentation ATTENTION JUNIORS… There will be a Drawing for Two $75.00 Gift Certificates for juniors to use towards the purchase of Breeding Sheep & Breeding Goats! Page 3 Guarantee: Yearling Rams are guaranteed breeders as follow: 1. 2. 3. 4. The ram should settle 60 Percent of his ewes, provided he is not turned with more than 35 ewes. The consignor will make satisfactory replacement of refund the purchase price on rams failing to settle ewes as indicated, provided the purchaser returns the ram to the consignor in reasonably good condition. Ram lambs are not guaranteed breeders. Ewes are guaranteed to lamb either at 2 years or 3 years of age. Goat transfers are the responsibility of the buyer. Sheep and goats will be in good physical condition when sold, therefore, no adjustments will be made on sheep or goats that die. Any adjustment to be made on sheep failing to breed shall be made between the buyer and seller. The WV Purebred Sheep Breeder’s Association, its officers, nor its members of the show and sale committee, assume any liability, legal or otherwise, except to help in any way possible to make adjustments should such become necessary. Lambs and kids are not guaranteed breeders. Terms will be cash except when other arrangements are made with sale committee. MINIMUM BID REQUIREMENTS: $250 Yearling Ram & Ewes - Bucks & Does $200 Ram & Ewe Lambs - Buck & Doe Kids $150 Club Lambs & Club Goats No sheep or goats will be loaded without check out from sale personnel. All animals are at Seller’s risk until sold and will be at Buyer’s risk as soon as sold. All sheep certified by the Sale Committee and Judge must be offered for sale. Upon arrival all sheep and goats will be inspected for soundness and checked for foot rot and sore mouth. West Virginia Honor Flock Certificate or Health Papers from a veterinarian required. Certificate of Veterinarian Inspection can be provided if needed. All sheep and goats consigned to the sale must be tagged with an official federal Scrapie Numbered Tag, or Official Scrapie I.D. Page 4 JUDGE: Bud Martin – Willard, Ohio AUCTIONEERS: John Spiker (304) 677-0255 David Spiker (304) 813-6550 Home (304) 884-7915 INTERNET BIDDING: www.CowBuyer.com PHONE BIDS ACCEPTED BY AUCTIONEER AND MEMBERS LISTED BELOW: Dennis Miller Brad Smith WVPSBA President (Cell) 540-908-0393 WV Small Ruminant (Cell) 304-668-9908 Mr. Joe Viola of Horse Shoe Run, WV will be here. Have your clipper blades sharpened. Repairs to hand piece and clippers. Special Needs or Questions give Joe a call at 304-735-5481. Mr. Jim Baxter with R.F.S. of Marlinton, WV will be here. Show Supplies Animal Health Supplies Special Needs or Questions give Jim a call at 304-799-4480. A Representative of Townsend Sales, Southern States, Kent Feeds will be here. Sheep, Goat and Cattle Equipment Feeders, Handling Chutes, Fitting Stands, Livestock Scales, Cattle Chutes, Head Gates, and Auto Waters Special Request or Questions for Townsend Sales call Mathias Engle at 574-721-3550. Special Request or Questions for Southern States call Harry Walker at 434-591-1110. CHECK OUT VARIOUS EXHIBITS FOR YOUR SHEEP NEEDS! Page 5 Join the West Virginia Shepherd’s Federation The American Sheep Industry Association and the WV Shepherd’s Federation are working together for you. Just as ASI represents thousands of sheep and goat producers nationwide, your state federation represents your interests in Congress and at the State Capital, and wherever the voice of WV sheep and goat producers must be heard. Please continue to invest in your industry. Renew your WVSF/ ASI membership today. If you are not a member, now is the time to join. See one of the WVSF Officers or download a membership form from the web site at www.sheepwv.org. Join the West Virginia Purebred Sheep Breeders Association Annual Membership Dues $10.00 To Join Contact: Patricia Kesner, Treasurer WV Purebred Sheep Breeders Association Rt. 2 Box 38B ~ Burlington, WV 26710 Cell: 304-813-9471 Need a Place to Stay? Homestead Inn…………………………………304-257-1049 or 800-437-6482 Smoke Hole Motel & Log Cabins……………....304-257-4442 or 800-828-8478 Fort Hill Motel……………………………….....304-257-4717 South Branch Inn………………………………304-538-2033 Hermitage Inn………………………………….304-257-1711 Programs and activities offered by the West Virginia University Extension Service are available to all persons without regard to race, color, sex, disability, religion, age, veteran status, political beliefs, sexual orientation, national origin, and marital or family status. Page 6 2013 Supreme Ewe 2013 Supreme Ram May Valley Club Lambs McNeill Suffolk’s & Club Lambs 2013 Grand Champion Doe 2013 Grand Champion Buck Camden Creek Farm Camden Creek Farm Page 7 MSB Show Lambs Ralph and Melanie Horchler 238 Busy Lane ~ New Wilmington, PA 61421 724-651-6757 Club Lambs LOT# 10 JBH Show Lambs Frank Hoover 159 Bethel Church Road ~ Edinburg, VA 22824 540-335-0075 LOT# 11, 12, 13 Comments: Lambs will be sired by Garrett 014; the sire of our very popular $6,900 Wether at the Midwest Elite Sale. He also sired 2 Reserve Division winners and the champion carcass lamb at the VA State Fair. Our Groovy son sired the Grand at the Shenandoah County Fair. Heavner Club Lambs Travis Heavner 623 Skiles Pitsenbarger Road~ Franklin, WV 26807 304-358-2511 LOT# 14,15,16,17 Comments: Lambs will be sired by the same ram that produced the 2013 Mineral County Grand Champion. We will also have lambs produced by our Walnut Hill ram purchased at last year’s sale.. Lambs will be docked long for WV fairs. Clay Hill Ranch Brett & Heather Kessler 6881 N 300 E ~ LaPorte, IN 46350 219-778-2624 ~ 1-574-323-3506 LOT# 18, 19 Comments: We have an excellent crop of lambs this year. Lambs are from Poe, PMR, A Copy, and Slack 3180. We hope you like them as much as we do. McNeill Suffolk’s & Club Lambs Blix & Jamie McNeill 13260 Seneca Trail ~ Buckeye, WV 24924 304-799-6698 or 304-992-2540 LOT# 20 Chase’N Purple Club Lambs Chase T. McNeill /Blix & Jamie McNeill 13260 Seneca Trail ~ Buckeye, WV 24924 304-799-6698 or 304-992-2540 LOT# 21 Page 8 Sponaugle Suffolks John Sponaugle 8888 Leroy Road ~ Grottoes, VA 24441 540-421-3468 ~ www.sponauglesuffolks.com Club Lambs LOT# 22, 23 Comments: Club lambs will be sired by ‘Ace’ (our Jim Nelssen ram- purchased at 2011 Midwest Stud Ram Sale- Reserve Supreme Champion). Haven K Farms Jason and Kara Moore 780 Connor School Rd ~ Fairview, WV 26570 304-798-3301 ~ 724-833-1329 LOT# 24, 25 Comments: These lambs are clean, stout, and ready to make you proud. They have Miller blood lines and we have had several class winners. Smith Club Lambs and Market Goats Dwight and Gail Smith 1431 Glencoe Rd ~ Fairhope, PA 15538 814-267-3803 ~ 814-279-4329 LOT# 26 Blue Sky Farm Larry & Lorraine Sharp 8777 Edray Rd.~ Cass, WV 24927 304-799-7271 304-992-4559 (cell) LOT# 27, 28 Willow Pines Farm Duane & Tammy Bishoff 1470 Centenary Road~ Bruceton Mills, WV 26525 304-288-7806 ~304-379-3992 LOT# 29 Comments: This lamb and our cross bred breeding ewes are sire by snapshot and most go back to our Hercules Ram on the dam side Snapshot is owned with May Valley sired by Nikon. Snapshot sired no lambs that were lower than first in class. Flinn Family Farm Jo Ann Flinn 17807 Breakneck Road ~ Flintstone, MD 21530 301-777-7974 (home) 301-697-8208 (cell) LOT# 30, 31 Page 9 Club Lambs French Club Lambs Leigh Ann French PO Box 243~ Sharpsburg, KY 40374 606-462-0172 LOT# 32, 33 Comments: Expect the same quality of lambs that we had last year. Exhibiting both the WVPBS 2013 Grand and Reserve Champion Market Lambs. The Grand and Reserve went on to be a class winner at the VA State Fair. Friend “French Club Lambs” on Facebook for updates. H &T Farm Hunter and Tanner Six PO Box 55 ~ Wana, WV 26590 304-662-6507 LOT# 34, 35 Comments: Long docked for West Virginia Fairs. Sire was WVPSBA Grand Champion Suffolk. Dam was Monongalia County Fair Grand Champion 2011. White Land Farm Kevin Smith 190 Hupman Road ~ Churchville, VA 24421 540-460-5587 LOT# 36,37,38,39 Comments: All of our lambs are out of ewes that have been shown by our daughter. All have good genetic background and good results in the show ring. Valley View Club Lambs Eddie Riggleman RR1~Box178H~ Keyser, WV 26726 304-851-4641 LOT# 40 Comments: Will be out of Kyptonite our “Diamond Eyes Son” or Huggie Bear our Papa Smurf son. Breezy Beach Farm Lanny, Tara, Kaylyn & Shaina Beach 12763 Hisers Lane ~ Broadway, VA 22815 540-896-2659 or 540-271-3876 LOT# 41, 42, 43, 44 Comments: Quality genetics from Ott Club Lambs, Hancock Hampshires, Poe Hampshires, Northern Starr Livestock and Rule Sheep. Our new rams have improved our lamb prospects for 2014 jackpot shows, county and state fairs. Page 10 Camden Creek Farm Earl Starcher PO Box 501~ Camden, WV 26338 304-269-3765 Club Goats LOT# 50, 51 Comments: Nice wethers. They will make excellent market goats for any county fair. We have had many county fair champions and reserves from the farm the past few years. Cooper Farm Patricia Sue Kesner Route 2 Box 38 ~ Burlington, WV 26710 304-289-3471 LOT# 52, 53, 54, 55 Comments: All are at least 88% Boer and should make excellent market goats. Mt. View Farm Jeff and Kim Gochenour 780 Mile Ridge Estate~ Lebanon Church, VA 22641 540-465-9401 LOT# 56, 57 Comments: We had Champion and Reserve light, middle, and heavy weight division at the Shenandoah County Fair! The Middle weight kid was Grand Champion and the Heavy Weight was Reserve Champion. They are tight hided and smooth muscle goats. Cooper Farm Patricia Sue Kesner Route 2 Box 38 ~ Burlington, WV 26710 304-289-3471 or 304-813-9471 LOT# 64 Name: WV0396/ 7210 B-day: 1/17/14 Sire: Phantoms Grove Hulk Dam: SKCF Pixie LOT# 65 Name: WV0396/ 7209 B-day: 1/14/14 Sire: Sting Rey Dam Name: SKCF Lilly Boer Goats Boer –Early Spring Doe– Full Blood Registration: Pending Twin Sire Reg. 10561254 Dam Reg. 120316179 Boer –Early Spring Doe- Percentage Registration: Pending Twin Sire Reg. 10608569 Page 11 Hickory Springs Farm Michael & Cheryl Boner 2283 Lifes Run Road~ Jane Lew, WV 26378 540-884-7597 LOT# 60 Boer Goats Boer – Yearling Doe – Full Blood Name: C22 Registration: 130725386 B-day: 1/08/13 Triplet Sire: RBGO Riverboat Natchez Y38 Sire Reg. 10214097 Dam: HSF2 Dazzle 27 Dam Reg. 10131018 Comments: Pretty Doe, good bone, Sire goes back to Top Brass, EN Dam has Rambo En Eggorist EN blood Mr Monroe EN. LOT# 61 Boer –Early Spring Doe – Percentage 75% Name: D10 Registration: Pending B-day: 1/02/14 Twin Sire: LOFG Midnight Partner B58 Sire Reg. 130725396 Dam: CCF7 Rockin Red Dam Reg. 130206708 Comments: Nice little doe has a solid red dam with Top Brass EN blood. Sire has Wideload EN, Ripper EN, Freightrain EN blood. LOT# 62 Boer – Early Spring Doe – Percentage 88 % Name: D19 Registration: Pending B-day: 1/04/14 Twin Sire: LOFG Midnight Partner B58 Sire Reg. 130725396 Dam: HSF2 Ruby 83 Dam Reg. 130207805 Comments: Nice red head doe dam is red and white paint with Mr. Monroe EN, Top Gun EN blood. Sire ANR Wideload EN Ripper EN Freighttrain EN blood. LOT# 63 Boer – Early Spring Buck – Full Blood Name: D22 Registration: Pending B-day: 1/19/14 Twin Sire: LOFG Midnight Partner B 58 Sire Reg.130725396 Dam: ATBG Midnite Voodoo Shooter 276 Dam Reg.08317114 Comments: Nice big bone buck; Black Head. Dam has Eggsfile EN, Top Gun EM blood. Sire ANR Wideload EN Ripper EN Freightrain EN blood. LOT# 77 Boer-Early Spring Buck-Percentage 94% Name D21 Registration: pending B-day: 1/7/14 Twin Sire: Lofg Bad Company B52 Sire Reg. 130725400 Dam: Hedrick Goat Farm Sweet Breeze Dam Reg.11339002 Comments: Blackhead he will make a good club goat sire with length and bone. Page 12 Boer Goats Camden Creek Farm Earl Starcher PO Box 501~ Camden, WV 26338 304-269-3765 LOT# 66 Boer – Yearling Buck – Full Blood Name: Registration: Pending B-day: 2/ 18/13 Twin Sire: AABG NBD New Design Sire Reg. 11125049 Dam: SNTI Z66-Puff’s CHA CHA Dam Reg. 10497612 Comments: Correct color buck, thick, wide top. Boer yearling buck is ready to go to work for your herd. LOT# 67 Boer – Yearling Doe – Percentage Name Registration: Pending B-day: 1/10/13 Twin Sire: Rowdy Mnt 585 Sire Reg. 11125049 Dam: Eight Balls Glory Dam Reg.11144014 Comments: Nice yearling doe, thick with bone. Can be registered ABGA. LOT# 68 Boer – Yearling Doe – Full Blood Name: Registration: Pending B-day: 1/07/13 Twin Sire: Rowdy Mnt 585 Sire Reg. 11125049 Dam: Bijo Juno Mahogany Dam Reg. 10060011 Comments: Very nice red doe that will make a great doe to show. Was shown last summer and won different count fairs. This Boer yearling doe is thick all over. LOT# 69 Boer – Early Spring Doe – Full Blood Name: Registration: Pending B-day: 1 /8/14 Twin Sire: Rowdy Mtns 585 Sire Reg. 1125049 Dam: CCY 123 Dam Reg. 12060023 Comments: Stylish young doe that will be a great fair project or a doe to take home and breed next year. Clay Hill Ranch Brett and Heather Kessler 6881 N 300E~ LaPorte, IN 46350 219-778-2624 ~ 574-323-3506 LOT# 70 Boer – Yearling Doe – Name: - RBG 13025 Registration: Sire: Fawn (Swagger Son) Sire Reg. Comments: Excited to bring a really good yearly doe. Lot # 71 Boer – Spring Doe – Comments: More information on sale day. Page 13 Mt. View Farm Jeff and Kim Gochenour 780 Mile Ridge Estate~ Lebanon Church, VA 22641 Boer Goats 540-465-9401 LOT# 72 Boer – Yearling Doe – Full Blood Name: VA821360366 Registration: Pending B-day: 4/6/13 Single Sire: S2 Bold Ruler Sire Reg. 10465579 Dam: AU Magnets 296 Dam Reg. U-10516616 Comments: Nice long bodied doe that will be an asset to your herd. LOT# 73 Boer- Yearling Doe – Percentage 50% Name: VA 8213601310 Registration: Pending B-day: 1/2/13 Twin Sire: S2 Bold Ruler Sire Reg. # 10465579 Dam: Dam Reg. # Comments: Nice bodied doe that will compete in the show ring and give you competitive wethers as well. LOT# 74 Boer- Yearling- Percentage 50% Name: VA821360309 Registration: Pending B-day: 2/3/13 Triplet Sire: S2 Bold Ruler Sire Reg. 104465579 Dam: Dam Reg. Comments: A paint out of a red doe. Mother consistently produces color out of traditional buck and raises triplets. LOT# 75 Boer –Early Spring Doe – Percentage 88% Name: VA 821360308 Registration: Pending B-day: 2/5/14 Twin Sire: S2 Bold Ruler Sire Reg. 10465579 Dam: Madd Jill Dam Reg. 10461367 Comments: This doe could compete as a market animal. Bring her home and add her to the herd. LOT# 76 Boer- Early Spring Doe- Percentage 88% Name: VA 821360307 Registration: Pending B-day: 1/28/14 Twin Sire: S2 Bold Ruler Sire Reg.10465579 Dam: Lazy ST Smarty Pants Dam Reg.10182012 Comments: Traditional with frosty ears. Dam is dark red which should give you color. Page 14 3ADH Farm Adam Heishman 1747 Conicville Rd ~ Mt. Jackson, VA 22842 540-325-2102 Dorset’s LOT# 100 Dorset – Spring Ram Lamb Name: 3ADH Registration: Pending B-day: 2 /14 Sire: Riverwood Farm 5756 RR Sire Reg. Dam: 3ADH Farm Dam Reg. Comments: Check out our website from more information at www.3ADHFarm.com. Riverwood 5756 sired all of our 2013 show flock. Pictures on our website LOT# 101 Dorset – Yearling Ewe Name: 3ADH Farm 13-19 Registration: Pending B-day: 2/10/13 Sire: 3ADH Farm 11-17 Sire Reg. Dam: 3ADH Farm T49 Dam Reg. Comments: Check out our website from more information at www.3ADHFarm.com. LOT# 102 Dorset – Early Spring Ewe Lamb Name: 3ADH Farm Registration: Pending B-day: Sire: Riverwood Farms 5756 RR ET Sire Reg. Dam: Dam Reg. Comments: Check out our website from more information at www.3ADHFarm.com Sunny Valley Farm Brian and Cerita Reed 2564 Valley Road~ Manheim, PA 17545 717-587-0690 LOT# 103 Dorset – Yearling Ram Name: PA 1006 Registration: Pending B-day: 1/11/13 Twin Sire: Turtle Mead 1049 Sire Reg. P689594 Dam: Sunny Valley Farm 0252 Dam Reg. P693302 Comments: All our entries are sired by Turtle Mead 1049. Senior Champion ram at the 2012 Ohio Dorset Sale. Codon RR yearling ram is out of a really solid show ewe. LOT# 104 Dorset – Late Fall Ram Lamb Name: PA 1006 Registration: Pending B-day: 12/5/13 Single Sire: Turtle Mead 1049 Sire Reg. P689594 Dam: Sunny Valley Farm 0245 Dam Reg. P693300 Comments: Late Fall Ram Lamb out of a Prime Cut daughter with a lot of style. Page 15 Dorset’s Sunny Valley Farm (Continued…) Brian and Cerita Reed 2564 Valley Road~ Manheim, PA 17545 717-587-0690 LOT # 105 Dorset Early Fall Ewe Lamb Name: PA1006 Registration: Pending B-day: 10/11/13 Twin Sire: Turtle Mead 1049 Sire Reg. P689594 Dam: Sunny Valley Farm 0291 Dam Reg. P684355 Comments: A little young for this class, but she will grow. LOT# 106 Dorset Late Fall Ewe Lamb Name: PA 1006 Registration: Pending B-day: 11/2/13 Twin Sire: Turtle Mead 1049 Sire Reg. P689594 Dam: Sunny Valley Farm 0291 Dam Reg. P699022 Comments: Really stylish late fall ewe lamb. Out of another “Prime Cut” ewe we showed. Ewe lamb would be a keeper if we did not have her twin sister. A&J Shiflett David Shiflett 368 Patterson Mill Road ~ Grottoes, VA 24441 540-363-5662 540-490-8070 LOT# 107 Name: A&J 319 B-day: 2/20/13 Sire: Slack 0084 Dam: A&J 07-745 Comments: Thick, meaty, Dorset ram. Polled Dorset – Yearling Ram Registration: P706233 Twin Sire Reg. P689397 Dam Reg.P667207 LOT# 108 Polled Dorset – Yearling Ram Name: A&J 320 Registration: P706234 B-day: 2/28/13 Twin Sire: A& J 10-095 Sire Reg. P688813 Dam: A&J 11-198 Dam Reg. P667207 Comments: Goes back to Slack breeding. MEAT & MUSCLE THANK YOU… Farm Credit of the Virginias supporting our youth contest with donation of T-Shirts. Page 16 Dominion Livestock The Arehart Family/Jeremy Arehart 78 Oak Springs Lane ~ Staunton, VA 24401 540-294-1788 or 540-241-5285 Hampshire Wether Sire LOT# 110 Hampshire Wether Yearling Ewe Name: DLC3923B Registration: Pending B-day: 2-13-13 Twin Sire: Cabaniss 372 RR/NN Sire Reg. Dam: Van Cleave Dam Reg. Comments: This is a nice thick, correct ewe. We are keeping her twin sister. This is one of the few times we will sell a Cabaniss 372 daughter. 3ADH Farm Adam Heishman 1747 Conicville Road ~ Mt. Jackson, VA 22842 540-477-3822 Hampshire LOT# 111 Hampshire – Early Spring Ram Lamb Name: Heishman 3ADH 14-11 RR Registration: Pending B-day: 1/14 Twin Sire: Heishman 3ADH 11-11 RR Sire Reg. Dam: Hope 09-21 NNP RR Dam Reg. Comments: 11-11, Supreme Champion Ram @ 2012 WV State Fair. Hope 09-21 is sired by Buckeye Shaker; National Reserve Champion Ram. Checkout our web site for pictures and updates www.3ADH Farm.com. LOT# 112 Hampshire – Early Spring Ewe Lamb Name: Heishmen 3ADH 14-09 Registration: Pending B-day: 1/14 Twin Sire: Heishman 3ADH 11-11 RR Sire Reg. Dam: Heishman 3ADH 11-53 RR Dam Reg. Comments: Sired by 11-11 Supreme Champion Ram @ 2012 WV State Fair. 11-53 is out of Herring 03-44. 11-53 produced our best ram lamb last year. Page 17 High Road Sheep Farm Martin & Julie Macqueen 101 Pioneer Road ~ Covington, VA 24426 540-965-2199 North Country Cheviots LOT# 120 N.C. Cheviots – Yearling Ram Name: Highland Trooper O237 Registration: 27934 B-day: 2/24/13 Single Sire: Littledale B204 Sire Reg. 27229 Dam: Highland Lass Dam Reg. 26757 Comments: Our best ram lamb last year. He is extra thick and massive with Scottish Genetics. LOT# 121 N.C. Cheviots – Early Spring Ram Lamb Name: Highland Legend 0381 Registration: Pending B-day: 2/8/14 Twin Sire: MF 0002 Sire Reg. 27507 Dam: CR 146 Dam Reg. 25744 Comments: One of the first sons of “Tank”. He sired the $2000. High Road 0085 LOT# 122 N.C. Cheviots – Late Spring Ram Lamb Name: Highland 0385 Registration: Pending B-day: 2/16/14 Twin Sire: McHale 0002 Sire Reg. 27507 Dam: -CR 194 Dam Reg. –26062 Comments: More information on sale day. LOT# 123 N.C. Cheviots – Yearling Ewe Name: Highland Lass 0371 Registration: Pending B-day: 2/16/13 Triplet Sire: Little Dale B 204 Sire Reg. 27229 Dam: CR 189 Dam Reg. 26060 Comments: Breed Type and attractive pattern. LOT# 124 N.C. Cheviots – Yearling Ewe Name: Highland Lass 0371 Registration: pending B-day: 4/08/12 Twin Sire: Littledale B204 Sire Reg. 27229 Dam: CHF2715 Dam Reg. 25545 Comments: Late born yearling from a good Oregon ewe. LOT# 125 Name: Highland Lass 0382 B-day: 2/10/14 Sire: MF 0002 Dam: Highland Lass 0132 Comments: A fancy “Tank” daughter. N.C. Cheviots – Early Spring Ewe Lamb Registration: pending Twin Sire Reg. 27507 Dam Reg. 27439 Page 18 Ronnie & Joanne Vance PO Box 244~Seneca Rocks, WV 26884 304-567-2618 North Country Cheviots LOT# 126 N.C. Cheviots – Yearling Male Name: JB Vance 178 Registration: 28187 B-day: 3/11/13 Single Sire: HR 0188 Sire Reg. 26996 Dam: JB Vance 157 Dam Reg. 27339 Comments: More information on sale day. LOT# 127 N.C. Cheviots – Yearling Ewe Name: JB Vance 184 Registration: 28193 B-day: 3/21/13 Twin Sire: HR 0188 Sire Reg. 26996 Dam: JB Vance 137 Dam Reg. 26147 Comments: More information on sale day. Cabin Run Farm Ron Fletcher Route 1 Box 92 ~ Middleborne, WV 26419 304-758-4819 LOT# 128 N.C. Cheviots – Yearling Ram Name: CR405 Registration: 28125 B-day: 3/24/13 Twin Sire: Highland Banner 0002 Sire Reg. 26754 Dam: CR83 Dam Reg. 25265 Comments: Large frame Scottish style buck. LOT# 129 N.C. Cheviots – Yearling Ewe Name: CR450 RR Registration: 28131 B-day: 3/06/13 Twin Sire: Highland Leader MMI 0001 Sire Reg. 26499 Dam: WV 0019 Dam Reg. 27299 Comments: A first lamb from a yearling ewe that is exceptional and RR to boot. Heathwood Farm Tom Barkham and Family 5320 Havon Rd~ Drydon, Michigan 810-796-3533~ cell 248-343-0377 LOT# 137,138,139,140,141,142,143,144,145,146 Comments: Information sale day. Page 19 North Country Cheviots Clay Hill Ranch Brett & Heather Kessler 6881 N 300 E ~ LaPorte, IN 46350 219-778-2624 & 574-323-3506 LOT# 130 Name: IN 46014 B-day: 2/5/13 Sire: TRMI U55 Dam: Launer 5-09 N.C. Cheviots – Yearling Ram Registration: 27792 Twin Sire Reg. 25997 Dam Reg. 24933 Comments: One of the last lambs out of our Launer flock purchase. He is an awfully good buck. We will have semen collected on this one. LOT# 131 Name: 2304 B-day: 2/01/13 Sire: Dam: - N.C. Cheviots –Early Spring Ram Lamb Registration: Pending Sire Reg. – Dam Reg. – Comments: Lambs will be scrapie tested and will not sell any less then QR. Visit our website at www.CHRlivestock.com for pictures and pedigrees. LOT# 132 Name: 2345 B-day: 2/15/14 Sire: Dam: - N.C. Cheviots – Late Spring Ram Lamb Registration: Pending Sire Reg. – Dam Reg. – Comments: More information on sale day. LOT# 133 Name: 0317 QR+ B-day: 1/23/13 Sire: CHR2155 RR Dam: CHR2940 N.C. Cheviots – Yearling Ewe Registration: 27791 Single Sire Reg. 27081 Dam Reg. 26333 Comments: Powerful ewe out of 2012 ISF Champion Ram. Dam was Reserve National Champion Ewe in 2009. LOT# 134 Name: 0333 QR+ B-day: 02/16/13 Sire: CHR2898 “King George” Dam: CHR6254 N.C. Cheviots – Yearling Ewe Registration: 27801 Triplet Sire Reg. 25875 Dam Reg. 25567 Comments: Daughters out of King George have been very popular. This ewe may lamb at the end of the month and if she does, will sell lamb(s) at side. LOT# 135 N.C. Cheviots – Spring Ewe Lamb Comments: We have used a few new bucks with the addition of the Mrozinski flock. We really like the Oscar Ewes. LOT# 136 N.C Cheviots- Spring Ewe Lamb Comments: More information on sale day. Page 20 Ronnie & Joanne Vance PO Box 244 ~ Seneca Rocks, WV 26884 304-567-2618 Tunis LOT# 150 Tunis – Yearling Ram Name: R Vance 13-01 Registration: Pending B-day: 4/10/12 Single Sire: Wise 1222 Sire Reg. 32253 Dam: R Vance 07-10 Dam Reg. 25668 Comments: More information on sale day. LOT# 151 Tunis – Yearling Ewe Name: Rvance 13-05 Registration: Pending B-day: 3/ 30/13 Twin Sire: Wise 1222 Sire Reg. 32253 Dam: Rvance 07-10 Dam Reg. 29530 Comments: Sire of this ewe, High Road 0085, was supreme champion at the WV Purebred Sheep Breeders Goat Show and Sale. He was also the All Time top seller and U.S. record price for the North Country. Sponaugle Suffolks John Sponaugle 8888 Leroy Road ~ Grottoes, VA 24441 540-421-3468 ~ www.sponauglesuffolks.com Suffolk’s LOT# 155 Suffolk –Early Spring Ram Name: Sponaugle Registration: Pending Comments: More information on sale day. LOT# 156 Suffolk – Yearling Ewe Name: Sponaugle Registration: Pending Comments: .More information on sale day. LOT# 157 Suffolk – Yearling Ewe Name: Sponaugle Registration: Pending Comments: More information on sale day. 2013 Sponsored By: Townsend Sales Awarded To: Sponaugle Suffolks – Grottoes, VA Page 21 Auville Suffolks & Club Lambs Martin & Chris Auville 501 Knightly Mill Road ~ Mt. Sidney, VA 24467 540-234-8950 or 540-820-4927 ~ www.auvillesheep.com Suffolk’s LOT# 160 Suffolk – Early Ram Lamb Name: Auville Suffolks Registration: Pending Comments: Information sale day.. Be sure to check out our website at www.auvillesheep.com for pictures. LOT# 161 Suffolk – Yearling Ewe Name: Auville Suffolks Registration: Pending Comments: Information Sale Day. Be sure to check out our website at www.auvillesheep.com for pictures. Oak Hill Farm Jerry & Lucy Kimble PO Box 241 ~ Cabins, WV 26855 304-257-1442 LOT# 162 Suffolk – Yearling Ram Name: Kimble 2B-13 Registration: 621908 B-day: 02/04/13 Twin Sire: J&F Galford Livestock 1113 RR Sire Reg. 602451 Dam: Kimble 2-10 Dam Reg. WV0085-595002 Comments: Sire was champion Suffolk Ram at the Tri County Fair in 2012. LOT# 163 Suffolk – Yearling Ram Name: Kimble 4B-13 Registration: 621828 B-day: 02/02/13 Triplet Sire: Kimble 11B-11 Sire Reg. 604811 Dam: Kimble 4-11 Dam Reg. 604831 Comments: The ram was Reserve Grand Champion Ram at the WVSF in 2012. The Junior Class ram was Champion Suffolk Ram and Champion Junior Ram at the Tri – County Fair in 2012. Attention All Youth… W.V.P.S.B. will credit youth who purchase market animals at our sale the following: $75 for Grand Champion at ANY County Fair. $50 for Reserve Champion at ANY County Fair. $100 for ANY State Fair Champion. $75 for ANY State Fair Reserve Champion. This money can be used to purchase a lamb or goat for the following year at the W.V.P.S.B sale. Page 22 Friend Sheep Jennifer Friend 4446 Scott Fork Bonnie Road ~ Exchange, WV 26619 304-765-7376 ~304-701-0050 cell Suffolk’s LOT# 164 Suffolk – Late Spring Ram Lamb Name: Friend Sheep 175 Registration: Pending B-day: 2/18/14 Twin Sire: Auville 0712A Sire Reg. 592911 Dam: Auville 86811B Dam Reg. 572676 Comments: A growing, wide tracking ram lamb out of a consistently productive dam. LOT# 165 Suffolk – Yearling Ewe Name: 158 Registration: 619480 B-day: 2/28/13 Single Sire: Auville Sire Reg. 611611 Dam: Friend Sheep Dam Reg. 614132 Comments: 158 is a long sided up-standing feminine ewe who was Reserve Champion Ewe at the 2013 State Fair of West Virginia High Road Sheep Martin and Julie MacQueen 101 Pioneer Road~ Covington, VA 24426 540-965-2199 LOT# 166 Suffolk – Early Spring Ewe Lamb Name: HR 0383 Registration: Pending B-day: 1/21/14 Single Sire: Emenheiser 1P Sire Reg. 611686 Dam: Highroad 0142 Dam Reg. 610956 Comments: Sire was A.I bred by a Canadian ram “Killanna 1P.” U.K. influences from Stockton Supersire 95. LOT# 167 Suffolk – Early Spring Male Lamb Name: HR 0384 Registration: Pending B-day: January 2013 Twin Sire: Emenheiser 1P Sire Reg. 611686 Dam: HR 0143 Dam Reg. 61959 Comments: Sire was A.I Bred by Canadian Ram “Killannan 1P”. U.K. influences from Stockton Super Sire 95. Promoting & Improving Sheep for 64 Years… Page 23 Ronnie and Joanne Vance P.O. Box 244 ~ Seneca Rocks, WV 26884 304-567-2618 LOT# 168 Name: Rvance 13-03 B-day: 12-14-12 Sire: Spring Run Dam: Rvance 11-11 Comments: Information sale day. LOT# 169 Name: Rvance 13-13 B-day: 3-12-13 Sire: Spring Run 1120 Dam: Rvance 06-03 Comments: Information sale day. Suffolk’s Suffolk Yearling Ram Registration: 619676 Twin Sire Reg. 603480 Dam Reg. 610329 Suffolk Yearling Ewe Registration: 625769 Single Sire Reg. 603480 Dam Reg.558878 Little Mountain Farm Duane Vance 485 Corner Road Cabins, WV 26855 304-257-9613 LOT # 170 Suffolk Yearling Ram Name: Kimble 9B-13 Registration: 621829 B-day: 2/15/13 Twin Sire: J&F Galford livestock 1130 Sire Reg. 602451 Dam: Kimble 9-10 Dam Reg.595003 Comments: Sire was champion Suffolk of 2012 Tri-County Fair Nice thick, tall ram. Should produce nice thick lambs. Congratulations! Trevor Wilson Grand Champion Market Goat and Top Gaining Market Goat at the Pocahontas Co. Fair. Trevor will receive a credit of $75 toward a purchase at 2014 WVPSB Sale. Michelle Biser Reserve Champion Market Goat at the TriCounty Fair. Michelle will receive a credit of $50 toward a purchase at 2014 WVPSB Sale. Page 24 Suffolk Wether Auville Suffolks & Club Lambs Martin & Chris Auville Sires & Dams 501 Knightly Mill Road ~ Mt. Sidney, VA 24467 540-234-8950 or 540-820-4927 ~ www.auvillesheep.com LOT# 175 Suffolk Wether Sire -Early Ram Lamb Comments: Information sale day. LOT# 176 Suffolk Wether Sire -Early Ram Lamb Comments: Be sure to check out our website at www.auvillesheep.com for pictures. Information sale day. LOT# 177 Suffolk Wether Dam-Early Ewe Lamb Comments: Information sale day. LOT# 178 Suffolk Wether Dam – Early Spring Ewe Lamb Comments: Be sure to check out our website at www.auvillesheep.com for pictures. Sponaugle Suffolks John Sponaugle 8888 Leroy Road ~ Grottoes, VA 24441 540-421-3468 ~ www.sponauglesuffolks.com LOT# 179 Suffolk Wether Dam – Early Spring Ram Lamb Comments: More Information on Sale Day. LOT# 180 Suffolk Wether Dam – Early Spring Ewe Lamb Comments: More Information on Sale Day MSB Suffolk & Club Lambs Ralph & Melanie Horchler 236 Busy Lane ~ New Wilmington, PA 16142 724-651-6757 LOT# 181 Suffolk Wether Dam – Early Spring Ewe Lamb Comments: More information on sale day. Information and pictures will be posted on website. wwwmsbshowlambs.com LOT# 182 Suffolk Wether Dam – Early Late Ewe Lamb Comments: More information on sale day. ‘Upcoming WV Wool Pool’s in June 2014 Terra Alta ~ Petersburg ~ Elkins Ripley ~ Marlinton ~ Lewisburg For more information contact Ron Fletcher at 304-758-4819. Page 25 Ronnie & Joanne Vance PO Box 244 ~ Seneca Rocks, WV 26884 304-567-2618 Suffolk Wether Sires & Dams LOT# 183 Suffolk Wether Sire – Yearling Ram Name: R Vance 13-05 Registration: 625771 B-day: 2/4/13 Twin Sire: Spring Run 1120 Sire Reg. 603480 Dam: R Vance 08-05 Dam Reg. 580972 Comments: More information on sale day. McNeill’s Suffolk & Club Lambs Blix & Jamie McNeill 13260 Seneca Trail ~ Buckeye, WV 24924 304-799-6698 or 304-578-6662 LOT# 184 Suffolk Wether Sire – Yearling Ram Comments: More information on sale day. Dominion Livestock Co. The Arehart Family 78 Oak Springs Lane ~ Staunton, Va. 24401 540-294-1788~ 540-241-5285 LOT# 185 Suffolk Wether Sire – Yearling Ram Name: DLC 3060 Registration: Pending B-day: 2/13 Twin Sire: Sponaugle 08-434 RR Sire Reg. Dam: DLC 5060 Dam Reg. Comments: This is a heavy made correct ram. He fits the mold of previous rams brought to WV. Check out our website www.dominionlivestock.com LOT# 186 Suffolk Wether Sire-Late Ram Lamb Comments: We will be bringing a late ram lamb out of our new ram Fry Daddy. He has tremendous bone, muscle, and correctness. LOT# 187 Suffolk Wether Dam Late Ewe Lamb Comments: More information on sale day. Page 26 Clay Hill Ranch Brett & Heather Kessler 6881 N 300 E ~ LaPorte, IN 46350 219-778-2624/ 1-574-323-3506 Southdown’s LOT# 190 Southdown – Yearling Ewe Name: 0353 RR Registration: AA 652 EWE B-day: 3/10/13 Twin Sire: CHR 2910 Sire Reg. Y2043 Dam: CHR2006 Dam Reg. Y8051 Comments: Really excited about a yearling S.D ewes. This is a granddaughter of Howard’s 99-too. Enough said. LOT# 191 Southdown – Yearling Ram Name: 0354 QR Registration: AA 653 RAM B-day: 3/10/13 Twin Sire: CHR 2910 Sire Reg. Y2043 Dam: CHR2006 Dam Reg. Y8051 Comments: Couldn’t help it! What a set of twins. LOT# 192 Southdown – Early Spring Ram Lamb Name: Registration: Pending Comments: More information on sale day. LOT# 193 Southdown – Early Spring Ewe Lamb Name: Registration: Pending Comments: The lambs out of our new Northern Star Ram are pretty neat. Grand sired by New Generation. We like them. WV Performance Tested Ram & Buck and Invitational Ewe & Doe Sale Saturday August 30, 2014 WVU Wardensville Farm 304-874-3561 9 AM - Education Session 12 PM – Lamb Barbeque Meal SALE Following Meal Check out Performance Data at sheepandgoats.wvu.edu Rams on Test! Sponsored By WV Purebred Sheep Breeders Association Page 27 Crossbred Wether Walnut Hill Farm /CTL Show Lambs Derek W. Richard Sires & Dams Elizabeth & Cameron LeFevre 491 Little Georgetown Road ~ Hedgeville, WV 25427 304-671-1323 LOT# 200 Crossbred Wether Sire-Fall Ram Lamb Name: WHF Y 36 QR B-day: 12/21/13 Twin Sire: Strange Dam: WHF 40 Comment: A.I. ram lamb. Strange sired the 2013 NAILE Champion Suffolk and the 2013 Supreme Ewe at Sedalia. This lamb is a stylish, big boned, big topped . LOT# 201 Crossbred Wether Sire – E. Spring Ram Lamb Name: WHFY02 QR B-day: 1/7/13 Twin Sire: Jester, Ice Cubes,Hardwork Dam: WHF Comments: We were hoping this mating would bring us a ewe lamb, but it didn’t. Instead we got this guy. A club lamb maker! LOT# 202 Crossbred Wether Dam – Early Spring Ewe Name: WHR Y04 RR B-day: 1/8/14 Twin Sire: “Maverick” – “5110”x“Jesse Janes”daughter Dam: WHF 24 Comments: This one hurts to let go. Broody ewe lamb with rib shape and leg. Show her and bred her. Proven winning genetics. LOT# 203 Crossbred Wether Dam – Early Spring Ewe Name: WHF Y7 QR B-day: 1/11/14 Twin Sire: Ice Dam: WHF156 ” Comments: We are keeping this lamb sister as a replacement. Good looking broody lamb. LOT# 204 Crossbred Wether Dam – E. Spring Ewe Lamb Name: WHF 15 RR B-day 1/8/14 Twin Sire: Ice Son Dam: .WHF 17 Niken daughter Comment: What a powerful but feminine lamb here. She just didn’t make our cut this year. Stop by you will agree. LOT # 205 Crossbred Wether Dam - L. Spring Ewe Lamb Name: WHF Y 3 RR B-day: 2/17/14 Twin Sire: Maverick Dam: WHF 31 Comment: Full sib to our Y 4 senior spring ewe lamb. Keeping her twin as one of our jackpot lambs. This is a fancy lamb. Page 28 Crossbred Wether (Continued…) Walnut Hill Farm /CTL Show Lambs Sires & Dams Derek W. Richard Elizabeth & Cameron LeFevre 491 Little Georgetown Road ~ Hedgeville, WV 25427 304-671-1323 LOT# 206 Crossbred Dam-Late Spring Ewe Name: CTL 1425 B-day: 2/18/14 Sire: Jester Dam: CTL 44 Comments: Cameron joined FFA and decided to sell this stylish and feminine girl. Rack and bone a plus. Take a look and help Cam save for college. Sponaugle Suffolks John Sponaugle 8888 Leroy Road ~ Grottoes, VA 24441 540-421-3468 ~ www.sponauglesuffolks.com LOT# 207 Crossbred Wether Sire – Early Spring Ram Name: B-day: Sire: “Ace” Nelssen 11130 Dam: Hancock Comments: More information on sale day. LOT# 208 Crossbred Wether Sire – Early Spring Ram Name: Sponaugle 13 B-day: 2/04/13 Sire: “Ace” Nelssen 11130 Comments: Sired by “Ace”. Twin Dam: Sponaugle 11-91B LOT# 209 Crossbred Wether Sire – Early Spring Ram Comments: This will be one of our embryo lambs. More information on sale day. LOT# 210 Crossbred Wether Dam – Yearling Ewe Comments: More information on sale day. LOT# 211 Crossbred Wether Dam – Late Ewe Lamb Comments: More information on sale day. Page 29 Willow Pines Duane & Tammy Bishoff 1470 Centenary Road~ Bruceton Mills, WV 26525 304-288-7806 LOT# 212 Crossbred Wether Dam - Late Fall Ewe Lamb Name: 0166 B-day: 12/25/13 LOT# 213 Twin Crossbred Wether Dam - Late Fall Ewe Lamb Name: 0167 B-day: 12/30/13 LOT# 214 Twin Crossbred Wether Dam - Late Fall Ewe Lamb Name: 0168 B-day: 12/27/13 LOT# 215 Twin Crossbred Wether Dam - Late Fall Ewe Lamb Name: 0169 B-day: 12/31/13 LOT# 216 Single Crossbred Wether Dam - Late Fall Ewe Lamb Name: 0171 B-day: 12/30/13 LOT# 217 Twin Crossbred Wether Dam-Late Fall Ewe Lamb Name: 0175 B-day: 12/31/13 LOT# 218 Single Crossbred Wether Dam-E. Spring Ewe Lamb Name: 0176 B-day: 1/9/14 LOT# 219 Crossbred Wether Sires & Dams Single Crossbred Wether Dam- E. Spring Ewe Lamb Name: 0178 B-day: 1/12/14 Twin LOT# 220 Crossbred Wether Dam-E. Spring Ewe Lamb Name: 0189 B-day: 1/15/14 Single Comments: All ewe lambs are sired by Snapshot. More information on sale day. . www.sheepwv.org Page 30 Crossbred Wether Auville Suffolks & Club Lambs Sires & Dams Martin & Chris Auville 501 Knightly Mill Road ~ Mt. Sidney, VA 24467 540-234-8950 or 540-820-4927 ~ www.auvillesheep.com LOT# 221 Crossbred Wether Sire – E. Spring Ram Lamb Comments: More information on sale day. . Be sure to check out our website at www.auvillesheep.com for pictures. LOT# 222 Crossbred Wether Dam – E. Spring Ewe Lamb Comments: More information on Sale Day. Check our website at www.auvillesheep.com for pictures. LOT# 223 Crossbred Wether Dam –E. Spring Ewe Lamb Comments: More information on Sale Day. Be sure to check her out. Check our website at www.auvillesheep.com for pictures. H & T Farm Hunter and Tanner Six PO Box 55 ~ Wana, WV 26590 304-662-6507, 304-376-5845 (cell) LOT# 224 Crossbred Wether Sire – L. Spring Ram Lamb Name: 1011 B-day: 2/26/14 Twin Sire: McNeill 1102 Dam: Sanders (Hammer Buck) Comments: Sire was 2012 WVPSBA Grand Champion Suffolk. Dam was Buckwheat Festival Grand Champion 2011. LOT# 225 Crossbred Wether Sire– L. Spring Ram Lamb Name: 1136 B-day: 2/22/14 Twin Sire: McNeill 1102 Dam: Six 94 Comments: Sire was WVPSBA Grand Champion Suffolk. Dam was Monongahalia County Champion2011 LOT # 226 Crossbred Wether Sire-L. Spring Ram Lamb Name: 1014 B-day: 2/18/14 Single Sire: McNeill 1102 Dam: BW 335 Comments: Sire was 2012 WVPSBA Grand Champion Suffolk. Dam was Buckwheat Festival Reserve champion 2011. . Page 31 Chase’N Purple Club Lambs Chase T.McNeill 13260 Seneca Trail ~ Buckeye, WV 24924 304-799-6698 or 304-992-3315 Crossbred Wether Sires & Dams LOT# 227 Crossbred Wether Ram - Late Fall Ram Lamb B-day: 12/13 Single Comments: More information on sale day. LOT# 228 Crossbred Wether Dam – Late Fall Ewe Lamb B-day: 12/13 Twin Comments: More information on sale day. LOT# 229 Crossbred Wether Dam- L. Spring Ewe Lamb Comment: More information on sale day. LOT# 230 Crossbred Dorset Dam- L. Spring Ewe Lamb Comment: More information on sale day. McNeill Suffolk’s and Club Lambs Jamie and Bliz McNeill 13260 Seneca Trail ~ Buckeye, WV 24924 304-799-6698 or 304-992-2540 LOT# 231 Crossbred Wether Sire – Yearling Ram Comments: More Information on Sale Day. LOT# 232 Crossbred Wether Sire – E. Spring Ram Lamb Comments: More Information on Sale Day. LOT# 233 Crossbred Wether Sire – L. Spring Ram Lamb Comments: More information on sale day. LOT# 234 Crossbred Wether Dam – Yearling Ewe Comment: More information on sale day. LOT# 235 Crossbred Wether Dam- Late Spring Ewe Comment: More information on sale day. Page 32 JBH Show Lambs Frank Hoover 159 Bethel Church Road ~ Edinburg, VA 22824 540-335-0075 Crossbred Wether Sires & Dams LOT# 236 Crossbred Wether Sire – Yearling Ram Name: JBH G56 B-day: 4/29/13 Twin Sire: JBH 85 Dam: Garrett R8 Comments: Very long young ram. Twin sister was a keeper. Don’t miss out on some Garrett genetics. He is out of a ewe lamb. Sire was 4th place crossbred here last year. LOT# 237 Crossbred Wether Dam – Yearling Ewe Name: JBH SP4 B-day: 2/13/13 Twin Sire: Gross Purple Dam: Auville 93711B Comments: I am very pleased with the job the Gross ram has done. Enormous bone, thickness and power. His offspring are the real deal. LOT# 238 Crossbred Wether Dam – E. Spring Ewe Lamb Name: JBH BL8 B-day: 1/4/14 Triplet Sire: True Blood Dam: Alpha Omega 409 Comments: This is an AI lamb out of one of my top ewes; she produced the Grand Mkt. Lamb at Rockingham in 2011. LOT# 239 Crossbred Wether Dam –E. Spring Ewe Lamb Comments: Ewe Lamb will be sired by Garrett 14 or Gross Purple a Groovy son. He makes them thick, wide with shag and foot size. LOT# 240 Crossbred Wether Dam- L. Spring Ewe Lamb Comments: Ewe Lamb will be sired by Garrett 14. He is making his mark in less than a year. He sired the high seller at this year Midwest Elite and overall high selling wether at $6,900.00 Flinn Family Farm Joann Flinn 17807 Breakneck Rd., Flintstone, MD 21530 301-777-7974 ~ 301- 697-8208 LOT# 241 Crossbred Wether Sire- Early Fall Ram Lamb B-day: 10/15/13 Comments: Full brother to 2013 Alleghany Fair Grand Champion Market Lamb. Scrapie and spider testing will be done by sale time. Page 33 MSB Show Lambs Ralph & Melanie Horchler 236 Busy Lane ~ New Wilmington, PA 16142 724-651-6757 Crossbred Wether Sires & Dams LOT# 242 Crossbred Wether Sire- E. Spring Ram Lamb Comments: More information sale day and posted on website at msbshowlambs.com LOT# 243 Crossbred Wether Dam- E. Spring Ewe Lamb Comments: More information sale day and posted on website at msbshowlambs.com LOT# 244 Crossbred Wether Dam- L. Spring Ewe Lamb Comments: More information sale day and posted on website at msbshowlambs.com Dominion Livestock Jeremy Arehart 78 Oak Springs Lane ~ Staunton, VA 24476 (540) 294-1788 or (540) 241-5285 LOT# 245 Crossbred Wether Sire- L. Spring Ram Lamb Comments: More information on sale day. LOT# 246 Crossbred Wether Dam – E. Spring Ewe Lamb Name: DLC 4055 B-day: 1/1/14 Twin Sire: Ellerbrock 9071 RR Dam: MSB 0053 Comments: This is a powerful ewe lamb. Ellerbrock has produced many keeper ewes for us. Check out our website www.domionlivestock.com. Smith Club Lambs and Market Goats Dwight and Gail Smith 1431 Glencoe Rd ~ Fairhope, Pa 15538 814-267-3803 ~ 814-279-4329 (cell) LOT# 247 Crossbred Wether Dam- Spring Ewe Lamb Comments: More information on sale day. LOT# 248 Crossbred Wether Dam-Spring Ewe Lamb Comments: More information on sale day. LOT# 249 Crossbred Wether Dam-Spring Ewe Lamb Comments: More information on sale day. LOT# 250 Crossbred Wether Dam- Spring Ewe Lamb Comments: More information on sale day. Page 34 Crossbred Wether Sires & Dams Blue Sky Farm Larry Sharp 8777 Edray Rd ~ Cass, WV 24927 (304) 799-7271 LOT# 251 Crossbred Wether Sire - Yearling Ram Name: 113 B-day: 1/7/13 Twin Sire: 70455 Mcllrath Dam: 9007 Kasler Ewe Comments: Ram with a lot of length and style. LOT# 252 Crossbred Wether Sire – Yearling Ram Name: 7013 B-day: 2/11/13 Sire: 70455 Mcllrath Comments: Ram loaded with muscle. Single Dam: 1027 Kasler Ewe LOT# 253 Crossbred Wether Sire - Yearling Ram Name: 4913 B-day: 2/2/13 Single Sire: Ott 6234 Dam: 811 Blue Sky Comments: Ott 6234 Supreme Champion Ram 2012 Midwest Elite Show and Sale. If you need to add muscle and bone he is the one. LOT# 254 Crossbred Wether Sire – L. Fall Ram Lamb Comments: More information on sale day. LOT# 255 Crossbred Wether Dam-E. Spring Ram Lamb Comments: More information on sale day. LOT# 256 Crossbred Wether Dam-L. Fall Ewe Lamb Comments: More information on sale day. LOT# 257 Crossbred Wether Dam – E. Spring Ewe Lamb Comments: More information on sale day. DELICIOUS LAMB BARBEQUE American Lamb & Meal prepared by Mike Riffle. Page 35 May Valley Club Lambs Daniel and Debbie May 561 Hatchery Road ~Grottoes, VA 24441 724-880-5679 Crossbred Wether Sires & Dams LOT# 258 Crossbred Wether Dam- Yearling Ewe B-day: 1/13 Comments: Visit mayvalleyclublambs.com for information closer to the sale day! LOT# 259 Crossbred Wether Dam- E. Spring Ewe Lamb Comments: More information on sale day. Visit mayvalleyclublambs.com for information closer to the sale day! LOT# 260 Crossbred Wether Dam- E. Spring Ewe Lamb Comments: More information on sale day. Visit mayvalleyclublambs.com for information closer to the sale day! LOT# 261 Crossbred Wether Dam- E. Spring Ewe Lamb Comments: More Information on Sale Day. Ewe lambs will be from our keeper pen. Expect the same quality that we bring to the VA Bred and Ewe Sale. French Club Lambs Leigh Ann French PO Box 243 ~ Sharpsburg, KY 40374 606-462-0172 LOT# 262 Crossbred Wether Sire – Early Spring Ram Name: 420 QR/NN B-day: 01/21/14 Twin Sire: Stab (Achor Bred) Dam: Chewy Daughter (Ultra) Comments: Huge rack, flat loin, deep hip ram lamb has all the makings of a stud buck. The Stab lambs are very popular and demand attention; his should be no different. Friend us on Facebook for update and pictures. LOT# 263 Crossbred Wether Dam – Early Spring Ewe Name: 403 QR+ B-day: 01/02/14 Single Sire: Stab Dam: K87 (Guywire) Comments: Super ewe with two shots of Guywire; one on each side of her pedigree. LOT# 264 Crossbred Wether Dam – Early Spring Ewe Name: 419 QR+ B-day: 01/20/14 Single Sire: Stab Dam: Dam F034 (Ultra) Comments: Friend us on Facebook for update and pictures. Page 36 Oak Grove J.L. Tennant 140 Whisler Run Road ~ Burton, WV 26562 304-662-6490/304-282-9352 (cell) Crossbred Wether Sires & Dams LOT# 265 Crossbred Wether Sire – L. Spring Ram Lamb Name: Oak Grove 9-14 B-day: 2/18/14 Single Sire: McCoy Dam: Oak Grove 0661 Comments: More information on sale day. LOT# 266 Crossbred Wether Dam – Yearling Ewe Name: Oak Grove 14 B-day: 2/23/13 Twin Sire: McCoy Dam: Auville 1714 Comments: More information on sale day. LOT# 267 Crossbred Wether Dam – Yearling Ewe Name: Oak Grove 21 B-day: 2/26/13 Twin Sire: McCoy Dam: Oak Grove Comments: More information on sale day. LOT# 268 Crossbred Wether Dam – E. Spring Ewe Lamb Name: Oak Grove 16-14 B-day: 2/23/14 Triplet Sire: McCoy Dam: Oak Grove 18 Comments: More information on sale day. LOT # 269 Crossbred Wether Dam – L. Spring Ewe Lamb Name: Oak Grove 20-14 B-day: 2/27/14 Single Sire: McCoy Dam: Oak Grove 7049 Comments: More information on sale day. Hungry? Food & Drinks provided by the Dorcas 4-H Club. Page 37 Crossbred Wether Sires & Dams Valley View Club Lambs Eddie Riggleman RR 1 Box 178 H ~ Keyser, WV 26726 304-851-4641 LOT# 270 Crossbred Wether Sire –L. Spring Ram Lamb Comments: Will be by Kryptonite our Diamond Eyes son. Look on our web page for pictures www.valleyviewlambs.com. LOT# 271 Crossbred Wether Sire –L. Spring Ram Lamb Comments: Will be by Kryptonite our Diamond Eyes son. Look on our web page for pictures www.valleyviewlambs.com. LOT# 272 Crossbred Wether Sire – L. Spring Ram Lamb Comments: Will be out of Huggie Bear, Papa Smurf’s son. To see sires and lambs go to www.valleyviewlambs.com. LOT# 273 Crossbred Wether Dam – L. Spring Ewe Lamb Comments: To see sires and lambs go to lambs www.valleyviewlambs.com. LOT# 274 Crossbred Wether Dam – L. Spring Ewe Lamb Comments: More information on sale day. To see sires and lambs go to www.valleyviewlambs.com. 2013 Champion Club Lamb 2013 Champion Club Goat French Club Lambs Camden Creek Farm Page 38 West Virginia Shepherd Memorials Three outstanding West Virginia Shepherds passed away this year. They were James (Jim) Dean, who purchased rams every year at the sale, William(Bill) Armentrout, who served on the board and barbecued lamb for our Saturday meal, and a past secretary/treasurer of the West Virginia Purebred Sheep Breeder Association, Linger Arnold. Each was active for many, many years in promoting and improving sheep in West Virginia. Their leadership and contributions led to the success of West Virginia’s Sheep Show and Sale for 64 years. Dr. Jewell Plumley, DVM and owner of Cold Spring Dorset’s initiated three fifty dollar memorial drawings for youth to use as credit toward purchasing breeding sheep. These awards will assist youth in establishing their own start-up flocks, thus encouraging new leadership within our industry. GASSAWAY — Linger N. Arnold, 79, of Exchange, passed away February 4, 2014, at Braxton County Memorial Hospital, Gassaway. He was born June 14, 1934, in Braxton County, a son of the late Nathan David and Violet Estel Linger Arnold. He was a retired Postmaster of the Exchange Post Office, retiring in February 2006. He operated the Arnold Store at Exchange, was a director of the WV Purebred Sheep Breeders Association and served as Secretary/ Treasurer for many years, a longtime board member of the Braxton County Fairs and Festivals, taught school, and was a farmer and an Army veteran. Wilbur Elwood "Bill" Armentrout, 66, a resident of Whitmer, departed this life early Friday morning, Oct. 11, 2013, at Ruby Memorial Hospital in Morgantown, surrounded by his family. Death was attributed to a massive heart attack. Bill was a graduate of Harman High School with the class of 1966, was a devoted farmer and was a school bus driver for the Randolph County Board of Education for over 30 years. He was an active member of the Farm Bureau, the West Virginia Sheep Breeders Association and was a member of the Endowment Foundation for the NRA of which he was a life member. James Allen "Jim" Dean, age 65 years, a resident of East Dailey, departed this life early Sunday morning, July 14, 2013, at his home surrounded by his family. Death was attributed to diabetes. Jim attended Harman High School, but left school during his senior year in 1966 to help support his family by working on the pipeline before starting his own farm in the 1970s. He and his wife built a successful family farm, raising beef cattle and sheep, which were their passion. The farm will be carried on by their son, James. Jim was a wealth of knowledge on farming and willing to help any fellow farmer in need. He was known as a veterinarian without a license. He received the Progress Award for Sheep in 1980 and the Randolph County Farmers' Recognition and Achievement Award for Beef in 1998. Jim was an active member of the Randolph County Farm Bureau, the Randolph-Tucker Livestock Association, the Southern States Board, and the Farm Service Agency Board. Supporting scientific research, he worked with many professors in the Department of Animal Science at West Virginia University. He also was involved with the Randolph County Fair and the 4-H Livestock Show, selling many 4-H youths their first market lambs and always providing free advice to help them get started. Page 39 West Virginia Purebred Sheep Breeder’s Association Patricia Kesner, Treasurer Rt. 2 Box 38B Burlington, WV 26710 Page 40