ANTH 260 Lab Study 1 Codebook Variable General idea number Operationalize Definition d name (Data set name) Age (age) Participants self reported age in years. Sex (sex) Participants self reported sex. 1 Current age 2 Sex 4 Parent status Parent status (parent) 5 Number of offspring Offspring (offspring) 6 7 8 9 10 Participants parental status. Value labels/ Units of measurement Number (whole number) of years . = Missing Data 1 = Male 2 = Female . = Missing Data 1 = No 2 = Yes . = Missing Data Number of offspring . = Missing Data Participants number of biological offspring Adopted/step Adopted/Stepp Participants 1 = No parent status arent number of adopted 2 = Yes (parent.nonbio) or step-offspring. . = Missing Data Number of Adopted/step Participants Number of adopted/step adopted/step- children number of adopted children offspring (adopt.step) children or step . = Missing Data children. Number of Older biological Participants Number of older brothers older biological brothers number of older . = Missing Data brothers (old.bro) biological brothers. Number of Number of Participants Number of older siblings older siblings older siblings number of older . = Missing data (old.sib) siblings when growing up Number of Number of Participants Number of younger siblings younger younger number of younger . = Missing data siblings siblings siblings when (young.sib) growing up Participants Marital status Self report marital 1 = Married marital status (marital) status based on 2 = Single value list. 3 = Divorced . = Missing Data Participants Relationship Long-term 1 = No relationship status (relation) romantic 2 = Yes status relationship status, . = Missing Data measured via binary qualitative 11 12 13 value labels. Highest level of Education level Highest level of education (education) education completed completed based on given value list. TIPI Big 5 score: Extroversion Extroversion (big5e) 1 = Less than highschool/GED 2 = Highschool/GED 3 = Two year degree 4 = Four year degree 5 = Some graduate school 6 = Masters degree 7 = Doctoral degree . = Missing Data Extroversion Subset score of TIPI Participants level of extroversion. Extr oversion is marked . = Missing Data by pronounced engagement with the external world. TIPI Big 5 Agreeableness Participants level Agreeableness Subset score: (big5a) of agreeableness. score of TIPI Agreeableness Agreeableness reflects individual . = Missing Data differences in concern with cooperation and social harmony. 14 TIPI Big 5 Conscientiousn Participants level Conscientiousness Subset score: ess (big5c) of score of TIPI Conscientiousn conscientiousness. ess Conscientiousness . = Missing Data concerns the way in which we control, regulate, and direct our impulses. 15 TIPI Big 5 score: Emotional stability Emotional stability (big5es) Participants level Emotional stability Subset of neuroticism. score of TIPI Neuroticism refers to the tendency to . = Missing Data experience negative feelings. 16 TIPI Big 5 score: Openness Openness (big5o) Participants level of openness. Openness to Experience Openness Subset score of TIPI describes a . = Missing Data dimension of cognitive style that distinguishes imaginative, creative people from down-toearth, conventional people. 17 Risk taking – general 18 Risk taking – Risk: ethical domain specific (dospert.e) 19 20 21 22 23 24 Risk: global Overall risk taking Risk taking global score of score (dospert) score assessed DOSPERT of TIPI . = Missing Data Ethical risk taking Ethical Subset of DOSPERT score subset assessed through . = Missing Data the DOSPERT Risk taking – Risk: financial Financial risk Financial Subset of domain specific (dospert.f) taking score DOSPERT subset assessed . = Missing Data through the DOSPERT Risk taking – Risk: Health Health and safety Health & Safety Subset of domain specific and safety risk taking score DOSPERT (dospert.hs) subset assessed . = Missing Data through the DOSPERT Risk taking – Risk: Recreational risk Recreational Subset of domain specific Recreation taking score DOSPERT (dospert.r) subset assessed . = Missing Data through the DOSPERT Risk taking – Risk: Social Socail risk taking Social Subset of DOSPERT domain specific (dospert.s) score subset assessed through . = Missing Data the DOSPERT Drug use General drug Potential Drug use general of DASTuse (dast) involvement with 10 drugs measured through the DAST- . = Missing Data 10 Smoker status Participants Self report smoker 1 = No smoker status status, binary 2 = Yes (smoker.status) qualitative label. . = Missing Data 25 Number of cigarettes 26 Smokeless Participants Self report 1 = No tobacco status smokeless smokeless tobacco 2 = Yes tobacco user user status, binary . = Missing Data status qualitative label. (smokeless.stat us) 27 Amount of tobacco Amount of smokeless tobacco used daily (smokeless) Estimated average Amount, TBD amount of . = Missing Data smokeless tobacco consumed on a daily basis. 28 Drink alcohol Participants drinker status (drinker) Self report alcohol 1 = No consumption 2 = Yes status. . = Missing Data 29 Days of drinking Days per week Estimated number Days per week alcohol when alcohol is of days per week consumed consumed on which alcohol is . = Missing Data (days.week) consumed. 30 Drinks per day Drinks per day Estimated number Drinks per day ( of drinks . = Missing Data consumed when drinking alcohol Estimated Drinks per Product of days.week x drinks.week drinks per week week estimated days on . = Missing Data (drinks.week) which alcohol was consumed, by drinks per day alcohol is consumed. Sociosexuality Global (soir) Total SOI-R score Sociosexuality overall SOIorientation – R overall . = Missing Data Sociosexuality Behavior Behavior subset Sociosexuality Subset orientation – (beh.soir) score of the SOI-R Behavior SOI-R domain specific . = Missing Data 31 32 33 34 Number of Estimated average Number of cigarettes cigarettes number of smoked per day smoked per cigarettes smoked . = Missing Data day (cigarettes) on a daily basis. Sociosexuality Attitude Attitude subset Sociosexuality Subset 35 orientation – (att.soir) domain specific score of the SOI-R Attitude SOI-R Sociosexuality Desire orientation – (des.soir) domain specific Desire subset Sociosexuality Subset score of the SOI-R Desire SOI-R . = Missing Data . = Missing Data