question for pp. 294-305

DISCOVERING WORLD GEOGRAPHY–QUESTIONS–PP.298-305 – Physical Geography of the
Region – Andes and Mid-latitude Countries
1) According to the map on p. 297 there are 6 countries in the Andes and Mid-latitude Region of South America.
List these 6 countries.
1)_____________________________ 2)____________________________
2) What are the 3 “Andes countries” in the region? 1)_________________ 2)________________________ 3)_______________________
3) The Andes Mountains are the longest continuous mountain range in the world, 4,500 miles long. What are the
parallel ranges of mountains in the Andes called?
4) What is the ALTIPLANO in Peru and Bolivia? _______________________________________________________________________________
5) What has caused the Andes Mountains to exist and be so steep? _________________________________________________________
6) On the western side of the Andes there is almost no coastal plain in Peru and northern Chile. In southern Chile
there is a coastal desert. What is on the eastern side or Atlantic side of the Andes, in Uruguay and Argentina?
7) What is the name of this area you described in #6? _______________________________________________________________
8) What is the name of the desert in coastal Peru and northern Chile called and what is so special about it?
__________________________________ - ___________________________________________________________________________________________
9) Where does the Parana River rank among the river systems of South America? ______________________________________
10) Give 2 reason the Parana River is so important to the landlocked country of Paraguay? 1)___________________________
11) What is the PANTANAL? __________________________________________________________________________________________________
12) Into what river does the Parana River flow? (The name of this river means “River of Silver” in Spanish.)
13) What is an ESTUARY? ____________________________________________________________________________________
14) What is special about LAKE TITICACA on the border of Bolivia and Peru? _____________________________________________
15) What determines the CLIMATE in the Andes mountains? ____________________________________________________________
16) What is the CLIMATE like in the mid-latitude countries of South America? __________________________________________
17) In the Andes there are 4 CLIMATE ZONES. They are: 1) tierra caliente - hot land (near sea level)
2) tierra templada - temperate land (from3,000 to 6,000 feet above sea level – most people live here)
3) tierra fria - cold land (from 6,000 to 10,000 feet above sea level – some farming of hardy plants)
4) TIERRA HELADA - What is TIERRA HELADA? ________________________________________________________________________
18) What happens to the climate when an EL NINO occurs? ________________________________________________________________
19) What can EL NINOS cause in coastal areas? _______________________________________________________
20) How often do EL NINOS occur? ___________________________________________________________
21) What do scientists call a weather pattern where the reverse of an EL NINO happens, east wind, cooler
22) What are 2 resources that Bolivia in large amounts? 1)________________________________
23) Name 5 minerals that are in Chile, Bolivia and Peru. 1)_______________________
24) What are 2 kinds of CAMELIDS in South America? 1)_________________________________