Chabot College Fall 2003 Replaced Fall 2010 Course Outline for Psychology-Counseling 4 MULTIETHNIC/CULTURAL COMMUNICATIONS Catalog Description: 4 – Multiethnic/Cultural Communications 3 units Exploration of intercultural and interethnic individual behavior in relationships and the communication between and within at least three of five (5) cultural/ethnic groups in the United States: (1) African-Americans, (2) Asian-Americans, (3) Native/Indigenous Americans, (4) Pacific Islander-Americans, (5) Hispanic-Americans. Ethnic/cultural social norms influencing interpersonal communication. Antecedents of successful and failed interpersonal ethnic/cultural communication styles and increase understanding of these styles. Significant practice and discussion of individual/group communication styles. Development of individual communication styles between individuals in dominant and emerging subcultures that inhibit individual goal achievement. Use of social science methods of inquiry in interpersonal communication as it applies to successful functioning in and between individuals of different ethnic/cultural groups. 3 hours. [Typical contact hours: 52.5] Prerequisite Skills: None Expected Outcomes for Students: Upon completion of the course the student should be able to: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. discuss the 20th and 21st century history of ethnic/cultural groups in United States and the evolution of inter- and intra-group communication styles; identify and demonstrate interethnic and intercultural sources of miscommunication between individuals of different groups; discuss how individuals learn ethnic/cultural communication styles and the impact on individual behavior; create appropriate scenarios of successful interethnic and intercultural communication between individuals; apply social science research methods to improve understanding of ethnic/cultural communication between individuals of different groups. Course Content: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. differences and similarities of interpersonal communication styles in three of five abovementioned ethnic/cultural groups apply knowledge of interpersonal ethnic/cultural communication styles to help individuals efficiently function in a pluralistic society methods for examining each student’s cultural communication style analysis of successful and failed communication between individuals from different ethnic/cultural groups imprimaturs of individual and group identification upon American society Chabot College Course Outline for Psychology-Counseling 4, Page 2 Fall 2003 6. 7. evolution of individual ethnic/cultural identity and how it affects day-to-day functioning in a pluralistic society methods of social science research relevant to the study of interpersonal ethnic/cultural communication and its influence on the individual living in a pluralistic society. Methods of Presentation 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. lecture audio/videotapes guest speakers field trip in-class, student-led colloquia-type discussions Assignments and Methods of Evaluating Student Progress: 1. Typical Assignments a. Weekly reading and short (500 words) response to articles. b. Prepare for student-led, in-class colloquium style discussions on topics such as “What Punctuality Means” and how these differences are communicated between individuals of different ethnic/cultural groups. c. Complete “Interview of Cultural Elder” assignment. d. Locate a magazine article on cultural communication styles and prepare for class discussion. e. Attend two (2) immediate Bay Area cultural events by ethnic/cultural groups being studied. f. Create an ethnic/culture family timeline. g. Create workable group activities that show an understanding of different ethnic/cultural communication styles. 2. Methods of Evaluating Student Progress a. Essay quizzes on reading from texts b. Written report on cultural communication assignment c. Transcribed “Interview of Cultural Elder” assignment d. Development of annotated bibliography e. Timeliness of assignments f. Class participation g. 12-15 page research paper on pre-approved topic h. Final examination Textbook(s) (Typical): A Different Mirror: A History of Multicultural America, Ronald V. Takaki, Little, Brown & Company, 1993 Race Men, Hazel V. Carby, Harvard University Press, 1998 Africans and Native Americans: The Language of Race and the Evolution of Red-Black Peoples, Jack D. Forbes, University of Illinois Press, 1993 Chabot College Course Outline for Psychology-Counseling 4, Page 3 Fall 2003 Strangers from a Different Shore: A History of Asian-Americans (Updated and Revised), Ronald V. Takaki, Little, Brown & Company, 1998 From a Native Daughter: colonialism and Sovereignty in Hawai’i, Haunani-Kay Trask, University of Hawaii Press, 1999 Applied Social Research, Duane R. Monette, Thomson Learning, 1997. Special Student Materials: None. BLW…U:\lwilson\PsCn17\coursout New/Revised:9/02/Revised10/1/02/Revised 11/15/02/Revised:12/03/02/Revised:12/05/02/Revised:12/06/02