Curriculum Vitae - Department of Educational Research

Curriculum Vita
Identification data
University of Iowa Ranks:
University of North Carolina at
Greensboro Rank:
The Ohio State Univ. 1990-1994
Columbus, OH
Teaching English
to Speakers of Other
Languages (TESOL)/
Foreign Language Education
The Ohio State Univ. 1988-1989
Columbus, OH
Beirut Univ. College
Beirut, Lebanon
Teaching English as a
Foreign Language
Language ability
Professor, August 2005
Higher education
Micheline Chalhoub-Deville
Educational Research Methodology
Professor, May 2005; Associate Professor, May 2000;
Assistant Professor, August 1997
Continued education and leadership programs
November 2006 Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol (SIOP) Certification. San
Diego, CA.
Sept. 15Nov. 18, 2006
Bridges: Academic Leadership for Women Program, University of
North Carolina system, Chapel Hill, NC.
Chalhoub-Deville, p. 2
October 12-16,
Leadership Development Program, Center for Creative Leadership,
Greensboro, NC
February 3Program for Management Development, Bryan School of Business and
March 12, 2010 Economics, University of North Carolina at Greensboro, Greensboro, NC.
May 19-21, 2010 Finance and Accounting for Non-Financial Managers, Bryan School of
Business and Economics, University of North Carolina at Greensboro,
Greensboro, NC.
Academic and professional experience
May 1982/
Aug. 1983
Public Relations and Media Coordinator, Network Company for
Advertising, Promotion, and Publicity, Beirut, Lebanon.
Oct. 1983/
Sept. 1986
Executive Secretary, Beirut University College, Beirut, Lebanon, Business
Studies Division.
Oct. 1987/
Aug 1988
Executive Secretary, The Embassy of Lebanon, London, UK, the Office
of the Ambassador.
Assessment Manager, University of Minnesota, Center for Advanced
Research on Language Acquisition.
Adjunct Professor, University of Minnesota, Department of Curriculum and
Instruction, Second Languages and Cultures Program, College of Education.
Associate Graduate Faculty, University of Minnesota, ESL Program,
College of Liberal Arts.
Associate Graduate Faculty, University of Minnesota, Department of
Curriculum and Instruction, Second Languages and Cultures Program,
College of Education.
The University of Iowa, Foreign Language & ESL Program, College of
Education. Assistant Professor (1997-2000); Associate Professor (20002005); Full Professor (2005).
Full Professor, University of North Carolina at Greensboro, Educational
Research Methodology, School of Education. Also Director of Graduate
Studies (2008-present).
Chalhoub-Deville, p. 3
Full Professor (zero appointment), University of North Carolina at
Greensboro, Teacher Education & Higher Education, School of Education.
Interim Associate Provost for Undergraduate Education, University of North
Carolina at Greensboro.
Director, Ashby Residential College, University of North Carolina at
Co-Founder and Co-Director of Coalition of Diverse Language
Communities. I have received a course release to act as the managing
director of CDLC.
Publications (career)
a. Refereed
Chalhoub, M., Schmidt-Reinhardt, B., & Taylor, S. (1990). Getting started at the
university: A simulation for the second language classroom. The OFLA Journal, 2324.
Hughes, S., Deville, C., Chalhoub-Deville, M., & Romboletti, R. (1992). The Rorschach
human anatomy response: Predicting sexual offending behavior in juveniles. The
Journal of Psychiatry and Law, 20, 313-333.
Deville, C., & Chalhoub-Deville, M. (1993). Modified scoring, traditional item analysis,
and Sato’s caution index used to investigate the reading recall protocol. Language
Testing, 10, 117-132.
Chalhoub-Deville, M. (1995a). Deriving oral assessment scales across different tests and
rater groups. Language Testing, 12, 16-33.
Chalhoub-Deville, M. (1995b). A contextualized approach to describing oral language
proficiency. Language Learning, 45, 251-281.
Chalhoub-Deville, M. (1996). Test interpretation, test use and pedagogical implications.
Australian Review of Applied Linguistics, 13, 188-207.
Chalhoub-Deville, M., Alcaya, C., & Lozier, V. (1996). An operational framework for
constructing a computer-adaptive test of L2 reading ability: Theoretical and practical
issues. The Center for Advanced Research on Language Acquisition Working Paper
Series. Minneapolis, MN: The University of Minnesota.
Chalhoub-Deville, p. 4
Lozier, V., & Chalhoub-Deville, M. (1997). Preliminary item response theory analysis of
the University of Minnesota CLA language proficiency tests in French, German, and
Spanish. The Center for Advanced Research on Language Acquisition Working Paper
Series. Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota.
Chalhoub-Deville, M. (1997a). Theoretical models, assessment frameworks, and test
construction. Language Testing, 14, 3-22.
Chalhoub-Deville, M. (1997b). The Minnesota Articulation Project and its proficiencybased assessments. Foreign Language Annals, 30, 492-502.
Chalhoub-Deville, M., & Deville, C. (1999). Computer adaptive testing in second language
contexts. Annual Review of Applied Linguistics, 19, 273-299.
Chalhoub-Deville, M. and Turner, C. (2000). What to look for in ESL admission tests:
Cambridge certificate exams, IELTS, and TOEFL. System, 28, 523-539.
Chalhoub-Deville, M. (2001a). Language testing and technology: Past and future.
Language Learning and Technology, 5, 95 - 98.
Chalhoub-Deville, M. (2003a). Second language interaction: current perspectives and future
trends. Language Testing, 20, 369-383.
Chalhoub-Deville, M., & Fulcher, G. (2003b). The Oral Proficiency Interview: A research
agenda. Foreign Language Annals, 36, 498-506.
Chalhoub-Deville, M., & Wigglesworth, J. (2005). Rater judgment and English language
speaking proficiency. World Englishes, 24, 383-391.
Chalhoub-Deville, M. (2009a). The intersection of test impact, validation, and educational
reform policy. Annual Review of Applied Linguistics, 29, 118-131.
Deville, C. & Chalhoub-Deville, M. (Co-editors). (2011). Special Issue of Language
Testing, 28(3)—Standards-based Assessment in the United States.
Deville, C. & Chalhoub-Deville, M. (2011). Accountability-assessment under No Child
Left Behind: Agenda, practice, and future. Language Testing, 28, 307-321.
Chen, F. & Chalhoub-Deville, M. (2014). Principles of quantile regression and an
application. Language Testing, 31, 63–87.
Book chapters
Chalhoub-Deville, p. 5
Chalhoub-Deville, M. (1996). Performance assessment and the components of the oral
construct across different tests and rater groups. In M. Milanovic and N. Saville (Eds.),
Performance testing, cognition, and assessment (pp. 55-73). New York: Cambridge
University Press. [This is a reprint of Chalhoub-Deville (1995a) article]
Chalhoub-Deville, M., Alcaya, C., & Lozier V.M. (1997). Language and measurement
issues in developing computer-adaptive tests of reading ability: The University of
Minnesota approach. In A. Huhta, V. Kohonen, L. Kurki-Suonio, & S. Luoma (Eds.),
Current developments and alternatives in language assessment (pp. 546-585).
Jyväskylä, Finland: Center for Applied Language Studies, University of Jyväskylä.
[This is part of a larger publication, i.e., Chalhoub-Deville et al. (1996).]
Chalhoub-Deville, M. (1997c). Recent trends in assessment. In C. Coombe & S. Troudi
(Eds.), Tradition and innovation (pp. 20-29). Al-Ain, United Arab Emirates: TESOL
Chalhoub-Deville, M. (1999a). Investigating the properties of assessment instruments and
the setting of proficiency standards for admission into university second language
courses. Research Issues and Language Program Direction, 177-201.
Chalhoub-Deville, M. (2001b). Task-based assessment: Characteristics and validity
evidence. In P. Skehan, M. Swain, & M. Bygate (Eds.), Applied language studies:
Task based research (pp. 210-228). NY: Longman.
Chalhoub-Deville, M. (2002). Technology in standardized language assessments. In R.
Kaplan (Ed.), Oxford handbook of applied linguistics (471-484). Oxford: Oxford
University Press.
Chalhoub-Deville, M. (2003c). Fundamentals of ESL admissions tests: MELAB, IELTS,
and TOEFL. In D. Douglas (Ed.), English language testing in U.S. colleges and
universities, 2nd edition (pp. 11-36). Washington, DC: NAFSA: Association of
International Educators.
Chalhoub-Deville, M., & Deville, C. (2005). A look back at and forward to what language
testers measure. In E. Hinkel (Ed.), Handbook of research in second language teaching
and learning (pp. 815-832). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
Chalhoub-Deville, M. (2005). The comprehensive adult student assessment system
(CASAS). In S. Stoynoff and C. Chapelle (Eds.), Tests and testing: A resource for
ESOL teachers and program administrators (pp. 59-62). Alexandria, VA: TESOL, Inc.
Deville, C. & Chalhoub-Deville, M. (2006). Test score variability: Implications for
reliability and validity. In M. Chalhoub-Deville, C. Chapelle, and P. Duff (Eds.),
Inference and generalizability in applied linguistics: Multiple research perspectives.
Chalhoub-Deville, p. 6
(pp. 9-25). Amsterdam, The Netherlands: John Benjamins Publishing Company.
Chalhoub-Deville, M. (2006). Old and new thoughts on test score variability: Implications
for reliability and validity. In M. Chalhoub-Deville, C. Chapelle, and P. Duff (Eds.),
Inference and generalizability in applied linguistics: Multiple research perspectives.
Amsterdam, The Netherlands: John Benjamins Publishing Company.
Chalhoub-Deville, M., & Deville, C. (2006). Old, borrowed, and new thoughts in second
language testing. In R. L. Brennan (Ed.), Educational measurement (4th ed.) (pp. 517530). Westport, CT: American Council on Education/Praeger.
Chalhoub-Deville, M. & Deville, C. (2007). Psychometrics in language testing journals. In
N. E. Shohamy and N. Hornberger (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Language and Education,
Volume 7: Language Testing and Assessment (211-224). Germany: Springer.
Chalhoub-Deville, M. & Deville, C. (2008). National standardized English language
assessments. In B. Spolsky and F. Hults (Eds.), Handbook of Educational Linguistics
(510-522). Oxford, UK: Blackwell Publishers.
Chalhoub-Deville, M. (2009b). Content validity considerations in language testing
contexts. In R. Lissitz (Ed.), The concept of validity (241-263). Charlotte, NC:
Information Age Publishing.
Chalhoub-Deville, M. (2009d). Standards-based assessment in the U.S.: Social and
educational impact. In Taylor, L. and Weir, C. J. (Eds.), Language Testing Matters:
Investigating the wider social and educational impact of assessment (281-300). Studies
in Language Testing 31. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press and Cambridge
Chalhoub-Deville, M. (2010). Generalizability. In P. Robinson, Routledge encyclopedia
of second language acquisition (275-276). NY: Routledge.
Chalhoub-Deville, M. (2010). Technology in standardized language assessments. In R.
Kaplan (Ed., 2nd edition), Oxford handbook of applied linguistics. Oxford: Oxford
University Press.
Chalhoub-Deville, M. (Ed.). (1999b). Issues in computer adaptive testing of reading
proficiency. NY: Cambridge University Press.
Chalhoub-Deville, M., Chapelle, C., and Duff, P. (Eds.). (2006). Inference and
generalizability in applied linguistics: Multiple research perspectives. Amsterdam,
Chalhoub-Deville, p. 7
The Netherlands: John Benjamins Publishing Company.
Book reviews
Chalhoub-Deville, M. (1995c). [Review of the book The development of descriptors on
scales of language proficiency by B. North, Washington, DC: The National Foreign
Language Center.] The Modern Language Journal, 79, 433-434.
Chalhoub-Deville, M. (1998). [Review of the book Validation in language testing by A.
Cumming and R. Berwick, (Eds.), Philadelphia: Multilingual Matters LTD.] The
Modern Language Journal, 82, 292-293. Errata Reviews, 82, 3.
Chalhoub-Deville, M. (1999c). [Review of the book Classroom-based evaluation in second
language education by F. Genesee and J. A. Upshur, New York, NY: Cambridge
University Press.] Language Testing, 16, 239-241.
Chalhoub-Deville, M. (2001c). [Review of the book Assessing reading by J. C. Alderson,
Cambridge University Press.] Language Testing, 18, 115-118.
Chalhoub-Deville, M. (2003b). [Review of the book The equivalence of direct and semidirect speaking tests by K. O’Loughlin, NY: Cambridge University Press.] Modern
Language Journal, 87, 340-341.
Oscoz, A. and Chalhoub-Deville, M. (2009c). [Review of the book Assessing language
through computer technology by C. Chapelle and D. Douglas, NY: Cambridge
University Press.] Language Testing, 26, 149-154.
Publications in preparation, under review, or in press
Chalhoub-Deville, M. (under review). Validity: Theory, construct and consequences.
Language Testing.
Chen, F. & Chalhoub-Deville, M. (in preparation). Differential language proficiency
impact on math achievement.
b. Non-refereed
Invited articles
Chalhoub-Deville, M. (1993). Performance assessment and the components of the oral
construct across different tasks and rater groups. (ERIC Document Reproduction
Service No. 360 830).
Deville, C., & Chalhoub-Deville, M. (1993). Modified scoring, traditional item analysis,
Chalhoub-Deville, p. 8
and Sato’s caution index used to investigate the reading recall protocol. (ERIC
Document Reproduction Service No. 360 829).
Chalhoub-Deville, M. & Tarone, E. (1996). Assessment measures for specific contexts of
language use. ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED 401 721.
Chalhoub-Deville, M. (1997d). Important considerations in constructing second language
computer adaptive tests. Shiken, 17, 11-15.
Chalhoub-Deville, M. (2005). NCLB and Testing English Language Learners. Education
at Iowa.
Chalhoub-Deville, M. (February 12, 2009d). Education essential for immigrants. News &
Record. Greensboro, NC.
Technical reports
Loadman, W., & Chalhoub-Deville, M. (1991a). Teacher candidate profile report for
professional introduction. Columbus, OH: The Ohio State University.
Loadman, W., & Chalhoub-Deville, M. (1991b). Technical report #9: 1989-1990 results of
the NTE. Columbus, OH: The Ohio State University.
Loadman, W., & Chalhoub-Deville, M. (1993). Christopher program: Student results and
program evaluation. Columbus, OH: The Ohio State University.
Chalhoub-Deville, M., Mueller, I., Lozier, V., & Juengling, F. (1996a). Qualitative and
quantitative review of the University of Minnesota CLA language proficiency tests in
German for entrance and graduation. Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota.
Chalhoub-Deville, M., Alcaya, C., Klein, F., Lozier, V., & Budlong, E. (1996b).
Qualitative and quantitative review of the University of Minnesota CLA French
entrance and graduation proficiency tests. Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota.
Chalhoub-Deville, M., Alcaya, C., Lozier, V., & Sweet, G. (1996c). Qualitative and
quantitative review of the University of Minnesota CLA language proficiency tests in
Spanish for entrance and graduation. Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota.
Chalhoub-Deville, M., Cassell, B., Cech, N., Crowell, M., Jovanovic, S., Link, A., and
Vaughn, D. Five-Year Assessment of the Office of Technology Transfer (OTT).
Greensboro, NC: University of North Carolina at Greensboro.
Chalhoub-Deville, p. 9
Other creative work
1. Designer and lead developer of the Minnesota Language Proficiency Assessment
(MLPA) batteries (1994-1997). The purpose of MLPA is to assess students’
foreign language proficiency at the Intermediate-Low Level according to the
ACTFL Guidelines. The MLPA batteries are intended to assess students’ language
proficiency in French, German, and Spanish as they move from secondary into
postsecondary levels. The MLPA batteries include:
*Three forms of Contextualized Reading Assessment (CoRA) in French, in
German, and in Spanish
*Three forms of Contextualized Speaking Assessment (CoSA) in French, in
German, and in Spanish
*Three forms of Contextualized Writing Assessment (CoWA) in French, in
German, and in Spanish
The MLPA batteries are used by the University of Minnesota and numerous
institutions who are members of the Minnesota Articulation Project (MNAP).
MNAP is a statewide initiative that included over 50 professionals from 23 public
schools as well as public and private post-secondary institutions. In addition,
MLPA batteries have been made available to other institutions, for example,
University of California at Santa Clara.
2. Designer and lead developer of the Minnesota computer adaptive tests (CAT) for
assessing reading proficiency in French, German, and Spanish (1995-1997).
The CATs focus on the Intermediate-Low and Intermediate-Mid levels based on the
ACTFL Guidelines. The CAT instruments continue to be supported by the Center
for Advanced Research on Language Acquisition, University of Minnesota.
3. Designer and lead developer of Iowa Tests of English language Learning (ITELL)
(2001-2005). ITELL measures academic English language proficiency of English
language learners in the schools. The ITELL battery is informed by he published
literature, ESL standards, state standards, content standards (math, science, social
studies, language arts), textbook examination, and standardized achievement test
analysis. ITELL covers grades K-12 and is segmented into the following grade
spans: K, 1-2, 3-5, 6-8, and 9-12. Each of the ITELL grade spans includes 7
sections: test literacy, vocabulary, reading, structure & expression, writing,
listening and speaking.
ITELL was adopted by Iowa Department of Education to be used in the Iowa
schools to report for NCLB Title III. The Iowa Testing program disseminated the
ITELL battery. Around 6000 students took ITELL in Spring 2004, and around
10000 students took the battery in Spring 2005.
Chalhoub-Deville, p. 10
a. International
August 1993
Arnhem, The Netherlands. “Performance assessment and the
components of the oral construct across different tasks and rater
groups.” The Language Testing Research Colloquium annual meeting.
August 1993
Arnhem, The Netherlands. “Modified scoring, traditional item analysis,
and Sato’s caution index used to investigate the reading recall protocol.”
The Language Testing Research Colloquium annual meeting. Presenter
with C. Deville.
August 1996
Tampere, Finland. “Proficiency-based and diagnostic computer
adaptive testing: Development issues.” The Language Testing
Research Colloquium annual meeting. Presenter.
Tampere, Finland. “Diagnostic language testing: The use of rule space
methodology.” Language Testing Research Colloquium. Discussant.
August 1996
March 1997
AL-Ain, United Arab Emirates. “Classroom and Large-scale
assessment: Why? what? and how?” The Teaching English to Speakers
of Other Languages (TESOL)-ARABIA annual meeting. Featured
May 2001
Dubai, United Arab Emirates. “Computer-Based/Adaptive Language
Testing: A Critical Review” The 5th annual meeting of the Current
Trends in English Language Testing, sponsored by Teaching English to
Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL)-ARABIA Keynote
December 2002
Hong Kong. “What second language testing texts tell us about
measurement issues.” The Language Testing Research Colloquium
annual meeting. Presenter with C. Deville.
December 2002
Hong Kong. “Testing the academic language proficiency of English
language learners in U.S. schools.” The Language Testing Research
Colloquium annual meeting. Presenter with C. Deville.
May 2003
Beirut, Lebanon. “Standardized language admissions tests: score
interpretation, use, and research.” American University in Beirut. Also
the Consortium of University Language Professors in Lebanon. Invited
May 2003
Beirut, Lebanon. “Models of the second language construct and popular
Chalhoub-Deville, p. 11
methods of oral assessment.” American University in Beirut. Also the
Consortium of University Language Professors in Lebanon. Invited
July 2003
Reading, UK. “International oral language proficiency.” The Language
Testing Research Colloquium annual meeting. Presenter with Gillian
May 2006
Beirut, Lebanon. “Testing English as foreign Language: Recent
research and development.” American University of Beirut. Invited
June 2006
Melbourne, Australia. “More research to debunk the myth of the native
speaker as a rater.” The Language Testing Research Colloquium annual
meeting. Presenter
August 2007
Seoul, Korea. “English language standardized testing.” Korea
Language Testing Association (KELTA) annual meeting. Plenary
August 2007
Seoul, Korea. “The construct of the native speaking rater of English
language proficiency.” Seoul National University. Plenary speaker
April 2008
Cambridge, UK. “Standards-based assessment in the USA: Social and
educational impact.” Association of Language Testers in Europe 3rd
International Conference, University of Cambridge. Plenary speaker
June 2010
Cambridge, UK. “Construct and validity reconsidered.” Research and
Validation Group, Professional Development Programme, Cambridge
ESOL Examinations, University of Cambridge. Invited Presentation.
July 2010
Melbourne, Australia. “Reconciling construct validity with standards,
frameworks, and tasks.” The Language Testing Research Center 20th
anniversary and the launch of the Language Testing and Assessment
Association of Australia and New Zealand. University of Melbourne.
Plenary speaker.
November 2014
Brisbane, Australia. The conference theme is “assessing second
languages: Linking theory, research, policy and practice.” ALTAANZ
(Association of Language Testing and Assessment for Australia and
New Zealand 27-29 November 2014. Keynote presentation.
April 2015
Taipei, Taiwan. The conference theme is “Critical Reflections on
Foreign Language Education: Globalization and Local Interventions.”
Chalhoub-Deville, p. 12
Jointly sponsored by the Language Training and Testing Center (LTTC)
and the British Council Taipei April 18 and 19, 2015. Plenary
October 1991
Chicago, IL. “Alerting American teachers to stereotypes of Arabs.”
The Mid-Western Educational Researcher annual meeting. Presenter.
October 1991
Chicago, IL. “The NTE as an evaluation tool for teacher candidates:
Effects of standardized testing on the curriculum.” The Mid-Western
Educational Researcher annual meeting. Presenter with Craig Deville.
April 1992
San Francisco, CA. “Classical testing techniques applied to the recall
protocol.” The American Educational Research Association annual
meeting. Presenter.
October 1992
Chicago, IL. “Protecting children at play: A study of alarmed toys.”
The Mid-Western Educational Research Association annual meeting.
Presenter with William Loadman.
November 1992
Seattle, WA. “A sound study of alarmed toys: Protecting children at
play.” The American Evaluation Association annual meeting. Presenter
with William Loadman.
April 1993
Atlanta, GA. “Protecting children: A sound study of alarmed toys.”
The American Educational Research Association annual meeting.
April 1993
Atlanta, GA. “Self assessment and the adult refugee ESL learner.” The
Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) annual
meeting. Presenter with Christine Coombe.
October 1993
Chicago, IL. “Conceptualizing, implementing, and evaluating a nontraditional high school program.” The Mid-Western Educational
Research Association annual meeting. Symposium organizer &
October 1993
Chicago, IL. “Investigating different raters’ perception of the
components of the foreign language speaking skill.” The Mid-Western
Educational Research Association annual meeting. Presenter.
November 1993
Durham, NC. “Assessing oral proficiency in Arabic: Do different rater
groups differ.” The Middle East Studies Association of North America
Chalhoub-Deville, p. 13
annual meeting. Presenter.
March 1994
Washington, DC. “Scales as task and rater specific: Derived
dimensions and weights.” The Language Testing Research Colloquium
annual meeting. Presenter
April 1994
New Orleans, LA. “How native speaker raters differ in their assessment
of oral proficiency using different speaking tasks.” The American
Educational Research Association annual meeting. Presenter.
November 1994
Phoenix, AZ. “The Effect of the Rater on Oral Proficiency in Arabic.”
The Middle East Studies Association of North America annual meeting.
March 1995
Long Beach, CA. “Research-then-theory to test development.” The
Language Testing Research Colloquium annual meeting. Presenter.
March 1995
Long Beach, CA. “Developing computer adaptive tests: Issues and
concerns.” The Language Testing Research Colloquium annual
meeting. Presenter.
March 1995
Long Beach, CA. “An a posteriori investigation of the oral construct.”
The Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) annual
meeting. Presenter.
April 1995
San Francisco, CA. “A posteriori validation of oral proficiency tasks:
Component generalizability.” The American Educational Research
Association annual meeting. Presenter.
November 1995
Anaheim, CA. “Articulation through standards and assessment: A
Minnesota model.” The American Council on the Teaching of Foreign
Languages’ annual meeting. Presenter.
December 1995
Washington, DC. “Background variables and performance on the
Arabic proficiency computer adaptive test.” The Middle East Studies
Association of North America annual meeting. Presenter with Kirk
March 1996
Chicago, IL. “Assessment measures for specific contexts of language
use.” The American Association for Applied Linguistics annual
meeting. Presenter with Elaine Tarone.
March 1997
Orlando, FL. “Designing tasks for a situationally-based proficiency
test.” The American Association for Applied Linguistics annual
Chalhoub-Deville, p. 14
meeting. Presenter with Elaine Tarone.
November 1997
Nashville, TN. “Assessing the intermediate-low proficiency level of
French, German, and Spanish: A validation process.” The American
Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages annual meeting.
March 1998
Monterey, CA. “Assessment as a critical component of a successful
articulation project.” The Language Testing Research Colloquium
annual meeting. Presenter.
March 1998
Monterey, CA. “Performance-based assessment and construct
validation research.” The Language Testing Research Colloquium
annual meeting. Colloquium summation discussant.
March 1998
Seattle, WA. “Variations in task design and test-taker performance.”
The American Association for Applied Linguistics annual meeting.
October 1998
Honolulu, HI. “Recent developments in second language assessment:
Task and test methods.” Second Language Research Forum annual
meeting. Invited Presentation.
Chicago, IL. “A construct validation of performance-based oral
assessment instruments: OPI, CoSA, and VOCI.” The American
Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages annual meeting.
November 1998
March 1999
New York, NY. “Using English screening tests at your institute.” The
Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) annual
meeting. Pre-TESOL Paid Institute. Discussant--reliability and validity
April 1999
New Orleans, LA. “Performance-based assessment: Comparability of
oral task scores.” The American Educational Research Association
annual meeting. Presenter.
May 1999
Los Angeles, CA. “Design, development, and research concerning
foreign language assessments used for articulation and admission.” The
Southern California Association for Language Assessment Research
annual meeting. Keynote presentation.
Chalhoub-Deville, p. 15
May 1999
Los Angeles, CA. “An examination of the structure underlying
proficiency-based oral assessments.” The Southern California
Association for Language Assessment Research annual meeting. Invited
June 1999
Nashville, TN. “Research and articulation considerations for the
development of admission assessments.” The Modern Language
Association. Keynote Presentation.
August 2001
Baltimore, MD. “Overview of computer based language testing.” A
meeting organized and sponsored by the National Security Agency and
the Defense Language Institute. Invited presentation.
May 2001
Ann Arbor, MI. “Computer-based language testing: Sustaining or
disruptive technology.” The Midwest Association of Language Testers
annual meeting. Presenter.
January 2002
Oak Brook IL. “An examination of measurement issues then and now
in language testing.” The Midwest Association of Language Testers
annual meeting. Presenter with Craig Deville.
April 2002
Salt Lake City, UT. “The inference making and generalizability of
research in applied linguistics: Fundamental issues.” The American
Association of Applied Linguistics annual meeting. Presenter.
July 2002
Monterey, CA. “From theory to practice: Computer adaptive language
testing.” A meeting organized and sponsored by the National Security
Agency and the Defense Language Institute. Invited presentation.
November 2002
Urbana-Champaign, IL. “International oral language proficiency:
construct investigation.” World Englishes annual meeting. Featured
April 2003
Chicago, IL. “Measuring academic language proficiency of english
language.” The American Educational Research Association annual
meeting. Presenter with Craig Deville, Anne Cummings, Susan
October 2003
West Lafayette, IN. “International rater judgment of esl students’ oral
language proficiency.” The Midwest Association of Language Testers
annual meeting. Presenter.
Chalhoub-Deville, p. 16
October 2003
West Lafayette, IN. “Old and new thoughts on variability and error.”
The Midwest Association of Language Testers annual meeting.
Presenter with Craig Deville. Plenary Session.
March 2004
Temecula Creek, CA. “ELL academic language assessment: the Iowa
project (ITELL).” The Language Testing Research Colloquium annual
meeting. Symposium Presenter with Stephen Dunbar, Minhee Eom,
Shelley Fairbairn, Dongmei Li, Lei Wan, & Anne Cummings.
March 2004
Temecula Creek, CA. “ITELL vocabulary, structure & expression, and
writing poster.” The Language Testing Research Colloquium annual
meeting. Presenter with Craig Deville, Shelley Fairbairn, & Anne
March 2004
Temecula Creek, CA. “ITELL listening poster.” The Language Testing
Research Colloquium annual meeting. Presenter with Minhee Eom.
August 2005
Madison, WA. “The assessment of world/international Englishes.” The
14th World Congress of Applied Linguistics/Association Internationale
de Linguistique Appliquée, AILA . Featured symposium organizer.
August 2005
Madison, WA. “Rating English across global boundaries: Is there a
norm?” The 14th World Congress of Applied Linguistics/Association
Internationale de Linguistique Appliquée, AILA. Presenter with Gillian
August 2005
Madison, WA. “The Iowa tests of English language learning: Listening
and speaking poster.” The 14th World Congress of Applied
Linguistics/Association Internationale de Linguistique Appliquée,
AILA. Presenter with Minhee Eom.
October 2006
Washington, DC. “More research to debunk the myth of the native
speaker as a rater.” The East Coast Language Testers Organization
annual meeting. Presenter with Beate Winterstein.
October 2006
Washington, DC. “The good, the bad, and the ugly in defining
foreign/second language proficiency.” The East Coast Language Testers
Organization annual meeting. Plenary Speaker.
April 2007
Chicago, IL. “Old, borrowed, and new thoughts in second language
testing.” The National Council on Measurement in Education annual
meeting. Featured session. Presenter with Craig Deville.
Chalhoub-Deville, p. 17
April 2007
Chicago, IL. “Diversity issues and testing: Choosing a career in testing
and measurement.” The National Council on Measurement in
Education annual meeting. Session sponsored by the Diversity Issues
and Testing Committee. Presenter.
June 2007
Washington, DC. “The REL-Southeast's Randomized Control Trial
(RCT) of SIOP in Grades 4 and 5.” The Institute of Education Sciences
Research Conference. Presenter with Kim Anderson, Carolyn Layzer,
and Ludy van Broekhuizen.
March 2008
The strengths and challenges of a randomized controlled trial study with
ELLs: Research on the SIOP. The American Educational Research
Association annual meeting. Presenter with Carolyn Layzer and Kim
March 2008
Assessments for K12 English language learners: What tests are ELLs
taking and ways to improve them. The National Council on
Measurement in Education annual meeting. Featured session.
September 2008
Iowa City, IA. “Impact, validation, and responsibilities.” The Midwest
Association of Language Testers annual meeting. Plenary Presenter.
October 2008
College Park, University of Maryland. “Context, Construct, and
Interpretation.” The 2008 Maryland Assessment Research Center for
Education Success (MARCES) 9th Annual Conference. The Concept of
Validity: Revisions, New Directions and Applications. Invited
February 2009
Princeton, NJ. “Context and validation.” Educational Testing Service.
Invited Presentation.
October 2010
Boston, MA. “Overview of Ashby Residential College and its strategic
plans: Innovative ideas.” Association of Managers of Innovation. A
Beg Presentation.
March 1990
Cleveland, OH. “A simulation of first days in college: Theoretical and
practical considerations for a foreign language classroom.” The Ohio
Foreign Language Association annual meeting. Presenter.
October 1992
Findlay, OH. “Functional literacy and the adult refugee ESL learner: A
Chalhoub-Deville, p. 18
study in self-assessment.” The Ohio Teaching English to Speakers of
Other Languages’ annual meeting. Presenter with Christine Coombe.
March 1994
Columbus, OH. “Conceptualizing, implementing, and evaluating a nontraditional high school program.” The Ohio Conference on Teaching
and Learning annual meeting. Symposium organizer & co-presenter
with Craig Deville and William Loadman.
April 1995
Minneapolis, MN. “Alternative forms of assessment: Self-assessment.”
Department of World Languages, Minneapolis Public Schools.
March 1996
Bloomington, MN. “Constructing an operational framework for a
computer adaptive test of L2 reading proficiency.” Issues in Computer
Adaptive Testing of Second Language Reading Proficiency Conference.
October 1996
Duluth, MN. “The Minnesota articulation and assessment project.”
World Language Connections, The Duluth Public Schools. Presenter.
October 1996
Bloomington, MN. “The Minnesota articulation project.” The
Minnesota Council on the Teaching of Languages and Cultures annual
meeting. Symposium presenter.
December 2000
Ames, IA. “Research issues in testing ESL and foreign language
students.” The Iowa Educational Research and Evaluation Association
annual meeting. Invited presentation.
March 2002
Ann Arbor, MI. “The past and future of defining and measuring L2
ability and performance.” English Language Institute, University of
Michigan. Invited presentation.
December 2002
Ames, IA. “Measuring the academic language proficiency of English
language learners.” The Iowa Educational Research and Evaluation
Association annual meeting. Presenter with Craig Deville, Anne
Cummings, Susan Hildebrandt.
February 2003
Des Moines, IA. “Measuring the academic readiness of ELL students.”
The Iowa Culture and Language Conference annual meeting. Presenter
with Shelley Fairbairn, Dongmei Li, and Lei Wan.
February 2004
Iowa City, IA. “No Child Left Behind: The measurement of ELL
students.” University of Iowa Television—College of Education
Program. Presenter.
Chalhoub-Deville, p. 19
February 2004
Des Moines, IA. “Measuring the academic readiness of ELL students.”
The Iowa Culture and Language Conference annual meeting. Presenter
with Steve Dunbar, Shelley Fairbairn, Dongmei Li, and Lei Wan.
November 2004
Columbus, Ohio. “No child left behind: K-12 ESL assessment.” The
Ohio TESOL annual meeting. Keynote address.
November 2004
Columbus, Ohio. University language admissions testing: Research
and policies for international students. The Ohio TESOL annual
meeting. Keynote address.
February 2005
Des Moines, IA. “Development and use of the Iowa tests of English
language learning (ITELL).” The Iowa Culture and Language
Conference annual meeting. Presenter with Steve Dunbar.
March 2006
Greensboro, NC. “Academic English language learning testing in
grades K-12.” Educating Linguistically and Culturally Diverse Learners
Annual panel. Invited presentation.
March 2006
Greensboro, NC. “English language learners: a SIOP experimental
study.” University of North Carolina at Greensboro School of
Education Research Symposium. Invited presentation.
December 2006
College Park, MD. “The native speaker as a rater of English language
proficiency of international students.” University of Maryland. Invited
December 2009
Greensboro, NC. “Immigration, Education and Building Community:
Teaching, research, and service.” Access and Equity Committee School
of Education professional development session. Session co-organizer
with Jewell Cooper and moderator.
February 2011
Greensboro, NC. “Assessment practices and policies related to English
language learners.” Access and Equity Committee Annual Conference.
Invited session organizer and presenter.
February, 2014
Greensboro, NC. “How can diagnostic measurement provide valid
classroom formative assessment for achieving college and career
readiness? A validity inquiry.” North Carolina Association for Research
in Education Annual Conference. With Thomas P. McCoy (first author)
and John T. Willse (third author).
Grants and contracts
Chalhoub-Deville, p. 20
“Improving and strengthening proficiency-based testing foreign languages using computer
adaptive testing technologies.” U.S. Department of Education under the International
Research and Studies Program (CFDA No. 84.017A). (1995-1998). $301,777.
“Computer adaptive testing project.” U.S. Department of Education under the Title VI
National Language Resource Centers Program (CFDA No. 84.228). (1996-1999).
“Articulating second language curriculum across system.” Minnesota Higher Education
Services Office, Dwight D. Eisenhower Professional Development Program. (First
director with D. Tedick). (1997-1998). $28,851.
“The international assessment of oral proficiency in English: TSE Ratings in Different
Countries.” The Iowa Measurement Research Foundation. (1999-2000). $19,727.
“Investigating English Language learners’ capability to take standardized achievement tests:
The development of an academic language-based assessment.” The Iowa
Measurement Research Foundation. (2001-2002). $30, 753.
“Ratings of international students’ oral proficiency in English speaking countries.” The
International Programs Summer Research Fellowship. (Summer 2001). $3,000.
“The Midwest Association of Language Testers (MwALT) 2003 meeting.” The
International Language Testing Association. (2001). $2,500.
“Investigating English language learners’ capability to take standardized achievement tests:
The development of an academic language-based assessment.” The Iowa Measurement
Research Foundation. (2002-2003). $29,451.
“Second language acquisition and language testing exploration of pragmatics.” An
Obermann Interdisciplinary Research Grant. (Summer 2004). Co-recipient with
Roumyana Slabakova, Department of Linguistics. $6,000.
“The effectiveness of sheltered instruction of English language learners in Georgia 4th and
5th grade classrooms.” The Regional Educational Laboratory for the Southeast—
SERVE Center Research Grant. (2006-2010). $3.3million.
“An investigation into behavioral/anchor scales in language tests with suggestions for the
enhancement of their interpretability.” Educational Testing Service, TOEFL Program
Research Grant. (2006-2007). $49,000.
“Establishing the Diverse Language Communities Center.” University of North Carolina at
Greensboro Provost Office and the Dean of the School of Education Office. (2010-
Chalhoub-Deville, p. 21
2012). $30,000. Continued annual funding has been sought and received from
different sources within the University, approximately, $25,000. Outside contracts and
grants have also been secured
Master's and Ph.D. thesis committees
Completion Date
The University of Iowa
Terri Gebel
Linda Hemminger
Ana Oscoz
Hyun Ju Kim
fall 1999
fall 2001
spring 2003
spring 2005
Ph.D. thesis co-chair
Ph.D. thesis co-chair
Ph.D. thesis co-chair
Ph.D. thesis chair
Chaired/co-chaired the following committees until I left the University of Iowa, August
2005—the completion dates are provided for the record:
Lei Wan
Ph.D. thesis co-chair
fall 2005
Ana Borderia-Garcia
Ph.D. thesis chair
spring 2006
Minhee Eom
Ph.D. thesis chair
spring 2006
Atta Gebril Abdel Samie
Ph.D. thesis chair
spring 2006
Lia Plakans
Ph.D. thesis chair
spring 2007
Svetlana Dembovskaya
Ph.D. thesis chair
The University of North Carolina at Greensboro
Joshua Goodman
Ph.D. Thesis member
Fang Chen
Ph.D. Thesis chair
Zhan Zhu
Ph.D. Thesis member
Kinge Mbella
Ph.D. Thesis chair
William Scales
Ph.D. Thesis member
Davie Store
Ph.D. Thesis member
Devdass Sunnassee
Ph.D. Thesis member
Teneka Steed
Ph.D. Thesis member
Carolyn Gilbert
Ph.D. Thesis member
Bruce McCollaum
Ph.D. Thesis chair
spring 2008
fall 2010
fall 2010
fall 2012
spring 2013
spring 2011
fall 2013
Outside the ERM Department:
Christina Lima
Ph.D. Thesis part of comprehensive exams member
Natalie Bauccum
Ph.D. Thesis part of comprehensive exams member
Bethany Garr
Ph.D. Thesis part of comprehensive exams member
Khalid Alshidfat
Ph.D. Thesis member
The University of Melbourne, Australia
Lynette Anne May
Dissertation Examiner
January, 2008
Chalhoub-Deville, p. 22
Courses/workshops taught
The Ohio State University
First three levels of Arabic as a foreign language courses
The University of Minnesota
Winter Quarter, 1996
Second Language Testing, Assessment, and Evaluation.
Winter Quarter, 1997
Second Language Testing, Assessment, and Evaluation. (In changing from a
quarter to a semester system, this course was restructured to include another
course: Assessment of learners with Limited English Proficiency.)
Summer Quarter, 1997
Alternative Assessment for Foreign Language Classes Today and Tomorrow.
(This course was attended by graduate students at the University of Minnesota
and by second language educators from various institutions in the U.S. and
around the world.)
The University of Iowa
Fall 1997-Spring 2005
Fundamentals of Second Language Assessment
Teaching K-12 Second Language Learners
Second Language Planning in Education
Issues in Second Language Assessment
I took a developmental leave in Fall 2002.
Lebanese American University, Beirut, Lebanon
Summer 2005
EDU 332
Educational Measurement
Summer 2006
EDU 332
Educational Measurement
The University of North Carolina at Greensboro
ERM 604
Methods of Educational Research
ERM 617
Statistical Methods in Education
ERM 680
Intermediate Statistical Methods in Education
ERM 733
Second Language Assessment and Testing
Chalhoub-Deville, p. 23
ERM 736
ERM 600
Advanced Studies in Second Language Testing
Validity and Validation
“The Minnesota Articulation Project (MNAP) proficiency-based
assessment instruments.” MNAP was a statewide initiative for
improving French, German, and Spanish programs in Minnesota.
MNAP was funded by the Funds for the Improvement of
Postsecondary Education and the National Endowment for the
Humanities. The workshops were held in various locations in
Minnesota: November 11-12, 1994; January 6-7, 1995; February
3-4, 1995; April 21-22, 1995; August 14-15, 1995; November 3-4,
1995; February 9-10, 1996; March 15-16, 1996; April 26-27,
1996; July 25-26, 1996; October 11-12, 1996; February 7-8, 1997;
July 15, 1997. Leader and presenter.
March 17-18, 1995 Minneapolis, MN. “Setting standards for the less commonly
taught languages based on an interactive program approach.”
Articulating Instruction in Critical Languages at the Elementary
and Secondary Levels Project. Minnesota Coalition to Improve
Critical Language Instruction. Presenter.
June 19-22, 1995
Minneapolis, MN. “The development of performance-based
assessment techniques in the schools.” Articulating Instruction in
Critical Languages at the Elementary and Secondary Levels
Project. Minnesota Coalition to Improve Critical Language
Instruction. Invited.
November 7, 1995 Minneapolis, MN. “English as a second language listening and
speaking workshop.” Minnesota Literacy Council. Presenter.
June 6, 1996
Minneapolis, MN. “English as a second language listening and
speaking workshop.” Minnesota Literacy Council. Presenter.
October 30, 1996
Minneapolis, MN. “English as a second language listening and
speaking workshop.” Minnesota Literacy Council. Presenter.
November 25, 1996 Minneapolis, MN. “The Minnesota articulation project and
second language proficiency testing.” Teaching and Learning in a
Standards-Based System Conference. Pre-K through 12 DistrictWide Staff Development Day, Minneapolis Public Schools.
Chalhoub-Deville, p. 24
February 22-23,
Minneapolis, MN. “Proficiency-based instruction and assessment:
the articulation process.” Washburn High School Department of
Foreign Languages. Invited.
March 1, 1997
Dayton, OH. “Foreign language entrance exams.” University of
Dayton, Department of Foreign Languages. Invited.
February 15-17,
Washington, DC. “Item writing skills for developing
standardized computer- and performance-based assessments.”
American Councils for International Education—American
Council for teachers of Russian and the Kyrgystan National
Delegation. Invited.
May 22-23, 2003
Beirut, Lebanon. “Development of oral proficiency tasks and
scales.” The Consortium of University Language Professors in
Lebanon. Invited.
May 29-30, 2003
Beirut, Lebanon. “Development of oral proficiency tasks and
scales.” American University in Beirut. Invited.
July 9, 2003
Iowa City, Iowa. “Foreign language performance-based testing.”
Advanced Placement Teacher Training Institute sponsored by the
University of Iowa Belin-Blank Center. Invited
May 24-25, 2006
Beirut, Lebanon. “Second-language writing at the university
level.” American University of Beirut. Invited.
March 1-3, 2008
Tucson, AZ. “Recall protocol and the assessment of reading and
listening proficiency.” Western Consortium Multi-Language
Workshop, University of Arizona. Invited.
October 20-22,
Abu-Dhabi, United Arab Emirates (UAE). “Standardized Arabic
proficiency assessment for university admission.” Ministry of
Higher and a consortium of three national universities (Higher
Colleges of Technology, UAE, and University Zayed University).
November 20
Greensboro, NC. “The ABCs of policy work: Nuts and bolts of
public policy, writing briefs, talking to policy makers, policy
making in North Carolina.” Presenter: Dr. Thom Little, UNCG
Department of Political Science and State Legislative Leaders
Foundation. Co-organizer with Colleen Fairbanks and Barb Levin.
Chalhoub-Deville, p. 25
November 27, 2014 Brisbane, Australia. The conference theme is “assessing second
languages: Linking theory, research, policy and practice.”
ALTAANZ (Association of Language Testing and Assessment for
Australia and New Zealand 27-29 November 201. 4Invited.
Professional service
a. Boards
The American Association of Teachers of Arabic (AATA), Executive
Board Member.
Educational Testing Service (ETS). Test of English as a Foreign
Language (TOEFL) Board (previously Policy Council), Member.
Founder and first President of the Midwest Association of Language
Testers (MWALT). 2004, Past President.
TESOL Quarterly Journal, Editorial Board Member.
Al-‘Arabiyya Journal, Editorial Board Member.
Language Testing Journal, Editorial Board Member.
The National Middle East Language Resource Center, Board Member.
The National Council on Measurement in Education, Newsletter Board
Language Assessment Quarterly, Editorial Board Member.
International Language Testing Association (ILTA), Executive Board,
Member at Large.
Center for Educational Resources in Culture, Language and Literacy,
University of Arizona, Board member.
Power Girls Program. Johnetta B. Cole Institute. Greensboro, North
Carolina. Advisory Board Member and Leadership Mentor.
Triad World Affairs Council, Greensboro, NC, Board member.
National and international committees
Chalhoub-Deville, p. 26
Center for Applied Linguistics, Ypsilanti, MI. The use of the Simulated
Oral Proficiency Interview in Arabic, trained rater.
The International Language Testing Association, Bylaws Committee,
March 20-22,
Conference: Issues in computer adaptive testing of second language
reading proficiency, Bloomington, MN. Funded by the U.S. Department of
Education under the International Research and Studies Program (CFDA
No. 84.017A). The conference included 13 invited speakers in the areas of
computer technology, second language reading, second language testing,
and psychometrics. Conference organizer.
Delegate Assembly, American Council on the Teaching of Foreign
Languages. Nashville, TN. American Association of Teachers of Arabic
(AATA) representative.
The International Language Testing Association, Nominating Committee,
Educational Testing Service (ETS). Test of English as a Foreign Language
(TOEFL) Committee of Examiners (COE), member 1997-2001; chair 20012004; past chair 2004-2005.
The Research Council of Canada, Grant Proposal reviewer.
Delegate Assembly, American Council on the Teaching of Foreign
Languages. Chicago, IL. AATA representative.
Empirical Research Group in Arabic (ERGA), AATA Special Interest
Group. Austin, TX. Co-founder.
The International Language Testing Association, Best Article Award
Committee, member; chair of the Committee in 1999.
The American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages, Research
SIG Vice Chair.
The American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages, Research
SIG Chair.
Delegate Assembly, American Council on the Teaching of Foreign
Languages. Dallas, TX. AATA representative.
Chalhoub-Deville, p. 27
November 1999 Midwest Association of Language Testers (MwALT), organizer of the first
and second annual meetings.
Cambridge University Press, Book Proposal reviewer.
Educational Testing Service (ETS). Test of English as a Foreign Language
(TOEFL) Nominating Committee member.
April 2000
Invited symposium: Validating language tests: Issues of score
interpretation and comparability at the Annual meeting of the National
Council on Measurement in Education, co-organizer with C. Deville.
February 19-24, The annual meeting of the Language Testing Research Colloquium,
St. Louis Missouri, co-organizer with Craig Deville, Dan Douglas, and
Felicity Douglas.
February 25,
The Language Testing Research Colloquium and the American
Association of Applied Linguistics Joint Session, entitled “The
Brahmin and the Elephant: Defining and Assessing Speaking Ability,” coorganizer with Dan Douglas.
Educational Testing Service (ETS). Test of English as a Foreign Language
(TOEFL) COE Research Subcommittee member.
April 6, 2002
The International Language Testing Association and the American
Association of Applied Linguistics Joint Session, entitled, “Drawing the
Line: the Generalizability and Limitations of Research in Applied
Linguistics,” Organizer.
The International Language Testing Association, Executive Committee,
member at large.
The International Language Testing Association, Best Paper Award
Committee, member.
The International Language Testing Association, Affiliate Organizations
Committee, member.
The International Language Testing Association, Best Paper Proposal
Travel Award, member.
The National Council on Measurement in Education, Diversity Issues and
Testing Committee, member.
Chalhoub-Deville, p. 28
The National Research Council—National Academy of Science, member.
March 17-20, The annual meeting of the Language Testing Research Colloquium, Denver,
Colorado, co-organizer with Meg Malone(co-chair), Sara Cushing Weigle
(co-chair), Liz Hamp‐Lyons, Craig Deville, Rachel Brooks, Jamie Schissel.
Educational Testing Service (ETS). K-12 English Language Proficiency
Assessment System, Technical Advisory Committee, member.
International Testing Commision. International Testing Standards (ITC)
Committee, Chaired by Alina von Davier, ETS, member.
Advisory Group, Global English Language Assessment, British Council,
U.K, member.
February 1996
February 1997
Standard Setting Committee of the Arabic Simulated Oral Proficiency
Interview developed by the Center for Applied Linguistics.
Pittsburgh, PA. The Feasibility of Statewide Performance-Based
Assessment in Pennsylvania. Pennsylvania State Modern Language
Association Task Force.
The Research Council of Canada. Grant Proposal Reviewer
February 1998
Albuquerque, NM. “High school to college in foreign language programs:
Assessment.” The Modern Language Association Invited Meeting.
Invited Group Leader.
Cambridge University Press. Book Proposal Reviewer
Center for Applied Linguistics (CAL). Web-Based Proficiency Test in
Arabic. External Review Board member.
May 19-31, 2003 Beirut, Lebanon. “English Language Evaluation and Assessment at the
University Level.” Sponsored by the U.S. Department of State (DOS), the
English Language Specialist/Speaker Program and the U.S. Embassy
September 18-22 Mexico City, Mexico. International Mental Health Facilitator--Trainers
Program, National Board of Certified Counselors. Testing and
Chalhoub-Deville, p. 29
evaluation consultant.
October 23-24,
New Delhi, India. International Mental Health Facilitator--Trainers
Program, National Board of Certified Counselors. Testing and evaluation
December 2006
College Park, MD. Arabic Language Aptitude Testing Project.
University of Maryland. Testing consultant.
March 26-28
Paris, France. First Experts’ Meeting: Defining Areas of Action to
Enhance Learning - From Access to Success, the Education Sector of
the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization
(UNESCO). The meeting brought together around 30 experts from
around the world, including educational planners, neurologists, linguists,
teacher educators, psychometricians, representatives of UN Agencies
and selected government officials. I was invited because of my work in
the area of English language learning and testing.
August 2007
Seoul, Korea. Korea Institute of Curriculum and Evaluation. R&D
plans for a national language testing system. Testing conslutlant.
September 2007
Washington, DC. Following the publication of the National AcademiesNational Research Council (NRC) International Education and Foreign
Languages: Keys to Securing America's Future, I was invited by the
NRC to discuss national plans for R&D in the area of language
proficiency assessment and technology project.
November 8-9
London, UK. Invited by Pearson Language Assessments to help
formulate the research program for a new language testing program,
intended to be released world-wide.
December 10-12
Beirut, Lebanon. I put together and headed a team that provided
external evaluation of admissions’ policies and the English language
testing program at the American University of Beirut (AUB), Lebanon.
The team spent three days on the AUB campus and submitted their
evaluation report to the AUB Provost.
Cairo, Egypt. Invited by the American University of Cairo as a Most
Distinguished Professor to give a series of talks, workshops, and
consultations with various departments on campus.
Journal Editing/Journal Reviewer/Conference Vetting
Language Testing
Chalhoub-Deville, p. 30
Modern Language Journal
Language Learning
National Council on Measurement in Education annual meeting
Language Testing Research Colloquium annual meeting
Language Learning & Technology
Foreign Language Annals
TESOL Quarterly
American Educational Research Association annual meeting
American Association of Applied Linguistics annual meeting
Language Assessment Quarterly
National Council on Measurement in Education annual meeting
National Council on Measurement in Education annual meeting
International Journal of Applied Linguistics
Special Issue of Language Testing, 28(3)
Faculty Review
2009 & 2014
External reviewer for tenure and promotion to associate committee,
University of Kansas
Annual faculty review committee, (member) University of Iowa (Margaret
Five year full professor faculty review committee, (member) University of
Iowa- (Alice Atkinson)
Annual faculty review committee (chair), University of Iowa (Gail Boldt)
Annual faculty review committee (chair), University of Iowa (Devery
Annual faculty review committee (chair), University of North Carolina at
Greensboro (John Willse)
Third year faculty review committee (member), University of North
Carolina at Greensboro (John Willse)
Five year faculty review committee, (chair) University of North Carolina at
Greensboro (Richard Luecht)
Promotion and Tenure review committee, (member) University of North
Carolina at Greensboro (John Willse)
External reviewer for promotion to full committee, University of
Melbourne, Australia
External reviewer for promotion to full committee, University of British
Columbia, Canada
External reviewer for tenure and promotion to associate committee, Queens
College of the City University of New York.
External reviewer for tenure and promotion to associate committee,
University of Toronto, Canada
External reviewer for tenure and promotion to associate committee,
Chalhoub-Deville, p. 31
Georgetown University.
Major university committee assignments
University of Iowa
College of Education
Development of ESL Endorsement Program Committee, chair.
1998, 1999
Honors Opportunity Program Seminar, presenter.
Honors Opportunity Program Advisory Committee, member.
Teacher Education Competency Test Committee, member.
Assessment Center Committee, member.
Educational Testing Oversight and Expansion Committee, member.
Foreign Language and ESL Education Student Association, Faculty Advisor
Faculty Advisory Committee, member.
Faculty Advisory Committee, chair.
2004 (fall)
Faculty Development Leave Committee, member.
2005 (spring) Qualifying Score Policy for TEP Admissions Consideration Committee,
Assistant Professor in Math and Math Education Search committee,
University of Iowa
The Foreign Language Acquisition and Education (FLARE) Poster Session,
organizing member.
University of Iowa Life Centers’ Review Committee, member.
Faculty Assembly, College of Education representative (alternative).
2001(spring) International Travel Grant Committee, International Programs, member.
The Committee reviews proposals and makes recommendations for funding.
University Foreign Language Task Force, member.
2001-present University of Iowa Museum of Art Members Council, faculty
2003-present University of Iowa Museum of Art Faculty and Staff Committee, member.
2003 (fall)
Department of Linguistics, search committee of the Arabic language
teaching position.
Financial Aid Advisory Committee, member.
Faculty Senate, member.
2004 (fall)
The Provost Financial Aid Advisory Taskforce, member.
The Connie Belin & Jacqueline N. Blank International Center for Gifted
Education and Talent Development, Diversity Advisory Committee,
Chalhoub-Deville, p. 32
State of Iowa
The Minnesota Articulation Project. The Project includes 23 public schools
as well as public and private post-secondary institutions in the State of
Minnesota. Executive Committee member and Assessment Group leader.
English as a Second Language (ESL) Assessment Task Force set up by the
State Department of Education in Iowa.
North Central Association audit team for the Iowa City Community School
District ESL programs, member.
University of North Carolina at Greensboro
School of Education
2005-present SOE Promotion and Tenure Committee
Grievance Committee, member
Department of Curriculum and Instruction, ESL Search Committee, member
Access and Equity Committee, co-founder; Chair (2007-2008) and Past
chair (2008-2009)
2012-present Access and Equity Committee, member
Committee on Committee, chair
SOE Promotion and Tenure Committee: Structure development, member
SOE Dean Search Committee
2010-present Diverse Language Communities (DLC) Center, Co-Founder and CoDirector. The Permission to Plan proposal has been approved by the
Provost. The next stage is to submit the Request to Establish proposal to
the Chancellor, Board of Trustees, and the UNC General Administration.
Various research, grant-writing, and professional development activities are
being undertaken while we wait for the official formulation of the Center.
Department of Educational Research Methodology, Evaluation Search
Committee, member
University of North Carolina at Greensboro
Women and Gender Studies Program, faculty affiliate
Linguistics Studies Committee, member
Graduate Studies Committee, member
Graduate School Policy and Procedures Subcommittee, member
Graduate School Policy and Procedures Subcommittee, chair
Technology Transfer Office five-year review committee, chair
UNCG Promotion and Tenure Committee
Faculty Senate, member. My membership was put on hold when I was
served as Interim Associate Provost for Undergraduate Education, 20082009
Academic Affairs and Student Affairs Restructuring Steering Committee,
Chalhoub-Deville, p. 33
Academic Affairs and Student Affairs Restructuring Committee, Living
Learning Subcommittee, co-chair
UNCG 2009-2014 Strategic Plan Implementation Committee 3.3, LivingLearning Communities
UNCG 2009-2014 Strategic Plan Implementation Committee 1.4, Academic
The Provost Campus Internationalization Task Force
Director of UNCG Learning Communities Search Committee
Career professional memberships
American Association for Applied Linguistics
American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages
American Educational Research Association
American Association of Teachers of Arabic
International Language Testing Association
National Council for Measurement in Education
Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages
Midwest Association of Language Testers
East Coast Organization of Language Testers
Association of Managers of Innovation
Special honors and professional recognition
1989, 1994
B.A. with distinction, Beirut University College
M.A. & Ph.D. with distinction, The Ohio State University
The Graduate Research Forum Award (Honorable Mention) in the Area of
Education, The Ohio State University
Recipient of GSARA Dissertation Award, The Ohio State University
Recipient of the Distinguished Graduate Award, Hariri Foundation
Recipient of the Best Article Award, International Language Testing
1998 & 1999 Recipient of Old Gold Summer Fellowship
Recipient of the Outstanding Young Scholar Award by the Educational
Testing Service—TOEFL Program. The award recognizes the outstanding
contribution to the field of second or foreign language assessment by a
scholar under the age of 40.
International Programs Summer Research Fellowship
Author of an invited paper to appear in the special issue marking the
twentieth anniversary of Language Testing. Only two scholars have been
invited to contribute articles.
Chalhoub-Deville, p. 34
Co-author of a chapter in Educational Measurement, 4th edition, which is a
very prestigious, high-impact publication. It is published approximately
every 15 years and includes state-of-the art topics in the area of
The invitation to participate in the First Experts’ Meeting: Defining Areas of
Action to Enhance Learning - From Access to Success, the Education Sector
of the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization
(UNESCO) deserves special mention because of the global impact the
recommendations have on shaping UNESCO policies for basic education
around the world.
UNCG School of Education Outstanding Senior Scholar Award