Minerals Quiz

Minerals & Moh’s Study Guide
Name: __________________________________
What are the properties of minerals?
Luster, color, streak, hardness, cleavage, texture
VocabularyMineral- a nonliving, solid material with definite chemical makeup
Luster- the way a mineral shines or reflects light
Color- determined by a mineral’s chemical makeup
texture- the something feels
Streak- the color of a mineral when it is ground to a powder
Hardness- the measure of how easily a mineral can be scratched
Cleavage- the tendency of a mineral to split easily along flat surfaces
Nonmetallic mineral- a mineral that is DULL or GLASSY
Metallic Mineral- a mineral that is shiny like metal
Texture- the way something feels
*Talc is the softest mineral.
*Diamond is the hardest mineral
*We use the Mohs Scale of Hardness to measure the hardness of a
*We use minerals for many things: jewelry, buildings, pencils, baby
powder, watches, etc.
*The streak of a mineral is NOT always the same color as the mineral
*Color is the easiest property to see, but not the most reliable when
trying to identify what the mineral is.
Study Guide- Mohs Scale
When given a Mohs Scale of Hardness, be able to answer questions
using the scale.
1. What can a diamond scratch?
2. What can Apatite scratch?
3. What will Talc scratch?
4. Can a penny scratch quartz?
5. Name two minerals that can scratch Flourite.
6. Name the minerals that Feldspar can scratch.
7. Can your fingernail scratch Gypsum?
8. Can Feldspar scratch Quartz?
Can be scratched with a fingernail, penny, knife blade, and by
any mineral rated 2+
2 Gypsum
Can be scratched with a fingernail and a penny and any
mineral rated 3+; Will scratch Talc
3 Calcite
Can be scratched with a knife blade and any mineral rated 4+;
Will scratch Talc and Gypsum
4 Flourite
Can be scratched with a knife blade and any mineral rated 5+;
Will scratch any mineral rated 35 Apatite
Can be scratched with any mineral rated 6+; Will scratch any
mineral rated 46 Feldspar
Can be scratched with any mineral rated 7+; Will scratch any
mineral rated 57 Quartz
Can be scratched with any mineral rated 8+; Will scratch glass
and any mineral rated 68 Topaz
Can be scratched by minerals 8 – 9; Will scratch glass and any
mineral rated 79 Corundum Can be scratched by diamond; Will scratch glass and any
mineral rated 8sapphire
10 Diamond Will scratch glass and all minerals rated 1-9; the hardest
natural substance on Earth.
Fingernail (H=2.5) Penny (H=3) Knife Blade (H=5.5)