Minutes Division of Analytical Chemistry, 221st National ACS Meeting DAC Executive Committee Meeting Saturday, 31 March 2001, 1:00 – 5:00 pm Hilton Gaslamp Quarter, Pacific Room, San Diego, CA Present for all or part of the meeting: Bruce Chase, Ted Williams, Alan Newman, Sally Stafford, Al Ribes, Carolyn Ribes, Henry Blount, Charlie Wilkins, Dick Henry, Andy Zander, John Richardson, John Nikelly, Isaiah Warner, Rich Dallinger 1. 1. Call to Order- the meeting was called to order at 1:10 pm 2. 2. Approval of Minutes – the minutes of the August meeting were approved by Carolyn Ribes, seconded by Stafford 3. 3. Officer Reports 3.1 3.1 Chair- Chase mentioned that the division appears healthy, but needs to look at long range programming and continued support for awards. Newer people should also be involved in the selection process. 3.2 3.2 Chair-elect- programming for this meeting includes 13 half-day sessions of nine symposia. The symposia for Chicago were discussed. Co-sponsorship options were discussed. Fenselau thanked Charlie Wilkins for his help with symposia. She also mentioned that she wants to keep division dinners on the inexpensive side as an effort to increase turnout. Blount mentioned that there has been a precedent for sponsorship of the dinner, and this may be another means to keep costs down. Hirsch mentioned that there should be co-sponsorship with the Nuclear Division in Chicago, but Fenselau reported that this option is still under negotiation. 3.3 3.3 Secretary- Richardson reported on the need for quick turnaround on the slate for the upcoming division election. He noted that there will be a few changes. First, a local printer will be used, and the deadline for receipt of ballots will be extended. Both of these measures will be taken to help alleviate problems that arose in the previous election. 3.4 3.4 Treasurer- Carolyn Ribes announced that the division had a surplus of about $18,000 at the end of 2000. Much of this was due to timely receipt of award funding from companies. We also appear to be ahead financially for 2001. 3.5 3.5 Councilors- Stafford reported that there is a petition to increase the size of standing committees. While this may help even representation between local and divisional members on committees, there is concern about efficiency. She noted that there are many other ways to be active in ACS without being a member of a committee, though Chase would rather see participation in Division activities. Williams suggested a pool of people to call on for division service. This could include newer people as well as more experienced people. Williams was willing to look into this. Another issue focused on whether applications of potential members with associates degrees and five years of technical experience need to be reviewed by the Membership Committee. The proposal is that people with these qualifications will be able to bypass consideration by the membership committee. The Division felt that these chemical technicians should be welcomed into ACS. Also, there was concern about division representation vs. local section representation on committees. There will be no action taken at this meeting, but the issue is up for discussion. Stafford said that the real issue is cooperation between divisions and sections. Blount suggested that the division offer products and information to local sections to induce cooperation. Tour speakers could also be cycled through local sections from the division as a service. Wilkins suggested that such a program could increase the technical nature of the talks, thus increasing interest in analytical chemistry. Hirsch mentioned that there will be an on-line directory available as early as next year. He also pointed out that ACS is making an effort to see that invoices for symposia and other events will be sent out within two months of the meeting. He noted that annual report evaluations will be available in advance of the next executive committee meeting. Hirsch also commented on our increases in membership, noting that we have the largest number of free and unpaid members. There is also a proposal for an Automated Laboratory Division; action will be taken in Chicago. Chase mentioned that this should increase our possibilities for co-sponsorship of symposia. Stafford suggested that we should propose this form of cooperation immediately to show support for the new division. 4. 4. Subdivision of Chromatography and Separations Science- Dick Henry introduced himself as subcommittee chair. A current initiative is to improve the visibility of separations topics at ACS meetings. Henry discussed the need to fund better speakers to attract them to our symposia. He also reported that Vickie McGuffin has been identified to run as Chair-elect of the subdivision. Henry mentioned that the ACS meetings provide some excellent opportunities for co-sponsorship in separations science that may not be available at other meetings, and these should be capitalized upon. 5. Committee Reports 5.1 5.1 Program Planning- Wilkins reported the normal full slate of symposia. All programming is in place for Chicago as well. He also commented that 2/3 of all symposia are being chaired by women in Chicago. Funding options were mentioned to symposium organizers, and these people were encouraged to seek appropriate funding to cover speaker expenses. Work is progressing toward determining appropriate symposia for Orlando. Regarding funding of symposia, Carolyn Ribes noted that she, as well as Catherine Fenselau, should be made aware of who is providing funding, as well as how much. 5.2 5.2 Awards and Canvassing- Chase announced the recipients of the upcoming Division awards for 2001. He also announced a slightly different awards symposium. Williams commented on canvassing for awards. He said that more potential awardees are needed, and past nominees should be kept on file for three years, but not longer. For most awards, we have more than enough nominees. Fred Hawkridge will be thanked for all of his work regarding canvassing. 5.3 5.3 Directory- potential is there for a web-based directory. We also need a new directory chair. Wilkins moved that there be an electronic directory; this was seconded by Carolyn Ribes. Hirsch explained the process in a bit more detail, such as how privacy issues will be dealt with. The motion carried. It was suggested that some historical aspects of the division that were traditionally found in the paper directory be included occasionally in the newsletter, as well as on the webpage. 5.4 5.4 Education- Thea Barabarakis announced that there are nine Kolthoff Awards at the San Diego meeting. She also suggested the need to identify Kolthoff awardees in the listing for the poster session; this has been complicated by OASys. This is an issue of timing; Kolthoff awards must be made before the OASys system is closed and will be done by invitation. Barbarakis also mentioned that there will be a Career Symposium for the 2002 Spring Meeting centered on pharmaceutical analysis and biotechnology. Co-sponsorship will be sought. Such career-related symposia would be done on a regular basis. Blount suggested that there should be recognition of diversity in analytical chemistry. This could be done as a full-day symposium at Pittcon or ACS that would highlight diversity and the multidisciplinary nature of analytical chemistry. 5.5 5.5 Financial Planning- no report 5.6 5.6 Graduate Fellowship- Williams announced that the numbers and quality of applicants have improved drastically. Five nine-month and seven summer fellowships were awarded. Chase mentioned the need to continue to add to the number of companies that could be sought for support. Rich Dallinger clarified a few points, including the fact that there were more women applicants, but that Perkin-Elmer has dropped its sponsorship. Also, the stipend size has been increased to remain competitive with those offered by other sources. 5.7 5.7 Membership- no report 5.8 5.8 Newsletter- deadline for the spring newsletter is fast approaching. Al Ribes encouraged people to meet this deadline and asked specific members of the committee for contributions. 5.9 5.9 Web Page- Hirsch commented on the redesign of the webpage. He also mentioned the need for potential help with the webpage given the disbandment of Santasoft, the consulting firm that was updating the site. 5.105.10 Nominating- Williams reported that he has people identified to run for each vacant office. He will have a full slate of officers by the middle of April. 5.115.11 Publicity- no report 5.125.12 Regulatory Affairs-no report 5.135.13 Undergraduate Awards- attached report. 5.145.14 FACSS-no report 5.155.15 EAS- Findeis Award; the problem of attendance at the award symposium remains. Chase believes that the award must come back to the national ACS meeting. A Hirsch/Wilkins motion that the award be moved was passed. Other options remain for our division to support EAS. Blount suggested DAC involvement in a career symposium (or other symposia) as an option. Chase will offer this as an option to EAS. 6. 6. Reports from Affiliated Organizations 6.1 ACS Biotechnology Secretariat- no report 6.2 DAC-FECS- symposium on education in analytical chemistry in Cordoba, Spainthe Division has been asked to identify people as U.S. representatives who would be willing to discuss this topic. Chase requested $1500 to support travel to this meeting; a Wilkins/Hirsch motion was made in support of this. Fenselau questioned why we should support this meeting given the number of European meetings focusing on analytical chemistry. Newman supported this degree of interest in analytical chemistry in Europe. Blount felt that the division may not be the best vehicle to support this meeting, but rather a proposal to an agency focusing on international education may be a better route to get funding to get people to this meeting. After discussion, the Wilkins/Hirsch motion passed. 7. 7. Old Business- none was discussed 8. New Business 8.1 8.1 Report on Pacifichem- 18 half-day symposia and 66 speakers were supported by the Division. $24,605 was actually spent on the meeting, all of which is expected to be reimbursed to the division. Overall, the meeting was reported to be a great success. 8.2 8.2 Request for Funding: Gordon Conference on Analytical Chemistry- this had been approved in our last budget. 8.3 8.3 Long-range Program Planning- Chase emphasized the need for long-range planning; continuity has been a problem in the past. We need a tapped pool of people who can give suggestions on a regular, planned basis. Organizers are also needed well in advance. Hirsch proposed a 9 member committee on staggered three year terms to handle this. Membership, appointed by the current division chair, would include the chair, the chair-elect, and past chair (normally acting as committee chair), as well as six members to represent the interests of the membership of the division. Terms will begin October 1st. This type of planning could greatly increase our chance for co-sponsorship, funding, etc. Emphasis on committee membership should focus on a broad representation of analytical chemistry. The motion was seconded by Williams, and passed unanimously. 8.4 8.4 Awards Support- Williams (seconded by Carolyn Ribes) moved that if division awards lose funding, the division will take on the funding for one year. If no new funding source is found, the award will be abolished. The motion carried. Blount suggested that past winners should be tapped to identify new funding sources. Bill Heineman was suggested as a good starting point. Hirsch made the point that nominations for the awards should continue to be sought in the event that the funding can be found. 8.5 8.5 Division Dues- Carolyn moved (seconded by Hirsch) that no change be made given the current financial health of the division. The motion carried. Also, Hirsch (seconded by Warner) moved that a free first year of membership be continued. This motion carried. 8.6 8.6 Name and Scope Change for CELL Division- Wilkins (seconded by Ribes) moved that the Division support the change. The motion carried. 8.7 8.7 Adjournment Minutes respectfully submitted by John N. Richardson, Secretary, Division of Analytical Chemistry, ACS