150-55TH Street Brooklyn, NY 11220 Pediatric Clerkship Medical Student Guide Manzur Sheikh, MD, FAAP Clerkship Director (718) 630-7724 Pager 7054 MSheikh@lmcmc.com Contents Cover Page .......................................................................................................................... 1 Contents .............................................................................................................................. 2 Contacts............................................................................................................................... 3 Department of Pediatrics................................................................................................. 3 Clinic Contacts and Locations ........................................................................................ 4 SITE .................................................................................................................................... 4 How to Page .................................................................................................................... 4 Emailing an lmcmc.com email ....................................................................................... 4 Introduction ......................................................................................................................... 5 Expectations and Responsibilities................................................................................... 6 Professionalism and Dress .............................................................................................. 6 Orientation ...................................................................................................................... 6 Rotations ............................................................................................................................. 7 Out Patient Services- Clinic and Private Offices- Three weeks ..................................... 8 Emergency Department- One week ...............................Error! Bookmark not defined. Labor and Delivery/Nursery and Pediatrics- One week each ......................................... 8 On Call Scheduled *See attached calendar ............................................................ 8 Clinical Write-Ups (Case Presentations) &Topic Discussions ........................................... 9 Clinical Write-Ups / Case Presentations ......................................................................... 9 Topic Discussions ........................................................................................................... 9 Teaching Rounds, Conferences, Lectures and Grand Rounds Schedule .......................... 10 Exams and Presentations * See attached Calendar ........................................................... 11 Mid Core Evaluations ................................................................................................... 11 Oral Final Exam ............................................................................................................ 11 Final Exam .................................................................................................................... 11 Logs and Modules ............................................................................................................. 14 Encounter Log ............................................................................................................... 14 Log of Manual Skills and Procedures ........................................................................... 14 Modules (SGU) ............................................................................................................. 14 Recommended Reading .................................................................................................... 16 Included In This Package .................................................................................................. 16 2 Contacts Department of Pediatrics Manzur Sheikh, MD FAAP Executive Director of Pediatrics (718) 630-7724 Pager Number 7054 Location: Station 2-03 MSheikh@lmcmc.com Stephanie Bryant, MD FAAP Associate Program Director (718) 630-7545 or 7530 Pager Number 3822 Location: Nursery or Pediatrics SBryant@lmcmc.com Norma Villanueva Network Chief Children and Adolescents (718) 630-6794 Location: 5602-2nd Ave NVillanueva@lmcmc.com Alison Cruz Medical Education Administrative Assistant (347) 377-4397 Location: Station 3-04 Rm. 3524 Acruz2@lmcmc.com Theary Oum Pediatric Administrative Associate (718) 630-6375 Location: Station 3-03 3526 Soum@lmcmc.com 3 Clinic Contacts and Locations SITE HOURS SITE DIRECTOR MEDICAL and DENTAL DIRECTORS Brooklyn Chinese FHC 5008 7th Avenue Brooklyn, NY 11220-3209 Front Desk/Reception 4800 P 718-210-1030 F 718-871-0969 Mon. - Thurs 9:00am-5:30pm Fri – 9:00am-5:00 pm Sat & Sun 10:00am-6:00pm Christina Tsai, MBA Site Director P 718 210-1031 F 718 871-0969 Pgr: 4824 Qiuqu Zhao, MD Medical Director P 718-210-1032 F 718-871-0969 Cell 646-427-0520 Pgr 3412 Caribbean American FHC 3414 Church Avenue Brooklyn, NY 11203-2714 P 718-630-2197 F 718-940-2914 Mon-Fri 8:00am-8:00pm Sat 8:00am-4:00pm Claudya C. Verdiner Site Director P 718-630-2197 Ext 4043 F 718-940-2914 Pgr: 4652 / 917-269-0601 Anita Beecham-Robinson, MD Medical Director P 718-630-2197 Ext 4045 F 718-940-2914 Pgr 2370 / 917-269-3733 Park Ridge FHC 6317 4th Avenue Brooklyn, NY 11220-4922 P 718-907-8100 F 718-492-8614 Mon-Wed 8:15am-8:00pm Thurs 9:45am-8:00pm Fri 8:15am-5:00pm Sat 8:30am-3:30pm Ivan Cortes Site Director P 718-630-6837 F 718-492-8614 Pager # 3466 John McAdam, MD Medical Director P 718-907-8198 Ext 2123 F 718-492-8614 Park Slope FHC 220 13th Street Brooklyn, NY 11215-4802 P 718-832-9677 F 718-832-5991 Mon, Fri 8:30am-5:00pm Tue-Thu 8:30am-8:00pm Sat 8:00am-4:30pm Charles Paturno Site Director P 718-832-5980 ext. 1920 F 718-832-5991 Pgr 917-269-0530 / 2055 Nonkulie DlaDla Medical Director P 718-832-5980 ext. 1922 F 718-832-5991 Sunset Park FHC Ambulatory Pediatrics 5610 Second Avenue Nurses Stn 7499 Information/Security Ext 8520 Mon-Thurs 8:30-9:00pm Fri: 8:30am-7:00pm Sat & Sun (Urgent Care) 9:00am-5:00pm Claudette Richardson Site Director P 718-630-6042 F 718-630-6878 Pgr # Sharon Jospeh-Giss, MD Medical Director P 718 630-8672 F 718 630-6877 Pgr # How to Page From inside the hospital: Dial *621 or 8700 – wait for prompt – input pager number – wait for prompt – input extension From outside hospital: Dial (718) 630-8700 – wait for prompt – input pager number – wait for prompt – input telephone number Emailing an lmcmc.com email When sending an email to an lmcmc.com email, put “LMC” in subject line to ensure delivery. WiFi Login: lhsguest Password: lhs2009 4 Introduction The Pediatrics Clerkship provides a clinical learning experience that prepares you to communicate effectively with patients and families and learn to evaluate and manage children from newborn through adolescence. The clerkship integrates a foundation of medical knowledge with clinical and communication skills to enable you to identify and provide quality pediatric care. The Department of Pediatrics places special emphasis on professional behavior, as well as, knowledge, interviewing skills, clinical problem solving and the ability to communicate information. This six-week core clerkship allows you to gain clinical experience in evaluating newborns, infants, children and adolescents, both sick and well, through clinical history taking, physical examination and the evaluation of laboratory data. Special emphasis is placed on: growth and development, nutrition, disorders of fluid and electrolytes, common infections, social issues, and preventative care including: immunizations, screening procedures, anticipatory guidance. The student will develop the necessary communication skills to inform, guide and educate patients and families. Pediatric ambulatory and in-patient services provide an opportunity to observe and enter into the care of pediatric medical and surgical disorders. You will learn how to approach the patient and family and communicate effectively as they take admission histories and perform physical examinations. You will then provide the patient and parents with the necessary information and guidance to understand and support the child through the time of illness. You will learn age specific skills regarding interviewing pediatric patients and relating to their parents, and will develop the skills necessary to examine children from newborn through adolescence utilizing age appropriate techniques. The adequacy and accuracy of your knowledge, communication skills, manual skills and professional behavior will be measured and evaluated by their supervising physicians, residents and preceptors. There will be formative evaluations and discussion of your progress throughout the rotation with emphasis on a formal mid-core and end-core assessment. 5 Expectations and Responsibilities It is expected that there be full and active participation in the multiple learning opportunities: didactic learning, clinical seminars, self-directed learning modules, patient rounds and conferences. Preceptor sessions are mandatory and take precedence over all other clinical activities. You should excuse themselves from their other assignments and attend their preceptor session, unless excused by their preceptor. All of these components are designed to expand your concept of how to provide quality care for pediatric patients. Professionalism and Dress ID cards should be worn at all times above the waist and visible. All Pediatric Students must dress in business attire. Students are never permitted to wear sneakers. Anyone who is required to wear sneakers for medical purposes must provide a doctor’s note with Dx, start and end dates. All males must wear a shirt, tie and dress slacks. All females must wear dresses, skirts or dress slacks and (business) tops. No jeans Leggings, tank tops or t-shirts will be permitted. If you are required to wear scrubs, they must be put on in the locker room and removed before leaving the building at any time. While wearing scrubs you should have a white lab coat on at all times. If you wear a shirt under scrubs, sleeves must be shorter than scrubs. Students are required to act courteous and professionally at all times. You must protect patient confidentiality. At no time should there be any discussions of patients in common areas, elevators, in the cafeteria and outside the hospital. You should be familiar with HIPPA laws. Orientation You will start the rotation by reporting to Diana Calderon, the Medical Student Coordinator. She is located on the third floor in the Executive Offices 3-04. Once you are processed, and (s) he is issued an ID card, Dr. Sheikh will welcome and orient you. After this orientation, Alison will give each student his/her schedule. 6 Rotations You will be involved in all patient care activities in the out-patient facility and inpatient unit. You will observe, and given immediate feedback, as they take a history and perform a physical examination on a newborn and a child. As an absolute minimum, you should examine five term newborns. This includes reviewing the maternal medical record, performing a physical examination on the infant, and talking with the parent about basic care of the newborn and anticipatory guidance. As an absolute minimum, you should be involved in the care of a child with: a. a gastrointestinal illness, such as dehydration b. a child with a neurological or neurodevelopmental problem c. a child with a respiratory and/or cardiac problem (chronic illness is preferable) d. a child with fever e. a child suspected as being the victim of child abuse/neglect or where the differential diagnosis includes child abuse/neglect. There should be a discussion of the recognition and reporting requirement and the child protection response and services. Involvement in these cases should include taking a history, performing a physical examination, discussing the differential diagnosis, formulating a plan for laboratory/radiologic studies and deciding on a treatment plan. These cases may be from the inpatient units, the nursery, the Emergency Room, or the out-patient setting. Depending on circumstances, in cases of child abuse, participation may be limited to participation as an observer, especially in cases of sexual abuse. As an absolute minimum, you will participate in the care of two adolescents. This includes taking a history and performing a physical examination as well as reviewing the immunization record and assessing the adolescent’s health, behavior, educational and environmental issues. It is preferable that one of the two adolescents described will have a chronic illness. You will give, at a minimum, one major presentation during the rotation. The presentation will be evaluated by the preceptor. Thursdays are Non-Clinical Days, report to Lutheran Medical Center Conference Room for Pediatric Grand Rounds, then follow Teaching Rounds, Conferences, Lectures and Grand Rounds Scheduled 7 Emergency Department- One week Emergency department and urgent care experiences permit the student to be the first to evaluate infants and children with acute illnesses. Emphasis is placed on the evaluation of febrile illnesses, and common emergencies of childhood (e.g. poisonings, injuries). If you are on evening shift, you do not have to report to to topic discussions. Please see calendar for ED Rotation Schedule. Out Patient Services- Clinic and Private Offices- Three weeks In the out-patient services, the student learns the milestones of growth and development, infant feeding, child nutrition, preventative care (including immunization, screening procedures, anticipatory guidance), the common ailments of childhood and diagnosis of rare and unusual illnesses. In the pediatric sub-specialty clinics, the student will observe the progression and participate in the management of a wide variety of serious and chronic pediatric illnesses. Labor and Delivery/Nursery and Pediatrics- One week each The initial management of the newborn is learned in the delivery room. Students then practice the examination of the newborn and learn about the initiation of feeding, neonatal physiological changes, and common newborn conditions. In the newborn intensive care unit, the student is an observer of the management of the premature and term infant with serious illness. Emphasis is placed on observing and understanding the role of the pediatrician in the multidisciplinary team approach to critical care. During these rotations you will be assigned a pager. These will be distributed to you on Monday and you must return on Friday. Please see attached beeper assignment. On Call Scheduled *See attached calendar Call occurs during Pediatric and Regular Nursery Rotations. Call begins at 7am and ends at 7pm. If you are on-call for Saturday or Sunday, the call starts at 8:00am, with Morning report. No one is on-call the last week of your rotation. 8 Clinical Write-Ups (Case Presentations) &Topic Discussions Clinical Write-Ups / Case Presentations A minimum of four complete clinical write-ups (case presentations) is required per student. These write-ups will be critiqued by the preceptor and returned to the student. It is preferable that the patients selected for these write-ups be examples of the case mix from you rotations. The write-ups will be handed in at intervals during the rotation and returned promptly so that the student can improve their written expression. Topic Discussions You must present two topic discussions, one each while in your Pediatric Floor and Newborn Nursery rotations. The topic discussion will be presented in Power Point format. If you are on that date alone, make the presentation about 20 slides in a 35 to 45 minute presentation. If two persons are to present, cut the presentation to about 10 to 15 slides and keep presentation to 20 to 25 minutes. Included in this discussion should be the definition of the condition, background, clinical assessment and etiological discussion, diagnostic workup, treatment and prognosis. Email these presentations to Dr. Sheikh before-hand at MSheikh@lmcmc.com 9 Teaching Rounds, Conferences, Lectures and Grand Rounds Schedule Thursdays are Non-Clinical Days, report to Lutheran Medical Center Conference Room for Pediatric Grand Rounds and follow the schedule below. Type of Rounds Bedside Rounds Attending Rounds Frequency Daily Daily Time 7:00am to 8:00am 8:30am to 9:30am Topic Discussions* Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday 1st, 2nd, 4th & 5th Thursdays 3rd Thursday 12:00pm to 1:00pm Grand Rounds Perinatology Conference Please refer to Grand Rounds Scheduled, Subject to change. Preceptor Sessions**/ Case Presentations Radiology Rounds Thursdays Review of Shelf Exams Thursdays (excluding last week) Thursdays 8:30am to 9:30am 9:00am to 10:00 am Location Pediatric unit Pediatric Unit Playroom Room 6128 Executive Board Room Auditorium 10:00am to 12:00pm Room 6128 12:00pm to 1:00pm 2:00pm to 4:00pm Dr. Gudy’s Office Room 6128 *All students in Pediatrics Nursery and or ED should report to Case Presentations & Topic Discussions Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. **You must attend the Preceptor Sessions. The Preceptor Sessions will include clinical discussions that focus on problem solving, decision making and adherence to bioethical principals. You should come prepared with your Case Presentations to these sessions. These preceptor sessions are conducted on Thursdays from 10am to 12pm. 10 Exams and Presentations * See attached Calendar Mid Core Evaluations Each student will have a formative mid-core evaluation. You will bring a print out of their Patient Encounter Log to the session. The Log will be reviewed for completeness, quality of notes and mix of cases. The student’s professional behavior will be addressed, as well as progress in attaining the knowledge and skills required to evaluate a patient. There will be appropriate comments and suggestions given to the student to guide them toward improvement. The preceptor will submit a written assessment of the Mid-Core evaluation. These evaluations occur on the Fourth week of rotation. Please refer to Calendar for dates and times. Oral Final Exam An oral examination, lasting 15 minutes or longer, will be given during the last week of your rotation by Dr. Sheikh. Please refer to Calendar for date and times. Final Exam- SGU ONLY The final written examination will be the National Board of Medical Examiners Clinical Subject Examination. This exam will be given the last Thursday or Friday of your rotation. Bring your printed logs with you. Core Topics General a. Pediatric history b. Pediatric physical exam c. Patient write-up (problem oriented approach) d. Begin to formulate a differential diagnosis that relates to the Presenting complaint, symptoms and findings on history and physical examination. e. Formulate a plan for further evaluation (ie.laboratory, radiology), treatment and management. Well Child Care a. Immunizations b. Routine screening tests c. Anticipatory guidance d. Nutrition Growth and Development a. Developmental milestones (when and how to evaluate) b. Failure to thrive c. Short stature Neonatology a. The normal newborn b. Neonatal problems (jaundice, respiratory distress, sepsis, feeding issues) c. Newborn screening d. APGAR scoring/Ballard scoring. e. Fetal Alcohol Syndrome f. Sudden Infant Death Syndrome Common Childhood Illnesses and Their Treatments 1. Ear Nose and Throat (ENT) and pulmonary disorders 11 a. Upper Respiratory Infection (URI) g. Bronchiolitis b. Pharyngitis h. Asthma c. Otitis media i. Foreign body d. Sinusitis j. Pneumonia e. Cervical adenitis k. Cystic fibrosis f. Croup/epiglottitis l. Tuberculosis 2. Eyes a. Conjunctivitis c. Amblyopia b. Ocular trauma d. Strabismus 3. Cardiac a. Fetal circulation. b. Congenital anomalies: Ventricular Septal Defect (VSD), Atrial Septal Defect (ASD), Tetralogy of Fallot, transposition of the great vessels, coarctation of the aorta, patent ductus arteriosus (PDA), pulmonic stenosis (PS). The significance of these defects as isolated findings and as they relate to genetic syndromes. c. Acquired heart disease: Rheumatic Fever (RF), d. myocarditis e. Hypertension 4. Gastrointestinal Disorders (G.I.) a. Gastroenteritis b. Constipation/Hirschsprung’s disease c. Acute abdomen (appendicitis, intussusception, volvulus) d. Inflammatory bowel disease e. Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) 5. Endocrine a. Diabetes, Diabetic Ketoacidosis (DKA) b. Thyroid disease c. Adrenal disease d. Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia (CAH) e. Failure to Thrive f. Obesity g. Metabolic Syndrome 6. Neurology a. Seizures b. Meninigitis c. Head trauma d. Cerebral palsy e. Tumors 7. Hematology/Oncology a. Anemias/hemoglobinopathies b. Pediatric malignancies (Acute Lymphatic Leukemia, lymphomas, neuroblastoma, Wilm’s tumor) c. Immune thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP) 8. Renal and Genitourinary (G.U.) a. Urinary tract infections (UTI’s) b. Nephritis/nephrosis c. Fluid and electrolyte balance d. Congenital anomalies 9. Dermatology a. Seborrheic dermatitis b. Atopic dermatitis c. Impetigo d. Fungal Infections e. Exanthems f. Neurocutaneous stigmata (neurofibromatosis, etc.) 10. Ingestions and Toxidromes a. Lead poisoning b. Salicylate, acetaminophen c. Iron 11. Common Pediatric Orthopedic Problems a. Developmental dysplasia of the hip b. Osgood Schlatter c. Slipped Capital Femoral Epiphysis d. Torsions e. Legg-Calve-Perthes disease f. Dislocated radial head,(Nursemaid’s elbow) g. fractures 12. Musculoskeletal System a. Osteomyelitis/septic arthritis b. Muscular dystrophies 13. Adolescence a. Tanner staging 12 b. Precocious/delayed puberty c. Stages of adolescent development d. Sexually transmitted infections e. Pregnancy/menstrual irregularities f. Vaginal discharge 14. Child Maltreatment Syndrome a. Physical abuse b. Sexual abuse c. Emotional abuse d. Neglect 15. Genetics a. Down Syndrome, # 21 trisomy b. #13 trisomy c. #18 trisomy d. Turner Syndrome e. Klinefelter Syndrome 16. Collagen Vascular a. Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis b. Systemic Lupus Erythematosus c. Henoch Schonlein purpura d. Kawasaki disease e. Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome 17. Behavioral Issues a. Temper tantrums b. Discipline issues c. Sleep disorders d. Attention Deficit Disorders e. Hyperactivity issues f. Learning disabilities g. Oppositional defiant disorders 18. Miscellaneous a. Fever without focus b. Human Immunodeficiency Virus infection (HIV) c. Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS) 19.Bioethical Principals. a. Respect for persons( privacy, confidentiality, informed consent, Inclusion of patient/parent in decision making, provision for identity and culture, disclosure). b. Medical beneficence (concern for the patient’s best interest). c. Non-maleficence (not harming). d. Utility (balancing potential benefit to potential harm). 13 Logs and Modules Encounter Log The student will keep a Patient Encounter Log. The log will list all of the patients that the student has had direct contact with. The log should reflect a commitment to accurate record keeping. The note should be concise and reflect knowledge of the case. Log of Manual Skills and Procedures The student will maintain a log of Manual Skills and Procedures that lists the procedures performed or witnessed. The following procedures are recommended to be performed or witnessed during the pediatric rotation: a) vision and hearing screening b) otoscopy c) administration of inhalation therapy (Metered Dose Inhaler/MDI/Spacer/Nebulizer). d) throat culture e) immunizations: intramuscular injection, subcutaneous injection. f) Mantoux testing: PPD g) nasopharyngeal swab h) peak flow measurement Modules (SGU) The students are responsible for completing the introductory modules of the Communication Skills course prior to the start of the 3 rd year core rotations. This self-directed learning computerized course can be accessed through the SGU website at My SGU (click Communication Skills course, upper left corner). In addition, the modules required for the pediatric rotation are: #21 Communication and Relationships with Children and Parents #22 The Adolescent Interview The student will participate in the self-directed web-based learning course, CLIPP (Computer-Assisted Learning in Pediatric Programs). The 25 assigned will be completed during the 3rd and 4th years. Third Year Cases Nursery: 1, 7, 8. Ambulatory Care: 2,3,4,5 Inpatient: 10,13,19,25,30 Other: 21,26,27,28,31 Fourth Year Cases Week 1: 11, 12 Week 2: 16,17 Week 3: 20,23 Week 4: 24, 32 14 The course is accessed through Sakai on the SGU website under the heading “Lessons”. The student will be directed to the Med-U website for case content and will complete all of the questions in the module. The student will then go back to the SGU website to answer 5 questions. The student must get 80% of the questions correct to receive credit for the module. Completion of the cases will be monitored through the Office of Distributive Education. The preceptors are able to monitor the students’ progress. Completion of this course is required and will be monitored through the 3 rd and 4th year. There are an additional 7 cases in the CLIPP program that are not on the required list. You may do these on your own or as directed by your preceptor. You may do the 4th year cases during your 3rd year or any case directed by your preceptor. Pediatrics : Expected Patient Encounter List Complaints Well Child Visit (Birth -1yr) ( #1) Well Child Visit (1 - 12yr) ( #1) Well Child Visit (13 - 19 yr) Adolescent ( #1) Newborn Evaluation ( #1) Abdominal pain, infant or child ( #1) Pediatric Fever ( #1) Rash ( #1) Diagnoses Anemias (specify type in notes) ( #1) Gastrointestinal illness ( #1) Growth and Development Issue ( #1) Heart Murmur ( #1) Neurologic or Neurodevelopmental disorder ( #1) Respiratory illness, Lower ( #1) Respiratory illness, Upper ( #1) 15 Recommended Reading 1. Pediatrics for Medical Students by, D. Bernstein and S. Shelov 2. Nelson Text for Pediatrics 3. USMLE text Included In This Package - Rotation Schedule - Calendar- On Call Schedule, Mid-Core Evaluations, Oral Exams and ED Rotation - Pediatric Topic Discussions - Meeting Calendar - Pediatric Conference Schedule 16