8th Grade Current Events Assignment The weekly project for the 2nd marking period will be a current events assignment. Each week, 3 students will present a meaningful current event to the class. Each student will be required to present 1-2 times during the marking period. For this assignment, you will create a 1 page report about your current event and you will come up with some activity that will get the class involved. Presentations will generally take place every Friday. Requirements for the written portion 1.) Get your topic approved by me the Monday before you present. Failure to gain approval that Monday will result in a loss of points. 2.) Construct a 1 page (or more) paper about your topic. 3.) The paper needs to be written in Word’s default setting (1 inch margins), 12 point Times New Roman Font, and double spaced. 4.) The paper should include 5 paragraphs. The first paragraph should be an opening where you briefly summarize your article, one paragraph which discusses the importance of the topic, one paragraph that discusses the event’s impact on both the U.S. and the world, one paragraph which discusses how this event affects you or your family, and a conclusion paragraph where you summarize your main points and the significance of the event. 5.) At the top of your page include your name and the title of the article and nothing more. For example: Mr. Kirk The Iraq War 6.) Indent your paragraphs. Spelling, grammar, and conventions count. Also, attach your article to your paper. Requirements for the class activity: 1.) You will make a 10 minute presentation 2.) You will give a brief (1-2 minute summary of your article). 3.) After your summary, you will have the class engage in some kind of activity that extends learning in relation to your current event (extend their understanding of the issues and ethical principals surrounding the event not JUST the event itself). For example, you can have them work in groups to discuss the impact of the event and come up with a solution, you can have them debate your issue with one another, you could have them create something that extends their learning of the issues involved with your topic, you can create a Smart Board activity that engages the class, or any other creative activity you can think of. Essentially, you are becoming a teacher for this activity and teaching your event and the ethical, moral, and social aspects relating to that event to the class *Note* This part of the assignment is not merely a summary and review of your current event. This means, you should not just ask students summarizing questions. You need to extend and enhance their learning in regards to your event. The more creative your activity, the better your grade will be. Although you can have them fill out a worksheet or answer some questions, this is not very creative. Think of ways to either enhance these activities or come up with more creative ideas. Current Events Rubric 10-9 Points Paper is correct length. All paragraphs contain required information. Analytical and critical thinking are extremely evident. Paper is extremely creative and thought provoking. No mistakes in regards to grammar or conventions. Article attached. 10-9 Points Presentation is required length. Presenter takes presentation very seriously. It is extremely apparent presenter prepared for presentation. Presenter does not read from paper or card. Class is engaged and activity is extremely creative. Class understands the event. 8-7 Points. Paper is correct length. All paragraphs contain required information. Analytical and critical thinking are evident in regards to some questions. Paper is creative and provokes some thought from the reader. No more than 2 grammatical or convention errors. Article attached. 8-7 Points Presentation is 8-9 minutes in length. Presenter takes presentation seriously for the most part. It is apparent presenter prepared for presentation. Presenter does not read from paper or card for the most part. Class is engaged but activity is not extremely creative. Class understands the event somewhat. 6-5 Points Paper is not at least 1 page in length. 1 paragraph requirement is not present or not fully explored. Analytical and critical thinking are lacking. Paper is somewhat creative and provokes a little thought from the reader. No more than 4 grammatical or convention errors. Article not attached 6-5 Points Presentation is 6-7 minutes long. Presenter does not take some of presentation seriously. It is not very apparent presenter prepared for presentation. Presenter reads from paper or card for much of the presentation. Class is not fully engaged and/or activity is not extremely creative. Some class members are confused about event. 4-3 Points Paper is shorter than a page. 2 paragraph requirements are not present or not fully explored. Analytical and critical thinking are not very evident. Paper lacks creativity and provokes no real thinking from the reader. No more than 6 grammatical or convention errors. Article not attached. 2-1 Points Paper is shorter than a page. 3 paragraph requirements are not present or not fully explored. Analytical and critical thinking are not evident. Paper is not creative and provokes no deep thinking from the reader. More than 6 grammatical or convention errors. Article not attached. 0 Points Paper was not attempted or is missing the majority of elements. 4-3 Points Presentation is 4-5 minutes in length. Presenter does not take most of presentation seriously. It is not apparent that presenter prepared for presentation. Presenter reads from paper or card for most of the presentation. Class engagement is lacking. Activity is not very creative. Many students seem to not understand the event. 2-1 Points Presentation is 2-3 minutes in length. Presenter does not take presentation seriously. Presenter is not prepared for presentation. Presenter reads from card or paper for whole presentation. Class is not engaged and does not understand the event. Activity is not creative. 0 Points Presentation is less than 3 minutes in length or presenter did not include the majority of requirements in his/her presentation.