פרסומים ד"ר יחזקאל שמש 1. Weingarden HP, Zeilig G, Heruti R, Shemesh Y, Ohry A, Dar A, Katz D, Nathan R, Smith A; Hybrid functional electrical stimulation orthosis system for the upper limb: effects on spasticity in chronic stable hemiplegia. Am J Phys Med. Rehabil 1998 JulAug 77:4 276-81 2. Berezin M, Ohry A, Shemesh Y, Zeilig G, Brooks ME; Hyperprolactinemia, galactorrhea and amenorrhea in women with a spinal cord injury. Gynecol Endocrinol 1989 Jun 3:2 159-63 3. Ohry A, Zeilig G, Shemesh Y; Acute intermittent arteriomesenteric occlusion of the duodenum after use of Harrington's spinal instrumentation: case report [see comments] Paraplegia 1988 Oct 26:5 350-4 4. Zelig G, Ohry A, Shemesh Y, Bar-On Z, Blumen M, Brooks ME; The rehabilitation of patients with severe Guillain-Barré syndrome. Paraplegia 1988 Aug 26:4 250-4 5. Ohry A, Lipschitz M, Shemesh Y, Lipschitz L, Tadmor R; Disappearance of quadriparesis due to a huge cervicothoracic aneurysmal bone cyst. 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Electrodiagnostic findings in upper motor neuron lesions in the spinal cord injured patients. The 13 th International World Congress of Rehabilitation, June 1976, Tel Aviv, Israel. 2. Ohry A, Shemesh Y, Zak R, Herzberg M. Zinc and osteoporosis in patients with spinal cord injury. International Medical Society of Paraplegia, Annual Scientific Meeting, August 1979, Mulhouse, France. 3. Rozin R, Shemesh Y, Ohry A, Heim M, Brooks ME. Spinal deformity as a result of inadequate primary care. Proceedings of the International Medical Society of Paraplegia, Stoke-Mandeville, England, 1981. 4. Ohry A, Shemesh Y, Rozin R. Our experience with female paraplegics. The 12th World Congress of the Israel Medical Association. 5. Manuel Zwecker,Hezi Shemesh, Herold Weingarden, Rafi Heruti : Measuring Accuracy of Electrodiagnostic Examinations in Spinal Cord Injured males with erectile dysfunction. 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Israel Dudkiewicz1, Yeheskell Shemesh2, Amir Herman MD MSc3,4, Michael Heim5, Gabi Zeilig: Employment status among the Post Polio Syndrome (PPS) Patients .AAP