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References of the excluded publications (covering identical cases)
Giorgio A. et al. (1991) Percutaneous therapy of hydatid cyst of the liver with ultrasound-guided double puncture-aspiration and alcoholization. Radiol Med
Reason for exclusion (1) : the included publication [Giorgio A. et al. (1992)
Unilocular hydatid liver cysts: treatment with US-guided, double percutaneous aspiration and alcohol injection. Radiology 184: 705-710.] covers identical cases.
Giorgio A. et al. (2001) Hydatid liver cyst: an 11-year experience of treatment with percutaneous aspiration and ethanol injection. J Ultrasound Med 20(12):1377-9
Giorgio A. et al. (2003) Complications after interventional sonography of focal liver lesions: a 22-year single-center experience. J Ultrasound Service 22(2):193-205
Giorgio A. et al. (2008) Long term results of percutaneous treatment of hydatid liver cysts: a single center 17 years experience. Infection 36; 256-261
Reason for exclusion (2,3,4): the included publication [Giorgio A. et al. (2009)
Sonography and clinical outcome of viable hydatid liver cysts treated with double percutaneous aspiration and ethanol injection as first-line therapy: efficacy and long-term follow-up. AJR Am J Roentgenol 193: W186-192.] covers identical cases.