VITA Christina J. Groark 3607 McCrady Road Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15235 (412) 823-9092 EDUCATION Ph.D. M. Ed. B.A. University of Pittsburgh University of Pittsburgh Alliance College Hunter College 1985-1989 1975-1976 1972-1973 1970-1972 Special Education/Research Special Education Psychology Psychology/Education EMPLOYMENT Associate Professor, Psychology in Education, Program in Applied Developmental Psychology, School of Education, University of Pittsburgh 2001-Present University of Pittsburgh Office of Child Development, School of Education, University of Pittsburgh (1986–1992, Director of Community Relations; 1992-Present, Co-Director) 1986-Present Adjunct Faculty, Graduate School of Public and International Affairs, University of Pittsburgh 1994-2002 Planning and Evaluation Associate, Allegheny County Mental Health/ Mental Retardation Drug and Alcohol Programs 1985-1986 Research Associate, Project Coordinator, University/Agency/Parent Connection to Provide Service to Infants with Disabilities (U.S. Office of Education), University of Pittsburgh, School of Education 1985-1986 Director, Children’s Services, Association for Retarded Citizens of Allegheny County 1979-1985 Program Coordinator, Community Living Arrangements, Valley Community Services 1978-1979 Preschool Mainstream Project Director, Association for Retarded Citizens of Allegheny County 1976-1978 1 HONORS and AWARDS University of Pittsburgh School of Education Faculty Research Award, 2009 University of Pittsburgh Chancellor’s Distinguished Public Service Award, 2004 CONSULTANTSHIPS Editorial Reviewer for Infant Mental Health Journal Occasional reviewer for Journal of the International Association of Special Education 2009-Present 1998- Present Organizations Consultant, Cornell University Bronfenbrenner Center for Translational Research 2011 Consultant, Universities Children’s Policy Collaborative, a collaboration among 2003-present Penn State University, Temple University, and the University of Pittsburgh (to provide scientific information to help improve child and family policy and programs in Pennsylvania). Consultant, University of Minnesota Youth, and Families Consortium; Chair of 2007-2009 External Evaluation Committee, President’s Initiative on Children, Youth, and Families; and the Center of Excellence in Children's Mental Health. Consultant, Marywood University, Scranton, PA, for replication of Office of Child Development/University-Community collaborative activities 1998-2001 Consultant, Human Service Policy Development, Universidad Jose Matias Delgado, El Salvador 1998-2000 Consultant, Allegheny County Empowerment Zone application to develop the human services section of the successful $3,000,000 application 1994 Consultant, Policy Development, Human Services, City Council, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation 1992-1996 Consultant, Strategic Planning for Families and Children, Allegheny General Hospital 1992-1994 Consultant, Policy Development, Family Loan Program, Collaboration between Pittsburgh National Bank and Community Human Services 1990-1992 2/12/2016 2 Consultant, NEC*TEC (National Early Childhood * Technical Assistance System), University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC 1988-1990 Consultant, Community Human Services, USDHHS/Heinz Endowment project, Families Facing the Future 1985-1989 Consultant, Community Human Services, Mainstream Child Care Services (to provide technical assistance in an inclusion model for children with mental health disabilities). 1982-1984 Committees Member, Faculty Assembly, University of Pittsburgh School of Education, 2013-2016 Member, Design team for school-wide EdD degree 2013 Member, Advisory Council for California Center for Infant-Family and Early Childhood Mental Health, Sacramento, CA 2012-present Member, Hong Kong Baptist University, International Advisory Board 2011-present Member, University-Based Child and Family Policy Consortium, Duke University. 2010-present Member, National Advisory Board, Purdue University Military Families Research 2009-present Institute. 2002-2009 Member, Perinatal Periods of Risk Committee, Allegheny County Health Department, Maternal and Child Health Program (to improve the health and well-being of urban women, children, and families by strengthening the public health organizations and leaders in their communities). 2000-2003 Member, Data and Reporting Committee, Education Policy and Issues Center, Harrisburg, PA (to advise and assist EPI in developing strategies toward realizing the goal that all fifth grade students in southwestern Pennsylvania will be proficient in reading, writing, and mathematics academics standards). 1999-2002 Member, Collaboration Project Advisory Committee, Robert Morris College Center for Nonprofit Management (to provide leadership in supporting and strengthening community-wide collaborative efforts between public and private organizations and residents). Member, State Fiscal Analysis Initiative, Pennsylvania Partnerships for Children 1999-2002 (to provide timely, accessible, and credible analysis of state budget and tax issues that impact low and modest income persons to state decision makers, media, and the general public). 1999-2000 Member, Learning Partnerships, The Heinz Endowments (to develop and implement strategies for a comprehensive early care and education system for children ages birth to eight years and their families). 3 Member, Starting Points Evaluation Advisory Group, Carnegie Corporation of New York. 1996-1999 Member, Community Advisory Board, The UCLID Center (University, Community, Leaders, and Individuals with Disabilities), University of Pittsburgh. 1995-2009 Member, Early Childhood Education Planning Committee, United Way of Allegheny County. 1995-1997 Member, Allegheny Family Support Policy Board and Executive Committee. 1994-present Member, Managed Care Steering Committee; Chair, Special Needs Population Working Group, Jewish Healthcare Foundation. 1994-1996 Member, Child Health Needs Assessment Advisory Committee, Allegheny County Health Department. 1994-1995 Member, Board of Directors, Allegheny Children's Initiative (a joint venture serving youth with severe mental health problems). 1993-1999 Member, Advisory Committee, Child Care Partnerships, Pittsburgh. 1993-1995 Co-Chair, Institutional Review Board, Early Learning Institute. 1993-1995 Co-Chair, Education and Child Development Field of Services Allocation Committee (member since 1991), United Way of Allegheny County 1993-1995 Member, Program Investment Committee, United Way 1993-1995 Member, Early Childhood Advisory Committee, PA Partnerships for Children, Harrisburg, PA. 1992-1997 Member, Pittsburgh City School Restructuring Task Force. 1992-1994 Member, Allegheny County 2001: Strategic Planning/Human Services. 1991-1992 Member, Portfolio on Prevention of School Dropout, United Way of Allegheny County. 1991-1992 Member, Study Group on Infant Mortality, Jewish Health Care Foundation. 1991-1992 Member, National Advisory Board, Philadelphia Children's Network. 1990-1993 Member, Strategic Planning Committee, Parents League for Educational Adjustment (PLEA). 1990-1992 Chairperson, Governmental Relations, PA Division of Early Childhood/CEC. 1988-1990 Member, PA State Interagency Coordinating Council (Governor appointed). 1987-1990 Co-Chair, State Personnel Preparation Committee for Early Intervention. 1987-1990 Member, Allegheny County Commission on Children. 1987-1990 Co-Chair, Statewide Policy and Planning Subcommittee on Early Intervention, State Department of Public Welfare. 1986-1987 2/12/2016 4 GRANTS Pennsylvania Project LAUNCH, The purpose of LAUNCH is to provide support 2014 - 2019 for the creation of infrastructure to support services for low-income children from conception to eight years of age and their families. Pennsylvania Office of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services (OMHSAS) [$1,510,205] Principal Investigator, USAID on framework for gender-sensitive indicators Summer 2013 Summer 2013 in global child welfare; to develop guidance and indicators on this topic for USAID mission staff in Europe and Eurasia; JBS International [$4,000]. Principal Investigator, University of Pittsburgh Office of Child Development; to 111989-present provide core services of dissemination, training, services, program evaluation, and networking in areas pertaining to children, youth, and families: Howard Heinz Endowment [$500,000 (2011-2013), $500,000 (2005-2007), $300,000 (1999-2001), $300,000 (1995-1998), $400,000 (1992-1994), $525,000 (19891992); R.K. Mellon Foundation $300,000 (2010-2013), $300,000 (20042006), $600,000 (2001-2004), $300,000 (1998-2000)]. Principal Investigator, Russian Adoption Training, the Russian Federation’s 2012202012-2013 mandate requires all parents desiring to adopt to receive 30-80 hours training. This University program trains educators to provide this training and tests parents for course completion documentation. Principal Investigator, United Way Out-of-School-Time DD2013-2014 Co-Principal Investigator, United Way Financially Struggling Adults and Families [$60,000] FebFeb 2014Sept 2014 Co-Principal Investigator, National Institute of Child Health and Human 2002008-2012 Development, Long-Term Effects of Early Social-Emotional Experience; to follow the development of children from orphanages who are transferred to adoptive or foster families or reunified with their biological parents to determine the longer-term benefits of having experienced a better early socialemotional environment ($2,398,837 direct costs, five years.). 5 Co-Principal Investigator, Improving Orphanages in Latin America, Whole Child 2005-2012 International, Nicaragua, $176,000 (2010-2012), $135,940 (2008-2009), San Salvador, $156,930 (2006-2007), $135,682 (2005-2006). Principal Investigator, Howard Heinz Endowment and the Richard. K. Mellon 2001-2004 Foundation, The Early Childhood Initiative Demonstration Project; a threeyear project to demonstrate that a coordinated and cost-efficient system can be created to deliver high quality early childhood services in low-income neighborhoods in Pittsburgh, $8,000,000. Principal Investigator, Penn State University, The Research Team for Governor Schweiker’s Early Care and Education Task Force; a ten-month grant to conduct a survey of higher educational institutions, a survey of early care providers, a comprehensive review of literature, and to act as research consultants to the Task Force and the Governor’s Policy Office, $285,000. March 2002 - Co-Principal Investigator, Howard Heinz Endowment, Interdisciplinary Fellowship Training Program in Evaluation and Policy; a three-year certificate program managed by Dr. Hidenori Yamatani, School of Social Work, $396,000. 1998-2001 December 2002 Co-Principal Investigator, National Institute on Child Health and Human 2000-2005 Development, Effects of Improving Caregiving on Early Mental Health; a five-year grant to study the effects of improving the care of infants and young children in Russian orphanages, $2,844,000 direct costs. Co-Principal Investigator, Howard Heinz Endowments, Effects of Improving Caregiving on Early Mental Health; a grant to study the effects of improving the care of infants and young children in Russian orphanages, $300,000. 1998-2004 Principal Investigator, Allegheny County, Family Service System Reform; a four- 1996-2000 year grant to promote development of strong families and communities by building upon the family support model and enhancing local governance to systematically change the way current systems function, $2,000,000. Principal Investigator, Allegheny County Department of Health, Healthy Start Project; a one-year contract to oversee the provision of technical assistance for the development of a $30,000,000 campaign coordinating health care providers and local governments with business and private philanthropy to expand and improve the morbidity and mortality of infants in Allegheny County, $90,000. 1993-1994 Principal Investigator, Allegheny County, Systems Reform; a four-month contract 1996 to plan the county-wide family services system strategy for the next five years, $28,000. Principal Investigator, Fayette County Mental Health/Mental Retardation, Systems Reform; a seven-month contract to plan this rural county-wide system reform strategy and to provide leadership training, $7,480. 2/12/2016 6 1996 Principal Investigator, Carnegie Corporation of New York, Starting Points; a 1996-2000 four-year grant to promote efficient policy retention, development, and implementation during political transitions at the state, county, and city levels, $300,000; continuation grant $200,000. Principal Investigator, Howard Heinz Endowment, Starting Points Match, a four- 1996-2000 year grant (see purpose above), $400,000; continuation match grant $300,000. Principal Investigator, Department of Health and Human Services, Early Head Start; a five-year grant to provide experimental intervention services to the birth-to-three population in three low-income neighborhoods, $7,000,000. 1995-2000 Principal Investigator, Howard Heinz Endowment, Family Centers Training and 1994-1996 Evaluation Project; a two-year grant to oversee a statewide evaluation project of family support centers and to assist in the development of a training video, $500,000. Program Director, Allegheny Singer Research Institute, Allegheny Health Services, Inc., Statewide Evaluation for EI Services; a one-year grant to design and begin implementation of a statewide monitoring and evaluation service for state funded programs serving children with disabilities ages birth to six years, $85,000. 1990-1991 Project Administrator and Consultant, Howard Heinz Endowment, Overcoming the Odds - Report on Children At Risk in Allegheny County; a report documenting demographics, inventoried programs, data, and recommendations to be used as a planning tool for policymakers, $15,000. 1990 Principal Investigator, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Comprehensive Child Development Program; a six-year grant to conduct a research study to provide congress with empirically-based information that documents the progress of children in low-income families when services are coordinated and follow “best practices,” $9,000,000. 1989-1995 Principal Investigator, Howard Heinz Endowment, Comprehensive Child Development Program Match; a six-year grant (see above), $1,260,000. 1989-1995 Principal Investigator, Allegheny County MH/MR contract, Alliance for Infants-- 1989-1996 Intensive Neonatal Follow-Up, Assessment, Nursing, Training, and Services; to develop an empirically-based service demonstration following best practices in screening, tracking, and data and service coordination for children with disabilities or at-risk of developing disabilities, $12,600,000. Principal Investigator, Western Region Project Director, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Mainstreaming Project, $270,000. 1982-1984 Principal Investigator, Children's Services/ARC, Allegheny Infant/Toddler Program, Developmental Centers, $300,000. 1979-1985 U.S. Office of Education, ESPRIT, ARC/Allegheny, $250,000. 1979-1982 7 PUBLICATIONS Books and Monographs McCall, R. B., Groark, C. J., & Rygaard, N. P. (2014). Global research, practice, and policy issues in the care of infants and young children at risk: The articles in context. Special Issue. Infant Mental Health Journal, 35(2), 87-93. Groark, C. J., McCarthy, S. K., & Kirk, A. R. (2014). Early child development: From theory to practice. San Diego, CA: Bridgepoint Publishers. Krogh, S. L., & Groark, C. J. (2013). A bridge to the classroom and early care: A capstone. San Diego, CA: Bridgepointe Publishers. Groark, C. J., & Song, L. (2012). Health and nutrition of children. San Diego, CA: Bridgepointe Publishers. Groark, C. J. (Ed.) (2011). Early childhood intervention: Shaping the future for children with special needs and their families (Vols. 1-3). Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO/Praeger. McCall, R. B., van IJzendoorn, M. H., Juffer, F., Groark, C. J., & Groza, V. K. (Eds.) (2011). Children without permanent parental care: Research, practice, and policy. Monographs of the Society for Research in Child Development, Serial No. 901, 76(4). St. Petersburg-USA Orphanage Research Team (2008). The effects of early social-emotional and relationship experience on the development of young orphanage children. Monographs of the Society for Research in Child Development, 73, Serial No. 291 (3) (C. J. Groark is a member of this Team). Groark, C. J., Mehaffie, K. E., McCall, R. B., & Greenberg, M. T. (Eds.) (2007). Evidence-based programs and practices for early childhood care and education. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press. Chapters Wanless, S. B., Groark, C., Hatfield, B. (2012). Assessing Organizational Readiness. In J. Durlak, R. Weissburg, & T. Gullotta (Eds.), Handbook of Social Emotional Learning. New York, NY: Guilford Publications. Engle, P., Groza, V., Groark, C. J., Greenberg, A., Bunkers, K. M., & Muhamedrahimov, R. (2011). Children without parental care. In R. B. McCall, M. H. van IJzendoorn, F. Juffer, C. J. Groark, and V. K. Groza (Eds.), Children without permanent parents: Research, practice, and policy. Monographs of the Society for Research in Child Development, Serial No. 301, 76(4), 190-222 2/12/2016 8 Eichner, J., Groark, C. J., & Palmov, O. (2011). Early intervention: International policies and programs. In C. Groark (Ed.) Early childhood intervention: Shaping the future for children with special needs and their families, Volume 1 (pp. 37-70). Santa Barbara, CA: ABCCLIO/Praeger. McCall, R. B., & Groark, C. J. (2010). Challenges and issues in designing applied research. In V. Maholmes and C. Lomonaco (Eds.), Applied research in child and adolescent development: A practical guide (pp. 101-129). New York, NY: Taylor & Francis. Groark, C. J., & McCall, R. B. (2008). Community-based interventions and services. In M. Rutter et al. (Eds.), Rutter’s child and adolescent psychiatry, 5th edition (pp. 971-988). London, GB: Blackwell Publishing Company. McCall, R. B., & Groark, C. J., (2007). A perspective on the history and future of disseminating behavioral and social science. In M. K. Welch-Ross and L. G. Fasig (Eds.), Handbook on communicating and disseminating behavioral science (pp. 15-32). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. Kaczmarek, L., & Groark, C.J. (2007). Early intervention practices for children with and at risk for delays. In C. J. Groark et al. (Eds.). Evidence-based programs and practices for early childhood care and education (pp. 25-55). Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press. Barnard, W. M., & Groark, C. J. (2007). Demonstration programs and successful outcomes. In C. J. Groark et al. (Eds.). Evidence-based programs and practices for early childhood care and education (pp. 88-101). Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press. Groark, C. G., & McCall, R. B. (2005). Integrating developmental scholarship into practice and policy. In M. H. Bornstein and M. E. Lamb (Eds.), Developmental psychology: An advanced textbook, 5th edition (pp. 570-601). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. Groark, C. J., & Daponte, B. O. (1999). The state of the child in Allegheny County. In R. Bangs (Ed.), The state of the region. Pittsburgh, PA: University Center for Social and Urban Research, University of Pittsburgh. McCall, R. B., Groark, C. J., Strauss, M. S., & Johnson, C. N. (1998). Challenges of universitycommunity outreach to traditional research universities: The University of Pittsburgh Office of Child Development experience. In R. M. Lerner and L. A. K. Simon (Eds.), Universitycommunity collaborations for the twenty-first century: Outreach scholarship for youth and families (pp. 203-230). New York: Garland. McCall, R. B., Green, B. L., Strauss, M. S., & Groark, C. J. (1997). Issues in community-based research and program evaluation. In I. E. Sigel and K. A. Renninger (Eds.), Handbook of child psychology, Vol. 4 (5th Edition) (pp. 955-997). New York: Wiley. 9 Groark, C. J., & McCall, R. B. (1996). Building successful university-community human service agency collaborations. In C. B. Fisher, J. P. Murray, and I. E. Sigel (Eds.), Applied developmental science: Graduate training for diverse disciplines and educational settings, (pp. 237-353). Norwood, NJ: Ablex. Articles Kirk, A., Warner, H., McCall, R. B., Li, J., Groark, C. J., & Zeng, F. (in preparation). The effects of a supplementary caregiver-child intervention for infants and young children in Chinese institutions. O’Dell, K., Groark, C. J., & McCall, R. B. (in preparation). Supporting families in intercountry special needs adoption. McCall, R. B., Muhamedrahimov, R. J., Groark, C. J., Palmov, O. I., Nikiforova, N. V., Salaway, J. L., & Julian, M. M. (under editorial review). Risk and resilience in children placed into different types of Russian families following an institutional intervention. Rosas, J., McCall, R. B., Groark, C. J., Muhamedrahimov, R. J., Palmov, O. I., & Nikiforova, N. V. (under editorial review). Environmental quality as mediator between an institutional intervention and children’s developmental outcomes. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry. McCall, R. B., Groark, C. J., Fish, L., Muhamedrahimov, R. J., Palmov, O. I., & Nikiforova, N. V. (under editorial review). Characteristics of children transitioned to intercountry adoption and domestic adoption, foster care, and biological families from institutions in St. Petersburg (Russian Federation). International Social Work. Wang, W. C., McCall, R. B., Li, J., Groark, C. J., Zeng, F., & Hu, X. (in press). Chinese collective foster care model: Description and evaluation. International Social Work. McCall, R. B., Muhamedrahimov, R. J., Groark, C. J., Palmov, O. I., Nikiforova, N. V., Salaway, J. L., & Julian, M. M. (in press). The development of post-institutionalized vs. parent-reared Russian children as a function of age at placement and family type. Development and Psychopathology. McCall, R. B., & Groark, C. J. (2014). Research on institutionalized children: Implications for international child welfare practitioners and policymakers. International Perspectives in Psychology: Research, Practice, Consultation, 4(2), 142-159. Muhamedrahimov, R. J., Agarkova, V. V., Vershinia, E. A., Palmov, O. I., Nikiforova, N. V., McCall, R. B., & Groark, C. J. (2014). Behavior problems in children transferred from a social-emotionally depriving institution to families in St. Petersburg, Russian Federation. Special Issue. Infant Mental Health Journal, 35(2), 111-122. 2/12/2016 10 McCall, R. B., Groark, C. J., & Rygaard, N. P. (Editors) (2014). Global research, practice, and policy issues on the care of infants and young children. Special Issue, Infant Mental Health Journal, 35(3). Martin, K., McCall, R. B., & Groark, C. J. (2014). Allegheny County Out-of-School Time Funding Inventory Report produced for the United Way of Allegheny County. Groark, C. J., McCall, R. B., McCarthy, S. K., Eichner, J. C., Warner, H. A., Salaway, J., Palmer, K., Lopez, M. E. (2013). The effects of a social-emotional intervention on caregivers and children with disabilities in two Central American institutions. Infants & Young Children, 26(4), 286-305. Groark, C. J., McCall, R. B., McCarthy, S. K., Eichner, J. C., & Gee, A. D. (2013). Structure, caregiver-child interactions, and children’s general physical and behavioral development in three Central American institutions. International Perspectives in Psychology: Research, Practice, Consultation, 2(3), 207-224. McCall, R. B., Groark, C. J., Fish, L., Muhamedrahimov, R. J., Palmov, O. I., & Nikiforova, N. V. (2013). Maintaining a social-emotional intervention and its benefits for institutionalized children. Child Development (e-pub ahead of print) The Leiden Conference on the Development and Care of Children without Permanent Parents (2012). The development and care of institutionally-reared children. Child Development Perspectives, 6(2), 174-180. McCall, R. B., Fish, L. A., Groark, C. J., Muhamedrahimov, R. J., Palmov, O. I., & Nikiforova, N. V. (2012). The role of transitions to new age groups in the development of institutionalized children. Infant Mental Health Journal, 33(4), 421-429. Hawk, B., McCall, R. B., Groark, C. J., Muhamedrahimov, R. J., Palmov, O. I., Nikiforova, N. V. (2012). Age at adoption: A measure of time in the orphanage or child-specific factors. Adoption Quarterly, 15(1). 18-34. Groark, C. J., McCall, R. B., Fish, L. A., & The Whole Child International Team (2011). Characteristics of environments, caregivers, and children in three Central American Orphanages. Infant Mental Health Journal, 32(5), 509-525. Groark, C. J., & McCall, R. B. (2011). Improving institutions: Can we? Should we? How? International Journal of Child and Family Welfare, 14(2), 64-72. Groark, C. J., & McCall, R. B. (2011). Implementing changes in institutions to improve young children’s development. Infant Mental Health Journal, 32(5), 509-525. McCall, R. B., Groark, C. J., Fish, L. A., Harkins, D., Serrano, G., & Gordon, K. (2010). A social-emotional intervention in a Latin American orphanage. Infant Mental Health Journal, 31(5), 521-542. 11 McCall, R. B., Groark, C. J., & Fish, L. (2010). A Caregiver-Child Social/Emotional and Relationship Rating Scale (CCSERRS). Infant Mental Health Journal, 31(2), 201-219. McCall, R. B., Groark, C. J., Li, J., & Zeng, F. (2009). Caring for orphaned children with disabilities: Building on China’s emerging success and research around the world. China Social Welfare, 12, 23-24 (in Chinese). McCall, R. B., Groark, C. J., & Li, J. (2009). Characterizing the status and progress of a country’s child welfare reform. International Journal of Child and Family Welfare, 12(4), 145-160. Perzel, J. M., Universities Children’s Policy Collaborative (UCPC), & Legislative Office for Research Liaison (LORL) (2006, Spring). Early childhood education: Universal pre-k and other alternatives. Education in Pennsylvania, Vol. 4. (C. J. Groark is a member of UCPC.) The St. Petersburg–USA Orphanage Research Team (2005). Characteristics of children, caregivers, and orphanages for young children in St. Petersburg, Russian Federation. Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology: Special Issue on Child Abandonment, 26, 477-506 (C. J. Groark is a member of this Team). Muhamedrahimov, R. J., Palmov, O. I., Nikiforova, N. V., Groark, C. J., & McCall, R. B. (2005). Changing social environment for young children living in Baby Homes. In V. M. Behterey (Ed.), Contemporary Psychology, Conference Abstracts (in Russian), (pp. 251255). Kazan: Centre of Innovative Technologies, Kazan State University. Groark, C. J., Muhamedrahimov, R. J., Palmov, O. I., Nikiforova, N. V., & McCall, R. B. (2005). Improvement in early care in Russian orphanages and their relationship to observed behaviors. Infant Mental Health Journal, 26(2), 96-109. Muhamedrahimov, R. J., Palmov, O. I., Nikiforova, N. V., Groark, C. J., & McCall, R. B. (2004). Institution-based early intervention program. Infant Mental Health Journal, 25(5), 488-501. McCall, R. B., Groark, C. J., & Nelkin, R. (2004). Integrating developmental scholarship and society: From dissemination and accountability to evidence-based programming and policies. Merrill-Palmer Quarterly, 50th Anniversary Issue (invited), 50(3), 326-340. Reprinted in G. W. Ladd (Ed.) (2007), Appraising the human developmental sciences: Essays in honor of Merrill-Palmer Quarterly (pp. 366-381). Wayne State University Press, MI: Detroit. Muhamedrahimov, R. J., Palmov, O. I., Nikiforova, N. V., Groark, C. J., & McCall, R. B. (2003). Changing social environment in residential care: Early intervention program. Defectology, 4, 44-53 (in Russian). Ryan, C. S., McCall, R. B., Robinson, D. R., Groark, C. J., Mulvey, L., & Plemons, B. W. (2002). Benefits of the Comprehensive Child Development Program (CCDP) as a function of AFDC receipt and SES. Child Development, 73, 315-328. 2/12/2016 12 Mehaffie, K. E., McCall, R. B., Groark, C. J., Etheridge, W. A., Nelkin, R., & the Universities Children’s Policy Collaborative (2002). The state of early care and education in Pennsylvania: The 2002 Higher Education Survey. Pittsburgh, PA: Universities Children’s Policy Collaborative. Executive Summary in Early Care and Education: The Keystone of Pennsylvania’s Future, Report, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Governor’s Task Force on Early Childhood Care and Education, 69-76. Groark, C. J., Mehaffie, K. E., McCall, R. B., Greenberg, M. T., & the Universities Children’s Policy Collaborative (2002). From science to policy: Research on issues, programs and policies in early care and education. Pittsburgh, PA: Universities Children’s Policy Collaborative. Executive Summary in Early Care and Education: The Keystone of Pennsylvania’s Future, Report, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Governor’s Task Force on Early Childhood Care and Education, 2002, 87-98. Groark, C. J., & McCall, R. B. (2002). Forging university-community research, practice, and policy partnerships. NHSA Dialog, 5, (2 & 3), 224-239. Etheridge, W. A., McCall, R. B., Groark, C. J., Mehaffie, K. E., Nelkin, R., & the Universities Children’s Policy Collaborative (2002). A baseline report of early care and education in Pennsylvania: The 2002 early care and education provider survey. Pittsburgh, PA: Universities Children’s Policy Collaborative. Executive Summary in Early Care and Education: The Keystone of Pennsylvania’s Future, Report, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Governor’s Task Force on Early Childhood Care and Education, pp. 78-85. McCall, R. B., & Groark, C. J. (2000). The future of applied child development research and public policy. Child Development, 71(1), 197-204. McCall, R. B., Green, B. L., Groark, C. J., Strauss, M. S., & Farber, A. E. (1999). An interdisciplinary, university-community, applied developmental science partnership. Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology, 20(2), 207-226. McCall, R. B., Groark, C. J., Strauss, M. S., & Johnson, C. W. (1995). An experiment in promoting interdisciplinary applied human development: The University of Pittsburgh model. Journal of Applied Human Development, 16(4), 593-612. Groark, C. J., & McCall, R. B. (1993). Building mutually beneficial collaborations between researchers and community service professionals. Newsletter of the Society for Research in Child Development, 6, 14. Groark, C. J., Donnorummo, C., & Rudy, K. (1993). Opening the door to youth in St. Petersburg. Surviving Together, 11(2), 37-38. Young, C., Groark, C. J., & Wasson, G. J. (1991). Multi-institutional service system development for high-risk infants. Journal of Health and Social Policy, 3(1), 77-90. 13 Reports Groark, C. J., & McCall, R. B. (2014, September). Expert Witness Statement (regarding research on institutions in Russia and children’s development in residence and after adoption to the USA), submitted on behalf of the plaintiffs in the case of A.H. and Others vs. Russia at the European Court of Human Rights, Strasbourg, France. Fanlin, Z., Li, J., McCall, R. B., & Groark, C. J. (2013). Final report of Half the Sky training and technical assistance evaluation. Unpublished report, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA. Wang, W. C, McCall, R. B., Li, J., Groark, C. J., Zeng, F., & Hu, X. (2012). Chinese collective foster care model: Description and evaluation. Final report to Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues. Pittsburgh, PA: Office of Child Development. University of Pittsburgh Office of Child Development (2008). A strategic approach to monitoring the status and progress of child welfare reform in 21 CEE/CIS countries. Produced for the Social Transition Team, Office of Democracy, Governance and Social Transition, United States Agency for International Development. McCall, R. B., Groark, C. J., Fish, L., & the Whole Child International Team (2008). Managua orphanage intervention outcome report. Pittsburgh, PA: University of Pittsburgh Office of Child Development. McCall, R. B., & Groark, C. J. (2008). Summary of highlights. UNICEF Global Child Protection Systems Mapping Workshop. Pittsburgh, PA: University of Pittsburgh Office of Child Development. Groark, C. J., McCall, R. B., & the Whole Child International Evaluation Team (2007). Managua Orphanage Baseline Report. Pittsburgh, PA: University of Pittsburgh Office of Child Development. Dempsey, J. L., Farber, A. E., Groark, C. J., McCall, R. B., Musewe, L. O., Stark, E. M., & Townsend, M. Z. (2000). Expanding the promise: An agenda for nonschool-hour programs for elementary school-age children in Allegheny County. Pittsburgh, PA: University of Pittsburgh Office of Child Development. McCall, R. B., Farber, A. F., Groark, C. G., & Stark, D. S. (1998). An agency’s guide to thinking about monitoring and evaluation. Pittsburgh, PA: University of Pittsburgh Office of Child Development. Daponte, B. O., Dempsey, J., Farber, A. E., Groark, C. J., McCall, R. B., & Plemons, B. W. (1998) Home visiting in Allegheny County: The potential, the reality, the future. Pittsburgh, PA: University of Pittsburgh Office of Child Development. 2/12/2016 14 Albert, M. C., Dempsey, J., Groark, C. J., Rudy, K. L., & Steketee, M. W. (1998). Promising futures: A health scan of adolescent girls in Pittsburgh and Allegheny County. Pittsburgh, PA: University of Pittsburgh Office of Child Development in collaboration with MageeWomens Hospital and Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh. Farber, A. F., Williams, J. W., & Groark, C. J. (1994). Overcoming the Odds, 1994: Another Look. Pittsburgh, PA: University of Pittsburgh Office of Child Development. Schultz, B., Rogers, R., & Albert, P. (under auspices of C. J. Groark) (1990). Overcoming the Odds, 1990; A report on children at-risk in Pittsburgh and Allegheny County. Pittsburgh, PA: University of Pittsburgh Office of Child Development. PRESENTATIONS World Association of Infant Mental Health. Improving orphanage care throughout China: Is it possible and is it wise? June 17, 2014. Edinburgh, UK. World Association of Infant Mental Health. Post-institutionalized intervention children transferred to different types of domestic families. June 17, 2014. Edinburgh, UK. World Association of Infant Mental Health. Post-institutionalized intervention children adopted to the USA. June 17, 2014. Edinburgh, UK. World Association of Infant Mental Health. Implications of results of post-institutionalized children on child welfare policies and practices in the USA. June 17, 2014. Edinburgh, UK. World Association of Infant Mental Health. Issues in creating a modern child welfare system for vulnerable children. June 17, 2014. Edinburgh, UK. World Association of Infant Mental Health. Research results at work in low-resource country caregiver systems. June 17, 2014. Edinburgh, UK. International Society on Early Intervention. Issues in creating a child welfare system for vulnerable children in low-resource countries. July 2, 2013. St. Petersburg, Russian Federation. International Society on Early Intervention. Try another way: Rational and interventions for typically developing children and those with significant special needs in institutions in lowresource countries. July 2, 2013. St. Petersburg, Russian Federation. Invited speaker. Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios de la Salud Universidad Nacional 15 Autonóm de Nicaragua. Preliminary Findings on Three Nicaraguan Protection Centers. May 25-26, 2012. Managua, Nicaragua. Invited speaker. Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios de la Salud Universidad Nacional Autonóm de Nicaragua. Try Another Way: Understanding and meeting the needs of children with significant disabilities. May 24, 2012. Managua, Nicaragua. World Association for Infant Mental Health 13th World Congress. Some common characteristics and outcomes of extreme environments for young children: Hypotheses and measurements. April 17-21, 2012. Cape Town, South Africa. Invited speaker. Universidad de los Andes, The Care of vulnerable children: Should it be changed? Why? How? To what benefit? March 13, 2012, Bogota, Colombia. Invited speaker. University of Pittsburgh, Applied Developmental Psychology Brown Bag Series Presentation. The implementation of interventions: The forgotten crucial component of research. February 14, 2012, Pittsburgh, PA. Invited speaker, NICHD Summer Training Institute on Applied Research in Child and Adolescent Development. Methodological challenges and issues in designing and implementing intervention research. June 21, 2011, Potomac, MD. 14th Annual National Human Services Training Evaluation Symposium, at Cornell University, Training is not enough: Intervention and evaluation supplements. June 14-16, 2011. All day workshop. Improving care for orphaned children: Science, practice, policy (China). May 18, 2011, at Chongqing, China. Presentation for Whole Child International staff. Caring for children with special needs workshop. April 12, 2011, Managua, Nicaragua. Keynote Address. University of Pittsburgh School of Education. Council of Graduate Students in Education 17th Annual Student Research Conference. Caregiver-child interaction in extreme environments; The effect on children’s development and what can be done? March 28, 2011, Pittsburgh, PA. Invited participant. Caregiver-child interactions in extreme environments: The measurement and role in children’s development. Workshop presented at the conference on Building Systems that Care for Birth to Fives, Long Beach, CA, February 3, 2011. Groark, C. J., & McCall, R. B. Invited participants. Think Tank on Evidence-Based Practices in Early Childhood. Long Beach, CA, February 2, 2011. 2/12/2016 16 St. Petersburg State University Faculty of Psychology Conference. Children from social environment at risk: Research studies and intervention in biological and adoptive families. Characteristics of institutions for young children in different countries (China, El Salvador, Nicaragua). October 20, 2010, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation. World Association for Infant Mental Health 12th World Congress. Changing orphanages: Could we? Should we? How? June 29-July 3, 2010, Leipzig, Germany. World Association for Infant Mental Health 12th World Congress. Orphanage deficiencies and improvements. June 29-July 3, 2010, Leipzig, Germany. Half the Sky Symposium. Structural changes in institutional settings in Chinese orphanages. March 2010, Nanjing, China. Institute for Children and Poverty Conference. Building collaborations between program, evaluation, and policy for the purpose of creating evidence-based programs in communities. January 20-21, 2010, Philadelphia, PA. Duquesne University. Transforming an institution: The role of early social-emotionalrelationship experience in young children’s development. April 2, 2008, Pittsburgh, PA. Society for Research in Child Development Biennial Meeting. Science utilization: Collaborative partnerships for disseminating developmental research in communities. March 29 – April 1, 2007, Boston, MA. Society for Research in Child Development Biennial Meeting. Latin American children’s home project., March 29 – April 1, 2007, Boston, MA. Colloquium, University of Leiden. Effects of early social-emotional-relationship experience on the development of young orphanage children. March 9, 2007, Leiden, Netherlands. Second Biennial Children’s Conference, Wayne State University. Beyond the principle of evidence: The devil is in the implementation. September 28-29, 2006, Detroit, MI. The 26th International Congress of Applied Psychology. Improving orphanages to promote early childhood development. July 16-21, 2006, Athens, Greece. World Association for Infant Mental Health Conference. Strategies for improving orphanages. July 10, 2006, Paris, France. National Head Start Conference. Improving early social-emotional relationships: The St. Petersburg (Russian Federation) orphanage intervention project. June 27, 2006, Washington, DC. 17 Designing and implementing evidence-based universal programmes in communities. Presented at Implementing Interventions for Children, Nuffield Foundation Seminars on Children and Families: Evidence and Implications, Nuffield Foundation, London, March 30, 2006. The developmental consequences of improvements in social-emotional environments in St. Petersburg (Russia) orphanages. Presented at the Social, Genetic and Developmental Psychiatry Centre, Institute of Psychiatry, University of London, March 28, 2006. National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) Annual Conference. Strengthening early learning supports (SELS). December 7-10, 2005, Washington, DC. National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) Annual Conference. The effects of relationship-building on children’s development in Russian orphanages. December 7-10, 2005, Washington, DC. St. Petersburg State University. Turning scholarship into action through university-community partnerships for children, youth, and families. June 15, 2005, St. Petersburg, Russia. St. Petersburg State University. Strategic grant writing. June 15, 2005, St. Petersburg, Russia. 12th Annual Family Support Conference. Grant writing and helpful strategies. May 3, 2005, Pittsburgh, PA. Society for Research in Child Development Biennial Meeting. Symposium. Improving classroom quality: administration of effective technical assistance to early childhood centers in lowincome communities. April 10, 2005, Atlanta, GA. Society for Research in Child Development Biennial Meeting. Faces of promise and hope. Video presented as part of the symposium Developmental Consequences of Variations in Early Environments: The Bucharest and St. Petersburg (Russia) Orphanage Studies, April 7, 2005, Atlanta, GA. Society for Research in Child Development Biennial Meeting. Symposium. The developmental consequences of improvements in social-emotional environments in St. Petersburg (Russia) orphanages. April 7, 2005, Atlanta, GA. Pittsburgh Association for the Education of Young Children (PAEYC). Grant writing and helpful strategies. October 23, 2004, Pittsburgh, PA. Clinical Spring Retreat of the University of Western Ontario. Integrating research, practice, and policy: I. The University of Pittsburgh Office of Child Development; II. A case study of improving caregiving in orphanages in St. Petersburg, Russia, Invited presentations. May 30, 2003, London, Ontario. Society for Research in Child Development Biennial Meeting. Research design and measurements in the St. Petersburg-USA orphanage project. April 24-27, 2003, Tampa, FL. 2/12/2016 18 Pittsburgh Chapter of Zonta International. Effects of improving caregiving on early development. January 2003, Pittsburgh, PA. Children’s Trust Fund Conference, University/program partnerships – Partnering with community resources. April 22-23, 2002, Harrisburg, PA. Howard Heinz Endowments. Program enhancement. January 30, 2002, Pittsburgh, PA. Interdisciplinary Fellowship Program in Policy and Evaluation. University of Pittsburgh, Guest Lecture Series on Contemporary Issues in Program Evaluation in Community Settings, Using data for strategic planning and program development. November 28, 2001, Pittsburgh, PA. Society for Research in Child Development Conference. The effects of early experience on human development: Institutional rearing, interventions, and adoptions. April 20, 2001, Minneapolis, MN. The Division for Early Childhood (DEC) of the Council for Exceptional Children Conference. The effects of improving caregiving on early mental health. December 8, 2000, Albuquerque, NM. University of Michigan. Forging university-community research, practice, and policy partnerships. November 28, 2000, Ann Arbor, MI. Permanency Planning Task Force. Forming collaborative partnerships. May 2, 2000, Pittsburgh, PA. Human Services Executive Academy at the University of Pittsburgh School of Social Work. Effective grant seeking strategies. April 26, 2000, Pittsburgh, PA. Beijing National Children’s Research Center. Funding strategies. June 15, 1999, Beijing, China. Beijing National Children’s Research Center. University/community collaborations. June 15, 1999, Beijing, China. Hong Kong Baptist University. New trends in early childhood education. June 11, 1999, Hong Kong. Hong Kong Baptist University. Effective university/community collaborations. June 10, 1999, Hong Kong. Hong Kong Baptist University. Collaboration and team building. June 9, 1999, Hong Kong. Hong Kong Baptist University. Program development. June 9, 1999, Hong Kong. Hong Kong Baptist University. Effective fund seeking strategies. June 9, 1999, Hong Kong. 19 Russian grant team in cooperation with St. Petersburg (Russia) State University and International Assistance Group, Beginning with love. May 6, 1999, Pittsburgh, PA. Society for Research in Child Development Conference. University/community collaborations. April 15, 1999, Albuquerque, NM. Human Services Executive Academy. Effective grant seeking strategies, University of Pittsburgh School of Social Work in collaboration with the University of Pittsburgh Graduate School of Public and International Affairs. January 27, 1999, Pittsburgh, PA. Great Lakes Group on behalf of Allegheny County. Grant seeking strategies. December 1998, Pittsburgh, PA. Family Support and Early Intervention Cross Training Meetings. Family support/early intervention: A collaborative beginning. November 1998, Pittsburgh, PA. Starting Points Annual Network Retreat. Design and use of logic models and results-based accountability. June 24, 1998, Snowmass Village, CO. Starting Points Annual Network Retreat. Qualitative methods to document the Starting Points story. June 23, 1998, Snowmass Village, CO. Fifth Annual Family Support Conference. Moving forward. May 27, 1998, Pittsburgh, PA. Conference for Community Collaborative Boards. The value of community/university collaboration. May 5, 1998, Harrisburg, PA. University of Pittsburgh School of Social Work. Essentials of effective grantsmanship. March 25, 1998, Pittsburgh, PA. The Fleming A. Barbour Community Conference. On the weather and unnatural acts: collaborations on behalf of children’s services. March 24, 1998, Flint, MI. Legislative Office for Research Liaison (LORL) Conference on Pennsylvania Public Policy Issues. Tying it all together for Pennsylvania: Child care research and reality. January 29, 1998, Harrisburg, PA. Mercyhurst College. University-community collaboration on behalf of children. December 10, 1997, Erie, PA. International Early Childhood Conference on Children with Special Needs. An early intervention training model for Russian orphanage staff: A study in cultural diversity and international collaborations. November 22, 1997, New Orleans, LA. Charles University. The Office of Child Development. November 7, 1997, Prague, Czech Republic. 2/12/2016 20 The Pittsburgh International Children and Families Institute Fall Seminar. The strategic planning process. October 7, 1997, Pittsburgh, PA. The National Association of Special Education Conference. Early childhood program development: A comprehensive, integrated approach for diverse cultures. August 7, 1997, Capetown, South Africa. The Grantwriting and Foundation Partnerships Conference. Grantwriting basics. June 10, 1997, Harrisburg, PA. Fourth Annual Family Support Conference. The family support vision for Allegheny County: Challenges of change. May 29, 1997, Pittsburgh, PA. The Pittsburgh International Children and Families Institute Spring Seminar. Human service program development. May 14, 1997, Pittsburgh, PA. The Danforth Foundation. Integration of child and family initiatives. May 8, 1997, Pittsburgh, PA. The Learning from Starting Points Institute. Building learning and development networks, May 7, 1997, Pittsburgh, PA. Society for Research in Child Development. Symposium. Promoting university-community partnership. April 4, 1997, Washington, DC. Allegheny Family Support Policy Board Retreat. Family support model for system reform. December 6, 1996, Hidden Valley, PA. University of Lodz. Family support model for system reform. November 14, 1996, Lodz, Poland. The University of Pittsburgh Graduate School of Public and International Affairs. Essentials of effective grantwriting. October 24, 1996, Pittsburgh, PA. The Pittsburgh International Children and Families Institute Fall Seminar. Strategic planning for administrators. October 17, 1996, Pittsburgh, PA. Family Support Annual Conference. Financing reform strategies. May 30, 1996, Pittsburgh, PA. Center for Schools and Communities Collaborative Board Training. Return on investment: financing system reform. May 6-8, 1996, Champion, PA. Family Resource Coalition National Conference. A family support model for systems reform: Allegheny County, PA -- A case study. May 1-4, 1996, Chicago, IL. 21 Pennsylvania Departments of Education and Public Welfare and Center for Schools and Communities. Pregnant and parenting Teen/ELECT coordinators’ meeting. November 9, 1995, State College, PA. Division for Early Childhood (DEC) Conference. Global early intervention: Diverse cultures, diverse practices. November 1-5, 1995, Orlando, FL. Family Support Resource and Training Center. Basics of Grantwriting. October 27, 1995, Pittsburgh, PA. 1st National Early Intervention Conference. Early intervention: How to get a law passed to mandate services for children (birth to five) and their families. March 15, 1994, Adelaide, South Australia. 1st National Early Intervention Conference. Childfind in the 90's: The homeless, the addicted, the forgotten. March 14, 1994, Adelaide, South Australia. Legislative Testimony. Children in Pennsylvania and the forces shaping their lives. Invited testimony to the Pennsylvania Joint Committee of House Appropriations, Health & Welfare, Education, and Aging and Youth. March 2, 1994, Harrisburg, PA. DEC Early Childhood Conference on Children with Special Needs. Global outreach in the 90's: US and Russian early intervention collaboration. December 11-15, 1993, San Diego, CA. National Center on Child Abuse and Neglect (NCCAN). Development of successful public/private collaborations. December 1, 1993, Pittsburgh, PA. U.S./China Joint Conference on Early Childhood Education. Best practices: Not just a theory. November 1993, Beijing, China. Legislative Testimony. State of children and youth in Pennsylvania. Invited testimony to the Pennsylvania House Committee on Aging and Youth. April 13, 1993, Harrisburg, PA. Smoky Mountain Winter Institute: Children At Risk and Their Families. Collaborations: An important key to the success of programs for at-risk families and their children, Keynote Speaker. March 18-19, 1993, Asheville, NC. MEDIA KQV Radio and, Pittsburgh, PA: “Higher Education Review” (eight-minute interview on the Russian project “Effects of Improving Caregiving on Early Mental Health”); Sharon Blake and Ken Service, co-hosts; December 6, 1999. 2/12/2016 22 KQV Radio, Pittsburgh, PA: “Higher Education Review” (eight-minute interview on the Female Adolescent Health Scan Report); Sharon Blake and Ken Service, co-hosts; December 22, 1998. WTAE Television, Pittsburgh, PA: “Success By Six” (30-minute prime time show presenting children’s success stories); December 9, 1998. Co-producer (with R. B. McCall) of “Baby Home #13,” a video of the project entitled the Effects of Improving Caregiving on Early Mental Health. Pittsburgh, PA: TVI, The Videohouse, Inc.; 2001; revised 2003. KQV Radio, Pittsburgh, PA: “Higher Education Review” (ten-minute interview on the Office of Child Development); Sharon Blake and Ken Service, co-hosts; December 2, 1996. WDUQ Radio, Pittsburgh, PA: "Changing Society" (30 minute interview on children's social issues); John Murray, President, Duquesne University, April 28, 1995. WPTT Television, Pittsburgh, PA: "Beyond the Classroom" (30 minute panel discussion of family support programs); April 2, 1995. WTAE Radio, Pittsburgh, PA: "All Talk Radio" (10 minute interview on state of children in Allegheny County); August 1994. TEACHING Courses Taught Special Education Instructor and Inclusion Specialist, Duquesne University 1978-1979 University of Pittsburgh, Graduate School of Public and International Affairs – Program Development, Strategic Grant Writing 1996-2001 University of Pittsburgh, School of Education, Applied Developmental Psychology – Applied Issues 2008 23 Students Mentored School of Education Advisees: Robin Schweitzer, Jessica Degel, Alex Dabbas, Wen’chi Wang, Hilary Warner, Afton Kirk, Keely O’Dell School of Education Doctoral Committee: Mary Scuilli, Amy Mattix, Amy Gee, Kalani Palmer Arts and Sciences Doctoral Committee: Megan Julian, Brandy Hawk, Johana Rosas School of Education, Professional Development Academy: Amber Harris-Fillius, Erin Krol, Claudia Ovalle-Ramirez, Scotty Wright-Ah Sam, Krista McManus Graduate School of Public and International Affairs Doctoral Committee: Shelly Scherer 2/12/2016 2/12/2016 24