CENTRE FOR MIGRATION STUDIES at the Ulster American Folk Park BOOKS ADDED TO STOCK: January 2006 A8 WENBO, Mao Modern Cryptography: Theory and Practice. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall PTR: 2004 D2 SIDDLE, David J. (Ed) Migration, Mobility and Modernization. Liverpool: Liverpool University Press: 2000 D4P6 PATTERSON, Brad (Ed) Ulster-New Zealand Migration and Cultural Transfers. Dublin: Four Courts Press: 2006 D5 HUME, David Far from the Green Fields of Erin: Ulster emigrants and their stories. Newtownards, Co. Down: Colourpoint Books: 2005 F3R KELLY, Éamon Ireland’s Master Storyteller: The Collected Stories of Éamon Kelly. Dublin: Marino: 1998 F11R/5 WESTON, Nancy Daniel Maclise: Irish Artist in Victorian London. Dublin: Four Courts Press: 2001 F11R14 MURRAY, Peter Maritime Paintings of Cork and Associated Historical Material 1700-2000. Kinsale, Co. Cork: Gandon Editions for the Crawford Gallery and the Port of Cork: 2005 IR2 PARKHILL, Trevor & POLLOCK, Vivienne Made in Belfast. Stroud, Gloucestershire: Sutton Publishing: 2005 J6M STOVER, John F. The Routledge Historical Atlas of the American Railroads. New York & London: Routledge: 1999 J6R14 TAYLOR, Patrick The West Clare Railway. Brighton: Plateway Press: 1994 KR1/6 SMITH, David J. & CHAMBERS, Gerald Inequality in Northern Ireland. Oxford: Clarendon Press: 1991 K6 SMYTH, Marie & ROBINSON, Gillian (Eds) Researching Violently Divided Societies: Ethical and Methodological Issues. Tokyo: United Nations University Press/London: Pluto Press: 2001 K6M ENGLISH, T. J. Old Bones and Shallow Graves: The Untold Story of The Irish-American Gangster. Edinburgh: Mainstream Publishing: 2005 K6R/5 KIELY, Brendan The Waterford Rebels of 1849. Dublin: Geography Publications: 1999 K7R HANLEY, Brian (Ed) A Guide to Irish Military Heritage. Dublin: Four Courts Press: 2004 K7R The Military History Society of Ireland: Irishmen In War From The Crusades to 1798. Essays from The Irish Sword. Volume I. Dublin: Irish Academic Press: 2006 K7R The Military History Society of Ireland: Irishmen In War 1800-2000: Essays from The Irish Sword. Volume II. Dublin: Irish Academic Press: 2006 K9R/6 OWENS, Rosemary Cullen A Social History of Women in Ireland 1870-1970. Dublin: Gill & Macmillan: 2005 K10 WHELAN, Ruth & BAXTER, Carol (Eds) Toleration and religious identity: The Edict of Nantes and its implications in France, Britain and Ireland. Dublin: Four Courts: 2003 K10M McGREEVY, John T. Catholicism and American Freedom: A History. New York, NY: W.W. Norton: 2004 K10R/3 FAUSKE, Christopher J. (Ed) Archbishop William King and the Anglican Irish Context, 1688-1729. Dublin: Four Courts Press: 2004 K10R/5 MURPHY, James H. (Ed) Evangelicals and Catholics in NineteenthCentury Ireland. Dublin: Four Courts Press: 2005 K12R KELLY, Adrian Compulsory Irish: Language and Education in Ireland 1870s-1970s. Dublin: Irish Academic Press: 2002 K12R/5 AKENSON, Donald H. The Irish Education Experiment: The National System of Education in the Nineteenth Century. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul: 1970 K12R2/6 CLARKSON, L. A. A University in Troubled Times: Queen’s Belfast 1945-2000. Dublin: Four Courts Press: 2004 K18R14 Ó DRISCEOIL, Diarmuid & Ó DRISCEOIL, Donal Serving a City: The Story of Cork’s English Market. Wilton, Cork: Collins Press: 2005 L4PR MURPHY, Andrew But the Irish Sea Betwixt Us: Ireland, Colonialism, and Renaissance Literature. Lexington, KY: University Press of Kentucky: 1999 L4R McCAW, Neil Writing Irishness in Nineteenth-Century British Culture. Aldershot, Hampshire: Ashgate Publishing: 2004 L4RM FLANAGAN, Thomas There You Are: Writings on Irish and American Literature and History. New York: New York Review Books: 2004 L5R MacGILL, Patrick Moleskin Joe. Dublin: New Island: 2005 M46/5 WILLOUGHBY, Robert J. The Great Western Migration to the Gold Fields of California, 1849-1850. Jefferson, NC & London: McFarland & Company, Inc: 2003 P1/4 MADDEN, Craig Changing Life in Scotland and Britain 1750-1850. London: Hodder & Stoughton: 1992 R AUGUSTEIJN, J. (Ed) Irish History: A Research Yearbook. Number 2. Dublin: Four Courts Press: 2003 R BOYCE, D. George & SWIFT, Roger (Eds) Problems and Perspectives in Irish History since 1800: Essays in honour of Patrick Buckland. Dublin: Four Courts Press: 2004 R GILLESPIE, Raymond (Ed) The Remaking of Modern Ireland 17501950: Beckett Prize Essays in Irish History. Dublin: Four Courts Press: 2004 R HOURIHANE, Jim (Ed) Engaging Spaces: People, Place and Space from an Irish Perspective. Dublin: Lilliput Press: 2003 R McDOWELL, R. B. Historical Essays 1938-2001. Dublin: Lilliput Press: 2003 R/2 EDWARDS, David (Ed) Regions and Rulers in Ireland, 1100-1650. Essays for Kenneth Nicholls. Dublin: Four Courts Press: 2004 R/3 BARNARD, Toby Irish Protestant ascents and descents, 1641-1770. Dublin: Four Courts Press: 2004 R/4 BRYSON, Andrew Andrew Bryson’s Ordeal: An Epilogue to the 1798 Rebellion. Cork: Cork University Press: 1998 R/4 PEACOCK, Nicholas The Diary of Nicholas Peacock, 17401751: The worlds of a County Limerick farmer and agent. Edited by Marie-Louise Legg. Dublin: Four Courts Press: 2005 R/5 HAINES, Robin Charles Trevelyan and the Great Irish Famine. Dublin: Four Courts Press: 2004 R/5 HICKEY, Patrick Famine in West Cork: The Mizen Peninsula Land and People, 1800-1852: A local study of pre-famine and famine Ireland. Cork & Dublin: Mercier Press: 2002 R/5 MURPHY, James H. Ireland: A Social, Cultural and Literary History, 1791-1891. Dublin: Four Courts Press: 2003 R/6 DOHERTY, Gabriel & KEOGH, Dermot (Eds) De Valera’s Irelands. Cork: Mercier Press: 2003 R/6 NOWLAN, Kevin B. & WILLIAMS, T. Desmond Ireland in the War Years and After 193951. Dublin: Gill & Macmillan: 1969 R/6 SHARE, Bernard The Emergency: Neutral Ireland, 1939-45. Dublin: Gill & Macmillan: 1978 R/7 McWILLIAMS, David The Pope’s Children: Ireland’s New Elite. Dublin: Gill & Macmillan: 2005 R1 KELLY, William & YOUNG, John R. Ulster and Scotland, 1600-2000: History, History, Language and Identity. Dublin: Four Courts Press: 2004 R2/3 KINGSTON, Simon Ulster and the Isles in the Fifteenth Century: The Lordship of the Clann Domhnaill of Antrim. Dublin: Four Courts Press: 2004 R2/6 STEPHEN, Rosamond An Englishwoman in Belfast: Rosamond Stephen’s Record of the Great War. Edited by Oonagh Walsh. Cork: Cork University Press: 2000 R3/6 PURDUE, Olwen The MacGeough Bonds of The Argory: An Ulster gentry family, 1880-1950. Dublin: Four Courts Press: 2005 R11/4 CLARKE, Joe Christopher Dillon Bellew and his Galway estates, 1763-1826. Dublin: Four Courts Press: 2003 S3R13 GILLESPIE, Raymond (Ed) The Vestry Records of the Parishes of St Catherine and St James, Dublin, 16571692. Dublin: Four Courts Press in association with The Representative Church Body Library: 2004 S.MOORE CHAMBERS, Liam Michael Moore, c.1639-1726: Provost of Trinity, Rector of Paris. Dublin: Four Courts Press: 2005 S.O’CONNELL CUSACK, Geraldine O’Connell Children of the Far-Flung. Dublin: The Liffey Press: 2003 S.PATTERSON STREETER, Patrick Mad for Zion: A Biography of Colonel J. H. Patterson. Harlow, Essex: The Matching Press: 2004