Design a modular program that asks the user to enter the monthly costs for the following expenses incurred from operating his or her automobile: loan payment, insurance, gas, oil, tires, and maintenance. The program should then display the total monthly cost of these expenses, and the total annual cost of these expenses. Module main() // declare variables Declare Real loanpayment, insurance, gas, oil, tires, maintenance,sum // Display an intro message. Call showIntro() //getting loan payment expense as input Display “Enter expense incurred from loan payment: “ Input loanpayment //getting insurance expense as input Display “Enter expense incurred from insurance: “ Input insurance //getting gas expense as input Display “Enter expense incurred from gas: “ Input gas //getting oil expense as input Display “Enter expense incurred from oil: “ Input oil //getting tires expense as input Display “Enter expense incurred from tires: “ Input tires //getting maintenance expense as input Display “Enter expense incurred from maintenance: “ Input maintenance Sum = loanpayment + insurance + gas + oil + tires + maintenance Call monthlyCost(Sum) Call annualCost(Sum) Call showEndMsg() End main Module showIntro() Display “A program to calculate costs for expenses incurred from operating automobile” End showIntro monthlyCost(Real Sum) Display “Total monthly cost of expenses incurred from operating automobile: “, Sum End monthlyCost annualCost(Real Sum) Display “Total annual cost of expenses incurred from operating automobile: “, (Sum * 12) End annualCost showEndMsg() Display “End of the program” End showEndMsg