Cost of the Revolution – Rene Sedillot (economic historian) 2 centuries living with a legend (of the French Revolution) – new historians are dealing with the FACTS not poetry! Staggering loss of life – 2 million French slaughtered – revolutionary, imperial and civil wars (1789-1815) Destruction of art and architecture In the name of liberties - > liberties disappear In the name of equality -> rich become richer, poor become poorer Sets French industry back 20 years Racks the nation with inflation Step backwards in women’s and worker’s rights, suffrage, learning, the arts and sciences Rival England pushed ahead in industry and world trade which France stagnates Many of its goals have been achieved through a century and more of social, economic, and political struggle o Pendulum swings of revolutions, monarchies, empires and republics before arriving at the relative stability under the constitution of the Fifth Republic today in France Elected constitutional government ->believed could create a new society by human will -> set an example for the world Change becomes a virtue rather than a threat Idea of progress a creed Fanning the faith that technological, economic, educational and political innovation would bail mankind out of any dilemma and that the good life could be legislated or decreed or drilled Absorb the labels of freedom o Include “democratic” , “republic”, or “people’s” in official titles Ie – even dictatorships DDR (Deutsche Democratic Republic)